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She's only just getting started. Here she comes with her narrative of how perfect Baby Ad is compared to Alf...perfect birth, perfect temperament ('always good')...I'm sure she's the perfect sleeper and will take a bottle too 🙄 and she'll keep drawing comparisons with Alf. It really wasn't necessary to effectively say that the best day of her life was the day she had Ada. It stung me to read that just on Alf's behalf. She truly is a narcissistic bitch.
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How can you say she has no sense of humour??? She ALWAYS uses the 🤪 emoji guys, she’s like SO kerrrazy and wacky. Kool mom yeah, gang? Yeah?

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Top tip... Changing nappies in the carrycot 🙈🙈🙄🙄 Groundbreaking.... Obvs never changed a nappy on her lap when no other choice 🙄😂
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So much so that you deliberately use the mental health difficulties of other mothers who are actually diagnosed and living with PTSD following Birth Trauma to be deliberately hurtful?

Yes, that’s true empathy. 🙄
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Just out of curiosity I’ve just googled her pyjamas/ not pyjamas monstrosity and for a small £230 you too could look like the 70’s vomited all over you 🤢
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She's so incredibly short sighted posting that. My heart absolutely breaks for Alfie, he's going to read that one day. I didn't have the birth I wanted or thought I would have but at the end of the day who does really. All that matters is that my son is alive and healthy. Not everyone is that fortunate to take their baby home at the end of pregnancy and Trashley would do well to remember that.
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Thought she never let Alf cry?....yet another lie she likes to perpetuate
fuck you and your rants about the're a lousy excuse of a mother
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Chatty Member
Why is she acting like she’s the first person to discover breastfeeding friendly clothes?! It’s infuriating me that she’s making out she HAD to flop an entire boob out last time she was breastfeeding because nobody has discovered breastfeeding friendly clothes. What a twat.
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My baby was a total angel, placid, calm, sleepy, never seemed to need much, … he’s 18 months old now and God love him but I feel like I’m in some sort of Crystal Maze challenge vortex every day.

I sleep with one eye open because he can climb out of his cot and sprint off bleating down the hallway of a night like a possessed baby goat 🤣

All bets are off when they’re newborns. You just do not know. But it’s a horrible way to pit her children against each other, utterly horrible.
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ooh scandalous

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I know I’m only repeating what others have said here but Ada’s birth story just winds me up no end. I have 2 children, 2 years 9 months apart, totally chalk and cheese, 2 very different birth experiences (one traumatic and lengthy, the other short and blissful). My youngest, despite a blissful birth experience, is far harder now she is 18 months old, my eldest was a challenging newborn but much easier after a year and now a very easygoing 4 year old. Despite the varying challenges between them, I would NEVER blatantly “prefer” one over the other. Birth experiences are just that, a birth experience, you can’t control it, but it bears no relation to how that child will be as they grow and learn. also, when a second child is born, the eldest NEEDS your love and attention more than ever. Being palmed off to other caregivers whilst you dote on your newborn is NOT the one! When my second was born she spent so much time sleeping in her Moses basket / pram while I lapped up the 1:1 attention with my eldest. My youngest barely needed my attention in the early months, just the odd breastfeed, change and cuddle, it was a damn sight easier then than it is juggling 2 now! I didn’t jet off on flights leaving my eldest scared, insecure and abandoned FFS. I just can’t understand her mentality at all.
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The response to this comment really annoys me. No we wouldn’t all exploit our children for a paycheque!! What is wrong with people!

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View attachment 2090009

So much so that you deliberately use the mental health difficulties of other mothers who are actually diagnosed and living with PTSD following Birth Trauma to be deliberately hurtful?

Yes, that’s true empathy. 🙄
She’s vile. She doesn’t have trauma from birth she has trauma from Alf. She’s never really liked him has she? My heart just breaks for that poor boy.
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‘Poor Ada had to endure softplay too’. Ada doesn’t know where the fuck she is cos she’s being suffocated in your chest love.
Why does she feel the need to share locations on everything? Even softplay. From this we know roughly where NNB lives. It’s France. We don’t need to know! NNB house should be a safe bolt hole for the kids, away from internet strangers.
There seems to be a lot of attempted kidnaps around Essex lately and these people have networks abroad. I suggest Ash, you crack down on your locations when you’re home.

Atleast Alf got a break from those shoes. He literally has one pair for a 2 week holiday. What the fuck?!
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Yes Ash. A mum of 2 ‘juggle’ isn’t usually typical in that we have every Tom Dick and Harry at our beck and call to serve tea and toast in bed for 6 whole weeks. A juggling mum of 2 doesn’t get the luxury of a 3rd person taking a photo for the gram - we usually do this shit on our own with the kids. Maybe we should carry a fucking tripod?

SURPRISE. She’s not healed by 6 weeks! Why did no one tell her? Maybe it’s something to do with walking round Bordeaux for 6 hours and getting flights at 4 weeks pp??? Thick as mince.


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Ashley did not have a traumatic birth. She was home mere hours after and all of her content in the first few months was how great everything was. She has seen how *actually* traumatic births create content and engagement from followers (like Louise Thompson) and she is just jumping on the bandwagon to help fun her non-maternity leave, maternity leave.
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Why does she insist on Tommy filming her awkwardly pretending to interact with Alf whilst he is glued to his iPad? Really makes me cringe.
‘both Alf and Ada were restless’ - because Alf had been confined to a train seat and/or pushchair for an hour or two and Ada probably needed a stretch and a feed and a nappy change. Oh and some actual skin to skin contact. Fourth trimester.

‘I had to stop to feed Ada on a random bench’ - yes that’s what happens when you take a ~5 week old breastfed baby out for the day.

‘the brunch spot had no seats’ - except it did - the high seats that you didn’t want to sit at.

‘Both babies kicking off’ - see point one. Ada uncomfy back in the bloody Doona? Alf bored senseless and wants to burn off some energy? Or maybe overwhelmed by so much change?

If she’s trying to be relatable she’s just coming across as constantly moaning about her children while on holiday maternity leave Instagram.
All of this. Her motherly ✨ instinct✨ is so fucking poor. Fucking clueless.
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The comments all asking where her underwear is from, I can tell you where it’s NOT from; Sainsbury’s.
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And there it is, the low knickers and scar photo appears before any actual content other than the mag deal of baby girl.
Get ready to see Ashley’s scar more than your own over the next few months. Strap in!
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Sadly the 2y check isn’t compulsory and in some areas you need to go to the local children’s centre but now she has Ada in tow where she see’s a HV, if she didn’t put him through it that would be a huge red flag imo.
Up here in scotland the health visiting program isnt compulsory. It’s actually so bad that in the 6th richest country in the world - it doesn’t actually matter if you feed your kid a shit diet, just as long as you feed them something. It doesn’t matter if your kid has poorly fitting clothes, at least they have clothes to wear. It doesnt matter if your kid is plonked in front of an ipad 16 hours of the day. At least they have some kind of entertainment. It doesnt matter if you pap your kid off to childcare with questionable quality to actively get rid of them, at least someone is watching them. It doesnt matter if there are potential deficits in his development, i guess you can just deal with that later if you want. It actually appauls me as a health visitor how our standards continue to drop lower and lower for the protection of one of our most vulnerable groups. All i see is fucking red flags everywhere especially when you add in her negative language around alfie. It breaks my heart and makes me furious especially as she has the means to buy him great food and appropriate clothing and experiences. Yet chooses not too. And parents would literally give you their left arm to be able to give their children that kind of life
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