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Bideo of the morning...I agree WallFly she does not take a shower by herself! She could never regulate the water temps and can't wash her hair. She just stands there according to Val waiting on someone else to do the work! Why do they lie???
And I am sorry but Jess us one ugly broad!! They dress her like she is an old lady like today's outfit, stringy hair, scabs on her face, pale, bags under her eyes to go with her grandparents! Why???? Put a bit of blush on her and some tinted lip balm! Do anything to make her look better!
And the other day someone mentioned her making fish lips...well she did it early on in today's video!!!
Bideo of the morning...I agree WallFly she does not take a shower by herself! She could never regulate the water temps and can't wash her hair. She just stands there according to Val waiting on someone else to do the work! Why do they lie???
And I am sorry but Jess us one ugly broad!! They dress her like she is an old lady like today's outfit, stringy hair, scabs on her face, pale, bags under her eyes to go with her grandparents! Why???? Put a bit of blush on her and some tinted lip balm! Do anything to make her look better!
And the other day someone mentioned her making fish lips...well she did it early on in today's video!!!


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I find it hard to believe that Hannah has qualified for disability. She has nothing to qualify her.
Jessica looks like she is on a pill hangover. I bet Val kept her doped up asleep all weekend. After all her Disney trip was ruined.
Where/when is there next adventure y’all think?
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winnie woo

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Agustina’s still there. Her screen name is now “Maria Agustina Bardier” … hidden in plain sight. They still don’t acknowledge her, though.
When Augustina left last year she said she was returning in May. She got on my nerves. All that immature babytalk. And wearing a bandaid on her forehead to support Jess talked about her being her foster daughter and helpin her with paperwork, maybe they were going to sponsor her to get a green card, bring her here to be they’re little slave girl. Is he said it was her dream to live in America.
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The list of things wrong with it was long but her main one was the black tank had a bad smell. We’ll, of course it does when Baby Huey eats garbage all day then dumps in it!! 😂 😂
Everyone's black tank will stink...and Val that is why they make a neutralizer to get poured into it! When we camped we just used the parks bathrooms for anything other than peeing! In hot weather unless you empty them every other day or so they will get ripe! And that involves moving the trailer unless the park has a honey pot wagon that comes to you!!! And like you said I am sure Jess stinks when she goes with all the crap she eats!!!!
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yes, and if you look she has 3 wish lists, one for camping, one for Hannah;s Christmas wish list and one for pet Darryl
A wish list for Daryl??? Lordy! You bought that unruly pet now you buy his stuff!!! I think she is sick of him already anyway because he is not the rest of them..😉😉😉
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I have a guess that maybe Hannah applied for social security and I bet it took a long time to get and she got a retro payment that would explain all the shopping sprees and new vehicles.
It takes quite a serious amount of health issues to get approved at the young of an age. Especially since she’s currently employed being a caregiver and a videographer as she calls herself.
And from what I've heard, even when you literally qualify for it (which she doesn't) they more than likely reject you. Then it's a couple of years of fighting social security and most people have to hire a lawyer to get it. Something is not on the up and up in their "joyful life".
Probably the porn doctor helped her by documenting some far fetch illnesses when he was practicing.
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At the rate things are going between the Governor of Florida and Disney that may not be their happy place before long. He’s already put a new law in place last week to inspect all monorails at his chosen and shut them down on failed inspections. As much as he hates Disney I can see a lot of disruption on the rail system in the near future. DeSantis is going to do whatever it takes to shut that place down. He’s so angry over them supporting LGBTQ which I think is none of his business or right to use his powers to destroy a place which has brought so much happiness for many.And that’s big for visitors to get from place to place in the park or their hotels. Especially poor disabled Jessica in her wheelchair. 😂
Hey maybe he’s doing us all a favor. It’s kind of a blessing in disguise. They’ll probably try to start rasing money to go to Disney in Europe or California. 😂😂😂
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The reason the big ass baby probably didn’t shower in the morning was because as Val mentioned Marlow didn’t come to work that morning so Val couldn’t be bothered to to get up out of bed and shower her overgrown toddler. Which by the way she should be showering by herself at the age of almost 36. Absolutely ridiculous
Marlow sure takes alot of days off! Almost every 10 days or so!!! I am sure she does not get paid sick days so how can she afford her bills? She may be a drinker too like the Brooks women....her face is always so red!
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Just like a circus act! The one that irked me the most was the Zoey just don’t need it bs and Val telling her say it like you’re crying. Haven’t heard it in awhile. Drove me nuts. Haven’t seen the fish lips in awhile, another big one for me..😖 And Barking like a dog in the car with Val, yet another.😖
Fish lips in the lunch with Nonnie!! That just is so gross!
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Hannah went to Atlanta to Taylor swift with some girlfriends on the 29th. There are instagram pictures of it. So she must have spent the night and on the way home in the morning stopped for breakfast. So she had leftovers. But, boy is Jess obsessed over Hannah’s leftover stuff. How greedy can you be. Jessica looks so drugged up. I’m betting she is receiving sleeping pills so Val can get some sleep because vacations are so tiring. But we have another one coming up. They sleep all day at the campsites with naps and going to bed early. I couldn’t just lay around a campsite all day. Isn’t there something to do like hiking, swimming or maybe touring historic places. Just laying around sounds boring.
Ya think?!?!


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Hannah is NOT doing correct signs for a large part of the words she is doing!

By this time next week the “threats” about stop picking will be forgotten, more of Val giving ultimatums and NEVER carrying thru
My son is very fluent in sign language. I can't wait to show him this video.
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The only thing she keeps up with, is Jessica's monthly check! But don't buy her a freaking bra, her tittie's are gonna be down to the floor before to long! She's already a hunchback! And pigeon toed it's ridiculous 😅😂
Has anyone seen the "garden" lately???
She is absolutely disgusting. Such a feral animal. She was picking her nose and farting on the live. I can’t even believe how a mother can sit there and think that’s ok. Especially sitting at the damn kitchen table. Wtf is wrong with these disgusting people. Jessica is such a gross animal.
also this Anna I feel so bad for her she really thinks her dolls are real. And Val was responding to her about giving her doll I’ve cream and stuff.
What?!?! What a shit show!
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She picks at those too! I am sure she has many more we can't see!
OMG!! I said this just the other day. There is no telling how many more she has. I’ll bet they are in her hair, on her arms, and why do y’all think she scratches her crotch? 🤢
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My 25 yr. Old daughter is severely autistic , has stims , can be loud and disruptive ..all the usual things that accompany autism...
But NEVER would my daughter scream out OUUUUUUCCHHHH!!!! While slapping people public or at home for that matter.

Also my daughter would not be permitted to go up to strangers and ask what's your name followed by a barrage of inappropriate questions..
we've taught her appropriate behaviour , keeping her hands to herself , respecting others...etc.

Jessica's behaviour is continuously rude, loud, overbearing, pushy, bossy, needy, and demanding ...she has zero social skills after 35 years! Zero.

Again this is because of laziness on Vals part.
Well now Val can enjoy her work...or lack thereof for the next 35-40 years..complete with texts all night long, big baby huey sleeping with mommy, and face slaps!!

Because Wallfly your purpose is to prepare your daughter to be able to handle social situations and you do not exploit her for your financial gain. As a real/ good parent you strive for what is best for your daughter and hold her accountable.
I wish I knew how to do that.

When I watch their wanna be videos, I make sure the windows are closed so neighbors can't hear me screaming at them.
Grammy you have one of Val in her stalker hoodie On yours
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Only a half hour into the live stream and I can't take anymore. Hannah is messing with her hair, rubbing her face, nose, name its she's rubbing it! And she is out of her medicine, has been for 2 weeks! Get off you fat ass and go to the pharmacy! Geeze!
And I was trying to catch a screen shot of Jess doing her Little Orphan Annie impressions of rolling her eyes back in her head! I think she is trying to see her forehead! That and the fish lips! There is nothing autistic about Jess today, it's all Schizophrenia all the time!!!! She is obsessed with cards and sores! Nothing else matters except what's for dinner!!
I don't know why they do these lives. Jess only wants the money she is promised and the super chats. I bet she does not see a dime of that!!!
I do believe that some folks stopped drinking the kool-aid and have moved on. No gifts....woo hoo they are learning!!!
Even when doing the video yesterday at the restaurant she was already asking what’s for dinner even before her lunch arrived.
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This was dated 2019 on IG Frequently asked questions about biscuits and gravy

Here’s a little secret – since I found out that I have an Hashimotos, an autoimmune disease, I care a whole lot more about what goes into my body. We buy all natural sausage to make our gravy. When I don’t have that or if it doesn’t cook off enough grease, I add avocado oil to make up the difference.

don’t think I’ve heard Val mention she has Hashimotos b4…with what she eats she doesn’t care to much about what goes in her body

and found this worse foods to eat, how many on this list does Val consume 🤔

Eliminating or avoiding the following foods can help reduce Hashimoto’s symptoms and improve your overall health. Here are some of the worst foods to eat for Hashimoto’s:

  • Added sugars and sweets. Soda, energy drinks, cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy, sugary cereals, table sugar, etc.
  • Fast food and fried foods. French fries, hot dogs, fried chicken, etc.
  • Refined grains. White pasta, white bread, white flour tortillas, bagels, etc.
  • Highly processed foods and meats. Frozen dinners, margarine, microwave dinners, bacon, sausage, salami, etc.
  • Gluten-containing grains and foods. Wheat, barley, rye, crackers, bread, etc.
  • High-glycemic fruits. Watermelon, mango, pineapple, grapes
  • Nightshades. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplant
  • Dairy & eggs
  • Soy. Soy milk, soy sauce, tofu, tempeh, etc.
  • Lectins. Lentils, beans, peanuts, chickpeas, peanut butter, peanut oil, goji berries, peppers, etc.
  • Alcohol
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Someone on the morning video today asked if she still talked to Augustina, someone said they wondered the same. There was a like from Val on every post before and after…interesting.
They mention her name as they spend most of an hour "telling Jessica who all is here". 🙄 STFU Hanna!
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You know I absolutely despise Asa and Priscilla Maass for all the exploitation they have done of Abigail but one thing i can say about Asa is he makes Abby contribute to the household and doesn’t wait on her hand and foot. He makes her help clean, do laundry, vacuum, clear the dinner table. And when she starts to throw a tantrum he works through it but makes her still do the task she is throwing the fit over. And I’m sure we can all agree Abigail is way more delayed and disabled than the greedy brat Jessica. It just goes to show it’s all Val’s fault Jessica is that way. At 35 years old she can’t even clean up her plate from the table after she gouges her food down. It’s disgusting that she can’t do a damn thing herself. She is absolutely useless and contributes absolutely nothing to the household or society. Val has made Jessica extremely u likable. I honestly can’t stand her and her bratty ways.
You’re so right about Asa with Abby he always is teaching her ADL skills. Now Priscilla I despise her as a person and especially a mother to Abbie. You can clearly see the dislike Abbie has for her mother as well.
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