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Yeah - so totally disrupt your living area, over Christmas, cos you dislike the feint patterned carpet but ignore the huge crack in your hall flooring.
Could do with a bit of a Hinch Flash Speed Mopping as well. Hope that helps 😊View attachment 342898
That floor reminds me of public toilets in a dodgy pub. Is that chewing gum stuck to the filthy floor too? 🤢
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I have a nephew who lives not a million miles from her. He’s very ill with covid. Young, fit and riddled with covid. It’s getting to the point for me, when I out myself to her and tell her a few home truths.
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I've just seen the woe is me post. The part regarding where she says she never mentions when she's unhappy. Excuse me but what? She mentions it all the time. We hear almost every day about how fed up she is and how she doesn't have anything to do (which we all know is because she would normally be off on some Disney excursion that has been banned, though she may be ecstatic to hear that travel to France over the Christmas period has been relaxed). We also saw her mention how "unhappy" she was in Disneyland Paris when she was sat on the bathroom floor saying that we were making her have a horrible time with her family ( maybe if she had put her phone away for a day and just took in the look on her kids' faces when they met Stitch/Mickey, she would have had a much nicer time). The woe is me routine really boils my piss because what does she have to be sad about? Surely Stephen should be the one who feels that way? He doesn't get to stay home all day, he's basically her slave and it seems to me that he doesn't really get to see his family so she can see all of hers. They spend all of Christmas with her family. What about Stephen's parents and siblings? Doesn't he want to see his family too? Erin and Ethan must have cousins on his side that they want to see. But no, as usual, it's all about Babs and what she wants. So this woe is me bullshit just doesn't wash with me.
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I'm sick of the woe is me tier 3 shit because she doesn't seem to realise that most of the country are tier 3! She's no more impacted than most people, in fact, greatly less than most! 2 holidays, countless shopping trips and a new house! Meanwhile, living in Leicestershire, with relatives in the city, some of my family members have basically been at home since March, as they've never really been out of lockdown! And even they aren't as affected as 64 thousand families, who, in this country alone have lost loved ones! Suck it up babs and get a fucking clue!
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Wife ignores husband who wants to watch sport, what a wonderful progressive attitude! Fresh modern comedy! 🙄🥴


Do you know something that really baffles me, Emma is so dated and traditional in her views and attitude and yet she does none of the traditional household tasks that the wife would perform. I wonder how she justifies this in her brain.
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Emma I know you read here. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!
Dry your fucking eyes you selfish twat. Crying because you’ve tried every hot chocolate and don’t too many walks? BOO FUCKING HOO.
There’s people dying
People who have been in hospital with COVID for months
NHS workers worked to death trying to look after them

My brother is a cancer patient who I haven’t seen for months and won’t see for months until he gets the vaccine because if he gets COVID, he’ll die. I won’t get to see my niece on Christmas.
My mum is an NHS worker who’s had COVID herself and was scared to go to sleep incase she didn’t wake up the next morning.

There’s people who are homeless, who can’t afford Christmas presents for their kids

And again, your crying because you’ve had too many hot chocolates.

I’m fucking done


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Louise Pentland has posted on her stories that she and Katie Ellison are dreaming up ideas for an adults only trip to Disney.
Can you imagine how jealous Emma would be if Louise and Katie actually went on said trip!
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Things I have learnt about Emma's world this week ..

1. Stephen is funny fucker. Bloomin; hilarious. Side splitting. Rabid. We all scream.
2. Birmingham is in Tier 3 but she doesn't like to mention this.
3. Another secret is that Ethan is a vegetarian. Babs likes to keep her childrens life and choices private but I don't care so I'm outting the little herbivore!
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Everyday when I watch her stories I’m shocked by how awful her skin is!! It’s so grey and unhealthy looking.
She needs to sort out her diet and drink more water. I’m not even saying this from a ‘you need to lose weight’ angle because we all know she’s a body confident, size 18 kween.
I swear if she drank more water, and no Babs I don’t mean Diet Cock, actual water I bet she’d see a vast improvement in her skin and how she felt generally.
There's a well known instagrammer whose profile is body positivity - not sure if we're allowed to name other names?
She's a size 16 and promotes body positivity and eating without restriction. Difference between her and Babs is she's actually active and excercises, eats fruit and veg as well and drinks water. Her skin looks great and unlike Babs she looks happy in herself.

I feel Babs takes the "body positive" message as "eat shit 24/7 and anyone who shows concern for my health is a troll who is body shaming me".
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She mentioned on the Ladbaby story that food banks need more help than ever. Maybe she should go and fill up a basket of stuff and go and deliver it to the food bank. She’d be doing her favourite thing (shopping!) but also doing good.
And she can’t send those bloody boots back now cos she already wore them outside so that’s £100 down the plug hole. So wasteful.
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Hope this photo is outside YOUR house Emma. D’you remember when you took a pic outside mine, without my permission?? I do.
Carry on. As you were.....
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Ruby’s mum

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I have several teacher friends, they all say (ungrateful though it sounds) that they get really sick of being given mugs and candles as gifts from pupils and that they inevitably end up at the charity shop. You would think she would know that as a former head of RE
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Ahhhh that ✨skinny legend✨ video is a wonderful example to set for your pre-teen daughter!!
babs literally labels herself as "body confident" and portrays herself as a role model for plus size - or, more specifically, size 18 - women, yet she unashamedly promotes diet culture in reels that highlights the importance of compensating for eating a KFC meal by accompanying it with a diet drink. fast food isn't inherently bad and you don't need to balance it out by ensuring your drink is calorie-free. sure, promote the idea that a BALANCED diet is important, but not that certain foods should be condemned or somehow need to be "earned". she is happily reinforcing beliefs which perpetuate disordered eating and difficult relationships with food. for someone who supposedly values her body, why is she reinforcing the idea that being "skinny" is a legandary achievement? for someone who has battled anorexia for years, this attitude from an influenzer with a public platform disgusts me. she is the absolute opposite of a body confidence role model to her children. claiming she is comfortable in her body, yet revealing her underlying "thinner is the winner" mindset. she's ultimately revealing that her body confidence bullshit is literally a way to lure in followers.

and at this point in her "*insert event/season/emotion calories don't count!" slogan, i feel as though she should actually accept that calories don't count, full stop. by promoting the idea that *certain* calories don't count, or that calories don't count if you *accompany them with a diet drink* - despite how nonsensical her logic - she is STILL reinforcing the idea that it is important to count calories. it infuriates me. realistically, it has no impact on emma, because she can justify her decision to eat entire boxes of chocolates and biscuits in one sitting as "blah blah blah calories don't count!" but by using the phrase so frequently, she's essentially reminding people that they should be counting calories, and implying tha she does most of the time. guaranteed she doesn't, but that's not the point - it's still promoting potentially damaging behaviours to her followers, and particularly as a mother exposing her young kids to these beliefs, she should take responsibility for the negative impact she is having.
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NHS Staff are being asked to cancel their annual leave to help during the pandemic and she's writing "day off" for her birthday? Every day is a day off for her.
Fuck off.
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that latest vlog though - sorry, i'm a little delayed in watching it! - where she actually says "ten years of my bestie", riiiiight in front of ethan. he knows who the golden child is, and it ain't ever gonna be him. poor kid.
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