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I got up at 5am

VIP Member
Goys I hope you all got the memo that Aoibhe has been going to Dubai for 10 years! She went there first 10 years ago and guess what? Sit down please because you won’t believe it but Dubai has changed a lot in 10 years! IYKYK ok? 10 years she’s been going there & you won’t believe this but she loves it.
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I know she’s cracked, but I actually feel sorry for her. It’s clear she adores her kids. I’d say she is heartbroken not being allowed chat to them
Does she though?

Ah look I'm not saying she doesn't. And tbh I hope I'm just a cynical oul boot 😅

I'm not sure how long you are following her, but this whole earth mother, let's make cupcakes and fly around the world on stupid holidays ( bringing Lily to New York for 24 hours for example) only started A. During covid when she had no option to be stuck at home and B. After Juan left.

She left Lily when she was 3 weeks old to go to Barcelona. She had elective surgery when she was 6ish months old and couldn't lift her. Same with Hugo.
They used to drag Lily around the place as a baby on more "adult" type holidays. From my memory she was always off here there and everywhere when Lily was a baby and seemed quite detached which was why I was surprised she got pregnant with a second baby so soon after.

Everything this girl does is for the gram. So yeah, call me a cynic but I can't help but feel that this extends to ( some ) of the ott, lavish behaviour towards the children.

Editing to add this in.
If she adored them that much she could easily take a career break from Aer Lingus and focus on her insta. She must make way more insta than AL at this stage.
Then she would be at home with them more and not on layovers all the time.
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Chatty Member
Also is she not mortified airing this all online when they work for the same employer. I know we're always told in work that if you go an event and carry on afterwards in a smaller group etc or no matter what event is on you're still a rep of the company even out of hours. Are aer lingus not like wtf is going on? I know she's a nobody in the grand scheme of things for them but still it doesn't look good having this massive domestic situation play out on social media
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The Foz

Well-known member
Nobody shoot me now😂🙈 but why do ye call him juan ?
“I am the Juan and only, nobody I’d rather be, I am the Juan and only, you can’t take that away from me”

“give me Juan moment in time, when I’m more than I thought I could be”

“Another Juan bites the dust, and another Juan gone and another one Juan gone, another Juan bites the dust”
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Convinced she fucks off the America to try and nab a Yankee pilot, the US is notorious for quickie marriages and quicker divorces…..she’s trying to get a rich hubby quick to rub in juans face and ideally try to take the kids far from him in Ireland so she can play stepford wives until she’s divorced and living off alimony 😂
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If it was as bad as she said and she wants to share awareness , her the oh so seasoned traveller, why wouldn’t she share a photo of it?

Also - her kids weren’t held
Hostage. She was on a planned holiday & they were in their dad’s custody.

Now if he prevented phone calls to spite her , he’s a twat.

Only losers here are those poor kiddos.
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Her actions now are inconsistent with a mother who claims zero access to her kids for 9 days..lashing up AF links as she knows full well she's eyes on her account now coz of all the tea she is spilling !

Put down your phone & prioritise your children without blasting THEIR private lives all over Instagram

Herself & Juan seem as bad as each other. They are in each others lives as they share children, thry cannot continue like this for the sake of the children. Those kids will feel like they are choosing mammy over day, vice versa.

Social media truly has ruined so many people. She totally needs to come offline & get her private life in order & keep all of her private stuff off line. Have a business page, do your ads etc, but keep kids out of it, keep shit with your ex out of it
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Eeeffffaaa reminds me of Alice Evans . Anyone who has seen that shit show knows what a steaming pile that was. They are both immature gobshites but Eeffaa has a proven tack record of exaggerating.

Three sides to every story but I'd wager Juan's is closer to the truth. Women like Eeffa alluding to abuse do more harm to actual victims than anyone else cos you know their abuser has told them a million times over "no one will believe you"

I feel for those poor kids who are being used as pawns in a very dangerous game
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The song and dance about going a day early as well something must have been up before she even went away, there is a selfish reason behind everything she does but she will portray it differently online. As it has been said here, all of the posts this week about having such a great time and then the contradictory I've been crying all week post, don't believe what you see online blah blah blah....then stop posting lies online Eeefa!!

She really needs to come off social media and get real professional help from an actual therapist. I feel so sorry for those 2 children, ultimately they are the ones suffering here.

As much as tattle is a gossip site I think we can agree nobody here likes to see what's being played out here at all, it's so sad.
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Well-known member
Oh my god she's manic!! Waterpark a day after being in hospital! I get it if she'd made plans with her friend and promised the kids a day out but they could've at least scaled it down to a day at the park or just a walk with the kids on their scooters, why is everything so extreme with her? I actually feel exhausted just viewing her life nevermind living it. If I had no contact for 9 days, it would be a weekend of cuddles and just chilling in the house.
Also, for someone who adores her kids...she never seems to have them to herself, it's always a playdate, a day out, there's always other people there with her. It's like she can't be by herself with them.
Sure the scooters are still in the suitcase. Did you know the scooters fitted in the suitcase. Unbelievable stuff
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VIP Member
And I said
And then lily said
And then I said
And then lily said......

Also, fuck off Aoife, Lily did not do that with the dressing table. You did.
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Chatty Member
She shouldn't be posting any of this on social media... its attention seeking, one sided and not fair to the children.
Shes obviously not practising the tools Mark the photographer, life coach, and weight loss guru gave her
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I really hope the poor kids aren't begging to speak to her and not being allowed. Posting shit online is so uncalled for but my heart would be broke if I couldn't speak to my kids if I was away. There is a lot more going on here than any of us know I'd say.
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I don’t mind the travel stuff so much on layovers because I watch a few who do it. I definitely think Aoibhe is very basic about it, she picks the top 5 things you’d see on trip advisor & pretends she’s been obsessed with them since the womb. For me I don’t get how she faces her colleagues when throwing veiled digs at them & Sean on insta. She must know she’s the talk of the place. Her neck must be solid brass
I genuinely think she believes that everyone is just jealous of her.
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Imagine him landing the plane and seeing her come into view just sitting on the side of the road 😂
She probably has giant letters spelled out on roof of her car that he can read as he hands 🤣🤣🤣

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The way she words it, got my kids back after 9 days, like she didn’t ditch them with their dad to go to Dubai with Rhys the rascal! Making it sound like they were kidnapped
What a fucking drama queen "got my kids back after 9 days". 7 of those you were voluntarily on a jollier in Dubai and one of them you were in a&E!

Like what an absolute charlatan spinning it like they were taken and being held somewhere!
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She finds one thing she thinks is hilarious & tries too hard. The toilet seat story isn’t remotely funny but she has to go on & on & on. My mam was laughing at me, the amount of messages, my ass is large. What ass? Your flat back? Get a grip ffs
And WHYYYYYYYYYYYY is every story told in that laughy, gassss voice
Lads yiz are gas hahahha the toilet hahahah pink stuff hahaha ..... every.single.story.
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Well-known member
She bought those pens herself didn’t she???
No silly goose, her main rascal Rhys bought them for her as an early father's day present. Cause she's mum AND dad AND air hostess AND influencer AND the creator of sucky-in knickers AND full time gas craic AND an absolute dose. How does she do it all??!!
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