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VIP Member
I don’t understand the term “fighty”. Surely she is just saying she is violent? She’s a violent person when drunk
That's absolutely what she means. She drinks and becomes violent, aggressive, and mouthy. I'm sure she thinks saying "fighty" makes it sound cuter and less serious than "I'm a violent aggressive drunk", but it doesn't. She sounds like an absolute fucking nightmare tbh, it's no wonder her current friendship circle (term used extremely loosely) are school mums she's only invited out with once a year and a handful of other influencers (who's coat tails she hopes to ride), her sister, her mum, and she's obviously trying to recruit her daughter as well. No ride-or-dies from the old days are there Babs?
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A little tip if ever you find yourself confronted by a neanderthal banging on your car bonnet in attempt to play the big he man, if you're confident with clutch control then ease forward slightly with a manic grin on your face. The fuckers soon shift. I have done this in the past with excellent results! Bab is a cunt still- as you were 👍.
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I’m fully expecting 🪜 to present her with TS tickets as her reward for looking after the kids during the summer holidays and for arranging Disney.
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I can’t believe she’s actually mentioned paying the charity out of her own pocket. So she bloody should!! She gets gifted so much shit and is so uncharitable not passing it onto others less able to piss money up the wall than her. She’s a disgrace.
And if they’re the only negatives she can think off for flogging her kids privacy online then she’s more deluded than I thought.
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Does she miss going out without being recognised? Wtaf she's a fking Instagrammer from Birmingham not fking Royalty
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She graciously books the value resorts, and takes bags of Asda sweets for the kids to eat as snacks while queuing. She eats beige mall food for dinner instead of at real restaurants. And she only buys souvenirs for herself. What more money saving advice do you guys want?! Watch out Martin Lewis.

Also she’s the only saddo I know who entertains comments from random freaks/men. Positive and negative. Cringe as fuck of her to write that essay responding to double bagger man. No one is reading that. It’s almost as bad as how she constantly refers to Colin, thinking he’s infatuated with her when he probably writes a thousand comments a day to different women with his one hand. He wouldn’t recognise her in the street. You just don’t acknowledge that weird shit.
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Whatever the backstory, it’s very poor taste for her to be complaining she had to honour a charity donation. I don’t know what goes through her thick head sometimes. She wasn’t even donating because she cares about the cause, it was only because she was scared of the backlash if she didn’t. It wasn’t done in good faith at all. No mention of the babettes who still forked out for one of the “charity” mugs.

Either way it’s her own fault for being too stupid to arrange a good deal with a reputable supplier. It was only getting a few crap plain white mugs printed. Other influencers have businesses fighting to collab with them, yet Emma ends up scoring a deal with some seedy, random company and then puts them out of business. She’s comically shit at everything she does.
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Right I know I’ve called her a cunt about 17 times in the last day (truth hurts hun…) but if that CUNTY BEAST gets Taylor swift tickets and I don’t I will be LIVID!!!!
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
I'm sorry but,,,
"He's the calm to my storm"
is the most narcissistic self absorbed attention seeking thing anyone can say.

And imagine admitting to 1000's of strangers that you're not sure how your own marriage works 😂🤦‍♀️🙄
God she's dumb!!!!!
She thinks this kind of stuff is cute and endearing doesn't she! 🤮
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"I don't want to be fancied" says the woman who's own husband makes it painfully obvious that he doesn't fancy her.
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The only interesting thing about Babs is that one time that she got herself and her wheelchair up onto that coyote ugly bar and went wild……then I remember that that was something we made up and she wishes she was that hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣😳
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Lady Doodle

VIP Member
She's passed 100,000 listens on the shitcast and she's celebrating this why??? 🤣🙄🤦‍♀️

There's been 17 Episodes so far!
That means an average of 5882 listens, per episode, across all platforms 🤣🤣🤣

I'm sorry, but by any stretch of the imagination this is not a successful podcast!

Get in the bin Emma!
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New member
Silent reader.. never posted on this thread before usually lurk. Had to come here to say SHE FOLLOWS JOHN MAYER ON INSTAGRAM. I’m sorry, I’m petty but that alone means she shouldn’t get tickets to eras!! If you know.. you know! Back to lurking. Bye!
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