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My favourite parts of today's video...which was not actually today she's in the same clothes yesterday ...great job Hannah!
But my favourite part was one....the jump cut where Jessica is rubbing her crotch 2:07 she does it 2 or 3 times, ( normally Val and Hannah lift the cam and don't show Jessica s nasty crotch rubbing but Marlos on can duty today) and two...when Jessica is talking to mommy dearest...she says.. " mommma?? " as Val ignores her and walks past her, at 3:50.

We know when Val isn't on camera she's in a mood!! Good thing she has two paid caregivers there to make her channel videos and take care of Jessica while she rushed back to hide in her room! Such an amazing mother she is!!
It is so disgusting and sad
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Agreed. We didn’t see any burgers that were finished or the sides Jessica chose to go with them. Also, her demeanor was off. This wasn’t a meal she would have liked or chose to eat. She probably showed her ass and was a sour puss the whole time. We also heard where Jess has been calling Dana while she’s at work/school and couldn’t answer. That phone should be taken away or at the least some stricter rules/consequences.
I think they said it was a behind the scenes video and the full video is coming up later this week .
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Chatty Member
They never do make any reference to autism awareness - they’re all about themselves and what they can get. Disgusting.
They never have they entire time I've watched them! Never!
Do we hear the snap, snap, snapping of Val's mental well being? Ladies you said it perfectly...glamping was a bust! And we know how quickly Val tires of doing things she said she was going to do or follow through with Jess! Wonder if the Boston camping trip will happen?? Lol heard that mentioned right after she got the camper! Val is her own worst enemy having to always be right and things have to go her way!
Well it's month 5 and we saw 2 walking events. Thought it was supposed to be one a month!!!😁😁😁
Well, she did one that wasn't video'ed....😂. RIGHT!! Haha! Like any of us believe that bullshit!!!
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The burger video is nasty. I wonder who pays for all the food the beasts eat? Let's make Nathan cook his own birthday food also and by the way let's make what the beast wants not what the man who is stuck doing these videos for her. Her plate was more food than I eat in a whole day. I can't stand when they do videos and she complains she's thirsty. Back in the good old days when they where semi normal val would make her get her own water. Magically the beast commands and they all jump. When I see the water on the table already it just shows how lazy she is. She's not crippled. People who have more disabilities do 1000x more than her. This is all so sad because they used to be normal in videos. SAD!
Why don't we hear about or from Augustin anymore? Not even about there phonecards and val and hannah had a good time with her and she was amazing and a good good person. Maybe she finally figured it out. Wasn't she suppposed to be back now for Disney again? They used to see and visit vals sister Alison who works for Lil Debbie and she even went on a trip to NY with Hannah and Alison and augustina when she was there for the month. I think something went down in vals family. We never see the grandparents at all and they used to video and give val alot of breaks during the week. That has completely gone away. They used to bring McDonald's breakfast to her 2x per week every week. Now nothing. Things that make u go hmmmmm
And after all that Jess didn’t even like the burger they said at the end of the video 😬
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Seriously look at the “adult”playing in the baby pool. I thought no water says til the sores clear up. Another lie Val. No follow through at all. And jeez look at the awful scaring on her leg that’s insane it goes all around to the back. Get her help you loser Val.


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How much junk does a dog need. A leash, collar, food and water dish. Maybe a bed but since he sleeps with Hannah that isn’t needed. That’s it. Anything else is just Hannah being greedy and wanting everything she sees on Amazon. Marlow had a splash pad down for Benny, really? Where do they store all this crap.
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I have a guess that maybe Hannah applied for social security and I bet it took a long time to get and she got a retro payment that would explain all the shopping sprees and new vehicles.
What would she qualify as though. My husband had his shoulder smashed and couldn’t lay brick anymore at the age of 37, he applied and they told him he wasn’t totally disabled and he could find another kind of job. Hannah can do lots of things, she can lay in bed at a computer, therefore she can at least get a work from home job (not for Val). She is not disabled.and doesn’t have challenging mental issues. I mean she is mentally challenged but in her own mind. Btw, my husband never was able to go back to construction and we made out just fine. You just have to put your head down and do it.
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What was she doing??
Was almost like she's showing them?🤮

That would be waaay too much work! They won't maintain this "Garden" either! It's just another whim!

I don't think Val is charmed with Jessica either. Her fake smiles are an act.
Unless Campbell does the work (like he did so far)
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What happened to club crispy? Was that the start of tax trouble or was DHS threatening to take away services? They had to have been getting a pretty good chunk of change from that.
I think they said they got rid of it because someone was harassing them or something like that . She said on the live last night they have been talking about doing another “crispy”group in the future .
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They act like Jessica just stumbled into her life disabilities. No, she’s been this way her whole life, 35 and a half years. These things should be as second nature to her now as flipping cards. This is sad that Val wants her followers to think Jessica is growing instead of regressing. It’s all on video. Val, we have seen her videos, they go back 6 years. Take a look at them Val, really look. Jessica isn’t learning to grow, she’s falling backwards and you are letting her. Why are you so afraid to let Jessica go to a day facility, you would have all day to lay around and do nothing. Maybe Jessica would really find independence and that scares you. You won’t have your crutch to lean on, you won’t get sympathy. But people would think you are letting her grow, would that be a bad thing, Val?
I also took a screenshot of that brilliant comment and ridiculous response from Val! 🙄
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Cooking with Nathan ...... In a clean kitchen. Can someone tell me why they let Jessica cook whole bags of frozen fries? They could not eat all those fries plus the sorry excuse for fried okra. Okra is one of the only veggies I can only eat fried. Baked like Nathan did this is hard and boiled is slimy.
I have a food question for my fellow tatters. If you live in the north do you eat chicken livers? Here in the south we fry them. And unless you know how they really aren't very good. I understand some people make pate'. Never tried that. I hope Nathan gets his livers and we get to see how Big Bonnie know it all cooks them.
Northern New Englander here. Never ate chicken liver. I don’t think it’s really a thing here.
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This mornings breakfast was chicken nuggets but according to Jess they are healthy. Wanted apple juice but there was probably 2 ounces swig! WTH..what is wrong with these people? A bowl of cereal, grits, oatmeal all would have been a better choice for baby Huey after all the biscuits and gravy and rich foods eaten out! Heck that strawberry dessert was her dinner the other night according to that video! I still say they are trying to do her in!! And nope that was a lie about the blood work...we would have seen a video by now!!
What what is that crap that Val is trying to spew on the post that I did a screen shot of???? Is she now becoming a professor? Wonder where she copied that from because it was way to wordy for her, the airhead! Don't do plagiarism Val because we will find out and turn you in!!! Idiots!!!
hat a load of crock!!! Obviously Val copied what is written there from someone else’s page or book. . . Val has zero knowledge or cares zero about Jess’ well being. . . Look at her laughing at her, allowing her to slap and scream and act feral ALL the time in private and in public. . . Val now is plagiarizing others writing. . . . We see you Val
They act like Jessica just stumbled into her life disabilities. No, she’s been this way her whole life, 35 and a half years. These things should be as second nature to her now as flipping cards. This is sad that Val wants her followers to think Jessica is growing instead of regressing. It’s all on video. Val, we have seen her videos, they go back 6 years. Take a look at them Val, really look. Jessica isn’t learning to grow, she’s falling backwards and you are letting her. Why are you so afraid to let Jessica go to a day facility, you would have all day to lay around and do nothing. Maybe Jessica would really find independence and that scares you. You won’t have your crutch to lean on, you won’t get sympathy. But people would think you are letting her grow, would that be a bad thing, Val?
What a joke! We are not focusing on that right now?????? Come in Val. . . .
She digs in her nose, crotch and picks her sores! That would constitute dirty hands too! Or when she feels all over her plate, eats with her hands! Explain that away Val!!! It's an excuse and you are so good at making up things as you go! Let's face it Val she does not want anything to do with cooking except eat the food! Stop the stupid throwing of food!!
Maybe telll the truth Val. . . She is feral, has no manners and self pleasures herself on camera. . . All of with you taught OR allowed to become a problem 🤮
Jessica throws food when she is irritated .She's's her way of of showing she's mad.
At 35 Jessica knows where the fridge door is, she knows how to reach in and feel for her juice and if she can see crumbs on a plate she can see an Apple juice bottle....we hear her ALwAYS saying...
" where is it? " " I don't know how " " I'm not suppose to " . ..all her infamous e,causes for simply NOT wanting to do something ..she is LAZY.

So she's vision impaired ...not blind...even if she were blind BLIND people are independent!!! If she's so " blind" why is/was she not taught by professionals who teach blind people how to manoeuvre ??? Read?? Understand Braille??

Why can't she reach in and FEEL a Braille label on HER jug of juice??
Autism is NOT the problem, vision impairment is not the problem her " mild CP" is not the problem ....
VAL is the problem because her 35 year old toddler is a SCHIZOPHRENIC IDD lazy ass that refuses to brush her own hair or wipe her own ass!! And Val was too lazy to address anything.

You know if Jessica won't touch anything won't brush her own hair...she absolutely is not wiping her own backside....that's Absolutly insanity. Talk about independence?? Throwing chicken nuggets on a cookie sheet is not independence granddaughter is 3 and PLACES them on her tray perfectly because she was TAUGHT.

Teach Jessica manners and anger control with some hygiene THAT'S progress and YOU following through being consistent is where the determination comes's been 35 years now Val... Start being a real parent.
Val needs to be institutionalized and properly medicated and never be around Hannah or Jess
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