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Video of the morning....

Bedhead Jessica...and her soup bowl full of grits and butter, demanding to know what's for dinner as she's hunched over the counter, burping, and cleaning her teeth with her tongue manners to be seen.
My favourite part is Hannah and Val asking permission from Jessica to have cesear salad with their chicken spaghetti that Jessica decided was for dinner. Of course Jessica says no.

Why exactly does the houseful of adults require Jessica's permission to have salad with their dinner???

Again this isn't autism's bullshit.
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This mornings video is another redundant lie to Jessica about her independence.

Vals viewers seriously need to open their eyes and ears. These videos of Jessica "learning" to independently make her breakfast at the age of 35... Are HUGE red flags.

Do people not see that these types of videos are purely for content...nothing more.
Truth be told if Jessica had been learning these life skills, actually been TAUGHT to " stir stir stir" from her teenage years... It would be 20 YEARS of practice ....and today at 35 Jessica would be able to wisk an egg.

Watching a grey haired 35 year old hunched over at the stove ...talking to the voices in her head and barely able to move the little Minnie mouse spatula in the eggs is simply sad to watch.
Sad because myself being the mom of an autistic young woman who HAS taught my daughter to actually stir an egg before she turned grey realizes that Jessica has not been taught anything ...there's no consistency of routine for her....common sense says if Jessica had truly been taught how to stir on a regular basis age 35 one would think she'd have an idea how to actually stir. She doesnt. Nor does she want to.

Watching a mom teaching an actual autistic child how to stir, pour, crack an egg, etc.... Is something beautiful to watch,especially when you see the progression 35 Val is simply posting this type of video for content...there is zero progression in Jessica independently making her own breakfast ...because Val only gets Jessica involved when she's bribed her to make a video.

On another note...if anyone watches Fathering Autism they were outed recently by a youtuber about defrauding the government, and hopefully this really gets the ball rolling on these people including Val...who are lying, cheating, and exploiting their mentally ill CHILDREN online for profit.
There is a huge difference between channels like Cody Speaks where there are teaching tools, shared experiences, learning and teaching out to help other families, offering support and ideas.... Encouragement for the hard times, and respectfull videos geared to HELP educate those struggling... NO wishlists, NO grifting, NO nonsense videos posted 2,3,4 times a day for a cash grab, NO ebegging, NO trips to Disney ....

I truly hope people's voices, concerns and complaints about these fraudulent families abusing the system, their mentally disabled children, the government funding and programs are going to be exposed.
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I agree with Wallfly. I don’t know why the word ******** has become so offensive, but it has. Her intellectual development is extremely slowed, delayed, and the R word. Nothing nasty about it, just the truth. When I first started watching AI, I quickly became very confused. I saw how she demonstrated toddler behavior and was coddled something awful by her mother, but was also able to complete a sentence that made sense and sort of carry on a conversation. I have to say here that that’s not the case now. As I continued to listen and watch, I heard Val say that she doesn’t know where she ends and Jessica begins and has answered the question, “Is she spoiled?” with the answer “Yes she is!!!”. I agree with most everyone’s assessments about them being grifters, etc. but I believe that all the awful things that that family does and have become are because of Val’s crushing guilt about Jessica. She has admitted guilt feelings. No idea what happened or why, but she will not do what needs to be done as far as education, life skills and independence. When people ask why Jessica’s opinion is so important, Val’s answer is that Jessica is an adult and part of the family. Ugh. Yes, her body is an adult’s, but you encourage her toddler behavior. She doesn’t need to know everything. Just do what’s best for her, including saying no to the unhealthy crap she wolfs down. Like others have said, hide the damned veggies and fruit in muffins, puddings, soups and even hamburgers. Oh, and your endless variations on chicken and rice casserole. She’s NOT an adult intellectually and will never make healthy decisions. I’m just rambling now so will stop. I’ve got to say, though, that the addition of Hannah has been a train wreck.
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But the brownies today were healthy because they had applesauce in them. My gosh, I can only guess Jessica had chicken nuggets and fries every day at Disney. And 2 servings of cake a day plus all the donuts, pies and ice cream. She must have been sick all the way home.
I saw the pan of brownies on the counter in the morning video. The first thing I noticed they were left uncovered meaning now they are brick hard.
The thing that really gets me.. Is Val goes out of her way to deliberately let Jess know she's changing an ingredient, or intentionally used the term healthy ..knowing it triggers Jessica..and gets her riled.
There is absolutely no reason for run recipes, food choices and ingredients by Jessica for approval .... If Jessica has her way she'd eat nothing but chocolate cake 10 times a day.
She's not mentally capable of most decisions other than what colour icing or balloon she likes....and it's blue it's always blue. She doesn't need to know what ingredients belong in something ....she's just going to argue it anyways..she loves to argue and has no clue if she's right or wrong ..she's not mentally capable of comprehending anything past a toddler level. Even my 5 yr old grandchild knows sugar and sweets is a sometimes food...only eaten as a treat. Jessica doesn't .

So the only reason Val videos these hard moments to try to save face she " tries" to change Jessica's diet but Jess has Autism and well... That trumps it's not Vals fault.

Jessica gets ANGRY and has tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants, she gets violent, hits, screams, LIES... That's not Autism that's poor parenting...that's behaviour That Val has let Jessica get away with..because it's just easier than actually teaching and helping Jessica learn and grow.

Like I said there's thousands of recipes and ideas, techniques to cook for fussy eaters... There are healthy swaps Val can make for Jessica ..but it's extra work ...extra money ..and well Val has no time for that.

Remember the monthly 5 ks? The chickpea pasta she cooked and Jessica wolfed down...that lasted one meal. Val could puree vegetables to add into spaghetti sauce, make healthy muffins with oats, pureed banana, use honey as sweetener not sugar, make smoothies, there's tons of things Val can change and she doesn't need the permission from Jessica. Vals her parent, her caregiver, the one in charge of Jessica s wellness 100%...because Jessica is mentally and legally incompetent.
It's Vals responsibility. Period.

Well we know Val pretty much has Jessica isolated from any type of professional , teacher, dentist, hairdresser, bus driver,therapist, autism groups, etc... The only doctor visit I've ever seen in the last 5 years was to get her shunt checked...and to have a nurse come in during covid to check her for seizures ...which she was not having even though Val claimed she was having 50 a day.🙄

So there's no chance Val is taking Jessica for yearly checkups, blood work etc... No way....because she knows it would be clear in the blood work her nutrition is in the toilet ...just look at her.. Grey skin, grey dried hair, infected scabs that never heal, brown circles around her raccoon eyes...( Val says it's hereditary ... Yet no one else has it) .

Jessica looks extremely unhealthy and any doctor would spot that immediately. More reasons why Val has removed Jessica from any and all professionals.
I stop and think about Jessica and the life she lives . Now Marlowe isn’t really needed as a caregiver because you have three able body people at home who don’t work who can take care of Jessica’s basic needs. What Jessica needs is a job coach/life coach. Someone who will involve her in swimming, visits to local SPCA to help walk and feed the pets and go take her to restaurants and teach her proper etiquette. Of course Jessica is set in her ways but I am sure given time she may adapt. Even take her to community events to meets with her peers to build relationships. Of course Jessica loves food because her life lacks anything exciting. The thing she most loves besides food is her scheduled phone calls. That last video of them at Disney in the gardens and just how they ignored her I think that’s the real life of Jessica. We all probably agree the best thing that could happen to Jessica is to be out of that home and in a supported home for Autistic adults.
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And more.......biscuits and gravy for breakfast...
With of course a scripted and edited parroting dialogue and finger sniffing.

Is your Bessy happy??? Momma?? Is your Bessy happy??

Yes Val..please tell your 35 year old for the 500 millionth time.. " you betcha! " because apparently miss Independent can't tell if she's happy unless you tell her 300 times a day.

Seriously ?
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It's crazy to me that Jessica WONT touch the massacre they create when the "cook" yet she can shovel food in with her hands when it's feeding time!
She knows it gets her out of having to help. The only time she helps for 5 minutes is when she's told they are making a video...and they have told Jessica making videos = money = Disney= more cards and gifts.

Jessica has gotten reinforcement every time she does something her way... We hear her lie.. " I'm not allowed to touch that or do that" lots of lies lots of excuses.

It's too late for Jessica ... She will continue to get worse and worse.
Enjoy Val!
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She was probably one of the crispie cult. It just stuns me that she allows these people(Augustina-Lori and now this Hannah girl )into her home when she knows nothing about them. Nothing. They could have a gun or knife packed in their bag.its like inviting a complete stranger you meet in a store to stay the weekend?! And calling them a "family friend"is so odd and strange,its obviously better than saying stranger I suppose. Val really needs to grow up.i do wonder if there's a learning disability with Val.
But she says she shut down her Crispy page because she felt fearful for her physical well being. But let’s invite strangers into our home
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Yes bideo..of the morning was from Friday...

Let's face it she's 35 and makes biscuits and gravy at least 3 times a WEEK and still doesnt know how to STIR! STIR!!!!STIR!!!!

Zero progression.

" whose making it momma??? "
" you are Jess!!! "

This right the problem, she's not making it and you're teaching her nothing .

Hear Val...bad mommies don't take their kids to Disney.

Actually Val...bad mommies don't lie to and about their children, bad mommies hire friends and family to bathe and wipe their lazy 35 yr.old ADULT child's ass, bad mommies blow the money and have no home of their own but mooch off their ex's and crash at their house while playing irresponsibly at Disney ,3_4,5 times a year when they don't even have a HOME of their own. Bad mommies are named Val Brooks, and have a son who quit med. school to do nasty raunchy porn, with his wife who screws everyone else on cam for money, Bad mommies named Val Brooks exploits her severely IDD schizophrenic daughter while lying and cheating the government and begging for donations from vulnerable mentally ill viewers to fund Vals addiction to Disney ....

We know exactly what a bad mommy is Val.

This...right here.


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You know I absolutely despise Asa and Priscilla Maass for all the exploitation they have done of Abigail but one thing i can say about Asa is he makes Abby contribute to the household and doesn’t wait on her hand and foot. He makes her help clean, do laundry, vacuum, clear the dinner table. And when she starts to throw a tantrum he works through it but makes her still do the task she is throwing the fit over. And I’m sure we can all agree Abigail is way more delayed and disabled than the greedy brat Jessica. It just goes to show it’s all Val’s fault Jessica is that way. At 35 years old she can’t even clean up her plate from the table after she gouges her food down. It’s disgusting that she can’t do a damn thing herself. She is absolutely useless and contributes absolutely nothing to the household or society. Val has made Jessica extremely u likable. I honestly can’t stand her and her bratty ways.
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I agree with Wallfly. I don’t know why the word ******** has become so offensive, but it has. Her intellectual development is extremely slowed, delayed, and the R word. Nothing nasty about it, just the truth. When I first started watching AI, I quickly became very confused. I saw how she demonstrated toddler behavior and was coddled something awful by her mother, but was also able to complete a sentence that made sense and sort of carry on a conversation. I have to say here that that’s not the case now. As I continued to listen and watch, I heard Val say that she doesn’t know where she ends and Jessica begins and has answered the question, “Is she spoiled?” with the answer “Yes she is!!!”. I agree with most everyone’s assessments about them being grifters, etc. but I believe that all the awful things that that family does and have become are because of Val’s crushing guilt about Jessica. She has admitted guilt feelings. No idea what happened or why, but she will not do what needs to be done as far as education, life skills and independence. When people ask why Jessica’s opinion is so important, Val’s answer is that Jessica is an adult and part of the family. Ugh. Yes, her body is an adult’s, but you encourage her toddler behavior. She doesn’t need to know everything. Just do what’s best for her, including saying no to the unhealthy crap she wolfs down. Like others have said, hide the damned veggies and fruit in muffins, puddings, soups and even hamburgers. Oh, and your endless variations on chicken and rice casserole. She’s NOT an adult intellectually and will never make healthy decisions. I’m just rambling now so will stop. I’ve got to say, though, that the addition of Hannah has been a train wreck.
Fairly certain I agree with everything you said. I also think the addition of Hannah has been a massive mistake and must have lost them countless viewers. Shes such a false young woman,very unlikeable.Val is a terrible disaster of a mother,she has Jessica who is feral,no other word for her.Madison,who gave up a fantastic career in medicine to be a porn star with his wife,and Hannah who has no life,or boyfriend/girlfriend and will spend the rest of her life trying to make her mother love her the way she loves Jessica,and sadly that wont ever happen. What a disgusting mess that family they openly ask for gifts etc from complete strangers,and use strangers to make a living by parading Jessica on camera like a dog performing tricks in a freeks side show.
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I think they should do videos on volunteerism. People would really be interested in that. Lots of viewers ask about it. But they would have Marlow bring her somewhere. Val, Hannah and Jessica should be doing this. Jessica can fill boxes. We have kindergartners doing it here.
Giving is important ...a common trait with autism is a lack of social cues, or inability to express emotions... Like love or pain....
I'm not saying's just not uncommon.
That being said volunteering , helping others, participating is extremely beneficial plus it helps with having purpose, having pride, having " work" being apart of something...

My family volunteers at an adult autistic living facility .... Including my autistic daughter.. She's been doing it for 8 years now... She has learned a million things that I alone or a classroom can't teach. Everything from better communication , better listening, following instructions, taking an initiative to help out with out being prompted, she gets excercise, she's made friendships she gets excited to go..and she goes 3 times a week.
It took us a few years of consistency , praise and support to get our daughter comfortable doing this... It We put the time in... And now she loves it...and I have a sense of peace knowing she will be with good people in a wonderful place when the time comes.

On another note... There will come a time when her father and I aren't here anymore.. Of course our other children will always be apart of eachothers lives but... We have found that this adult living facility geared for autistic adults will be where our daughter will more than likely reside in her later years..( Or God forbid tomorrow) whenever the time comes... She will know the facility , the people, the structure, when her world changes with the loss of her parents and home She will still have a constant she knows and loves.... And it will be an easier adjustment for her....because her well being, safety and future is priority.

These are the things we find important not yearly passes for Disney to blow money on 3,4,5 times a year every year!
Our daughter is active goes out to therapy, swim classes, daily walks , does her volunteer work 3 days a week.. 4 hr. Shifts if they are doing summer carnival or weekend events.. She is involved.. It HELPS her.. She was nonverbal and communication is always something we work on...

I watch Jessica's life...and she has nothing going on... And has been held back because of Vals laziness... she's a recluse... No real friends.. No job, just " what's for britfist? What's for dinner? Food, food, food...she has nothing else she's just Vals puppet.

Val has shown her children how to get away with doing the least amount of work...and have a hand out.
Jessica is too weak to stir.... GET her medical attention if that's true!!!! But we know it's not... We see her rip through sealed Amazon boxes like an animal , shuffle those brand new stiff decks of cards,grab food..carry her heavy glass casserole of slop to the oven...

She just knows how to manipulate...YOU taught her well Val.
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I can only imagine the chaos that showed back up to Campbell's house!

You know as soon as they got back to his peaceful , clean, quiet home...all hell broke loose, the parking the trailors, the packing up hailing stuff out back into the house, cleaning out the fridge and trash, all the dirty clothes and wet dog stinking blankets and throw pillows, all while Jessica obsesses over her next meal, repeating her asinine questions about what makes your Bessy happy?? You know she's so frail she is zero help...and everything will be left up to Val...who will order Hannah to help of course Hannah will be weak..and sore from suffering another Disney trip...

I'm sure the next few days Val will be hiding in her room feeling sorry for herself because everyone ruined HER Disney vacation...bless her heart. She's the true victim you know..but Hannah will pull 3 or 4 days of Disney videos Im sure... There's going to be what's the deal videos, and the video, I'm sure some parade footage, and a few brief snippets of Jessica not complaining and sweaty Val with her thinning hair plastered to her forehead and her fake smile...walking through Disney like she owns the joint.

I did hear Jessica call one of the the rides hers...she was asking Val if that was her ride..of course Val tells her everything belongs to Jess...feeding that greed is what makes her Bessy long as you tell Jessica something is HERS she likes it...( Like Zoe) same with Disney ...

Again it's nice to see karma find Val.
Yes Jess did say that one ride was hers and she had to make sure it was running okay!! I had wondered if anyone else had heard it! Jess does believe that eventually they will move to Disney...she thinks they will live in the park!!! Another lie her mother won't correct!
I don't believe they came home and emptied out those campers! That stuff will sit and mold for a couple days unless Campbell brought stuff in! Did you see how worn out they were just moving campsites? They had to rest for a day! Good grief it takes an hour or so to set the camper up and put out the chairs, rugs and grill! I had done it several times with a guy I dated! And we did not have all the fancy backup stuff...I was the backup stuff as he drove!!
These people can't do anything normal. It's all a huge production!!! Heck they cant even cook a recipe right!!!! I don't have one ounce of sympathy for any of them!!
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Biscuits and Gravy!! What a shocker!! And a DOUBLE batch for greedy guts!!! Who would of thought!?!?

Nice to see that huge red infected freshly picked scab on her head.. It's been what over a month now?

So with 20+ biscuits ( which really harden up by the next day) for 4 people ...even though Campbell usually eats far more healthy, it's safe to say princess piggy will wolf down 2 huge biscuits at breakfast and have them again tomorrow ... Good thing it's only a " once in a while on the weekend thing"'s Friday today.

The thing about these stupid cooking videos this

What exactly is being taught ?? all Jessica does is complain about touching everything, she repeats only what she's told them Hannah edits most of it out trying to make it LOOK like Jessica is thoughtfully giving instructions ....she's not.
Then every two seconds she's asking for more, a DOUBLE batch, is there any more? It's called obsessing ... While Val has to move Jessicas hands while she's again whinning.. " don't touch it! Don't touch it! Oh gossssh....don't touch it! Okay that's enough! "

What is being " taught"? .....NOTHING.

It's just make believe content.

There's no explaining to Jessica, there's no progression from age 26-36... There's no helping her cope with obsessing, begging for more, any tactile skills... Nothing ..just edited clips of Jess dumping in an ingredient , making a mess, giving orders and usually making up lies because she doesn't want eggs in something or butter... At 36 she still can't stir flour.... Stir, stir, stir!!!!! Gooooooooooooooooooooood!
Then watching her throw food into the cookie sheet of at Nathan's into a pan, at Nonnies the chicken livers... Why allow her to THROW it? Teach her to gently place it...

Again this isn't autism or textile issues or vision impairment ..sorry BLINDNESS, or " mild cf...... It's 100% ATTITUDE.

Know when cooking videos are cute when it's a child, when there's actually progress.
Know when cooking videos are not cute..when Jessica is squeeling like a stuck pig, obsessing constantly over more, bigger servings, more more more!! Complaining, throwing ingredients, sniffing the food, complaining food touched her fingers when her fingers roam wildly over her plate like Helen Keller at a free buffet!

Trying to act like 36 year old grey haired Jessica is learning something and progressing towards independence is making an absolute mockery of autism in fact this entire channel and content simply abused the word autism for profit and donations to Disney.
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The video of the morning...a bunch of nothing but Jess saying "what is this one" asking about her coloring books! Her head cut off and her sniffing pages of BRAND NEW COLORING BOOKS!!!! Never used and when Val did happen to show us more of the closet there are tons of books! So why the other day did they have to go to 2 stores to find her the coloring book she made up in her own deranged head???? She hoards those too! And Jess does not even try to color...she rips the pages out and scribbles like a 2 year old then throws them to the side! What a waste...
Val you are such an awful mother to let you feral daughter just waste things! Damn donate those coloring books to a children's hospital and let kids who can really color enjoy them!! Not your scab picking, farting, crotch rubbing, slapping daughter who appreciates nothing! While you are at it get rid of 50% of those stupid cards as since she is "blind" she won't miss them!!!!
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It is kind of hypocritical of Valdawg to use the excuse Marlow has been to Disney several times in the past, when you have been several times this year alone.
Definitely! Also, that video with Hannah and Marlow mocking the people who asked why Marlow wasn’t at the parks is disgusting. They seem to forget that those people are paying for their lazy lives! The ‘poor Marlow’ thing is really getting on my nerves but it just shows how annoyed they are at what they perceived as criticism of them. I still feel that they could have taken at least a day to do something or go somewhere with Marlow, along with the dogs but if Marlow is happy to be used by them, so be it. I feel sorry for those who showed care and concern for her as, quite honestly, she doesn’t deserve it - she’s as bad as the rest of them. Not once has she thanked those people for caring about her! It was a horrible video all round!The part about Val and Hannah not being willing to wait for 25 minutes for a train which may not have room for Jess in her wheelchair really made me cross - she could so easily have got out of the damn thing and walked on to the train and the wheelchair could have been folded up! Unbelievable. 😏
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has anyone noticed they never have angry reactions to their videos it’s always likes or love well that’s how I was blocked by them I would angry react there videos and the big bad bitch Val blocked me. Can you imagine how much they hate this site and there is nothing at all they can do about it 😂 😂 they delete anything negative about them but they can’t do a damn thing about tattle 😂
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winnie woo

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Actually, the plan was for them to stay with Campbell for a couple of years until the housing market picked up, then Campbell would sell his house, combine their cash and buy a new property for them all to live in. This was stated by Campbell himself, in response to a question from one of the followers. I was shocked to read it at the time! I’ve a feeling that he’s realised now he would be mad to do that, although now that Val has spent her money on new trucks, campers etc, he may just be stuck with them. He comes across to me as quite a weak man who is manipulated by Val, Hannah and Jess. I hate the way they disrespect him - and the fact that he allows them to!
Campbell needs to grow a pair… if he chooses to live his life being manipulated by Val, so be it. This family’s existence is some kind of a scam and Campbell is just as much a part of it. He’s the biggest stooge of all. I have no pity for him. Too bad those weights he lifts would give him brain strength!
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Yanno Val, if you put your bessy in a supportive employment day program she could earn her own money by doing jobs with a job coach 1:1. That way she could save her own money for her wish list. I’ve worked with blind people and low functioning IDD people who get a lot of pride from working small jobs and earning a paycheck. They didn’t have to beg and grift from others.
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Like the rest of us I am not a Hannah fan but I do feel sorry for her for so many reasons. Since she was born she realized Jessica was the disabled one, the important one, nothing else mattered but Jessica’s needs and wants. Jessica was to be rooted for, clapped for, cheered on and given her way at all costs, and the needs of Madison and Hannah were not important. No life was the way of life for Hannah. She was groomed to be subservient to the master. It was Val’s plan. Caring for Jessica was Hannah’s job, before school, at lunchtime, after school in the years when she should have been enjoying herself. By Val’s own admission she was depressed, never allowing Madison or Hannah individual time with her or space away from Jessica. Val and Campbell both failed their children, Campbell let the phycological abuse happen, he seriously lacks backbone and balls, divorcing her but stuck to her for life. Wtf is that relationship about, Not one of them have a life independent of the other. Dysfunction at the highest level.
Agree! I believe Hannah could be a sweet young woman with many friends and a life, if she would just break away from the hold Val has on her. I don’t like her at all the way she portrays herself on videos. I believe she is playing it up for the videos at Val’s instructions. She could get a job, an apartment and make her own life. She isn’t going to though as long as she has mommy dearest paying her way. She will live to regret it one day. There will be a time when she will be ready to draw social security, if she lives to the age of retirement, and there will be nothing because I doubt Val has paid anything in on SS.
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