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Just a few from the video mentioned earlier
I can't imagine raising a child disabled or not that you would not train that violence is wrong! Val thinks princess can do anything she damn well pleases with no consequences! She has said in the past that she is an adult so they don't punish here...well why didn't you do it when she was a kid??
As I mentioned one other time we had a couple family friends who had Downs Syndrome boys. One was brought up right just like his brothers and they were disciplined and turned out great. And his mom was a widowed early on and had no help!! The other boy was led to believe nothing he did was wrong and if he hit you oh well! It's just his way!! And that he could drive and other things that we knew he could not accomplish due to the severity of his Downs. So it's the way you bring kids up...they need boundaries no matter what! And Jess has none! And Val you failed as a mother. Your daughter is an adult in body only...mentally a young child!
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What is with them constantly asking Jessica if she is happy, does this make you happy, how happy are you. Hannah you will never make a good interviewer. Write down different questions, think of new topics to talk about. There is more to life than cards, food, Disney and dogs. Let Jessica experience something else besides the same thing every single day. I get that routine is important, but LEARNING is MORE important, to learn is to grow. Try it.
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Just the glimpse into the insanity of the Brooks flop house really tells a lot, the mood, the tension created by Val is so thick we feel be a fly on the wall I fear I'd need counselling.

It's obvious the last camping Disney fiasco is still weighing heavy with poor Val. You know she's miserable trying to find a way to get her money back from her camper...clearly her GLAMPING vision did not happen... It was a complete miserable disaster .

Once again Val was reminded it's not 25, 35 years ago....and Jessica is not away at school, or off playing in the dirt or being occupied by her siblings running around nor is there a man camping along with it was when they'd camp when the kids were little...decades ago.

Val got a real taste of the monsters she created in her children ...the obnoxious behaviours Jess has been allowed to obsess over day in day out, Jessica running the show, Hannah being whiney and lazy.... The selfishness of her 30 year old adult daughters behaviour acting like she's 12 and having mommy cook for her, take care of her and shoulder all the responsibility...which we know Val despises.

Val had visions of quiet morning walks, Hannah taking care of Jessica, Marlow taking care of the dogs, and looooong naps in the hammock sipping on her wine. None of that happened...all 3 ladies... All Adults expected do all the work, being she's the boss, the one in control of food, meals, camp sites, cooking, finances etc...
No one moves without Val telling them what to did nothing.

Val is feeling sorry for herself ...and is scheming up her next plan... You know she's not happy Hannah enjoyed camping and is going off on a trip away from Val and leaving her do take care of Jessica on her own. I hope Marlow is going with Hannah...I doubt Val would allow that!

Val in not capable to live and take care of Jessica on her own...just her and Campbell.
Which is incredibly sad. I'm all for respite and community involvement...neither of which Val participated in....for some reason she requires 2-3 other adults to help with regular daily care of jess...while Val is home 24/7... Why??

I work from home, have my autistic daughter here , my husband leaves the house to work ..I make sure my daughters showered, cook breakfast lunch and dinner, run errands with her, take her to her swim class, her ABA therapy, we go do volunteer work twice a's a schedule ...and I don't have staff come help ...why does Val require others to live there and help? Help do what?????

Vals just lazy and doesn't WANT to be a mother, a caregiver....she wants Disney, and monthly vacations, and hiding in her room.

Bless her heart.
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Did you read her post? She was there last weekend so how frickin far behind is Hannah?? Good grief you have one job Hannah and can't get it right!
And why is a 23 year old hanging with them??? Something is off...and her just feeding into Jessica’s way of talking with the dirty garbage! Come on!!!
And why are all the lady followers that come to their house have to LGBTQ? I totally am not against people’s choices but it’s odd .
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My daughter called this morning.(and son in law). They had been looking at the Disney videos recently with the camper. She said the decline and rapid regression in Jessica took their breathe away. Her talking in other peoples voices was a massive red flag and cause for serious concern. The obsession with putting as much in her mouth as possible is neglect. Pure and simple neglect as a huge chocking risk. And the constant sitting in the wheelchair which is to benefit Val and not Jessica is outrageous. They are having a discussion to decide best place to complain to as said this is way out of hand and must be stopped.she also mentioned Mauncheson by Proxy again. I'm at a loss for words. Val and all the family only want money. Everything they do is for money. Terrible.
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You know I absolutely despise Asa and Priscilla Maass for all the exploitation they have done of Abigail but one thing i can say about Asa is he makes Abby contribute to the household and doesn’t wait on her hand and foot. He makes her help clean, do laundry, vacuum, clear the dinner table. And when she starts to throw a tantrum he works through it but makes her still do the task she is throwing the fit over. And I’m sure we can all agree Abigail is way more delayed and disabled than the greedy brat Jessica. It just goes to show it’s all Val’s fault Jessica is that way. At 35 years old she can’t even clean up her plate from the table after she gouges her food down. It’s disgusting that she can’t do a damn thing herself. She is absolutely useless and contributes absolutely nothing to the household or society. Val has made Jessica extremely u likable. I honestly can’t stand her and her bratty ways.
I agree 100%.... Abbie even signs thank you! Abbie is far more delayed than Jessica..but does have chores , completes them...doesn't just hold someone's arm for 10 seconds, Abbie is corrected, and told NO....sure she has moments ..lots of them but Asa keeps on it. I'm not a fan of that family either... Especially the wife whose ignores Abbie, but Abbie does more in day than Jessica does in a month.

Even Cody..from Cody Speaks... They work on him making his own breakfast, rinsing dishes loading and unloading the dishwasher,making his bed... He has ABA, and therapy and Lyssa does it all on her own no paid family members while her husband is at work. Cody uses a napkin, wipes his mouth, says please and thank you...Lyssa always keeps on him reminding him..working with him....

Val...does...NOTHING that's why Jessica is completely useless and cant even stir flour, has no manners, eats like a savage animal, obsesses over her greed, she orders people around, she does nothing at home except sniff her fingers and talk about her next meal.
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This PO grifting should have ended long ago.
It's your own fault Val for letting it continue so long. Now explain to your daughter why she's not getting packing.
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A quick thrown together 3 min. Video of a headless Jessica squatted by her closet obsessing over her hoard of hundreds of colouring books... " THEY READ".

Flipping pages and rhythmically demanding ... " what is it " to every single page without even TRYING to actually look at the page her self ridiculous ...what exactly is this teaching her??? Besides how to be manipulative and repeat herself a million times...this isn't reading anything....this is Jessica's way to monopolize a person's time by demanding quick answers to her " game"and have someone give her attention.

I understand stims, sensory needs etc... This " reading colouring books" is's just Jessica manipulating, ordering someone, getting attention... And it teaches absolutely's extremely sad.

This could of been a great opportunity to show Jess colouring ,strengthen her supposidly weak hands, practice hand, eye coordination ,actually LOOK at the pages herself and name what the picture is...practice colours , etc...

If she can SEE the container with the red lid in the fridge, the crumbs on her plate, packages across the room on the dinning table she can look at a huge baby elephant in a colouring least TRY.

Jessica is a hoarder among her other issues ...her life is absolutely pitiful.
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Egos Attitudes and Greed.

That's all this afternoons video was about.

Vals camping bubble has burst she said.... So the thousands and thousands and thousands she spent on the brand new camper, car, all the grey and pink blankets, throws, organization bins, dishes, and decorations was all for nothing.

Should not of blown all that money on your vision on glamping Val, and bought a real home...that's greed and stupidity kicking your fat ass.

Zero sympathy that Hannah has her truck and camper she's already making plans to take off! Leaving Val to Jessica duty ...she's going to go nuts.

How long till Hannah starts her own channel of her camping life??

The tension between Hannah and serious. 😂😂😂

Greedy Guts was lost in her schizophrenic mania today... Everyone talking over everyone constantly ....

Oh and if you missed it the 6 times Hannah mentioned it... She has an Amazon wish's on her Instagram and posted in the video description 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰
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Val seems to be having a bad day, not being filmed, no conversation. Everyone has a bad day, just don’t film every stupid breakfast then. We’ve all seen this video, 75 times over at least. Life in the everyday world stinks today. Val keeps her popcorn head on the counter to remind her of the better days at Disney. I think that Disney trip was a huge disappointment, a huge drain on her money, and a reality slap that camping isn’t what she remembers it to be.
Just the glimpse into the insanity of the Brooks flop house really tells a lot, the mood, the tension created by Val is so thick we feel be a fly on the wall I fear I'd need counselling.

It's obvious the last camping Disney fiasco is still weighing heavy with poor Val. You know she's miserable trying to find a way to get her money back from her camper...clearly her GLAMPING vision did not happen... It was a complete miserable disaster .

Once again Val was reminded it's not 25, 35 years ago....and Jessica is not away at school, or off playing in the dirt or being occupied by her siblings running around nor is there a man camping along with it was when they'd camp when the kids were little...decades ago.

Val got a real taste of the monsters she created in her children ...the obnoxious behaviours Jess has been allowed to obsess over day in day out, Jessica running the show, Hannah being whiney and lazy.... The selfishness of her 30 year old adult daughters behaviour acting like she's 12 and having mommy cook for her, take care of her and shoulder all the responsibility...which we know Val despises.

Val had visions of quiet morning walks, Hannah taking care of Jessica, Marlow taking care of the dogs, and looooong naps in the hammock sipping on her wine. None of that happened...all 3 ladies... All Adults expected do all the work, being she's the boss, the one in control of food, meals, camp sites, cooking, finances etc...
No one moves without Val telling them what to did nothing.

Val is feeling sorry for herself ...and is scheming up her next plan... You know she's not happy Hannah enjoyed camping and is going off on a trip away from Val and leaving her do take care of Jessica on her own. I hope Marlow is going with Hannah...I doubt Val would allow that!

Val in not capable to live and take care of Jessica on her own...just her and Campbell.
Which is incredibly sad. I'm all for respite and community involvement...neither of which Val participated in....for some reason she requires 2-3 other adults to help with regular daily care of jess...while Val is home 24/7... Why??

I work from home, have my autistic daughter here , my husband leaves the house to work ..I make sure my daughters sjowrted, cook breakfast lunch and dinner, run errands with her, take her to her swim class, her ABA therapy, we go do volunteer work twice a's a schedule ...and I don't have staff come help ...why does Val require others to live there and help? Help do what?????

Vals just lazy and doesn't WANT to be a mother, a caregiver....she wants Disney, and monthly vacations, and hiding in her room.

Bless her heart.
We were both typing at the same time with similar thoughts. Great minds think alike :LOL:
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Who wants to eat something that as be been up Jessica nose? Why do they let her contaminated the food.. it's so gross.. I think it looked disgusting.
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It really is sad and pathetic that they make it so obvious they read the comments on here. Now Hannah is signing during lives. Nonnie and Grandad are putting their foot down with Jessica, they’re talking about how far Jessica has come in the last few years etc. All things we call them out about. The only thing they haven’t touched is the biggest elephant in the room and that is Porn Boy. I wonder if they’ll ever say anything about that.
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winnie woo

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You are right! When she places the nuggets on the pan she does it very carefully and puts them on in an orderly fashion! But she didn't want to take them off and put them on her plate so she throws them! She was done being "independent" by then. She just wanted to stuff her face!
In one of the comments on the trifle video, it was asked why does she throw the cake in the bowl and why do they laugh, because she can’t see what’s in the bowl she does it to avoid touching strawberries or pudding and getting her Hands dirty, that’s BS she doesn’t mind her hands in choc cake with frosting oozing of syrup and topped with ice cream..and explain why she throws the Christmas ornaments in the container like she’s pitching at a ball game. Explain that Val! Is she afraid of getting her hands dirty. Her narrative on the videos is because the cult is starting to question what the page has to do with autism, it’s a ridiculous attempt at damage control, and why everything they do is autism related.
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I also just noticed on the container planting video, there was only one camper parked in the drive, Hannah’s. Wonder where Val’s is, in the shop, returned …. Hmmmmm
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I watched a good bit of the live tonight and like Gramma of 4 said Jess was still in a rotten mood. She didn't like Hannah interrupting her I assume with the ASL and talking too! She was foul and picking her nose and nose scab, talking to herself in voices, interrupting her mother every chance she could and acting like a spoiled little ass!
At one point when they were talking about campers Val said they would decide next year if they were going to continue on with her camper or just save money and Jess got all bent out of shape saying what was the money for and Val mouthed to her "moving"! Do they really all hate it at Campbells? Wow you would think they would be grateful to have a roof over their heads! And Hannah is going back to Florida in her camper that she bought so she could have privacy on trips but to the beach. She mentioned she would not say where to protect her privacy! Good grief who the hell do you think you are Hannah, a movie star???? Good lord you make really bad videos to scam people out of money! I don't think anyone would come hunt you down! Idiots!!!
And Campbell must have been screening the posts tonight. Oh and Val made mention of Kate answering some questions! Now on a live why would she do that? Do we think that Campbell was Kate tonight to try and throw us off!!! Lol and like I said before Idiots!!! Not a full brain between them!
I hope Hannah gets tired of the signing soon which we know she will and most of her facial expressions just look like she is mad....
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This chicken spaghetti casserole crap looked just like crap! Who purees all those vegetables? When they made it last time and yup it's been made before they chopped those veggies! And you don't use bagged use Velveeta because it melts!! Not that thick junk you had.
And they could not use Velveeta because it upsets Hannah's stomach...what a crock! She eats onions in her scrambled eggs, bologna fried in who knows what that grease is, sausage balls, biscuits and sausage, pizza and the list goes on...guess she needed some sympathy! Oh and don't forget she just ate and drank her way through Disney! Ladies give up the booze and your stomachs will get better!!
And Jess was so off the wall and whacked up in that video! All the slapping! Someone needs to smack her back good and hard!
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Val is a professional victim ...and Hannah has picked up that same mentality soon as there's an " issue" a mild fever, a cough, a sore elbow, Val..and Hannah both Google for " professional diagnoses ". They can't just have slept wrong or have a tickle in their throat's a serious ailment..till the next one comes along.

I live with Lupus and R.A. And I WORK, own a company, have a fun active healthy marriage, clean my house, and take care of my autistic daughter without 3 other adults in the payroll! It's called living.
If I am feeling a little run down or tired...I prioritize or see an actual doctor for recommendations. It's funny the more you move the better you feel. Also eating HEALTHY, exercise and nutrition are crucial ....
I don't eat dairy ,red meat, or alcohol ...sugar and salt I only use small amounts ..natural sugars organic foods lots of protein and I exercise every day! I'm 2 yrs older than Val...she chooses to eat like she lives in a frat house, she chooses to live an unhealthy lifestyle just like Campbel chooses to live a very healthy one.

I have no sympathy for her as I said she's a professional victim loves playing the role as does Hannah.

Today's food videos ....all about Jessica and how she's an adult and makes all the decisions ...Actually Val... Adults think of other people's needs and wants, adults don't live off fried nuggets and sausage gravy, adults aren't afraid to hold a bowl or a can...and can actually stir.

Jessica has got this "fragile hands" game down and uses it every time she simply doesn't WANT to do's not that she can't or as she says.. " I'm not allowed to... " lies like a champ to get out of doing anything. She has no problem smashing those crackers HITTING them with a wooden spoon...but is too fragile to stir with a spoon.

I love how Jessica runs your life... You deserve every miserable moment, every text at 3 am saying " zoeeeeeeeee don't neeeeeeed it! " every temper tantrum over her chicken nuggets and every morning Jessica obsessing over her biscuits and gravy deserve to be her slave and have her violent behaviours keep you up at night.... You deserve every miserable moment and hopefully have another 50 years full of it!

I can't wait to see how you parent without Hannah there to do your job especially when Jessica has schlaaaaaped your last nerve! I'm sure you'll be paying Marlo overtime! I do hope she goes with Hannah to be honest.... Those girls should take off on an adventure in that camper for the entire summer!!!! Make their own videos !!! Taste that freedom Hannah!!!!

As for Greedy Guts ...try spending some of the money you get exploiting her on some clothes that fit her, a proper bra for starters. horrific!
Those pants are horrendous. I can’t believe her mom would look at that outfit and say, yes, Jessica is camera ready. But we know Val was in the bedroom laying on her couch feeling sorry for herself. Hannah dressed Jessica and she doesn’t care what she wears. I’m sure these men groupies are just searching the internet for outfits like these. It’s a disgrace that Jessica has a closet and 2 dressers full of clothes and this is what they put her in. I swear the only shirts these three wear are free ones they get from some lame camp and tent business that went out of business. Val, quit dressing your daughter like you are trying to put her out on the street for business. And you know what business I’m talking about.
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winnie woo

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Jessica was her normal bitchy self tonite, anyone notice the 19.99 $ superchat, the largest they had was ignored because it came with the question Is your son still a Dr? Jess is so tired because it’s a nighttime live…she’s tired in morning videos, afternoon videos so that’s another BS story. Hannah is so much of a celebrity now she has to hide her travel plans, prob to avoid the paparazzi. Marlowe seems to be getting frequent headaches, maybe the clown show is getting too much, or maybe being a hypochondriac is contagious! The signing and annoying faces have to go.
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