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View attachment 1332091
You can think what you like! I'm not here to prove anything to anyone! But my note is cute! 😎😊

I thought it was something infected! Ewww! 😂
Be careful @Therealdeal you don’t want BLAB to show Disneyland Security & Anaheim PD your sign! They will run forensics on it and have a handwriting specialist analyze it to make sure you get banned from Disneyland! They will find you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 /sarcasm
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Is it just me or does KT say it's not her thing when she is jealous of other peoples activities, possessions, interests, yada, yada, yada. I distinctly recall her trashing cruises just as OA had gone on a couple of them. OK, so cruises aren't for everybody but if you're a die hard Disney fan wouldn't you think Disney's Aulani resort in Hawaii would be a bucket list item for them, especially since she has conquered her fear of flying. But then she comes up with another excuse, claiming she can do the flying but just not over an ocean. Well, honey, you talk some great shit about wanting to go to Disneyland in Japan, but does she think she's going to get teleported there? Flying over an ocean is kinda a prerequisite to get there. I just think they are broke AF and can't afford the likes of Aulani or Japan.
As a resident of Hawaii and a frequent visitor of Tokyo Disneyland…..we don’t want her.
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And finally, for your reading pleasure please find below Section 3 of KT's deranged DM's which up until KT's HUGE faux pas earlier I might never have been motivated to share.

I am actually grateful KT, this is the first time in weeks I have smiled and it was all due to your F^*K up trying to ingratiate yourself here.

Also a huge shout out to to the wonderful Teri - I know she's having a hiatus from Tattle, but working with her on this was alot of fun and she was hugely supportive. Enjoy!
Holy cow.

I’d also like to point out that transcribing from screenshots word for word….lot of work for a mere lurker. Copy and pasting from instagram dm…however…..super easy.
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I’m Spencer’s age and I do the opposite. I point out how skewed it is that I worked 30 hours a week at a grocery store in college during the 80’s and I could afford a brand new apartment in Austin, Tx. My parents worked as a gas station attendant and a dress shop clerk in the late 60’s and we had a nice Southern California apartment 2 blocks from Huntington Beach. In the 70’s they bought a house less than a mile from Disneyland (before the gangs).
Bootstraps, my ass Spencer. We had it easy, and our parents had it easier!
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I am new here, but totally relate to the above statement. I was a lurker (for maybe a week tops) then noticed how actual genuine most of the people are in here and appreciated the daily laughs so signed up. I have seen a bit of EVERY topic here and even though the main focus is the terrible 2, I think any toxic talk is their own damn fault. If they stopped with the lies, stopped with the low confidence and just did their thing, there wouldn't be so much hateful talk around them. But that's just not who they are, which is why forums talking about them will always exist.
My 2 cents and I know this is old news around here.....But many out there enjoyed BLAB content despite our personal disapproval of some of their antics. Although I had been on tattle for another unnamed party, I never entertained thoughts of joining the BLAB Troll "Union" until that whole f'd up Columbia incident where they vilified Griftbuster in 2 videos that were posted to Youtube, monetized them and utterly distorted the so called facts of what happened.
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Hmmmm... .Maybe she should start a tattle page on these horrible cast members that do her wrong . . . . Ya know since she makes sooooo much money from tattle and is obsessed with the site in general

P.S. I'd like to add that, personally, I think cast members really are amazing! 💕
Cast members are amazing and like any human deserve respect and human decency. At the end of the day most Disney positions are customer service based even roles that typically wouldn't be. There's a lot of people who forget that and treat cast members horribly and is totally uncalled for.

However, I have seen some newer cast members not have the same respect back to their workplace. We were in line for churros for my friend who hadn't been in over 12 years. When these off duty cast members come up to the side to start chatting it up to the one making and ringing them up. I was like eh whatever, but then there was a line building up. When it was finally our turn, one of the off duty CMs starts laughing and saying oh I dropped my churro can I get a new one. The guy working was just like sure I'm so sorry to hear that while laughing and playing along. He then hands her like 5 churros and telling the line including our group it will be like 15 minutes because they need to restock. He literally handed over food that was already paid for by customers to his friends. They all know the phrases to say for free food items and preferential treatment.

Which if the park was empty I would be like hell yeah go for it! Rather than be wasteful. But if there's a long line and you're taking payment for stuff you just gave away while talking about changing shifts and going to parties that's not okay.

We all have bad days at work and I am the first one to always be understanding and just turn the other way especially for customer service jobs. I didn't say anything that day because I still have issues with people losing their jobs post 2020 especially It was just like a minor thing

There is definitely different vibes at times between old cms and new
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If I may make a suggestion…can we also include the messages where Spencer confirms in IG DMs that he and KT we’re having an affair in the opening thread post along with Matty’s mom’s FB post? I forget who originally posted them and would like to give credit where credit is due. This was quite a few threads ago. I’ll dig and see if I can find it - but I always thought those messages were a mic drop moment.

And it would be a friendly reminder to new tattlers that these two are liars.They have lied and continue to lie about nearly every aspect of their relationship. No wonder it’s painfully clear that there’s trouble in paradise.

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Here's Spencer's Red Hat bootstraps bullshit coming out.

View attachment 1329851

Make that chedda!

View attachment 1329892

Also, Spencer bragged that he "knows" Lauren Wendy Sánchez, Jeff Bezos' girlfriend.

Katie said her AOL Instant Messenger screensaver was "I'm making chocolate milk," because she was always making chocolate milk.

Anywho, Disneyland, yay!
View attachment 1329924

Katie wants Botox, but Spencer doesn't approve. Katie got pissed at him.

View attachment 1329943

"I would like to throw him off a cliff if I could." Is Katie really talking about Patrick or is she talking about Suspender? 👀
KT couldn’t afford Botox if she wanted it.

I think the concern for regular posters who go silent is that KT is targeting people outside of tattle and threatening their jobs, businesses etc...I’m all for people taking a break, but I hope it isn’t because she’s done something.
Not that it matters because they lie so much, but I remember Spencer saying he keeps the Malibu place because they have such a good deal on it through a family friend and if they let it it go they could never replace it.
As for KT making more money on Instagram with her 47 thousand followers, from what I read, they pay around 300 if a reel has 1000 views within a 30 day window. Less than 1000 views pays nothing. They have a bonus program that pays an extra 1200 if a reel hits a million views. So, no KT, you do not make more on reels!
It’s sad she has to make a post showing she has removed her iwatch. KT, you shouldn’t have to do that on our account!! I didn’t realize everyone here had such power over you. It’s sad, put that watch back on and don’t let us take that from you

She does harass on IG, first pretending to be someone from Tattle and now clearly it’s her, it’s pathetic really! But I don’t think she has unearthed a character, I think more are just worried about some people. It’s really starting to look absolutely pathetic that she reads here daily. I check in here and there throughout the day (as do others) cause it is a gossip site, this is now her full time job, obsessing over everyone here.
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I was reading on page 7 or 8 that people were asking about her stalking and harassing outside of tattle. So I decided to show what she said. Sorry to be SUS, I just decided to come out of my basement.
You’re not just sus, you’re misspelling the same words as the last genius who pulled this shit.
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The Real Deal

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Did we ever find out why she was wearing a sweater on such a hot day? Was it to cover the shirt she's worn for a week straight now?

I wonder if Dense is putting on his tin foil to share more conspiracies in the bestie chat. He really looked disinterested in this whole chat and she had her arms crossed the whole time.
Apparently they didn't think it was hot! Spence got defensive after I asked. Like geez, calm down man-child! Katie just said she blasts the AC and loves to wear hoodies. Sure Jan. She is just self conscious...
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I just like how (and we knew it was coming too) she made a whole IG post about not having her watch and how she feels weird without it. All it takes is simply changing the clock face.

Whoever said she would cut off her nose to spite her face was spot on.
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I really wanna know how bad the spring break crowds will be this summer!
Let me put on my best mansplaining voice.

You see, the Spring Break crowds are here in full force. Those darn teenagers said a swear; I almost had a heart attack! Then one of them knocked me over when they decided to run to the churro stand! I'll have you know that my best bud Security Jeremy would not approve of this behavior. I told the churro stand cast member and he gave me 20 churros for free! You know, eating that many churros is a workout, so you will get hot. I recommend you bring a trenchcoat along to store your extra churros. I hate Grad Nite. I just want to find some married women, but the place is crawling with those teenagers! Anyways, now I am going to sneak into the paid section of Fantasmic. Remember to subscribe to our Patreon, press the like button, and subscribe if you haven't already. Bye bye, everybody!
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Long time lurker here

I was on here the night Katy threatened people. I screenshot everything before it was taken down. I even went so far to transcribe it in it's entirety.

Here's the breakdown:
Griftbuster goes online that he's back in the parks.
Tattlers here start following him
Katy starts going through his follower list and preemptively blocks people on her three instagram accounts - hers, Spence, BLAB
She uses Griftbusters follower list to find out who the real names of the people on Tattle are.
BLAB launches Patreon. Someone on here posts a link to their Patreon only livestream.
Katy starts DMing people on Instagram using an account named happyplace3675 which is currently hypocritechaser which is trying to expose people on Tattle. The user name changes constantly, but once you search it you can find it in your search history with the current name.
Katy as happyplace3765 is acting like a person who subscribes to Tattle to get information on them to find out if they are on their Patreon list. She got one person to admit it, then when on a crazy rant about being a co-worker who hates Katy and that Katy is printing up their entire Tattle transcriptions and sending them to their place of work.

If you want me to post the screenshots I have them.

The conversation starts where Katy as happyplace3765 is pretending to be someone on Tattle who is going to join the $40 tier, she was trying to find the person who posted the link to the first livestream, and that they know who this person is that they Dm'd. I removed some personal info, but this is Katy's words verbatim.

"Oh shit! I planned on joining the 40$ They have a tracker on URL then. That means they know you're on tattle

I'm asking my friend who is an IT person and works on computers. I don't have a tattle account, I just read and enjoy everything... so l wonder if I would be safe. Somehow someone else is a secret Patreon, not sure who, but I see the live stream!

So l just found out, I pretended to be one of their fans on my other account and DM them. They know all of your information now. I asked them how they found out who you were and they said they can track every single Patron member, and they know your address and everything now

They know that you live in *****, and even where you work. They were able to see that you are affiliated with tattlelife and from what I understand, are going to be sending a report of all of your title life transcriptions to your job. they are planning on taking everyone down one by one. Just thought I would give you the heads up They have a civil attorney. This was their master plan...

You should alert Tata life immediately, but leave me out of it
otherwise it will all be tracked
Or stay off of it, as it's being tracked That's why they started the Patreon…. It was all a master plan to infiltrate

It's all tract electronically They got your IP addresses and all this other stuff… Trust me I am on Katie's private Instagram, I can send you photos, I am an ex coworker of hers I know where she lives, and I dislike her a lot That's why I follow the tattle boards

If you want me to send you proof that I know her personally and got all of this information I will send you whatever you want to see Just don't compromise me

Haven't you guys ever wondered why they don't have any pictures up on their walls in their apartment that they shoot their videos at It's all a rouse to fool everyone

They go to the place where they "live" and shoot live streams and videos and make it look like they live there, they have a deal with a friend

I can't give you information if you compromise my account.. You can share the information but don't say it came from me Also, she would know that I spilled the beans

I'm also pretty sure that they got Lalo next.. Disneyland has footage of them putting up and hiding the grifter stickers And consider this a warning, I haven't felt like I could trust many people but I feel like I can trust you since you were so dedicated and tried to be a Patron just to give us the footage

But, Disneyland is going to bust everyone involved with those stickers They have fingerprints, and facial recognition technology everyone in the park has a photo taken After I shared a lot of this, I'm going to have to delete this account.… But if you have anymore questions ask them now

I'm sorry I had to drop the bomb on you so quickly... I just don't want the title crew to get busted You can, but I might have the account deleted because I fear that she will find out

She doesn't read title life, neither does Spencer, but they have people working for them that monitor every little thing, and know all the information about everyone, they know your faces they know where you all live and they just ignore it

And to be honest I'm paranoid but she's going to find out that I'm spilling the beans I know how much money they make, I know where they live, and I have Katie's phone number

She also knows where I live so I have to be super careful. They are more powerful than I think tattle life realizes But I've grown to like all of you, because she pissed me off so much when I worked with her

But I will say there is a lot of information I can correct on those boards. Please don't share the screenshots or anything about me, but feel free to pass on all of this information it could help you all

First thing that needs to be corrected… Everything about Adam is not true. I have seen the text messages between her and Adam and they moved out on amicable terms, The real reason for their disassociation is a much juicier story Daphne/Natalie got very jealous of Adam and Katie being friends, and Natalie and Adam are definitely seeing each other. I think Adam secretly had a crush on Katie or Liz from freshbaked Still trying to figure that one out

So they all agreed that it was best that Katie and Spencer move out, but there was never any money issues, and they never skipped out on him. They only recently stopped talking because Natalie's jealousy problem They are both so stupid for letting me find out all that I did

Another way to prove what I'm telling you that they don't live where they shoot blogs and videos, you will notice Katie looks Kind of lost when shes in the kitchen because it's not actually her kitchen Haven't you ever noticed on a live stream how she looks a little bit confused where things are It's because they have you all thinking that they are living somewhere that they aren't

Again, noticed that there are no pictures on the walls I even saw on the title boards that someone said they would wait outside of the complex and watch them drive in... Of course you will see that, it's a friend that they have an agreement with to make it look like they live there to fool everyone. And The worst part is, a lot of money.. like, a lot. So much, it disgusts me. And the worst worst part is that tattle life is fueling so much of their income..

Why do you think they haven't shut it down. I have seen her emails, and whenever people make videos about them or talk about them online they make money.
That's why I don't engage and have a screen name on Tuttle
I don't want to give those rich bastards anymore money Every video, every post, tattle is putting money in their pockets

I think they own some of the website or something like that… Whatever it is, it's paying them so much money... So much, they were able to buy another car just because they wanted to. Of course you will never see that online

I just felt like I can trust you, because frankly, I am so sick of hearing her talk about how well they are doing. She thinks she's so great. But if I leave you with one final thought, it's just that no matter what whenever they are talked about online on any kind of message board or you guys leave comments or watch the videos it all feeds money into their pockets. Superchats are just a small drop in the massive bucket of money those assholes have

I just felt like I can trust you, because frankly, I am so sick of hearing her talk about how well they are doing. She thinks she's so great. But if I leave you with one final thought, it's just that no matter what whenever they are talked about online on any kind of message board or you guys leave comments or watch the videos it all feeds money into their pockets. Superchats are just a small drop in the massive bucket of money those assholes have

And I can't think of anything else to do to stop it because nothing seems to work, and I don't think anyone will believe me. Anyway, I hope I didn't Overwhelm you with all of the information… I just hope that it gets to tattlelife and maybe you can find a way of sharing it without compromising either of us

Grift busters for life💪🏼"
You High KT?
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