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Chatty Member
An Alf free zone, that’s fucking heartbreaking. He is not a dog.
I’m “poor”, I’ve been a single mother with pennies in my bank - my then toddler had free reign of our home. I saved what I could and bought a nice sofa (only £300 but it was new and it was ours) one day I noticed on one of the cushions my daughter had drawn a smiley face, the size of a 5p in red sharpie. I absolutely pissed myself laughing and eventually when we scrapped the sofa and moved I kept the bit of fabric with the smiley face on 😂
Nice things are obvs more important than her kid, but we knew that already didn’t we.
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Course he won't try the food if he doesn't have anyone to learn from...surely you eat with your children so they see eating as a social habit , you don't plonk them down in front of the sodding iPad again to eat on their own
How about you and TNB eat a family meal together for once!
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I think her parents are on a cruise so Snoop is just on holiday.

I think the main reason for having another is just because they both come from a family of siblings so feel they need to give Alf similar. But if you dislike being a parent so much, just don't do it again.

The year of sacrafice says it all - when you become a parent, pretty much your whole life is sacraficed as you tend to put your kids first, regardless of age, and their needs are first and foremost.
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I have an almost 9 month bump and sit next to a cot every night. I rub my toddlers back and hands THROUGH THE BARS.
Her bumps just so big she can still wear belted fucking jeans. Laziest parent ever 🤬
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I had a traumatic vaginal birth. So traumatic that, despite all the therapy and hard work, I will never ever have another baby.

If something massive changed and I did, I would still likely not opt for a c section because it is not the easy option. C selection mamas are heroes in my eyes.
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Chatty Member
I really cannot imagine putting an iPad in-front of my child and shoving food into his mouth while he stares at the screen. It makes me feel so sad for Alf that this happens during every meal he eats at home. Trust Ash to be dumb enough to think that cooking Alf a meal from a gifted cookbook will solve everything.
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I've had some time ro reflect and I cant get over the fact that the whole announcement video was clips of herself & in her underwear. Like others have said, no focus on the fact that Alf will be a big brother etc so so sad. When I announced my 2nd it was the most precious video of my first born finding out. Wouldn't imagine posting so many pics and videos of myself. It's SO pathetic!
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The audacity of her advertising a car seat when she chooses to ignore car seat safety for her own child! But it’s ok guys because her dad was a fireman!
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Hope her girl is as mental as mine 😂😂😂 juggling two kids is crazy, can’t wait to see how all this unfolds. She’s going to be insufferable. Lol at her pushing her tummy out though to look more pregnant 😂

Fingers crossed for Alfs sake she ships him off to live at the grandparents like she did the dog 🤞
Girls are HARD! I can’t wait for this. She thinks it will be a dream raising her perfect girl… just wait until the back chat and eye rolling starts 🤣 she will hate parenting even more than she does now! And what happens if she can’t mould this female into a small version of herself? How will she cope then? Girls can be VERY stubborn. Will serve her right for being such an entitled twat always thinking she can have everything her own way
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I’m actually howling that she thinks having Alf in a bed will make life easier when she has the 2nd baby. LOL. Mine is staying in a cot until he chucks himself out (hopefully not) but cots are so handy. The transition to a toddler bed at 1 year old.. no thank you! She actually has no idea 😂😂😂😂

Good to see she’s treated herself to a new VP ring but can’t keep Alf warm. Cuuunnntttttttt
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Why is she still saying she was stitching incorrectly when we know that was an absolute lie? Did she forget she told us all that?
The problems with being both a pathological liar but also a chronic oversharer! 😂
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Well-known member
Is she for fucking real? How much was your fucking garden, holiday and en-suite?

Buy some new windows for your child to keep warm this winter or fork out for heating rather than £1000’s on fancy hospitals for cash cow baby #2 you absolute CUNT. The thought of Alf being cold on his own… I bet she still made him sleep alone. What the actual FUCK?
Don’t you get it… she’s too poor to afford new windows (don’t assume people are wealthy just from what they post on Instagram 🙄) so she’s reaching out hoping that an amazing window and door company will take pity on her and come and gift her a whole new set of windows for the winter. I couldn’t eye roll any more at her if I tried. Stingy cunt
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Leaving your child in their own vomit and faeces all night in my opinion is neglect. A child that young needs a video monitor for their own safety.

I've always been told there's no such thing as being too cautious when it comes to safeguarding children. But there is such thing as being under cautious.
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Chatty Member
I actually can't believe she's having another baby. I know it's terrible to say, but I hope the second is fucking wild. Like feral.

She palms poor Alf off of anyone who will take him, if it's a girl (which I assume it is) poor Alf is going to be neglected even more.
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She didn’t even seem to try and put a positive point for her own child. She has no instinct to protect. Or build his confidence. It was a list of his faults
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