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This is what they’ve filed in America. It’s a hilarious read albeit horribly jarring in its Americanisations and hyperbole.

Not sure if I’ve missed it but I can’t see anything where she denies attacking his girlfriend / being transphobic in the pub? Is it because there is possibly a record somewhere of this incident so they’ve left it out? 🤔 I’d have thought they’d have been quick to include that as untrue too.
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Scotch Mist

VIP Member
I agree with all this however what pisses me off is the opening credits.

This is a true story.

Why not say based on a true story. It's just really pissing me off. I think GADD is loving the fame this is bringing him and he pretty much said he planned it all out and took notes and had the leading actress picked out to play Martha.

Martha on the other hand now she's a whole different level of bat shit crazy but that's for another day.

Gadd knew what he was doing and playing himself well ....hmmmm
Yes I agree. He should have written 'based on a true story' or similar. Obviously he didn't do much in terms of fiction writing to make it difficult for people to find out who the real woman was.

I would like to know:
Does this woman have a conviction for stalking and harassing him or anyone else?
Has this been clarified?
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Feather fans

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It’s funny, I had that exact thought today! Talking to my wife about the lawyer interview. Saying it was a Scottish lawyer….married to an MP, she was tracked down quicker than FH! She made his life hell, she’s not really going to be punished, her victims are just so relieved to get rid of her relentless harassment as she moves on to another victim…with her track record she wouldn’t be able to resist the attention, an opportunity to get to Gadd again…this way everyone knows the woman is a fruit loop! They know to look out for her and if they’ve any sense stay out of her orbit! She also now has a taste of what harassment feels like! And she cannot help but lie and possibly do something that can finally get her sent away! Gadd knows the more wound up she gets the more vile she becomes! She’s going to drop herself in it!!
It kind of makes sense doesn’t it? I think you expressed it better. If there is no intent, this "we did everything possible to hide identity" just looks too lame - they are not that naive/ inexperienced surely. Interesting if Netflix is aware - probably not? But then wouldnt they check? Im so curious, but in reality we would probably never know
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In civil law you are usually meant to mitigate your own loss, making the accounts private or taking the posts down would be one way of doing that, instead she made loads of defamatory posts of her own and someone having a bad character can reduce damages.
Lots of people here still missing the point that it’s not enough for the story not to be true, even Laura Wray said in that interview that Fiona doesn’t have a legal reputation to lose or any financial loss so she wouldn’t be successful. Doesn’t seem like there’s anything landmark about a scrounger scrounging.
She could pretty easily argue that him publicising she’d SA’d him is very likely to affect her job prospects, similarly if he’s exaggerated the stalking and made out she has a criminal conviction.

It doesn’t have to be a legal reputation to be a reputation or a job in the legal field to be a job.
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But Fargo put "this is a true story" at the start of every episode and none of that is true.

Edit to add: maybe that's where Gadd comes unstuck, he used too much of the real story to deny it now I guess? Such as the emails word for word.
Fargo wasn’t about identifiable people though. That’s what separates this from people using “true” for effect on eg Fargo, plus Gadd has already admitted it’s him and his real story with just the names changed. People found FH within hours of the show being released too so I think any attempt by Netflix to say it wasn’t her would be laughed out of court tbh.
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The lawyers use her words - basically like a police, it's not written by lawyers
It is though. No one writes their own witness statement etc. they have an interview but it’s composed by lawyers.

Not sure why they called her a lawyer though. That definitely ain’t true!
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Chatty Member
I really hope this goes ahead and I can watch it 😂
New York law firm so hopefully it takes places there and can be televised 😝
.....she's suing for 'intentional infliction of emotional distress' many victims has she had?

The series portrays Gadd fantasising about sex with didn't happen in real life.....he can argue that it's 'artistic licence'

It's been confirmed she lives in social housing on, what has she lost monetarily ?

She stated in the Piers interview that Martha was not her as she didn't send 41,000 emails, voicemails, tweets and text messages - then states it might have 'been one email and 14 tweets'
Where was her housing etc confirmed? I knew it anyway from the pictures she posted but would like to see where it was confirmed?
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Has she written that herself? Doesn’t look very professional. Also whenever she says ‘we’, it makes me think of her speaking in the 3rd person eg ‘we are not amused’ 😂
She apparently can't link it so she's decided to write every paragraph out for us on her Facebook🤣. Does this mean Chris daw kc has took on her case?
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Why is the filing in the States?
...because Netflix is American and the claim for damages is huge over there........Prince Harry was stalked by phone hackers and only got something like £300k over here
I don't doubt it. Just that the language used feels quite unprofessional to me.
The lawyers use her words - basically like a police, it's not written by lawyers
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She's 58, so the likelihood of her getting a job now is quite remote. Actually, it would have to be a 'remote' job as she doesn't get along with anyone. I hope the trial is televised in the USA, I want to see this lawyer boyfriend of hers!

I hope Fiona understands that a trial takes years in the USA - if it's allowed to go ahead. The American legal system is hard to navigate, They can have trials in any state connected to Netflix. They have offices in California and New York but, a judge might throw the case out because Fiona was living in England when the tv show aired.
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