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She has absolutely no self awareness. ‘Why do we expect women to keep their negative birth stories to themselves?
Ashley that was you!!
No negativity, don’t you dare message me able the c section realities, I don’t want to hear anything negative blah blahh

And lol baby Ad. Spot on.
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Thanks to @InTheDollsHouse for the thread title.
So we’ve all been waiting for Ashley’s Gran Hello Magazine to publish the story to meet the baby so she could make her big announcement.
Tattlers called the name along with the water reference to the middle name.
Ashley is happy beyond belief that she got her long awaited glorious birth planned c section of her miraculous baby girl.
Her first born meanwhile will be cast off even further.
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So it's not OK for anyone to comment on a woman's body size or shape....but its OK to call a child chunky and heavy??
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She really is stupid. I was just over 6 weeks post c section when one of my stitches popped out from my scar and it was difficult to get the midwife to check it, that was then followed by 2 infections. 3-4 weeks post op does not mean you are out of the woods after a major operation.

ETA you are also advised not to drive, do housework or any heavy lifting for around 6 weeks. So how has she navigated an airport and luggage alone with a newborn. I smell BS or some major complications coming her way.

I am really angry about this that she is portraying this is normal to be doing so quickly after major surgery to her followers, as a mummy influencer. She is so irresponsible! This is not normal and is not recommended.
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He's 27 it's ridiculous she's still feeding him
and he definitely needs his gait checked, he's not walking naturally not helped by poorly fitting , second hand shoes
His general state of being is very worrying to an onlooker. He walks hips-out *and* is pigeon-toed, is allowed to sit in a W-shape without a strong core to back it up, is shoved in a pram for hours on end, his shoes are either vast or tiny, his diet totally sucks - low protein, low carb, high fat - and he isn’t getting the chance to develop fine motor skills, he’s completely understimulated because the iPad is the babysitter, no-one sits and talks with him about everything he’s experiencing… they don’t seem to realise or care that at this age, everything is brand new to him. (My 14 month old kitten gets better stimulation, food, supervision, love and care, for heaven’s sake - because I’m responsible for him and want him to have the happiest little life possible.) He could be learning the world and learning to verbalise his experience of it - but his parents are atrociously selfish. Poor little chap will probably need an operation to correct his hip problems - which Ms James will, of course, make a meal of, tripod in hand - and be progressively faded out. That might be the best thing for him - neglect by those two useless narcissists. He can become curious about the world, and will develop enough so that he is on a par with his peers when he starts school.
I don’t like children, don’t have children and don’t want children - but little Alf breaks my heart, and I yearn for him to be safe and happy.
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Fcking hell. dare you to say something nice about the poor boy for once Ashley
honestly I’m at the point where I genuinely feel upset at the way she speaks about Alf. He is just a BABY!!! An innocent baby. Why is she so fucking hateful??? Please social services / health visitors - do your job & throw the book at this heartless cunt. She does not deserve to be a mother.
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I’m sorry her tits are no where needing a reduction!! On her reel counting through the months of pregnancy her boobs started small - that’s their natural size! She’s just had a baby and is breastfeeding?! Get a fucking bra that fits and stop moaning! So much for championing large chested women!

She looks like Inspector Gadget in that coat
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I don’t want Lunchbox to be blocked, so I know it’s for the best that they don’t reveal themselves… but it’s obviously a tattler and I’d LOVE to know who 😭

Lunchbox PLEASE give us a sign 😭😂
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She’s a lot less “demanding” than alf?

who would talk about their child like that?! It’s vile.

can’t wait for her to experience a non-docile child
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I’m looking forward to a reel showing her non maternity leave working hard in the first 2 weeks of Thumbs birth whilst Tommy gets paternity leave!
just to appear super relatable Ash is back in jeans 3 weeks pp and still manages hair and make up with added photoshopped rare seflies.

No Route 66 booked as of yet like she mentioned before. But hopefully Thumb will have a healthy bank balance already seeing as Mummy sold her first appearance to a national magazine, whilst stating how much she didn’t love her brother at birth. Instead of saying how much Alf loves Ada she says along the lines of ‘we have to be careful as he’s sometimes over enthusiastic with her’. Aren’t all toddlers? Can’t miss out on a negative spin when talking about Alf.
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As I’ve said before, it’s not the dog’s fault.
Ms James referred to Snoop as her ‘first born’. She sent him back and forth when she got ‘unexpectedly’ pregnant, from her parents’ to her grandparents’ house and back to her own - and then back again. The dog was used to sleeping in her bed and being the centre of attention - and then he was unceremoniously dumped. *Then* she brought him back and spent her time filming his interactions with a baby/toddler - and didn’t bother to teach Alf how to behave around dogs, not to grab at them, put his face on them, take their toys etc - and let Snoop sleep in Alf’s pram and take the higher position on the sofa. The poor animal is terminally confused - and his bloody ‘mother’ thinks shoving it phone at both of them, rather than closely supervising their behaviour, is just so terribly funny. The poor dog doesn’t know which way he’s facing, and Alf is bewildered because he hasn’t been taught how to handle a dog gently.
This is all on that fucking useless woman, Ms James. The dog and the child are the victims in this.
Absolutely this.

Let’s not forget that Tommy moved in, and they moved house too. Lots of change in a very short time, upsetting the pack balance.
Whether you own a dog or not, children should be taught the basics that dogs are only to be approached with permission from their owner, and then by first extending your hand for them to sniff, then you stroke their head and go from there. You don’t pick up their toy, or hold it in front of them because they will try and take it, etc.

My poor spaniel moved in with me as an 8 month old rescue, having spent 6 weeks in a foster home where she had surgery, after having been surrendered from her original ‘home’ where she was neglected.

She came into a home with 2 adults and an 11 year old ready to adore her.

4 weeks later I discovered I was pregnant.

8 months later after much emotion and drama and a house move (and leaving my knobhead partner) poor dog was now living in her 4th house in a year with one adult and one 11 year old. Then comes a brand new baby! Dog clearly thinking what is going on.
But she was AMAZING. I worked bloody hard on her training (while pregnant and going through a hellish separation) to make sure she and I were attuned to each other, and to make sure she was secure in her place in the pack - well below me and my son, so when the new baby arrived she would already know she wasn’t a leader.

She’s been his biggest fan since the day we came home ❤ But she knows her place.

Has it been easy? No.

But have I provided her the best home I could? Yes.

Is my now 4 year old perfect? Hell no!

But does he adore our dog, know and respect the boundaries, and the consequences of his actions if he oversteps? Yes.

Does the dog know her limits and what she’s allowed to do? Yes.

It’s not easy. But you either do it properly, or you don’t do it at all.

More than trusting the dog, you don’t have a dog even to come and stay if you can’t trust *yourself* to adequately supervise the dog.
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It's her lazy parenting that has caused Alf these issues. I couldn't tell you the last time my 20 month old was in a pram actually dreading it when we go away next month and he has to be in it.

Just waiting for Ada walking at 9 months, living on cous cous, sushi and olives. She has an adventurous palette just like her mum
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Truly happy as a single girl yet she also wished on the sunsets that she would meet someone!! Get your story straight ashley!!
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for the love of all that is holy - how is this woman still trying to say she doesn't get maternity leave????
she is literally watching Netflix while on holiday in France. MAKE IT MAKE SENSEEEEEE
I think what’s she trying to moan about is that she can’t sit in bed watching Netflix for a whole year… she’s slagged off people for saying Mat leave is like a holiday. She’s doing the exact same thing?!
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reminds me of the roald dahl quote

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.”

the opposite of this is true for Ashley.
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Taking her on a train through east London before the first vaccinations - totally unnecessary. Never known anyone as self important and selfish as this woman.
To be fair not everyone has a choice about that, I took my new baby across the country on a train to meet family before vaccinations, don’t have a car. Also had to get a bus out and about. I even had to get on the overground to attend my five day post C-section check! There’s nothing about east London or London trains that makes them anymore hazardous disease wise. We don’t live in 1887 anymore thankfully.

Wouldn’t have taken a baby that small on holiday or on a plane though, but that’s more to do with how stressful it would be on a tiny fourth trimester baby than anything else.
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