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My husband has been hospitalised twice with asthma and is still waiting to see respiratory consultant & this fat walrus pisses around with a blue inhaler every now and again and she’s going today??????? The more I see the more I’m enraged by this blimp. Talk about health inequalities!!!!!
Nah that whole thing is entirely made up. Someone on here last week said her asthma is forgotten now she's got her menopause content, she's just remembered she's supposed to have asthma.
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£221 a ticket. Just for when she’s all humble brag about cheap seats being amazing etc. It’s a free bar in here, hence why she’s been quiet on the gram.
Oh but she doesn’t drink remember so will just be having caffeine free Coke!!!😂😂😂
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My daughter was also in a professional performance last night and the whole family turned out to support her. My husband wouldn’t have dreamed of not being there for her. They are a weird bunch!
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Thank you @Bluesilverfix25 & @justplaintired I know youre 100% right! I’m not normally bitter but I think it’s the fact that she’s never gracious with it. I know how lucky I am, im warm, have a roof over my head and im employed and my kids are safe, anonymous & happy.
She’s got ample opportunity for giveaways/donations/charities or hell, even acknowledging that folks are struggling but she seems to get richer and richer albeit more wasteful. We’ve said this a million times but her platform is never used for good it’s literally Babs world and we’re all living in it

I love you 🐮 💼‘ s xxxxx
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the blatant inconsistenty with her babanory story last year attempting to justify why she didn't take little E to the Lightyear premiere she knew he would ADORE, on the premise tht it was a school night and he needed to adhere to his toddler bedtime - plus ofc thta it wouldn't be fair to take Ethan to the cinema without the golden child, when she doesn't have a favourite and wouldn't want Ezzie to feel she was missing out! meanwhile, erin is taken to theatre shows and concerts, allowed to stay up late on school nights, because babs ensures Erin accompanies her to all events, whether paid for or gifted, and Ethan doesn't get taken anywhere, except when she needs him to film content for an ad because erin has flat out refused to pose for photos at Thomas land with father Christmas, or with a frube yoghurt, which are "perfect for toddlers" who can't be trusted not to make a mess. 😔😔

but sure babs, no favourite child! wouldn't be fair for erin to have missed put on Ethan's dream premiere, what with the endless list of shows and concerts and trips she goes to with babs, while Ethan is left at home! she would NEVER treat the Es differently, just like she NEVER lies and NEVER drinks alcohol! 👌🏻🤣

Oh god - lightyear gate!!

"You don't know my heart, you don't know my soul" 🤣

Ah memories 😁 #ifyouknowyouknow 😉
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Been thinking this for a couple of days and haven’t seen all her posts so MAYBE I’m being unjust but…

I am gay; Eurovision is a huge pride event. Emma gets all rainbow sequin’d up but does she ever, ever mention anything about LGBT rights when she’s stomping round all the rainbow Eurovision decor in Liverpool? Or ever? Have I missed this or is she just a total glitter tourist?
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Has anyone checked to see if fishy stick is OK after being eaten by Babs fat fanny?
That poor broom will need years of therapy after being wedged up her fishy lips.

I can't believe that awful reel is still up
Imagine if kids at Erin's school see that 😳
To be fair we probably need to have concern for little Es school too now. He's heading in to Year 6 and those kids can be brutal, even the boys. She gives no shit.

I braved her 'Judy Blume' podcast this morning. She spoke to/over her guest how she would've hated social media when she was growing up. Well, fuck me Babs, have a thought for YOUR social media and it's impact on your kids.
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Let’s all pray for her having to take the toddlers to the bathroom shop. Screaming at the top of her lungs don’t run off and look with your eyes not with your fingers whilst throwing Pom bears at them. Poor cow 😂
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For those wondering about hospitality. It was £221 a ticket. You got to go into a lounge area for 2 hours before the show and had “free” alcohol / soft drinks and food. You could drink a fuck load (I did, I literally had pints of baileys), then had preferential view seats. For comparison, standard tickets started at £60. Yes, afternoon shows are easier to get tickets to but she then went for the expensive ones that few people would be going for.

ETA: didn’t see one person stop her in the hospitality or even acknowledge her as “famous”.
ah, thank you for explaining! seems like a huge waste of money for babs to be spending when she can't make the most of the alcohol - y'know, since she DOES NOT DRINK! 🙄🤣

sounds like you had an incredible time tho, and i know that I speak on behalf of the entire IC 200000 when I say that your in the wild snaps of babs, in all her true #NOTasize18 glory, we're much appreciated! you definitely win earned yourself the 🐮🛍 crown! 👌🏻👑🤣
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Lady Doodle

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Unsure if she's worn a feather boa since her hen,,,

Cut to next pic of her Hen do.

No feather boa in sight 🙄

Fucking attention seeking idiot
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Am I being thick or stupid, I really don’t understand the whole mum mom thing , she’s called brummymummy ???
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Lady Doodle

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It'll be soooooo interesting to see how she reacts to this when she's caught up, which she will, probably while on the slow train home....
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Wonder if Emma will give any credit to Alisha Dixon and Hannah Waddingham (age 44 & 48) but obviously not because she is the only woman around representing women her age...
2 powerful women, talented women representing the UK!
Nope she won't say a word... Its all glittery jumpsuits and sweet buffets!
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Urgh another fucking narcissist reel full of photos of her. Does HRT work that quickly? I don’t know as I’m not on it (same age as emma but keeping healthy & fit & normal BMI as a first port of call) but seems a rapid turnaround- probably all bullshit as usual.
I think they call it the placebo effect, she’s been looking for another bandwagon to milk the content. The asthma has miraculously never been mentioned again. The woman is insufferable, she’s dangerous with her information. Take a pill & all will be well. No Emma, I’m sure your doctor however nice they are mentioned your lifestyle would need tweaked as well.
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