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Her excessive use of Hun online seems very out of place too 😬 malingering know-it-all is the perfect description for this woman-child.

I don't think you can start a new thread with potential new poster's without clearly noting the fact Bryony openly fosters for money, is wealthy and wants to claim benefits, and planned the murder of her newborn child. Terrible people need to be held accountable.
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I think it’s telling that the only time we have ever seen Oryn laughing and looking engaged in social interaction was with his grandmother in the most recent vlog. Obviously she might just never have captured it on camera in all her many vlogs and insta stories, but he never looks particularly interested in Bryony and her put on “darling”s.
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Chatty Member
as someone who recently lost a sibling i would NOT be happy seeing his name on a card. it would trigger me too much, it’s too painful sometimes seeing his name. i would be upset. ASK THE PERSON if they want that AND DONT GIVE ADVICE YOU HAVE 0 EXPERIENCE ON! (sorry needed to rant about that & totally get why some people would want a name, but i don’t like her giving advice like she’s been thru it & assume it’s the best thing to do when for some people, like myself and my parents it’s the worst thing for us!)
I absolutely agree, I lost a cousin suddenly a week before Christmas and it was hard on her husband a 3 children obviously, but wasn't made any easier by recieving cards with her name on - it couldn't be helped as cards were already in the postal system as I said it was sudden.
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I knew the anaemia was borderline and she admitted it in the most recent video. She's such a drama queen I swear to god! Just like the nausea where she never actually vomited. Interesting how she's backtracking on the gender thing now... Planning to kill your newborn is a pretty extreme response even for someone struggling with their mental health, and she saw fit to make a public video about it under the guise of 'normalising' and 'raising awareness' Making a declaration like that should be a red flag to medical professionals imo.
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In earlier videos she justifies not getting or completing an education. I understand that one could not be able to attend school due to illness, but she did not even get homeschooling to complete GCSE,s and A Levels and of course attend a college according to her ability afterwards in order to get a proper job.
That's because she's a spoilt little girl who's parents gave her whatever she wanted. She didn't like public school so she was sent to a private school, she was too dumb for that school so her parents sent her to an independent artsy school, and when she was bullied for being weird she left that school and never went back.

Her parents bought in to all her 'unschooling' crap. And I'm sorry if you believe in that but personally I think it's a load of shite. She said she was too independent, driven and motivated to go to a normal school like everyone else 🙄 Instead he parents paid for her dance classes and gave her money to start her own business.

She was an overindulged child who thought she was better than everyone else and now she's a mollycoddled adult who thinks she's better than everyone else.
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Yeah I found those forum posts this time last year and tried to give her the benefit of the doubt (she was a teenager, quite a vulnerable one) - but the empty way she speaks to Oryn, leaving him alone for me-time reminded me. I find it so sinister.

I don’t think she’s evil or even malicious, but I think she has a very effed up psychology and has always seen children as little dolls to play with. She spent all her teenage years buying accessories including nappies and prams, convincing people to let her act out the fantasy (her early videos include other people’s children she was babysitting, discussing personal details like their teething and nappies etc), she eventually bought the flat with the primary goal of fostering. She was not an experienced childcare professional, and had no real relationship to any given child, but she ‘needed’ a two bed flat to set up a ‘kids room’. She eventually did foster and we saw more exploitation of other people’s children. She renamed them as if they were her own, showed as much as she was allowed to online, self published a children’s book about a foster carer who the child called ‘mummy’, spoke about how she wished she could breastfeed her foster babies. This is a short version of events but they’re all very well documented. Then Oryn is conceived and here we are.

Aside from her objectification of him my main concern is her ability to lie to the camera and construct fictional narratives. For instance, she posted a happy video about his gender reveal during the pregnancy. A few months later we find out she had planned to harm him after his birth that night, yet still edited the footage and posted it as a fun, normal mummy vlog.
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It’s illegal to donate eggs in Germany, because there are concerns about ethics, Bryony. Egg donation is an intensive medical procedure with quite a lot of risk involved (something she should probably be aware of as a so called “menstrual health expert”). There is more and more data coming out about the long term negative health impacts of egg donation. There are also concerns surrounding the ethics of donor conception.

She claims to have “done her research”, but if she had then she’d known the donor conceived community does not condone using overseas donors and b) strongly encourages recipient parents to only use known donors who are donating for altruistic purposes to help a friend or family member. That’s considered the safest and most ethical way to do donor conception.

The way she did it isn’t the way donor conceived people suggest approaching donor conception. She’s missing half her son’s medical history. She has no idea what his biological father is like and whether he’ll be willing to be contacted later on. (Donors often change their minds despite signing agreements saying they can be contacted. Many simply ignore their children when they reach out.)

I know this, because I’ll be taking an atypical route to parenthood. Unlike Bryony, I did extensive research that didn’t just tell me what I wanted to hear. I think people should have the option to choose donor conception, but given the ethical issues surrounding it (especially in the US, but worldwide as well) it’s not a path I’d feel comfortable taking.

The information you get directly from donor conceived people is VERY different (and more accurate) from the information you get from the infertility industry and recipient parents of message boards.

If she thinks donation to a bank is in any way ethical, she’s burying her head in the sand. It should be, but it isn’t.

Also: does anyone else remember her whole long speech in her solo motherhood series about how donor conception used to be a problem, but now we have gay marriage and trans people exist so it isn’t an issue anymore? As a queer person, I found that low key offensive and so typical of someone who is as privileged as she is. Like, yeah, of course you’d say that Bryony. If you end up in a relationship it will be with a man, you have no idea of the challenges LGBTQ+ people actually face. 🙄
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Millennial Pink

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The whole 'getting my body back' thing is still so strange to me. She chose this. She chose to be pregnant and chose to be a mother. What on earth did she think this would entail? Naïve doesn't cover it.
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Chatty Member
I watched her 10 year video on the train home from staying with family over Christmas and genuinely dozed off… it wasn’t until I woke up and it was still playing that I realised it was 28 minutes long lmao. Is this her new format?

Won’t go back and watch but I did catch the part where she smuggly claims she is going through ‘’matrescence’’ which seems to mostly just mean copying Hannah Whitton verbatim and hoping nobody clocks on lol.

I watched Hannah’s video recently where she spoke about having input from a career advisor … from Bryony’s energy in this video and language choices it’s so clear she’s had similar input. Maybe the same advisor even, or maybe just more coaching from Ma’maa. It was all very ‘inherent content values’ and ‘consistent direction’ and ‘target audience profile’. It’s all her fav stuff - talking about herself w professionals and pretending she’s a business woman. Lol.

I’m hesitant to criticise the choice to stop showing O’s face because it’s obviously sensible and hope it keeps him protected after she’s done so much harm to his name already. But she has been exploiting other people’s children online for years, and is stopping only now because of the cultural shift that rightfully considers a bit outdated / grim. She’s just keeping up appearances and I wonder how long it’ll last because she has no integrity and every hard held belief she’s presented in the past has faded to nothing - sustainability shit followed by Wish hauls, buying organic vegetables followed by pot noodles, short stints of veganism, fostering to help vulnerable children but stopping when it didn’t financially benefit her, her devout Christianity followed by a naming ceremony for O because she’s not religious etc, weird health protocols never to be heard of again, COVID paranoia followed by sheer negligence we’ve seen recently. She’s completely performative/superficial and mimics whatever seems convenient for her needs/ego at any given time.

There’s one thing she can do for Oryn’s future well-being and digital footprint is delete everything and get a real job offline. I mean this truly - if I was in her position I would have wiped the whole channel before he was even born, and kept a low profile, maybe sharing a pic or two with remaining followers on socials. Instead she’s doubled down and made his life from conception a public event, documented her disgusting choices and I’m sorry to say, added fuel to the gossip forum fire.
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Does she have to share every worthless thought she has? A normal capable adult just gets the ice cream and wears what they want. No one is interested in her thighs, or her being too weak and feeble to do anything for herself.

She wants a medal for wiping her own arse. Can't just get on with boring shit without making into a poor me/look at me post. I hope she'll soon realise how cringeworthy she is and stop it before she embarrasses her child even more.

If she's such an experienced caregiver, why does she need her mum to take her baby for hours so she can sit in her bed and prattle into a camera for 20 minutes 🙄 Again, she's role playing being a working mum. She isn't fooling anyone.
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I don't have children so have never had a baby so I could easily be wrong, but how she's describing her baby being 'fussy' seems like normal behaviour? All she keeps on saying is that he won't 'go down' but surely she knows it isn't a doll that you can put down whenever you don't want to play with them anymore, and what is she going to do when he's not a newborn anymore and they don't sleep as much?

Not wanting to sleep unless they're sleeping on you doesn't seem like something that is a major issue to me, surely it's part of normal baby development, and it worries me that if she can't cope with that, is her child going to grow up feeling like his only caregiver isn't emotionally available for him?
Yep. I completely agree. What she is describing is a baby being a baby and as you say, he is only going to need her more and more and he becomes more active. It's absolutely okay to struggle and I completely appreciate that being a new parent is hard. What I object to is her acting like she is some sort of super mum but she struggles to deal with perfectly normal baby behaviour
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I'm not sure if Bryony is in someway neurodiverse. Whike I think there is something wrong I believe the a stronger possibility is she has Fabricated & Fictitious Disorder. I think she has a need for attention which cannot be met through ordinary interaction. I think she had a baby to feed her need for attention. I think that's why so many of us feel there is something wrong. I think her desire to foster was the same. I think talking about periods was the same. She over-shared. Noone who hasn't got problems shares to the degree she does. Period blood? Who does that? I believe something is wrong.
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If someone on a council estate boasted about getting benefits as much as Bryony does the Daily Mail would be all over them. She's actually revolting. Who is she aiming these posts at?

Is that how it works, you show it in a video and can claim it as a tax write-off? Surprised she isn't claiming her fertility treatments as a business expense since she's now decided to focus her career entirely around the poor kid.
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I'm watching her video now and I just came here to comment the same thing. She always had black and white thinking and pretty strong ideas about what's right and wrong when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth and parenting... However when she's actually been/going through it herself she changes her tune pretty quickly. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to have humbled her, she still seems to think she knows best about everything.

Also I previously watcher her 'overwhelmed' video... Nothing she mentioned in the video was overwhelming. What did she actually do? Did some laundry, opened a parcel and have a 15 minute Skype call? That's things people just do, they don't even need to put it on a to-do list because it's just normal. Also everything she did on that day she could have done with Oryn at home, there's no need for her parents to take the baby so she can put a crib away and wash some dishes.

And why was she saying she's excited and scared to get back to work? What is she going to do, will she be making videos every day? I don't understand...
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Chatty Member
Sorry to be the one to say it. But don’t believe that his weight loss is innocent or spontaneously occurred. I want to think the best but I can’t.

I think this may be controversial but let’s remember this is a woman who very calmly and without any disclaimers said she had made plans to kill her own baby only weeks before his birth. This is also a person who has a decade long history of fixating on her own invented medical issues and gartering attention online. Not only that but she has been disciplined by a foster agency for over sharing the details of other children online. Nothing she says can be taken at face value imo.

Yes I’m still caught up on the infanticide video because it’s inexcusable of every level. I’m not denying she had mental health issues or that some very unwell pregnant women may have thoughts like that. But you DO NOT normalise that online. You DO NOT record that for your child to find as an adult. You DO NOT say it casually, with no warning or disclaimer, and you DO NOT have those thoughts without seeking immediate psychiatric help and maintaining that

I took a break from her content, and posting on here, because of how genuinely dangerous I consider her. But returning to see a very unwell looking child with vaguely described ‘unknown cause’ symptoms and Bryony’s same joyful, self-centred drivel about medical admin… 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩

Also don’t see any real love when she kisses him or calls him darling. And her saying ‘’mummy is very full, but you’re going to drain me’’ about breastfeeding is also very off to me. Is that normal?

Good luck to the ‘friends’ she’s headed to Greece with. If any of you are reading here please look into Bryony’ YT history and trust your intuition about her.
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Millennial Pink

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Ugh, her talking about universal credit WHILE HAVING A CLEANER is giving me actual rage.

This woman infuriates me.
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Childfree people cook food, wash dishes and do laundry too. With a baby it's really not much extra. She said she was BLW, so he's eating the same food as her. An extra load of laundry and emptying a nappy pail a few times a week is nothing.

She's not trying to get an infant, preschooler and child to and from nursery and school and juggling it all around full time work. She doesn't even have a garden or pets. Her parents help with everything. What is she actually complaining about?
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I know I’m an outlier here, but as an ace person, I don’t think she’s lying about being somewhere on the asexual spectrum. I think she’s just REALLY BAD at explaining it. 😅 A lot of the stuff she talks about does track with the experience of being ace. She’s just not doing a good job of explaining it to an audience who isn’t familiar with how asexuality works.
Many autistic people fall somewhere on the asexual spectrum (like it’s so common that if you go in for an autism evaluation as an adult they ask you about it).
Honestly, I had to stop watching her videos because it was SUPER triggering to see so many behaviors that indicate unidentified autism. So much of what she does and says is painfully familiar for me as a late diagnosed autistic.
I find her extremely obnoxious, but I can’t help feeling a little sorry for her. I feel like her early 20’s could have been better spent figuring herself out.
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