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Don’t these grandparents have anything else to do but bring Jessica out to eat and buy cds? Do they know how many cds she owns. Have they gone into her room and said to themselves, ENOUGH. This hoarding is so wasteful. It’s a waste of money, it doesn’t encourage learning. Jessica’s room is overstuffed with junk. She has too many cds, dolls she doesn’t know who they are, cards and games and coloring books. Why do they keep adding to the hoard! She wouldn’t know if they went through her room and cleaned up all that junk. She doesn’t listen to more than 15 seconds of any cd. What person in their right mind would think, gee, let’s go buy Jess a few new cds today. My gosh, you live in beautiful state. Take her to the parks, the zoo, the aquarium. Something but buying more crap. Poor excuses for grandparents. Overindulging isn’t love, it’s guilt and pity. These people make me sick. She doesn’t need half of the crap they buy her.
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In my classroom of Autistic children we figure out something they really enjoy and we use it as leverage. There’s no reason they can’t do that. It should have been done a long time ago. For example our children have iPads. We tell them first you do such and such and then you can use your iPad. They have so many minutes on the iPad and then so many minutes doing their work. This is just one of the things we do to teach them.
They could do that with Jessica. If you eat a piece of apple or something else that is helpful to her, then you can play with your cards for 10 minutes etc. But like I said this should have been going on a long time. I just don’t understand why and how they gave her complete control like they have. It’s isn’t better and doesn’t make things easier in the long run. It’s so bad for her and for the whole family.
Also they all have to go back to work and have just one person dealing with Jessica. Having the three of them living off of her disabilities is just absolutely ridiculous. Hannah has no future whatsoever. They all just want to do what they want and take incessant trips to Disney. Then you have porn boy, who quit a phenomenal career, doing what he’s doing. It’s really just crazy to see all of this. Campbell and the grandparents can maybe have her one day a week each and then have a professional have her the other days so she can really learn and grow. Like I said it’s crazy what this his become.
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winnie woo

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Reinforcing bad behavior is the theme of this mornings video, if it makes her happy, we’re happy, when she decides the living room should be a swimming pool, laugh that off , see if she cleans that up herself. If the mentality of this family was put together it wouldn’t equal one full brain.
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This mornings video was pure comic relief 😅😅😅

Hannah has clearly been instructed by Val after of course reading here, to edit the videos better!!!
Take out ALL the telling Jessica what to do next and make it look like Jessica just INDEPENDENTLY created a healthy breakfast of her Purdue chicken nuggets and unfiltered Apple juice.

So we have seen HUNDREDS literally HUNDREDS of the two breakfasts Jessica eats sausage gravy and biscuits which she eats 3,4 times a week at least and on the off days it's chicken nuggets or crispies...I'm not sure when chicken nuggets became a breakfast food!?!? No place I know serves chicken for breakfast...but I digress....

This video is the exact same morning breakfast of Val telling Jessica to.. Get out the nuggets, get out a pan, get out a plate, get out a cup..what are you drinking? The only difference is Vals decided to make sure Hannah edits Val it looks like Jessica just wandered into the kitchen and knew exactly what to do!

The mini beginning of a tantrum by the fridge was cut short...the typed in dialogue/ narration was hilarious!! Seriously Hannah...??

Nothing has changed from Jessica arguing about how many nuggets she wants on her own for breakfast and Val walking her through every single step, while Jessica slaps her face and squeals baaaaaaaaaaad doggie.

Jessica has not progressed at all in can flip on any morning video and 90% are bed head Jessica in tattered pyjamas shuffling around the kitchen Val telling her exactly what to do..and Jess trying to manipulate more nuggets than Val wants her to have....same ole, same ole.

Just type in breakfast or nuggets on their page..I counted 22 right off the bat of just nuggets and each video is the same...this mornings was just manipulated to make it appear like Jess required little to no help.

Nice try Val....and Hannah please..the confetti at the end?!?!?!? 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

The refrigerator part was great! You can tell right there that Jess is not bright at all and can't follow directions. And part of that is because she didn't want to get it out. She wanted someone else to do it for her!!! And the fact of not being able to open the bottle of juice was ridiculous too! And Val it's not her "mild CP" it's being lazy!
Then the teaching moment that was lost! When she was throwing the nuggets on the plate and she over shot and it bounced off on the table they should have said "that is why we place them on the plate carefully so we don't lose any"!!! But nope...just laugh! Like I said they are idiots! Jess never threw food on plates or in bowls until that video at Nathan’ it's all the time! Break her of that!!!
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There is an obvious delay with Hannah beyond just her immaturity, she has jumped on the Val..pity me wagon, and watches Val who is lazy, lazy in life, lazy in putting in work into anything..when she can sit and collect government funds for staying home to be a " care provider" which... Lacks any care whatsoever.

Hannah has learned how to scam her way in life, exaggerate anything that gives her attention and excludes her from working towards anything.

I don't know any healthy 30 year old adult woman who talks, acts, dresses, behaves like that and lives in her bedroom at mommy and Daddy's house.
She's mentally stunted living in her teens...just like mommy dearest.

Hannah has no responsibilities as long as she lives back at home in her teenage bedroom...mommy takes care of everything and treats her like a child ...the grocery store shopping where Hannah begged mommy for strawberries.... Uhm.. NO 30 year old adult whose mentally healthy behaves like that.

She s desperate to get any attention she can.. From her fake illnesses which change daily ...( Speaking of which...notice the cream sauce slathered in her pasta fish at Disney? My niece is lactose intolerant and if she ate that she'd not get have way through it without cramping and running to the bathroom ...) Hannah knows she can get a little attention of she's ill... Notice all her ailments are invisible doctors can actually see's just Hannah's words ...after she's googled it.

Hannah just like Jessica has zero future.... No goals, no aspirations , no relationship.....Val controls everyone ....and Hannah has a serious age regression problem ...she needs mental help.
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From the earlier video of Fathering Autism vs Val her questionable crime is IRS fraud for not reporting all the money, donations and gifts.
Now here she bought this camper which I know she’s regretting because between the new vehicle and that she’s gotten financially over her head. So now she going to try to say nothing works in the camper so she wants her money back.
These selfish people not only exploit Jessica for profit they are begging for donations on all their platforms. As Hannah just said she’s not getting her nails done anymore because she has to cut back. You know that was her way of telling followers to send money and gift cards. I am sure on Lives they are showing all they are getting to cover their tracks with the IRS. That’s why they are suddenly having Jessica file taxes. Boy greed will catch up to them just like Fathering Autism.


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Chatty Member
Happy Mother’s Day everyone!
So did anyone catch on the live how disgusting Jessica was? She was all over Hannah doing that weird kissing shit and lingering. She definitely gets something out of it. These pictures are all separate times she was kissing her. She just wouldn’t stop


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So they made a coconut cake without the coconut. And burned it. But Jess is eating fruit so it's all good.
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The reason she is so gassy is because is because of all the horrible food she eats. I ate fast food the other night because I was desperate. We were having a bit of a family crisis and I had to get something quick to eat and I just wasn’t thinking. I normally order a salad but I was using DoorDash for the first time and ordered the wrong thing. It made me so sick and bloated. I actually ended up missing work the next day; something I never do. But hey maybe I can do it more often and then quit my job and go on disability. 😂🤣😂🤣
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The morning video...Jess is dumb as a box of rocks! Lindsay came over to visit as she had dropped her dog at the groomer. Jess is obsessing over that...even Campbell got a bit stern and the video ended quickly after that! Jess thinking that she won't get her dog back today and asking over and over. She could care less about the baby..just the dog!
First part if the video is do you have errands and of course Hannah does and what's for lunch! Brooks family it is the same frickin thing every single morning. Feed her some new material or just give it a rest!!
Fresh picking going on! Guess the threat of not going to Disney is not working! She knows they are going no matter what!


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So votm is biscuit and gravy again for a guest from, I think, Pennsylvania. I couldn’t understand Jessica when she said it because they never correct her pronunciations. Off camera she sneezed three times, I hope not into the pan of gravy. They are serving that to someone else. Yuck. She doesn’t seem really that interested in the guest, just that she isn’t sick, but Jessica is going to help nurse her back to health. What is wrong with Val letting her think she is a nurse.
So, I went down the rabbit hole and liked their page on Facebook and I’m reading today’s post which begins with making biscuits and gravy for a “friend” and out to lunch oh but let’s throw everyone off and add an aquarium trip and if that goes well we’ll make homemade desserts. Food food food.

since my triple bypass surgery 8 weeks ago, the LAST thing I think about is food.
I didn’t have to like her page to see them, just in case you think you have to follow, you don’t. We don’t want them to have even more followers. Hope you are on the road to recovery, do you need Jessica to come and nurse you back to health? LOL
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Thank your daughter and son in law for being proactive!! It's really great when professional people see what we see. They carry more leverage!
This mornings video was dumb. Constipated looking Jess talking about nothing again except when prompted! It's her job to decide what's for dinner and she said she does not like talking about cereal and fresh fruit! Of course not Jess because it might be good for you!! Not like the frickin sausage balls you had again for breakfast!!!
Neglect Val!!!! Feed your kid healthy food not just the shit she wants to eat! Like WallFly says you can disguise them in foods and she will never know they are there!!! But nope you just keep feeding the spoiled brat crap so you don't have to deal with a meltdown! You made her that way so you enjoy the next 30-40 years of your life!!
She can’t eat it if it’s not in the house. So Val, be the mom, quit stocking up on the grease and sweets. As all moms know, if kids are hungry enough they will eat anything. So Jessica has a melt down, just do what you always do, go in your room and shut the door. Letting kids deal with their emotions, is called growing up. Let Jessica have that chance. I would love to see my daughter grow if I were her. Why do you want her to be a toddler her whole life. This is about your need Val, your need to be in control and have your way. If Jessica could actually make decisions on her own, about things that matter and not what to have to eat 24/7, your life would be more joyful. Val, you are the one holding Jessica down. Imagine what it would be like to have real conversations with Jessica about something other than dogs, food and dirty garbage anything. And lose the dirty garbage phrase, it’s stupid, promotes thoughts of being bad in Jessica. She wants to be bad, she likes to think she is getting away with something. It’s not cute, not in her or anyone else, child or adult. I think it is on the verge of being harmful to her mental health. Not that Val, hasn’t screwed her up enough. And letting other adults around Jessica to cater to her, isn’t letting her grow. They are also treating her like a child. Adults sometimes talk differently and dumb down their conversations with children because they don’t know what to say to them. All the adults in Jessica’s life do the same thing. They talk about the same things over and over with her. Try talking about everyday things you talk about other adults with. Quit talking down to her and open up her life.
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Since I don’t watch lives 🤢 I’ve noticed that several here have mentioned that Val is already over her camper?!?! Seriously?!?! What did she say???
In the live yesterday she said something about her bubble burst over camping. Apparently with that new camper some things don't work the way she thinks they should. The a/c and I can guess since she can't read a manual on how to work her microwave/convection oven she probably thinks it's broken!!! She has no other trips planned but Hannah does.
I believe if Val could camp alone without Jess but with Zoe she would be happy! Sad....
Today's video of the morning was soooo exciting. Another day of Jess being "independent"....not. Scrambled eggs that she made. But at the end Val saying to Jess "someday you will be able to come in and make your own breakfast"!!! Yuppers Val great statement...wait till your kitchen catches on fire!!!! She will never be independent so get over it! Teach her to shower, brush her teeth, brush her hair and put herself down for the nap she does not need...then that will be independent!
Jess is also way off her rocker this morning. Noises and lots of self talk in her mother's voice! Get her help for her schizophrenia! You would all be happier if she was on the right meds!!!!
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What I find very telling is that Keely...whose a nurse. Worked with Val, and were great friends .....but not any more...Jessica is obsessed with Keely as she was Augustine and Val is aware how Jessica forms unhealthy attachments..OBSESSIONS with people ..which was why she was removed from her " job" at the seniors home...( Val lies... Says Jess left because it wasn't a paid position 😆😆😆 it was a volunteer placement...but Jessica got attached to one person and obsessed over her...wouldn't leave her room wouldn't leave her to visit family ...and when the staff tried to get Jessica to do her work with others...she hit a nurse, and had a tantrum she's dangerous and was asked to not return)

You know Keely talked to Val about Jessica s care...and it pissed off Val. THAT'S why Val doesn't have a friendship with her anymore ...or anyone else for that matter because people SEE the neglect, the lack of parenting from Val....and she won't be told she's Sir!!

One of these days Jessica s violent behaviour will seriously hurt someone ...and it's Vals fault 100%.
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Chatty Member
7 sausage balls is a lot. I’ve made these and 3 is about all I can eat. Too greasy, just not my go to snack. Why do they let eat overeat everything. She doesn’t need that many, no wonder they lay around all day. Those are the worst breakfast food out there. You feel tired and have no energy after eating them. Especially if that’s all you are eating
7 of those damn things is absolutely ridiculous! And then she shoves almost the whole thing in her mouth in one bite like a feral animal who hasn’t eaten in weeks!
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That morning video was absolutely ridiculous. With all the screaming and acting like an idiot. She’s 36 and they keep saying well she’s an adult but she acts like a two year old. She is only an adult when they don’t wanna teach her something or make her brush and put her disgusting mop up in a ponytail. The sore on her forehead looks absolutely awful and freshly picked. Then we see her acting like a sea world seal clapping. While touching the biscuits she is touching the disgusting sore on her forehead and they just let her do it without washing her hands. I’m not surprised considering she scratches her crotch and her ears and her head and picks her nose while touching food. But that’s your joyful Bessie the dirty sea world seal🤣 🤣
And all the editing to make it look like she knew the recipe or how long to cook it. They seem to be feeding her lines and have the camera just show her repeating them! He'll even with Val helping her at the end she still does not get it! Her mental capacity is really diminished!
This afternoons What the Deal was really the Hannah show! Hannah do you not get what STFU means?? Lordy she talked over both her mother and grandmother. And then all the "advice" on the capability for a wheelchair...crap you were just spewing for the big build up so when you come back and bring Jess you can throw her sorry ass in a wheelchair when she is more than capable of walking!!!
Oh and Hannah your mother had to remind you of the long drive home when you outed yourself on your lactose intolerance!!! Mac and cheese, double ranch dressing and your unhappiness with no vanilla ice cream for the cobbler!!! I call BS on you even having it! Plus your other stomach issues would not be able to handle Buffalo Chicken tenders!!! You are so full of shit! You are a hypochondriac who does not want to ever work again in your life! And no you don't work! These videos are a joke. If you were doing this for a real company you would have been fired the first week!!!
And Val lay off the booze! The spiders on your face are getting really bad!!!
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Like I’ve said before I don’t watch their videos because they’re so monotonous but I’m reading people writing on here that Val is saying they took her to the Dr and had her bloodwork done. There is no way that is true. If it was they would have done at least a weeks worth of videos about it. Talking to Jessica about her anxiety about going to the drs, the car ride to the drs, sitting in the waiting room, etc Even if they did go you think they would have capitalized on it and if not then they truly are just lazy. Talk about how they deal with Dr appointments. Isn’t that your JOB? You talk about how hard you work well there’s a great opportunity to work on autism. I don’t believe it for a second.
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I bet he got put in time out after he said something to her😅😂😅😂
No doubt! I am shocked that Val allowed that to be in the video
What a brilliant comment! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Perfectly brilliant!!
Seriously Val you may be able to blow smoke up the ass of the mentally disabled followers you have but we all know that big ass spoiled bitch does absolutely nothing and never will cause she is a lazy entitled spoiled brat that gets her way all the time. So keep feeding your lies to these people

Also really Val your sister didn’t invite you because she probably can’t stand that monster you call Jessica around her son. I don’t blame her she is violent psycho
No Val on the video you SAID “cheesy chicken spaghetti like Allison makes we will put on menu to make here”. Why lie and why put her aunt on the spot by calling her out for not inviting ????
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