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Let's finish the year off with this lovely memory, to wipe out the memories of her dreaming about murdering her baby. What will be her next costume, cry for attention, or role play for Miss "I was never religious" (but had an online persona claiming to cover my head for religion).
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Briony will you JUST.GIVE.IT.A.REST for all that is sacred and holy. It's extremely unbecoming to moan constantly from up their on your high horse. You complete and utter intolerable bell end
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She loves the phrase solo mum by choice but the implication of ‘by choice’ don’t seem to click for her. Oryn is a choice she bent over backwards to be inseminated with. Caring for him is not unjust labour that requires feminist discourse 💀💀💀

I’ve said before I think the notion of ‘motherhood as labour’ is a valuable one, but it comes from the context of heterosexual parental dynamics and mainly impacts to middle and working class women who have to sacrifice paid labour to raise their families. Bryony doesn’t even scrape the edges of that social context but is cosplaying like she’s the centre of it.

Buying into this rhetoric is so effed because it allows her to think of interacting, playing and bonding with Oryn as ‘work’ that she doesn’t want or need to be doing.

This may sound strange but thinking about her life holistically - she has never been in love or had a deep, meaningful friendship. She has never invested any love or care into a non-transactional relationship. Her experience of caregiving has only been paid foster care. I’m wondering if this ‘motherhood = labour’ rhetoric appeals to her because she fundamentally thinks caring for somebody is transactional, even her own baby. She doesn’t know what it is to love and invest energy in another person without compensation. I don’t think it’s something she even wants - her complete lack of interest in other people is the main reason I was open to the idea of her as slightly sociopathic tbh.
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Just manky, hair training has been proven to be BS and when you’re white and especially if you have straight hair you need to wash it at least 1/2 a week. I have straight long hair and I wash mines 3 times a week, yes it’s a pain in the arse but it’s basic hygiene.

She’s beyond lazy, what does she even do all day? She can’t take half an hour to sort her hair out a few times a week?

Also the new bump date was just another complaining shit show. I feel incredibly sorry for this little boy.

I thought that! To be honest the whole complaining about a pregnancy that has been fairly uneventful when she gets to sit at home all day being waited on hand and foot by mum & dad just rubs me up the wrong way. I’m currently pregnant and exhausted and working long hours on my feet all day in a low paid retail job, she has absolutely no idea what it’s like to live in the real world and it shows immensely
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She definitely thinks she’s superior to anyone who found themselves pregnant as a single mother unintentionally because her wealthy family could afford for her to get knocked up via AI.
Hey Briony - choosing to be a single parent doesn’t make you any better than someone who is a single parent who didn’t choose it.

I’m certain that there are single mothers not by choice out there who are way better mothers than Briony will ever be.
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as someone who recently lost a sibling i would NOT be happy seeing his name on a card. it would trigger me too much, it’s too painful sometimes seeing his name. i would be upset. ASK THE PERSON if they want that AND DONT GIVE ADVICE YOU HAVE 0 EXPERIENCE ON! (sorry needed to rant about that & totally get why some people would want a name, but i don’t like her giving advice like she’s been thru it & assume it’s the best thing to do when for some people, like myself and my parents it’s the worst thing for us!)


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She has also claimed possible endometriosis, asthma (exacerbated by 'too tight bras'???), gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, back problems, neck problems, stomach problems, bowel problems, ME, an eating disorder (for all of 3 seconds), costochondritis, eczema.. I'm sure there was more!

I think her mum perpetuates it if you go back to the early period vlogs. She was always booking her appointments with different specialists and doctor shopping. She would bring her meals in bed on a tray, drive her everywhere and dole out her pills, when there was literally nothing wrong with her.
You forgot when she called 999 for period pain, but was well enough for a selfie on the bed..
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I can't shake the impression that she's actually a developmentally delayed 15 year old playing mum with a dolly. I'd laugh but it's real, so it's disturbing. Everything about the child's existence is all about her. Me me me, I I I 🤮
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Few days past it happening but did anyone else see this from the France holiday and their heart stop the same as mine?!

Of all the available spaces and places to put a baby, she decides on the floor, underneath an open drawer with a dangling toy chain to be pulled/batted about.

Getting the room "baby ready" as she so put it. She's lucky she's got a fucking baby at all if she thinks that's sensible.

And I know, I knooooow, the likelihood of the drawer falling out is probably very slim, but it's such a bizarre choice that it beggars belief.

From the looks of it, She could have easily hung the toy on the drawer handle, WITH THE DRAWER CLOSED AND THE BABY NOT UNDERNEATH.


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She posted a story saying how sad she is that so many cloth nappy businesses are going out of business and having to close down, while also refusing to use cloth nappies despite creepily collecting them since she was 16 because it's too much work.
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For someone who’s built their entire identity around “living independently” and “solo parenting” she really seems to hate housework and tidying up after her child. It’s not like she has to come back to it after a long day at work. She’s made basic life admin her only job.
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Why does she keep saying that she repeatedly ignores him whenever he wakes up in the hopes that he will go back to sleep? All those poor kids who she was supposed to be looking after, she must have ignored them even more. I can’t stand her!!!

the only thing I’m glad about is that she no longer harps on about looking young, I’ve thought she looked like 45 year old since she was about 15
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Her “men are this, women are that” attitude makes me think she just doesn’t know any men socially. If the only man she talks to regularly is her dad and he’s in his 70’s I could see her thinking that society is about 20 years further back than it is.

It’ll be interesting to see how her feminism lite develops as she’s raising a son with very few male role models.
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Did anyone get through the slog that was her breastfeeding video? It's tricky to know what is really true from her account of it, and maybe O does have a cows milk allergy, but regardless I noticed major Munchausens red flags from her narrative of it, and was shocked to find it follows the exact same pattern of her own health and relationship to professionals. It mirrors her past behaviour as a teenager and in her early 20s, then in her pregnancy and she's doing it to Oryn as we all predicted. Nothing is clinically wrong but Bryony has some ''concerns'' over mild/vague symptoms (most of which are just normal life - period pain, fatigue, nausea, low milk supply). She reaches out to professionals who confirm nothing is wrong, but reassure her they'll monitor it. She expresses frustration and seeks new opinions. She gets the attention / prescription she wants for a short time, the symptoms subside, and then the problem returns in a slightly different way and she seeks a new opinion.

The other major Munchausens red flags, by her own account:

a) All of his initial symptoms are mild, vague or within normal. She reports that numerous people over 12 weeks told her his latch was good, he didn't have tongue tie, his weight wasn't worrying, and she was recommended many times to feed and pump more to increase supply.
b) In the periods when his health/weight is stable and things are going well, she reports spontaneously feeling that'll something is wrong and seeks a new medical opinion. For a healthy baby with no concerning symptoms (by her own account), she sought opinions from multiple midwives, a private cranial osteopath, an online lactation consultant, a specific health visitor, a weigh-in clinic, La Leche League, a drop in breastfeeding class, her NHS GP, then a private GP to prescribe the meds she was previously refused. That's 10+ people. I know many specialists are involved in infant health but the concern for me is the deliberate shopping around for new opinions after multiple people had said O was healthy and had well established feeding.
c) It was when she reported being left unmonitored that O's symptoms dramatically worsen and he lost a large amount of weight quickly.

Other red flags are that the insinuated problem / his symptoms changed multiple times in her story. Initially, the latch, then her supply, then an allergy. I get they're all common issues but she blurs them into one. Also note she initially blames his latch being disrupted by a dummy, which she gave him at just a couple of days old because he was 'grisly' hungry and she needed to sleep. So even in the hospital she's admitting to feed-restrictive behaviour. She also says later he had symptoms she ''doesn't want to make public'' (as if the poor boy's health and very conception haven't been exploited for the past year and a half). To me, it's just a way to keep it vague and hide a potential lie. She knows cows milk allergies have more symptoms than just poor weight gain. But it's only his weight she can manipulate, so that's the only symptom she talks in depth about.

I'm sorry to say that I genuinely believe that she is/was feed restricting him. I don't think this is the last we'll hear about his allergy. As he gets older she will report more symptoms, seek more opinions, his symptoms will shift over time, then she'll need even more opinions and that's how it will keep going. He'll also be on whatever meds she chooses.
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Sorry but when is she going to realise she won’t make it as an influencer. The failed tiktok style reels and now click bait videos. Her engagement is absolutely tanking recently even though she is the ‘job’ she came back from maternity leave for.

Despite her crackhead life decisions she is very bland, often uncomfortable to watch and I think it’s pretty easy to see through her ~relatable mum~ veneer. Even if most people aren’t on gossip forums talking about her, the drop in viewers says a lot about how she’s being received at large by her past audience / new audience. I’m actually lost as to who she’s aiming to reach really. I just can’t imagine other parents being interesting in self-congratulating, know-it-all hot takes from a 26 year old virgin co-parenting with her own elderly mother.
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Her girl boss nonsense gets me everytime. Completely agree that what she’s talking about is very empty internet discourse regurgitated as her own life. She wants to come across as a socially engaged, politically informed and witty mum. But instead of being those things she just reads Instagram infographics all day 🫠

Is there a feminist cause which Bryony has publicly backed that doesn’t centre her own laziness or immediate desires? ‘’Women shouldn’t have to justify rest’’ = don’t criticise me for choosing to watch Netflix instead of getting a job or looking after my baby. ‘’Motherhood should be paid labour’’ = I want more government money. ‘’Pre natal depression should be normalised’’ = I monetised a video talking about killing my son ‘’Fathers don’t do enough housework’’ = my parents paid for me to get impregnated so I don’t have to have an adult relationship. Etc etc etc. it’s nauseating.
Also want to just say there are real reasons why women and specifically mothers are denied adequate rest or may feel guilty about it. But they are structural and societal reasons, none of which actually impact Bryony whatsoever. Is she really claiming she is denied rest or made to feel guilt for it? When? From who?

If she feels guilty watching a fantasy Netflix show meant for teenagers in the middle of the day maybe it’s because she should. She doesn’t work, has free childcare and nothing to do except clean her small flat. Sometimes guilt is a helpful emotion.
This. Maybe she feels guilty relaxing because it usually follows hard work and she knows she isn’t doing that. A single parent sitting watching TV shows in the middle of the day whilst claiming universal credit and palming their child off to someone else is EXACTLY the kind of person who would be put on blast for taking advantage of the benefits system if she was of a lower social class, and had conceived her child the usual way. But because Bryony lives in a middle class tory area, in a flat bought for her by her wealthy parents, with her baby that they also bought her, she is trying to paint herself as some kind of feminist icon instead.
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She'll get him into nursery ASAP, she'll plead single vulnerable mother and get free hours from 2. Then her parents will get a break. I'm sure Lie-ony is about to become a world leading expert in developmental psychology and parenting. I have over a decade of academics in this area and am still learning, but Bryony will be an expert in a matter of weeks 😆
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I have no words for this. Literally speechless.

She’s very fortunate that she has mummy and daddy who can throw money at her and the child they bought for her. She’s just so out of touch with reality it’s unreal.

I’m sure everyone would love to be able to just work park time in order to spend more time with their children but we’re not all lucky to be surviving on hand outs from mummy and daddy.


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