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Manky bear #2, the legacy lives on.

I would be beyond livid if my mother posted that on social media!
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I know that I have been advised to prioritise stamina and strength/bone strength over weight loss, but weight loss is a bonus to help with my health issues. I’d like to think her doctor would recommend similar however her listening and following advice is another story.
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I'm looking at her recent posts about the couch 2 5k and wondering if she'll jump on the ozempic bandwagon

She's miss her shite food too much though
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Lady Doodle

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She's off to Reading Residence wonder if her tests are requested and off the back of her friends diagnosis. Sadly nothing surprises me with her anymore about getting the topic back to Em, Me, mummy-me, just ME 🤬
I thought this!
I'm waiting to see how she can make The RR diagnosis about her 😠
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Ashley Louise James has done a great TU ad showing all the clothes & properly showing her wearing them in front of a huge mirror. Take notes, Bab!
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She mentions the bad leg when it suits her, but I don’t think she would have survived my physio assessment this morning. I had to walk six minutes almost like a running track non-stop among the usual assessment stuff.
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Babs, Stevie did not wake up next to that and you've styled your hair like this to look like a dick on the internet...
Maybe Stevie DID wake up with DT. Just not her (apparently) looking like Trumpy 🤔
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the latest podcast ep is just as manic as always - while listening to the intro, i genuinely questioned if i had somehow managed to play it on double speed, but no - just babs blabbering at lightning speed to compensate for her inability to move at anything but the speed of ahuffy puffy shuffle! 🙄🙄

and again, with the usual contradictory babnory stories and blatant lies as she desperately tries to portray her teen years as having a similar narrative to whoever her guest is. so she didn't have her first kiss until she was 18, yet the guy she dated - specifying that "he was a teenager", she managed to trip and hurl herself down some steps in front of him and all his friends. for someone who consistently made a point of dating younger guys - she has previously mentioned that in her twenties, she was approaching "boys" in clubs who were in their teens, her rants about Leo Di Capri only saying younger girls seems somewhat hypocritical! and why the fuck was she howling Torn by Natalie Imbruglia at lads to impress them?! its like Capaldigate 2.0 - does she not listen to the lyrics?! pretty sure that song is about an awful break-up - weird themed song to be singing at boys in an attempt to entice them to "boff" her - as she then questions whether she INVENTED the term "boff", or whether it was a genuine 90s term for "making love". cringe. 🤢🤣

oh, and sorry to burst your golden child bubble babs, but Ezzie absolutely does have Snapchat. and insta. and tiktok. and is very clearly far more adept at lying than her mother! 👌🏻🤣
She definitely does. If she has a YouTube channel with over 1000 subscribers then she definitely has all other forms of social media. She won’t be using her own name because she knows that, thanks to her mother, weirdos will search for her.
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She said she’s going to different Disney parks. How fucking adventurous. Next year I’m calling it - California. I did think perhaps Tokyo but that’s giving her too much credit. Year after it will be Orlando again because she’ll realise it’s her “home”/the ‘kids’ wanted it.
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Morning 🐄🛍, I'm still here @Missymoo . The current Mr Bev surprised me yesterday with a last minute getaway to the middle of nowhere ( think I'll keep him bless) ... Patchy WiFi /signal and it's been glorious. Weather lovely, food fantastic and when I saw the hot tub... I Screamed I tell Ya. I'm taking advantage of lack of signal and not looking at any social media but am enjoying hubby's company and reading and drinking. I'll pop In when I can but I'm actually enjoying the unexpected sm cleanse. Would anyone like me to breathlessly do a room tour? - we do have cupboards and shit but shan't tell you where we are till next week... Cos yanno... Security 🤣. Bab we're in our 60s and have a far more exciting life than you and your streaky piss of a partner.!!!
Have a fantastic time!! Miss your wit on here but don’t worry she will still be here 🙄 when you get back ❤
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I feel like this is this her way of testing the water (no pun intended) about whether she can share her Titanic pose with Ste because Titanic is trending and she’s all about the accounts reached statistic.

No comments about the hundreds of refugees who drowned either by babs.
You mean that time she was on a cruise and tried to recreate an iconic, romantic cinema moment only for her husband, who ADORES HER, to barely bring himself to touch her and move away from her qt the speed of light at the end? It's the one time I've genuinely pitied her- it was so obvious, and definitely not the loving fantasy she tries to make out they have
Another outfit of the day which comprises of old clothes!! Not that I think anybody wants to copy her ‘style’! But not much use if everything is from 8 years ago.
For somebody with an apparent shopping addiction she never seems to actually wear the new clothes she buys!! Does she take them back after showing the haul to the adoring fans 😆
Another example of her laziness- most influencers showing "old" clothes take a moment to search a couple of similar options available now. I know 9 times out of 10 it's probably to take advantage of the aff link, but it's better than Bab's "it's old! Sorry! Look for yourselves plebs!"
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Chatty Member
She’s such a fucking twat. If she was desperate to run again why didn’t she ask the ‘asthma specialist’ she saw a few weeks ago??!!
Why didn’t she ask the nurse when she did her spirometry tests?
Her GP, the ‘specialist’ and asthma’s nurse would ALL have mentioned the benefits of regular Cardio exercise for her lungs.
She won’t do Couch to 5k. She will make an excuse as always.
She doesn’t NEED to run to exercise. A good brisk ( ie not her usual shuffle!) walk of 45 mins 3-4 times would hugely improve her health.
Yes I am Bab's age nearly and slim and I don't run .I can't really run I just walk briskly...
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