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Although no 2 children are the same, it’s unfair to compare but basically she’s just listed all the ways they’re failing their child in an insta post 😐 She’s a right fucking muppet
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The difference between where her sister, brother-in-law & nephew are living and the home that Ashley, Tommy & Alf enjoy is stark.

I’m sure that the former is the happier home but it bothers me so much that such a vacuous, vapid, overly-precious, selfish individual can do so well out of life, basically by getting her tits out at each & every opportunity. There is nothing else to her. No style & no substance.

ETA: I hope she rehomes Alf with his grandparents, I’m sure they’d give him a living home where time, attention & interaction are the norm (not forced/ false /posed content for the gram with iPad & TV time used to avoid basic parenting).
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I usually hate the DM but those comments are GOLDEN. So glad other people see through her shit! Sick of reading only positive comments on her Instagram
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Eating with my child is genuinely one of the most enjoyable parts of parenting.

Like anything with parenting, you reap what you sow. We did baby led weaning, eating with him so we could model both eating and socialising. It meant eating a bit earlier than we like or eating some random things at times, but it’s hugely paid off.

He’s just been out to the pub with us and eaten half my roast dinner with his own portion of veg. He eats anything, and sits really nicely at the table without a tablet in sight.

Like anything with Ash, she needs to realise that her gut instincts are normally wrong but also aren’t enough - time and effort is required too.
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She is literally The First Woman to do Anything.

First to get pregnant, first to have a traumatic delivery, first to “exclusively” breastfeed, first to have huge tits. The list is endless 😴 news flash Ashley: you’re actually NOT the first woman ever to go through these things! You just want to be a martyr.
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Wtf is she so obsessed with “life being over at 30” and all the things she’s achieved in the last couple of years. I’m the same age as her and it’s boring as hell hearing her constantly go on about it. I’ve never heard anything like it from anyone I know!
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See her scan was at the Portland - assuming she’s ditching the NHS after slagging them off at every opportunity.
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I can’t with her but just to say … a parenting podcast being recorded in a studio she’s rented out to escape her child while he’s in childcare. Very realistic for parents. She’s so thick it pains me
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I think it’s pretty obvious baby number 2 is for her to be able to have the opportunity of living out motherhood the way she believes it should’ve been the first time round.

she goes on about how awful the 1st year of Alf’s life was for her so I think she wants the opportunity to rewrite it for content. I imagine this means she will:

do breast AND bottle from the beginning (she EXCLUSIVELY breastfed for a whole year and Alf “refused” bottles)

give baby number 2 a dummy (she would always moan Alf used her nipple as a dummy 🙄)

go on date nights and/or a night away before the baby is 3 months old (poor Ashley and Tommy were still getting to know each other when she fell pregnant and never got the opportunity to “date” 🙄)

a night nanny of some description (she is a WORKING MOTHER don’t you know?! Alf kept her awake every hour of the night!! She has to do it to protect her mental health. Sleep deprivation is a form of TORTURE!!)

Alf will be sent to childcare/nursery even more than he already is (she will use the excuse of wanting to bond with baby number 2 and poor Alf getting in the way 😢

Anything else I’ve missed?
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Chatty Member
She’s one of those people that only spends money where it’s seen. Clothes (for herself!), holidays (for Insta!) interiors (again, for the gram!) but heating to keep her baby warm? Absolutely not!
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She’s an idiot. People have ammunition to report concerns because of what SHE fucking puts on her Instagram! It’s not false claims.

“Go on tattle. It makes no difference to my life”… we aren’t the parents being monitored by social services you idiot.

What now concerns me is she’ll put up less of Alf to hide her emotional neglect but I do hope the council monitor her social media all the same because she puts concerning shit up without realising it’s concerning. I’m sure they’ll be glad she’s discussing on the platform these concerns have come from 😂

I have severe second hand embarassment for her.
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Her tone is disgusting talking about Alf not eating his dinner!
Saying she’s spent all day cooking and he won’t try it
Why is she talking like it’s a totally new thing that she’s cooked for him and he won’t try it

honestly what does that poor boy eat?! It’s baffling that she doesn’t cook meals for him/them as a family and eat altogether!
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That's it 🙄 as much as I enjoy it, I've lost my life to this page now 🤣 jesus please don't let her create a mini me.... entitled, selfish, victim-playing, man hating little version of herself, and I wonder would she be this happy if she were having another boy? It probably wouldn't have seen the light of day sadly. Good god how could anyone create a child with her!!? Lovely day 🤪
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What I also don’t get is why she puts him in uncomfortable clothes like denim dungs for childcare? To suit her aesthetic? All mine went in joggers and tshirt which I knew would get binned cos they fall over, get paint on etc. How does Alf nap in bloody denim dungs, jeans etc?!
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Chatty Member
Another non-ad declaration.

Hi Ho, hi Ho, it’s off to the ASA I go.

FFS Cashley, I’m meant to be working a full-time job and parent a child here. You’re not making this easy for me.
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I’m also realising how much of a lie it is when she is banging on about being poor and in her overdraft in her 20s when she bought a flat in London, on her own as a single person!! When she was what, like 28?
If that doesn’t scream unrealistic I don’t know what does!
So we’re you in your overdraft but mummy and daddy gave you the money to buy?
It seems she went from ‘living on her friends sofa’ to buying a 500k flat solo in the space of about 12 months.
More lies that don’t add up
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