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Got the kids this summer, what a bummer, step ladder has done a runner.
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Her girl “wants” to do a scrap book whilst my girl same age is getting her barbie on ready to go see the film with her mates later whilst we play taxi service! (Not gonna lie my house smells like a tarts hand bag!) she’s so controlling over her kids!
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I miss this thread so much!!!

I had a baby and unfollowed 🤣 but I am absolutely going to catch up. I guess she is worse than ever?
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Why are her answers always so short when replying to not just her followers but also (allegedly) her dad?

He wrote out a long message just to get “ahh that’s amazing”. Three fucking words. I’ve noticed her reply that same way to him before.

You’re a lazy stuck up cow Emma Cuntway.
Give her a break, she’s tired from thinking up that total load of bollocks and typing it all out on the other account. She doesn’t have it in her to then write herself a long reply! Bless her.
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Urgh 🤢

Long day with the kiddos?? Get tae fuck you gross bint, maybe try treating them as regular kids and let them just chill or whatever 🙄 cunt
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Busy mum???!! Who the fuck does she think she is?!! She has two school age kids and NO FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!! Honestly she fills me with such rage at her total lack of self awareness! Why is the end of term stressful?!! What is she doing?’ The rest of us manage perfectly well with full time actual jobs as well as all the kid stuff and it really isn’t that fucking hard. God she is repulsive.
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Poor Erin can’t even go to the cinema with her friend without Babs being there - how overbearing is she?
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I’m just angry that she gets everything she wants. If she fell into shit she’d come out smelling of roses. I wasn’t looking for tickets as my family and I aren’t fans but there’s sooooo many ppl looking for maybe Xmas gifts etc and they can’t afford them and that blob buys them for the gram . You are 100% right about her miserable life but why does she have to get everything ? I’m hoping the babettes may in time open their eyes and see what they are following. The most selfish beast on the gram 😡
I know where you are coming from and it feels like she gets everything she wants.
But when you really think about it, she has all that tat, goes to all the events and has multiple holidays per year yet none of it fills the hole happy relationship and loving family would.
Plus let's be honest, she never really enjoys anything and does it only for the gram.
Leaves concerts and events early, can't even do a spa day and does spa morning instead, doesn't participate in the disney fun, goes to bed at 7pm on holidays.
Everything is so superficial and joyless. I'd feel sorry for her if I didn't think she's a closet alcoholic and domestic abuser.
Our loved ones are happier and more appreciated than her kids ever will, TS tickets can't make up for the fact that your mother is a cu*t.
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Babs is honestly one of the most unattractive people I’ve ever seen. I’m not basing that solely on looks her whole personality makes her unattractive.
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Look at her pretending to sympathise with that wet lettuce and his man flu. Still being sold loves young dream are we 🙄. Who even bloody cares that that stupid ugly twat has a mild cold? And the candid photo of him pathetically lying under a blanket with his pointy feet sticking out. I wouldn’t shag that manlet if he was the last person on earth.
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Oooh she's rattled. I love it🍿🍿.

Did she just repeatedly say couch 5 to k. Then state she's an intelligent person🤣🤣
Has she got both black and gold metal finishes in the ensuite😨😨. That makes me itch.

Choose one or the other. Not both.

She fucks up everything she touches
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‘We’ survived the first year of high school???!!!
‘WE’……Was Emma at high school too, twinning with Erin?! Ffs. I mean I think Erin is a total brat but jeez her mum has to be centre stage with EVERYTHING! You daughter completed her first year of high school. She probably deserves kudos for surviving the year without being eaten alive by her peers who know EVERY detail of her life thanks to her selfish bitch of a mother.
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From what I understand from those on here in the know, Erin goes to a very nice school, and while year 7 certainly is a learning curve for kids and parents (especially if it's first time you're doing it), saying "they" have "survived" it is just Babs exercising her ability to over dramatise everything and also make it about herself!! Why she can't just say "it's the end of year 7 and I'm so proud of how Erin has adjusted and settled in over the last year" instead of making out she and the kid has been on some gruelling experience for the last year. Your kid went to secondary school, Emma, she hasn't climbed Everest.
My daughter has just completed year 7, and apart from one girl who was at her primary who she didn't actually know because they have 90 in each year group, she didn't know a single person. She has left her first year of secondary with about 10 best friends, she's in next year's school production which she auditioned for alone, she's volunteered for open days and open evenings among myriad other things... At this point I think she is sick to death of us telling her how proud we are of her. Never once said the word survived to her, or claimed that "we" did any of that.

And it's not like she's had it easy, she's ginger and has suffered a mild amount of low level bullying about that from older kids (even once from a year 10 boy) and has dealt with it and taken it all in her stride. I could honestly burst.
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Bloody hell what exactly is ‘wild’ about her life?! Her kids are secondary and year 5? She has nothing to do day except make shit reels and talk utter rubbish on her stories. She shuffled round the block allegedly doing C25K with the fugly dog. Bloody hell it’s not even 9 am and I’ve done a 4 hour shift in my job, come home, dropping my son off to his summer job and then going to the gym! Then I will come home do some admin which is my other job, pick up my son again ( no public transport where we live🙄) make dinner etc. As well as laundry cleaning and tidying and walking the dogs!
She’s so lazy no wonder she’s so big these days. She does nothing all day and slumps in front of the tv every evening!
She really needs to drop the whole lie of body confidence and realise that her ‘asthma’ etc is nothing more than a consequence of her crap lifestyle! Lose weight Emma and your ‘asthma’ will magically disappear!!
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When all you have to contribute to social media is taking your washing in and your ugly cheap lampshade, should you give up your insta career?

Asking for a yellow friend 🤪
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