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Can think of nothing worse then being sat on a Ryanair flight with a still contracting uterus, a massive fanny pad and leaky boobs! She makes her own life more difficult then it needs to be 🙄
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She has no idea what it is to look after 1 child, let alone 2. Why on Earth have they taken 2 buggies? One is a double!!! And they took the train so had to find somewhere to store 2 prams?! I just don’t get it. Nothing in those stories shocks me. That sounds like a normal day out for me.

I’m wondering dog bite…why did she feel the need to disclose Alf was scared of dogs? Or even upload that footage unless something had recently happened with a dog? It’s that whole ‘don’t say anything’ but your brains vomits the exact thing you don’t want to say iykwim? We know she’s a massive oversharer.
Shes confirming these 2 really are thick as mince 🤦🏻‍♀️
Of course Baby Ad was as good as gold - she always is! Compared to that fucking boy child that’s ruined my life

Absolutely loathe this woman more and more. The way she openly resents that little boy hurts my heart.
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As if she said she couldn’t introduce “baby girl” until gran had met her then posts a full blown Hello magazine deal. This women genuinely disgusts me.
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“Don’t be mean to me because I don’t get maternity leave! my first child is a boy! I’m the breadwinner! Nana No Balls has refused to allow Alf to move in full time! my fridge is full of AllPlants meals which are fucking gross! I’m uncomfortable with my big boobs (not for the male gaze)! My white bumpsuit is in the wash cos I shit myself from being sewn up incorrectly (didn’t happen but we move)!”
Fuck OFF Ash. You are a cunt of the highest order and deserve every bit of criticism you get. You’re one of the worst “influencers” on Insta because you constantly try to pretend to be relatable and “not like the others”. “I hate the Tories, my stretch marks are beautiful, lthis isn’t an ad (but click the link anyway so I can make mega cash!), we want new windows but can’t afford them as they’re so expensive yadda yadda. Basically trying to act like you have worries like the rest of us when you most definitely don’t. You have sold your soul to the devil and now have to live with that (in a £1 million house no less, and the flat as a 2nd home.)

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Reminds me of a holiday nanny job I did pre lockdown- was between jobs so it was a temp two week thing- when I arrived in Palma I was handed the child, a 19 month old, and driven to an entirely separate apartment to the parents (who had a VERY fancy suite on the same complex but not close to us at all) we met up with them for the odd morning swim and lunch every day and I had to keep a toddler entertained in classy restaurants or got told to take her out. Oh, not before being asked to snap a few family pics for the ‘gram. Poor girl didn't know me from Adam and I’m a good nanny but I’m not a bloody magician. Imagine going on holiday with your baby and not only palming them off on a stranger but putting them in totally separate accommodation to you. Lots of bits from that holiday really remind me of our Trash and TNB.
Wow that's crazy! And getting you to snap family pics for instagram as well. Tbh i've always wondered how people manage to be perfectly made up, dressed immaculately with hair done and then have these perfect family holiday snaps with young kids..but it's unrealistic and there's always stuff you don't see like this.

So next time i'm feeling bad about my less than perfect family photos, i'll remember this story and just take the pic - makeupless in my baby sick stained trackies and with children half in frame and say that is real and good enough!🙏
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Has she really just posted that ‘women are doing it all’ in a rant about her independence when she’s yet to be with her 2 children alone in 5 weeks.
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And in the same story says all babies are different and its chalk and cheese... Alf is the most docile little boy, so is she insinuating that baby ad is not as calm?! We can but hope.
She’s slagging Alf off again, saying he was so obsessed with feeding that she was a prisoner to him and baby Ad is apparently a bit more chilled on the feeding side, or they’re combi feeding so she gets some time away 🤷🏻‍♀️
That poor boy can do nothing right.
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She won’t address the special k ad criticism because she doesn’t care about her audience. It’s onto the next ad now. She never replies to comments or shows any kindness/interest to the people who follow her. It’s the Ashley show and she’ll sell anything for the highest bidder.

The only way she’d respond is if it got picked up by the media but she’s nowhere near famous enough for that. Nobody knows who she is.

So she’ll keep making content saying “nobody tells you the reality of motherhood” “bounce back culture is toxic” and “I thought I’d have recovered at 6 weeks post partum, the patriarchy lies!”

Whilst also filming herself dolled up to the nines within days of birth, saying how amazing her life is, how easy having 2 kids is and that she’s using her telepathy to effortlessly be a cool, natural mum.

Her vanity holds her back from any kind of self awareness.
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That ‘morning routine’ is such a piss take, barely involves her kids - apart from an invisible feed and walk? And absolutey no Alf! Would love to just chill and eat my cereal alone with two young kids about 😕
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I never understand these people that rush to defend influencers, particularly Ashley.

I can't think of a single thing she does to actually care or engage with her followers. It's all about her trying to clutter up everyone's feed with aff links and images of herself.

She cares about 2 things in life - herself and money
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This woman... 🤯 I haven't commented before because I hadn't seen enough of her to really have an opinion. A few months after falling down a hole et voila - now I'm sure I hate her!

I actually think she's very pretty but her personality is the ugliest I've seen in a while. She is an absolute fun sponge, a "pity party planner" and so bloody sexist! Why do women like her think it's okay to talk about men the way she does? She puts on such a feminist front, all to hide the simple fact that she wants to say disgusting things (including about her own poor son).

Surely feminism doesn't come with hate or a "woe's me" attitude. Equality of the sexes is what it should be about... not hating men in general!

The poor "patriarchy" - why doesn't she do a piece on how dads who want more than two weeks' paternity leave with their little ones feel, how dads who adore their children can come up against hurdle after hurdle to see their children because their evil exes make contact impossible (I don't mean out of genuine safety concerns - I mean out of spite) or even how men who want to work with young children are automatically assumed to be gay?

There's a lot of inequality in the world and it spreads far further than Ashley's tunnel vision. As for Netflix in France with a newborn, a toddler and all hands on deck to help out... sounds idyllic but she has to harp on about her difficult births, difficult self-employment and difficult boobs.

Ugly, ugly personality.
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can agree to disagree but east London is an area I know very well. A lot of vaccinations not offered nationally are area specific for the B&D/Redbridge/Newham area and I considered taking my own very carefully through the same train line after vaccinations. I appreciate you didn’t have a choice and therefore had to weigh up best interests, but she does have more choice available than to put the child in that situation.
Sorry but this is rubbish there is 1 vaccination offered over and above the standard ones for the rest of the country, it is the polio vaccine which came in last year and is given out in many areas of London, it’s not just focused east.
You are not any less safe with your baby on a train in east London.
Exactly that. To see Nana for the 2 week Easter holidays because the term-time only childminder will be closed!
Imagine fleeing to your boyfriend’s parents house without him because you are so terrified of parenting your own two children together!
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She has no idea what it is to look after 1 child, let alone 2. Why on Earth have they taken 2 buggies? One is a double!!! And they took the train so had to find somewhere to store 2 prams?! I just don’t get it. Nothing in those stories shocks me. That sounds like a normal day out for me.

I’m wondering dog bite…why did she feel the need to disclose Alf was scared of dogs? Or even upload that footage unless something had recently happened with a dog? It’s that whole ‘don’t say anything’ but your brains vomits the exact thing you don’t want to say iykwim? We know she’s a massive oversharer.
Shes confirming these 2 really are thick as mince 🤦🏻‍♀️
Fucking hell. Guys, they had to have two children to work out you can change a nappy in a carrycot 🤣 Rather than being like 'doh!' they feel the need to share this as though it is revolutionary advice 🤣🤣🤣
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I barely even check her profile anymore as she’s become irrelevant after not posting after giving birth to Thumb for so long
The bits I have checked in at are mind boggling awful to poor Alf
‘Ada was good as gold! She always is’
Wtf sort of sentence is that?! She’s a month old baby, as long as they are fed and changed on the whole they are generally NO BOTHER
Why does it it seem like such a dig at Alf

she’s truly awful
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She’s proud of her and Tommy for managing a day out with their own kids? Sorry, does she honestly not realise how fucking pathetic that sounds? Ashley they’re your own 2 children that you both chose to create and bring into your lives. She goes on like she’s had a full school class from St Trinians dumped on her and forced to look after for the day! Of course Ada the Angel is always good as gold, she’s a newborn, it’s impossible for her to be bad/naughty, just as Alf was when he was a newborn. It wasn’t his fault that he needed feeding constantly.. who knew baby’s get hungry and when you’re breastfeeding it’s you they need? 🤷🏼‍♀️ where did she get those A grades from again? The school for complete idiots? She makes out like Alf is the devil reincarnated but all we see from her oversharing of the poor lad is the most docile, placid little boy ever. He always appears so withdrawn and not like a usual wild toddler. Of course he could just be calm natured but something tells me it’s due to him being massively suppressed constantly because his mother (and father to an extent) can’t be arsed to be a parent to him.
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She can travel to France and have a jolly time shopping and hopping on trains but can’t pick up Alf. Come on. Unless there’s something really wrong there’s no reason she can’t pick up Alf! How the feck does she think other mums cope when they have a new baby and a toddler and no help??
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She’s one of those people who says she loves travelling but actually she likes going on holiday.

but she’s made “travelling” part of her personality / online brand

so now she has to show off how “adventurous” she is despite being Just A Mum (and definitely not like other mums!!) when in reality she’s going to her MIL’s house in order to get free childcare over the Easter holidays. It’s not an adventure, it’s a short Ryanair flight to somewhere she’s been many, many times before.
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How can she seriously question why women are expected to stay silent about their negative birth stories when she herself silenced women against bringing a negative story to the conversation!? 'Please no negative stories'. Make it make sense you hypocritical bully.
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