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I also just noticed on the container planting video, there was only one camper parked in the drive, Hannah’s. Wonder where Val’s is, in the shop, returned …. Hmmmmm
Ithink behind the house you can see the other camper in some of the shots
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Agree!! I drives me crazy that they tell her unnecessary things knowing she will be annoying as hell obsessing over it. You’d think they would want to do themselves the favor of not telling her. You could tell Campbell wanted to tell her to shut up!
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What does this mean

As this is the first page of a thread please do give a TLDR / recap of the last thread if you can and if someone hasn't already, thanks :)
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I remember a couple of years ago Val and Jessica were talking and Val said “someday” that she and J wanted to get a camper and just travel. Okay. Nothing wrong with a goal like that. I was so shocked when she rushed her timeline, someday became right now, and she purchased one. I’m even more shocked that she’s already talking about getting rid of it after ONE trip!! So that they can move. I’m really naive! She appears to have NO emotional or common sense boundaries, no personal governors at all. She wants it, she gets it. Oops, mistake. Get rid of it. I’m not going to state things as fact on here that no one really knows the truth about, but she had to have spent the house money on the whole setup. If you have to beg from strangers to build a deck on your house, then you sure as H*** can’t afford all that. She is not having a joyful life. She is either an out and out grifter or so trapped feeling that she’s making really bad decisions and getting worse. When will she ever, ever find some sort of day program for Jessica?!?! Good luck with that. Cody’s mom did a video the other day about aging out of the school system. It has taken months on a waiting list to find a 2 day a week program where he can go. It’s probably way to late for Jess. She’s had few if any boundaries herself and is just about as obnoxious and unlikable as they come! Her mother’s guilt feelings have done nothing for her but make her a spoiled, bossy brat. Tragic.
Well said FairlyCertain.i agree.😊
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I’m in Canada so maybe different but can you get routine lab work while you wait. Where I live call Dr for results in 10 days unless emergency or in a hospital setting, even then it takes hrs. Her Instagram yesterday said she was heading to routine yearly Dr appointment.
I can get my blood drawn and sometimes within a couple hours it is already posted in my online chart. My Dr reviews prior to posting!
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Well this cooking with Nathan was over a week old. We saw Jess stuffing her face in the brief one they showed a week ago. And like someone said why do 5 people need 2 kinds of fries??? And whole bags of them at that!!!!
Noticed that Nathan had himself a big old beverage cart full of booze. They must all be drinkers! And of course Val had her beer with dinner! Notice how Campbell never comes...just the one time I believe.
And why could Hannah or Val not helped cook or at least cut up tomatoes and onions? They sit around like queens and watch but sure can eat! Plus Nathan buys all the food too. They even sponge off him! Disgusting 😕
And Jess already planning the next meal...not giving him a choice for his birthday but guess what she got it sausage gravy and biscuits! Come on...
Oh and I am from the north and have eaten chicken livers. They aren't bad but not the healthiest...we always cooked the bag of things inside the chicken and turkeys for giblets gravy! Now that was wonderful gravy! Tried to make it for my boys when they were young and nope they wanted no part of it just like their dad!!! Lol
Yes. Giblets. Never liked them.
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The last time she went to the doctors and blood work was 2021 first few months of the pandemic ...Val did a video, and of course they would of done a video of Jess had been more recently ...we know she hasnt.

I'm actually embarrassed for Val at this point...the lies are so obvious ...

Jessica has minimal care at best, we know abusers isolate their prey..just like Val has done with Jessica, sadly the State they live in is very behind the times and not intervening with the neglect and abuse Jess is enduring ...APS is not as urgent as CPS...sadly.

Hopefully at some point help does come for her.
Val mentioned last week that Jessica had a doctor’s appt that same afternoon.
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The comments on the pictures from the concert. . . 🤮

no doubt from the cozy pictures Hannah and Marlow are a couple

the teenagers at the concert were squealing and screaming. . . And then there were the 30+ year olds who think they are teenagers. . .
There’s no way that channel brings in the kind of money they are spending. Two new vehicles and campers , trips and going out to eat constantly. Those Taylor Swift tickets had to cost over $500 a piece. Even if Jess gets SSI and Hannah gets paid as a caregiver the money train doesn’t add up.
Nope, some other scam is going on plus credit cards maxed out. . . When Hannah went to kohls she bragged about how much she saved by getting a credit card and putting the charge on there. . . She has no clue, just like Val


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Not sure it will show up under her Instagram Live page because we know she blocks everyone.

Hannah one job and she sucks at it ! The video are never in order. We saw Nathan’s birthday celebration and then this video after. How can she be home all day and be so bad at her job ? Doesn’t she believe in chronological order so it makes since. I think since she joined Val she’s done more damage than good. Not only are people saying why is the state paying her to watch her sister when there’s three capable adults who can ! Then they pay Marlowe to do their dirty work. That there is where the state needs to get them on fraud ! Tax payers aren’t paying taxes to have a caregiver run your errands and hold a camera why you video your ridiculous content.
Which Video was this post on?
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Holy OBSESS much??????

Perfect example this morning of Jessica obsessing about Lindsays dog ..Millie...a dog she's only seen once or twice IF THAT....but someone mentioned the dogs at the Groomers..and there's nothing Jessica loves more than to obsess over dogs and HOPE for some tragedy to happen.

Standing there, hands on her chest making up LIES about the groomer, a dog she doesn't know...and talking over everyone...getting excited and sniffing her fingers.
Listening to her make-up bold face lies..announcing them as FACTS...makes me nuts.
" well they want to keep the dog" " they will close" " what time to they close? " SHUT UP!!

How is this behaviour not addressed? Does Val not understand that because she refuses to address Jessica's constant obsessing its a main contributor to all the picking??

There's a video where Val tells us she's not allowed to use to word obsess because Jessica doesn't like makes her angry.
Bless her hearrrrrrrrrt!!!🙄

I'm sorry I have no patience for bed head crazy finger sniffing Jessica and the voices in her head this morning.
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