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Chatty Member
That was the dumbest thing ever. Omg this woman is a horrible cook.

Like buying that big pool for the backyard at Campbell’s that they can’t use because of mosquitoes. It’s not because of mosquitoes it’s because they are to lazy to maintain the pool and keep it clean.

On last Live Jessica was being so loud throughout the video . I think she did that on purpose because she didn’t like the fact followers sent Hannah gifts. Jessica never likes when she’s not the center of attention. She’ll interrupt like she really needs to ask something and then just says Zoey just don’t need it.
They all love to be the centre of attention and all talk over each other - it’s so annoying, not to mention plain rude.
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winnie woo

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It is kind of hypocritical of Valdawg to use the excuse Marlow has been to Disney several times in the past, when you have been several times this year alone.
In the beginning of this camping Disney fiasco Val said when asked about Marlowe and the parks they were gong to take turns, switching off dog sitting, so the being planned from the beginning crap is another lie. They can’t stand that followers see them as unfair and care about Marlow.
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Instagram post. . . . They speak to our questions about what cooking etc has to do with autism. . . . They wrote autism is embroideried into their lives. . . . 😂. . . . No Val Schizophrenia is embroideried in your lives. . . Tell the truth
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Seriously after ALL the rich JUNK food they stuffed themselves with they are feeding Jessica chocolate brownies!!! Even Nurse Ratchet was making snide comments about it being sickeningly sweet and tummy aches...BUT no matter what Jessica must be happy at all times!!!
The best part is baby whiney Jessica talking about having to make all the OTHER desserts Jessica owns..greedy guts just can't get enough.

How can a loving mother, a registered nurse..... Feed their severely mentally ill dependant child such unhealthy garbage every single day!?
Honest to God...I don't understand!!!???? Is Val intentionally trying to kill her???

Does she actually feed Jessica this constant stream of garbage because she's THAT lazy?? Too lazy to incorporate ANY decent food choices?? Is just easier to let Jessica who is incapable of making ONE single healthy appropriate choice when it comes to anything!! Especially FOOD! Is it just easier to help her kill herself???

There's an autistic boy named Johnny... He has severe food issues worst I've ever seen .. He hates ALL food ( even cookies, icecream, cake, etc...). He doesn't have selective food preferences like Jessica...which are really just food DEMANDS ..there's a huge difference between bratty Jessica who has tantrums because she wants 2 servings of everyrhing, a whole pizza to herself, chocolate cake EVERY day sometimes twice, processed chicken nuggets, rich fatty sausage gravy and biscuits and bacon and tons of sweets.... Overeating and obsessing over MORE MORE MORE that's NOT a texture issue, that's spoiled Jessica wanting what she wants and her LAZY mother who feels it's just easier to give her what she wants rather than teach her about healthy choices or incorporating better food options...even compromising TRYING to introduce healthier foods.

No GOOD LOVING parent would feed their children like this especially one who is unable to take care of herself.

This issue pisses me off the most....I've worked with other moms in our community with fussy eaters, kids who can't handle food changes , meltdowns etc....parents don't give up!!!

There are hundreds and hundreds of recipes , tricks to incorporate healthier foods into their diet. There's no excuse... And let's face it...Jessica eats like a pig... As long As she is not told there are healthy ingredients in what she's eating she will NEVER know!!!!! If they can lie to her about being a nurse, omitting or changing ingredients for her HEALTH should not be an issue.

Shame on Val.... For being too damn lazy to even try, put in any effort what so ever to try to help her severely mentally disabled daughter obtain some sort of healthy life.

Here... It is Neglectful abuse....and Val would be held accountable.
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OMG! She did not just announce her birthday and advise of a wish list for what she wants!!! This week I have been pretty busy and am just starting to watch videos I missed! Let me tell you I did not miss them or her! I just get so frustrated with all of them! I’m already worked up lol!
I really feel that Jessica has way more intelligence than they give her credit for. She has been able to figure out the best ways to manipulate Val and company. I think she actually calculates how to get out of chores, how to beg for gifts not from family (it didn’t take long for her to equate lives with gifts) excuses for her rudeness and how to get pity.
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She said the "cyber bullying" thing at the same time she closed her crispy club. I think she closed it because the truth about Madison came out and she didn't want her "crispies" to find out and jump ship. So she closed it before that could happen. She had to made a lot of money off of that thing. They can still be "cyber bullied" on YouTube, IG and Facebook. She just lies
In my

In my opinion Val is bi-polar. She goes from bad moods and depressed to where you don't see her for a couple of days then it goes to manic. Great mood, let's get a camper - I'm happy now! (That wore off) Let's go camping! (That wore off) Let's plant a "garden". Her tending to that will wear off. She doesn't follow thru on any of it.
Cyber bullying it was her private Crispy page so aren’t they her so called loyal followers? That makes no sense because like stated if she was worried about her physical well being then close all the pages down . Plus her brother was a cop . It all came down to the fact she didn’t want to be asked about Madison while on a Live with the Crispy crew
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When my folks and grandparents were alive we all helped each other because that's what family does. Now they are gone we still do for each other.. small group now but we help!
Or get an honest job. You want money, you want things. Work for them. Get off your freakin lazy ass and go to work. They’re nothing but white trash begging for money. No better than the panhandlers on the street corners who beg for money. No better than a pimp, pimping out their disabled adult daughter/sister to make money off of her.
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Gramma of 4

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I went on their live tonight just a few minutes ago. It happened to be at a part that Jessica said she wanted Val to tell her "followers" what happened yesterday. Apparently she "couldn't move past" something and was getting upset and more upset, couldn't be calmed down and "grandad used the word obsessed". Which, we all know, must have sent her into a melt down. Then Val and her had a sleepover 🙄 Her tantrum must have been the reason she wasn't on the live yesterday. Well, maybe try to not to let her get obsessed over shit. She wouldn't get upset over the word of it wasn't true. These people are a joke
Also, the RIDICULOUS faces Hannah makes while signing are very off putting. I had to quit watching
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Seriously after ALL the rich JUNK food they stuffed themselves with they are feeding Jessica chocolate brownies!!! Even Nurse Ratchet was making snide comments about it being sickeningly sweet and tummy aches...BUT no matter what Jessica must be happy at all times!!!
The best part is baby whiney Jessica talking about having to make all the OTHER desserts Jessica owns..greedy guts just can't get enough.

How can a loving mother, a registered nurse..... Feed their severely mentally ill dependant child such unhealthy garbage every single day!?
Honest to God...I don't understand!!!???? Is Val intentionally trying to kill her???

Does she actually feed Jessica this constant stream of garbage because she's THAT lazy?? Too lazy to incorporate ANY decent food choices?? Is just easier to let Jessica who is incapable of making ONE single healthy appropriate choice when it comes to anything!! Especially FOOD! Is it just easier to help her kill herself???

There's an autistic boy named Johnny... He has severe food issues worst I've ever seen .. He hates ALL food ( even cookies, icecream, cake, etc...). He doesn't have selective food preferences like Jessica...which are really just food DEMANDS ..there's a huge difference between bratty Jessica who has tantrums because she wants 2 servings of everyrhing, a whole pizza to herself, chocolate cake EVERY day sometimes twice, processed chicken nuggets, rich fatty sausage gravy and biscuits and bacon and tons of sweets.... Overeating and obsessing over MORE MORE MORE that's NOT a texture issue, that's spoiled Jessica wanting what she wants and her LAZY mother who feels it's just easier to give her what she wants rather than teach her about healthy choices or incorporating better food options...even compromising TRYING to introduce healthier foods.

No GOOD LOVING parent would feed their children like this especially one who is unable to take care of herself.

This issue pisses me off the most....I've worked with other moms in our community with fussy eaters, kids who can't handle food changes , meltdowns etc....parents don't give up!!!

There are hundreds and hundreds of recipes , tricks to incorporate healthier foods into their diet. There's no excuse... And let's face it...Jessica eats like a pig... As long As she is not told there are healthy ingredients in what she's eating she will NEVER know!!!!! If they can lie to her about being a nurse, omitting or changing ingredients for her HEALTH should not be an issue.

Shame on Val.... For being too damn lazy to even try, put in any effort what so ever to try to help her severely mentally disabled daughter obtain some sort of healthy life.

Here... It is Neglectful abuse....and Val would be held accountable.
It makes me think of the video where Val went outside for a second and Jessica locked her out. She’s banging on the door and no answer. So Val goes to the back door to get in to find out Jessica didn’t unlock the door because she was stuffing her face with chips. Then Val just laughs it off like no big deal . I would have been pissed .
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VIP Member
Notice Jessica has zero skills.

Blind people are taught how to function in daily life to accommodate their blindness, reading braille, using a cane for mobility, the clock method used for table settings as well as eating, homes tend to have Braille stickies...on microwaves for example, they are taught how to touch and create boundaries around them... Skills taught to the blind..I mean there are schools, institutes, devices, communities...

So..she has zero skills for her blindness which I find odd. Her blindness was her earliest diagnoses long before her supposed autism...

Again... No professionals involved in any part of Jessica's care.

No physio therapy / therapist for her supposed mild CF? No autism specialists , no ABA, .....nothing.
Just Hannah...saying " stir stir stir! "

Jessica doesn't even know how to brush her hair ....her C.F. Doesn't prevent her from beating those crackers, shuffling those cards, hitting Darrel, shovelling food in... But she can't brush her hair.
Jessica has been taught NOTHING basic life skills, no hygiene , can't dress herself, can't wash herself, and Val doesn't think she needs professional help???

The only reason there are zero professionals involved with Jessica's care is because it will reveal exactly how unfit, and neglectful she is....she's unfit and Jess is her meal ticket.
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Chatty Member
Even with coaxing Jess couldn't acknowledge Nathan's birthday. It is all about her! This is your fault Valdawg, you have taught her no manners.

The more I watch the more I can't stand Jessica,
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It's crazy to me that Jessica WONT touch the massacre they create when the "cook" yet she can shovel food in with her hands when it's feeding time!
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I'm sure Jessica calls her name ALL. DAY. LONG.
Val mentioned Jessica doesn't stop talking the entire time she's awake ...again I don't feel sorry for Val because if she had listened to professionals , worked together with them instead of trying to lie and bullshit her way..and not follow through with recommendations, had Jessica involved in her community involved in programs where she sees other people, learns social skills, and has real mental stimulation along with new surroundings , peers etc... Jessica wouldn't be so limited and BORED... She gets zero stimulation so she is constantly yapping..seeking out stimulation same with the picking, eating, obsessing and crotch rubbing. You're right she probably calls mommmy. Momma every waking moment.

This afternoons video... No one cares about your bucket garden Val, no one. Clearly Campbell bought you the wooden raised bed... He's so kind to you and you treat him like absolute trash....then again you treat your children the same way.

Your garden ... Nothing to do with autism.
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This mornings video by Val...Zoe just don't need it, was Zoe a good gift, did Zoe make your Bessie happy and say it mommy!!! Good grief why do you think that people want to see that same shit everyday from Schizophrenic Jess????? She is really showing that today.
And those sores on her face are getting really bad. And she has what looks like a good infection starting in the one between the eyes. Red streak... get her to a doctor and get some GOOD antibiotic medicine for it! And stop putting hand cream on it.
You are such a sad human being Val to let it get that bad...I bet you sucked at being a nurse too and that's why you got fired!!!!
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Do Stuff Go Places…Hannah and Marlow are in St. Andrews State Park in Florida… much for her secrecy and being private about where she was going.
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Chatty Member
Bullshit Hannah! You are signing because we talked about it on here. And you suck at it.

We see you too Hannah!
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winnie woo

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The state of Georgia should be proud of paying a caregiver as a servant to a family of grifters, a servant whose paid to stir grits foe Jessica whose perfectly capable of stirring her own grits, while her hair is on camera a gnarled rats next that the queen doesn’t want brushed, to shower her, although she can shower herself on thursdays…to clean her dirty garbage card mess when her arms work perfectly as she shovels in chicken strips, to tend to their dogs, load their dishwasher, shop for their groceries, pick up their drugs. Two non working capable parents in the home and they qualify for a caregiver who is no more than a servant. A state that provides enough funds for a family of 4 to live the high life. Boggles my mind!
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I’m pretty sure if Jessica actually cleaned up the water we would have seen a video about it. She probably barely cleaned it and they convinced her she did it. Kind of like when she “cooks” or “stirs” her own food.
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Even Jessica noticed it. She asked if Val was okay or something similar during the video published this morning.
Oh yes...Jessica picks up on every much in fact she demands people say exact things certain ways every time ....because it must be how she heard it with the voices in her head...
Again.. NOT AUTISM's 100% SCHIZOPHRENIA with severe IDD.

That house is a miserable place... Even Allyson Ecurb AKA Hannah's ALT account is in a bad mood busy answering all the comments that piss off Val.

Soon Val will be telling us her reasons for dumping the trailer will be the size, the oven she can't work, the AC... Which she's already told everyone Jessica refuses to allow Val to use it. For all we know Jessica broke it after Val refused to comply with her schizophrenic daughters rules.

Val is so busy trying to recapture a life she wished she had she's delusional mentioned what happened to the once a month 5ks? Month 5... Only 2 were done...Val even purchased the jogging stroller for big baby hewie!!!! More government funds wasted.
No amount of pink throw pillows,Disney trips, mantels, and twinkle lights will give you back your teens.
Time to grow up Val. Stop feeling so entitled because you have a severely IDD schizophrenic adult child...and put HER first for once. Your life should be wrapped around hers.... Lifting her to achieve success ....not what makes YOU happy ...everything's not about you Val...
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