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Chatty Member
About all the wishlists and begging for deck money, and camper money. I find it so hard to believe that Val’s family would condone this shameless grifting, especially Granddad and Nonnie. When I first found AI, it was full of such good information, both past and present. Of course now, we all know it’s just the same performances, coached and edited, doing the same things very poorly over and over, and no informative Q&A’s at all. I think the new page should be called, “watch us spend YOUR hard earned money”. Anyway, I first smelled a rat when the deck thing came up, actually shocked. Then just very shortly after, not nearly enough time to raise enough money, there were Nathan and Granddad building it. I thought, well thank goodness. They must have seen how awful the begging looked and thrown in the money and gotten it done. Don’t know if that was the case or not, but at least that ended. My whole point in this is to say that if Jess was my granddaughter and this business was going on, I’d be so far up my daughter’s a**, she wouldn’t know what hit her. No way I would support any of this. I won’t call Jessica names because she is absolutely not to blame. Just like any toddler (pretty damned smart) she has responded very well to the nurturing she has had all her life and it has created a person who is pretty obnoxious, spoiled and unlikeable.
I totally agree Fairly Certain. When my son was born I was just 25 weeks along so he had a very long NICU stay. In our small town (about 600 people in city limits) had another mother with a baby in the NICU both a 2 hour drive away. She had donation jars up in all the businesses in town and I couldn’t understand why my parents absolutely refused to let anyone do that for us. We drove the 140 miles round trip 3 times a week and my husband and I stayed in a hotel every weekend to see him and be close to him. Over time this was quite expensive and my parents paid for all of it. I came to understand why. You Val need to learn this lesson. Take care of your own!! Don’t beg! It’s not a good look. I keep my circle very small. No one knows my business but we all know all of Val’s business and she can’t go back. What’s done is done. Sorry for the long post but it triggered so many memories I just had to share.
Val mentioned the garden on the live Thursday saying that the plants were looking not well...turning yellow! Listen dumb ass Val they are in pots and you are drowning them! That video that you let Jess water them that was WAY to much!!! No place for the water to drain so it kills them! I thought she was such a wonderful gardener....learned from your grandfather and father! Apparently you were not paying attention!! 😕

Very well said WallFly!! She just wants undivided attention! And while she was looking through the coloring books she would skip right over the puzzle pages and go to the next page with a picture on it and ask what is this!!!! So she does see more than they let on! Just like when she plays with monopoly money and keeps asking the color is this!!! But left on her own she has piles of matching colored "money"!
Did you catch her whisper to her mother on the live that when they get their new house that Hannah can't come???? Now that was interesting to me! Hannah tries way to hard to make us think she likes Jess but Jess could care less! She just wants Val all to herself! Sad, sad life and not joyful at all!!!
We’ll dang! I’ve went back on that live and listened and I never could hear the fart and now I can’t hear this whisper. But I know Jess farts like a horse all the time and she definitely wants Val all to herself. I would go so far as to say she hates Hannah most of the time.
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They’re so rude, it’s unbelievable. What would have been good manners was to have introduced their ‘friend’, after all, she was shown in the video. Of course, lots of people will be asking who she is, which ups their comments. I watched a little bit of the video and wondered why on earth are they sharing how to make a salad?! It really is laughable. 😂
I’m waiting for the video of how to open a box. You know it’s vital to know this so you can make boxed brownies and hamburger helper.
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winnie woo

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I may be alone in this thinking but I often feel bad for Hannah. Hannah is in great need of therapy to understand why she has no life and that her selfish mother planned it that way. I believe when Madison was a boy Hannah was conceived in hopes of being a girl, to be programmed from birth to inherit her disabled sister. She learned early on Jess would be the main attraction. She was afforded no teenage life, no friends because of her responsibilities at home caring for Jessica’s needs. She has no goals, no dreams of becoming anything except what her mother wants her to be, Jessica’s future caregiver because nothing else matters to Val. If Val encouraged Hannah to be a strong independent person , Hannah’s life would be different, but it wouldn’t fit Val’s plan. She’s a hypochondriac because it gets mommy’s attention, the attention she never had and still craves.. .it’s a very sad story that Val has not given Jessica the tools to be all she could be, but Hannah is a far greater victim of Val’s abuse.
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Just like an effing teenager- getting super excited about camping and then doing it once and being done with it. How soon til it’s for sale?
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I caught the Hannah being alone because I am not with her! That is so sick and sad! Hannah is 30, an adult and she does not need her mommy with her 24/7. I also found it strange that they did not pick a place where Drayl and Benny could not go along. They just LOVE those dogs so much!! BS....they are both sick of them already but don't know how to get out of their commitment to them! I expect that Daryl will be re-homed soon!
But where is Bennie? I think Darryl is such a pain because Hannah has made him one. I can’t stand when people put human characteristics onto animals and treat them like kids.
Now, we know why Hannah was working so hard, so was throwing together videos and uploading them, so they could be automatically released at certain time on certain days. Val, would never be able to keep up with her hard job by doing it herself.
This will probably be the only time in 6 years that it will be just Val, Campbell and Jessica in the same house. Val should be drinking by tonight.
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The day my granddaughter would call me to see if I got the order right, would be the last time I generously gave her a take out meal. They give in to Jessica wayyyy too much. I was brought up to be respectful of my elders, thankful for my elders and never mouth off to anyone. I wonder how much nonnie and grandad spend on her a month, compared to little Graham. I know you shouldn’t compare, it’s the thief of joy, but these people know no boundaries. Jessica expects and demands too much from everyone. I can’t understand how Val thinks this is acceptable. No one should be catered to as much as Jessica is.
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Just thinking how yesterday’s video where the wrote Jessica was gleefully dumping her glass of water all over her floor. Well I think

Her one job is to tape these ridiculous videos and edit them for Facebook and she can’t even do that well. With all the time she has doing nothing why can she post videos in the proper order?

You can see Nonnie’s health has declined quite a bit in the past year to the point they don’t even take Jessica for overnights anymore. I can’t imagine how devastated Jessica is going to be when the pass away.
I am not sure she will be devastated with her lack of feelings. I believe she will be mad and wonder who else will take her on Thursdays! She uses them to get her way like she does everyone else. Like she has to go out to breakfast and lunch breakfast at home and do lunch or vice versa! She does not need 2 unhealthy meals in one day! And if she can't get her tenders or shrimp at the restaurant the grandparents would like to go to they can't go there! That is so wrong....when I was a kid and even as an adult when my parents or grandparents wanted to go out with us for a meal we went where they wanted to go! But then again I was raised to respect people!
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Not sure why Val keeps lying about where they live...she mentioned 2-3 times the " drive" being quite long but worth it..

Uhm... They live in Ringgold GA. Ate lunch in Dalton GA. (20 min.away) who exactly does the think she's fooling?

I find it amazing how Val continuously talks about eating healthy, she brings it up often but never follows through with anything.
It's the same 5-6 recipes... Chicken rice casserole, sausage gravy with biscuits, boxed chocolate cake, chicken spaghetti, grits, boxed pizza and nuggets.
Nothing healthy, nothing fresh, nothing new.... They only seem to cook the garbage processed food Bossy pants Jessica must have daily.

They go to restaurants and act like they've never been to one before, never eaten real food, and how big exactly do you think the stick is up Nonnies ass?

My God she's a miserable tight lipped old shrew. I see where Val gets her pissy face from.
She's constantly looking down her pointed nose comparing everyone.

No one cares about restaurant reviews from 3 idiots who think chicken tenders, onion rings and macaroni are fine dinning.
They make me laugh how they think they are food critics . 🙄
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Val...please address your loser son quitting med school to be LoraCross's slave and doing raunchy porrrrn! How do you look him in the eye after knowing he's showing all his " orafices " on line??for money??🙈

Is that how Hannah's making cash too with onlyfans??

Asking for a friend??😏
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Chatty Member
I just love all the JOYFUL pictures of them we all use on our profiles!!!!!!!
Luv it! It really does crack me up!
Well the aquarium was another snooze fest! We see it everytime they have "followers" who they claim are good family friends come to visit! Very dangerous Brooks family!
And the fact they let Jess keep slapping, yelling I am going to slap you, noises and yup, yup, yup was very obnoxious and rude! Bet those little kids were talking about the crazy lady!!! Schizophrenic Jess was at it in full force.
They did go to lunch so that will be another video!!! How many days can we stretch it out is Hannah's idea of work....not!
And at the very end when according to Hannah they forgot to film something she was half in the bag...slurring her words, trying to get words out and her eyes were at half mast!! Disgusting Hannah!!!
And here is a picture of Jess and her Joyful life!!
And if they all went to "their ends of the house" where did the other Hanna go?!?!

Hanna seriously thought to "toss the salad" meant to literally toss it?? She said twice she can't toss is or it would fly alI over so she'll just stir it. Idiot! Another recipe modified because they didn't have half the crap they needed. Ever thought of planning ahead dingbats?
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Well the surprise they talked about is happening!!! Lol planting a garden with an above ground box! Woo hoo who is as excited as me? 🤮🤮🤮🤮
We all know "they" paid a ton for the planter box that Campbell had to put together...we know he will take care of the garden all summer too because Val follows through on nothing! They went to buy plants and Val made it sound like they went to several but oh oh Campbell spilled it at the end...they went to 2!!! She just loves to lie!
Oh and wait we can't plant because it's soooooo windy. 17 mph is not windy Val you are just to fucking lazy to do anything else! Have some planters that she said were recommended to clean out the mold from last year but Quote un-quote from Val "we are not going to do that"!! WTF is wrong with her? Maybe things will grow better if they are clean...LAZY, LAZY ,LAZY the whole lot of them!
And Val needed to wear a mask at the garden stores because of the pollen😳😳😳😳 but she walked all over Disney, in those gardens, camped in the woods with no mask! Another sympathy vote for her! She is a very stupid woman! We see your shit Val and call you on it!!!!
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What exactly should they be proud of? One is an unemployed hypochondriac who lives off the back of her mentally schizophrenic sister and her overbearing mother. And the other is a big spoiled brat baby who argues about everything and can’t even wash her hands properly. What’s there to be proud of 🤣 also look at this comment about Jessica’s sugar. Val lies so much it’s disgusting. The only time they have showed her going to any doctor was just for her shunt and that was only twice in 3 years and never once mentioned a physical or blood work or a mammogram or dentist nothing at all. Big crock of shit you’re Val

These captions were on an older video during the pandemic when granddad and nonnie brought baby McDonald’s. They trim off the chicken even tho fried it’s still protein and give her two fries and extremely greasy hash browns and a big buttery biscuit. Yea that little chicken u took off is sure going to make it a healthy meal. And this is the stupid ass bull shit they do to cater to Jessica. Nonnie calls her after they get the McDonald’s to tell her they checked the bag seriously this is absolutely ridiculous and unnecessary they deserve to live the rest of their life with violent feral animal Jessica.
Yes because Jessica gets violent and starts threatening people with violence ...and hitting and swearing like a lunatic.
In what world is this behaviour acceptable ?

It's angry tantrums that lead to threats and violence ... Jessica could seriously hurt someone.

A couple years ago there was a couple cases of autistic young adults that were shot by police, or tazzard....because of erratic violent behaviour ....
Last winter we had an adult IDD man late 20's in a mall attack a woman because her child was crying...

Jessica requires proper care, she deserves to have a safe life with some understanding and COPING skills taught to her not only for the safety of others but for HERSELF. It's lazy and selfish that Val instructs everyone to just cater to Jessica and not upset her...give her what she wants.

Jessica has no coping skills for when there's change, or disappointment like a wrong order, she can't see a dentist for her health, she refuses to brush her hair...she has no understanding that as an adult she now has responsibilities to do grown up things like brush her hair, teeth, reg. Dentist and hair cuts....sometimesc" accidents" happen... Wrong orders etc... She needs to be taught how to cope before she ends up seriously hurting someone or herself...Nonnie and Grandad are old....Jessica could seriously hurt them.

We don't teach our children good behaviours, responsibility and life skills to be mean!! It's the opposit...sadly Val has simply neglected all responsibility and has taught Jessica nothing..
Poor Jessica's will not do well when Val is gone.
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I went on their live tonight just a few minutes ago. It happened to be at a part that Jessica said she wanted Val to tell her "followers" what happened yesterday. Apparently she "couldn't move past" something and was getting upset and more upset, couldn't be calmed down and "grandad used the word obsessed". Which, we all know, must have sent her into a melt down. Then Val and her had a sleepover 🙄 Her tantrum must have been the reason she wasn't on the live yesterday. Well, maybe try to not to let her get obsessed over shit. She wouldn't get upset over the word of it wasn't true. These people are a joke
Also, the RIDICULOUS faces Hannah makes while signing are very off putting. I had to quit watching
I believe it was the fact that she had no packages is what put her in a bad mood.
Call it what you want.
Plain and simple greed.
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I am blo

Of course medication corrects elevated levels. Does she think we are that stupid?
Definitely needs to be the name of the next blog “Shut the F up Hannah” !
Can you imagine Jess getting bloodwork?? And if so why wouldn’t they video that they video everything else under the sun. I call bullshit on that her cholesterol is good prob never even had it checked .
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If porn boy was there, don’t you think it would be awkward to be around Marlow. I know they dated but don’t know how seriously. Maybe it’s me but I think it’s awkward. Bless Hannah and her lactose intolerance, too bad it doesn’t go away and stay away. She is such a liar.

Speaking of porn boy, I wonder if mom has actually seen any of their movies. I went to one of the sites out of curiosity and watched a sample clip of them doing threesomes. Sorry, not sorry, if that was my kid, no matter how much I loved him or her, the line would be drawn right there. And do the aunts and uncles know? They sure don’t stay away when he’s visiting. Miss Fanny girl must make a fortune. On Instagram, along with pics she’s always listing her gigs and trips she’s going on to do her thing. I’ll bet her parents are proud too. 🤷‍♂️😳
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I tried to watch more of the video but with Jessica squealing and asking over and over what cards are these I quit! And the talking to the invisible people was freaking me out!!!
And with Hannah interrupting her mother over and over to make herself sound important was way to much! Hannah you are not the center of the universe like you think you are a pathetic human being! You will never be anything unless you get out of your parents house, grow up and get a real life...sad, sad, sad!
Just like an effing teenager- getting super excited about camping and then doing it once and being done with it. How soon til it’s for sale?
Val has serious mental issues and she thinks "stuff" will make it all better! Let's face it Val nothing will make it better since you made your own bed! Schizophrenic Jess, Hypochondriac Hannah and Porn boy are all disasters that you created! You should be so proud!!!🤮🤮🤮
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It is kind of hypocritical of Valdawg to use the excuse Marlow has been to Disney several times in the past, when you have been several times this year alone.
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In one of the comments on the trifle video, it was asked why does she throw the cake in the bowl and why do they laugh, because she can’t see what’s in the bowl she does it to avoid touching strawberries or pudding and getting her Hands dirty, that’s BS she doesn’t mind her hands in choc cake with frosting oozing of syrup and topped with ice cream..and explain why she throws the Christmas ornaments in the container like she’s pitching at a ball game. Explain that Val! Is she afraid of getting her hands dirty. Her narrative on the videos is because the cult is starting to question what the page has to do with autism, it’s a ridiculous attempt at damage control, and why everything they do is autism related.
She digs in her nose, crotch and picks her sores! That would constitute dirty hands too! Or when she feels all over her plate, eats with her hands! Explain that away Val!!! It's an excuse and you are so good at making up things as you go! Let's face it Val she does not want anything to do with cooking except eat the food! Stop the stupid throwing of food!!
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Why does she feel the need to lie???? You cannot make a 50 minute normal drive no matter what the traffic in 20 minutes! She would have had to drive WAY over the speed limit! She is a pathological liar on top of everything else...I just don't get what pleasure she gets from all the lies???
She is teaching Hannah that too! Lactose intolerance my ass!!!
Well she lies about the State she lives in for various reasons ..each State has different types of funding and qualifications for autism you KNOW she's scamming the government and probably double dipping in the government funds pool...especially when it comes to all the paid family members and friends Val has on staff, babysitting, dog walking, errand running, filming for Vals youtube/FB channels, and housekerping.....NONE of these are autism related....these are purely for Vals benefit not Jessicas.

Val could have her groceries and prescriptions delivered, hire a dog walker or clean up after her own dog, make her own videos..even cut back if it's too much I mean really 3 videos a day!?

Another reason she lies about her address is because she KNOWS she's scamming people, taking advantage of emotionally bankrupt, mentally ill and vulnerable viewers and the day will come when someone 's family member or friend finds out...and confiscated Val.

These are the two reasons to hide and lie about the State they live in...

Everything Val says and does is ONLY to benefit Val. No one else.
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