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Im not sure that the victims of Fred West or Jeffrey Epstein saw their suicides as justice.
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I’m sure I saw that Tustin had been attacked and had her food laced with salt (whoever did that, good on them), so thought maybe the same would happen to these 2 (it won’t the younger one he’ll be in with kids how often do you get a youngster whose committed murder they’ll be frightened of him) wishful thinking I guess. Didn’t think I’d see and hoped I wouldn’t see a case as tragic as Tustins and here we are again, something really needs to change!
I think a big media frenzy made out she had been beaten and poisoned but it’s not true. She had packets of salt thrown at her, but in those salt packets are about 5 grains if you’re lucky. The women in there might have lost their freedom, some might have life sentences, which can seem like they have nothing to lose by beating her. But in prison they would lose their privileges, their job, enhanced status, visits. Not worth it. Just think, Rose West walks around the wing unprotected and unharmed.
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ITV at 9pm on Thursday for the documentary. I know that’s for Wales , Am not sure if ITV England is showing it so double check for yourselves,
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I agree. Let’s face it, those two created that kid’s issues. He was put in care after being beaten by the incubator.

His behaviour has been cultivated by them and whilst he is obviously and correctly accountable, they too are equally culpable. I think the media are being blindsided by his age and the parents are being downgraded in responsibility.

My husband saw the case in passing on the news and didn’t even realise two grown adults (parent and step-parent) were involved because they were so invested in reporting mainly on the 14 yr old. It’s the media’s bloodlust for another Thompson and Venables to sell copy.
Exactly! I was shocked by how much of a child he seemed. He’d clearly been totally coached and had a horrific life.

Actually, it slightly gave me hope for him. Robert Thompson had a hugely difficult background but has been rehabilitated and turned his life around by all accounts. Venables did not have anywhere near that sort of background or trauma but hasn’t been able to change his life.

Maybe if Mulligan’s issues are nurture, not nature, there is hope he can change? As he will be released at some point, I sincerely hope I’m right.
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I have read that the youth was beaten when someone in with him discovered his identity…

I don’t feel sorry for him, I just don’t. 13 is old enough to know right from wrong, no matter what he’s been taught. The fact he has no remorse and no emotion is chilling and you can’t teach someone that age to feel empathy no matter how hard you try, he’s too far gone.

At the end of the day, a lot of people are capable of doing wrong, but it’s your choices that define you, not what you’re capable of. He made choices to treat Logan like that, he had a choice and he chose evil.
Most definitely. I’m alarmed at a lot of the daily mail comments (don’t know why I ever read them their always awful) saying he deserves a second chance. Little Logan deserved a chance at life. He took that from him. From the minute he was torturing animals and setting fires he should’ve been looked at physiologically.
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Miss Perla

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Genuine question, do you think they really will get a hard time in prison from other prisoners? It would give me a tiny bit of solace to know it will be hell in there for them
Tbh I think they will be in the segregation units away from Mainstream prisoners. They will be with people who have done the same.
Hopefully a prisoner from main area will give them a good kicking if a warden accidently has them in same area. Our prisons though, too soft.
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Miss Perla

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So will this case be shown in more detail on 24hrs in police custody. I didn't think the itv programme was very informative especially for people who haven't been following the case.
I am pleased that I got to see that Angharads antics throughout though. I had felt sympathy for her based on some of the photos published pre her relationship with JC. Logan and her looked to have a loving never lies they say. Its clear it does! Would also be interesting to know did Angharad change appearance, personality ways when she met JC.
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My feeling on crimes against a child is that you impact survivors for their entire lives. You blight the only childhood they get and very often they carry the mental trauma into adulthood, so it's fitting that all crimes that harm a child warrant a life sentence - and I mean locked up for life.

@PennyPicante I rather like your idea of offering them a suicide option but only after they've served at least a decade, and maybe only under certain stringent conditions. It should be treated as something that prisoners would earn the right to apply for. So the crimes where the convicted continued to lie and evade giving answers to the authorites they would remain ineligible.
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Chatty Member
Genuine question, do you think they really will get a hard time in prison from other prisoners? It would give me a tiny bit of solace to know it will be hell in there for them
I’d be inclined to say they will. The hardest of men and women don’t take kindly to child killers. The young boy probably not so much the other youngsters would be scared to death of him. But Cole, hopefully will get shit of the big men, he was only able to pick on a innocent child. And AW will get it worst of the lot, because women take things like this deeply to heart we think of our own kids
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A little boy who could light up a room'
Here are Mrs Justice Jefford’s sentencing remarks. She said: “Shortly after 6am on Saturday, July 31, 2021, the lifeless body of Logan Mwangi was found in the River Ogmore near to his home in Sarn. He was five years old and was described by everyone who knew him as a wonderful child. Bright, chatty and artistic. A little boy who could light up a room. There is no word for his death other than it was a tragedy.”

She referred to words of Ben Mwangi who described Logan as “the sweetest and most beautiful boy whose life has been tragically cut short. The world is a colder and darker place without this warm smile and the happy energy with which he lived his life.” She added: “The effect on Ben Mwangi and his family has been devastating.”

Judge says Logan was victim to a 'brutal attack'

The judge addressed the defendants directly as she continued her sentencing remarks.: “You John Cole, Angharad Williamson, and [the youth] were all convicted of Logan’s murder. You have all responsibility for Logan’s death and all the anguish that has followed from it.

“John Cole you pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice. Angharad Williamson and [the youth] you were found guilty of this following trial.

“Because he was killed in his own home ait’s not possible to be sure exactly what happened to him. What is very clear is shortly before his death this little boy was subjected to a brutal attack.

“There were 50 external injuries on his body, a blunt force trauma injury to his head, another non-fatal injury caused 36 hours before his death. Elsewhere on his body were injuries consistent with three to four punches to the abdomen and kicks to the rear.

“He suffered substantial internal bleeding. There was a tear to the lower part of the lobe of the liver, a 5cm tear to the right of the small bowel, the duodenum had been torn from the pancreas, and there was a degloving injury to the duodenum. These are the sort of injuries caused by a high-velocity impact or a fall from 10ft but they are consistent with the sort of injuries seen in abused children.”

She said the injuries were indicative of a severe localised blunt force caused by a weapon or object.

The judge added: “To see these injuries on a small, defenceless five-year-old is nothing short of horrifying.”
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Watching the ITV doc now. Shockingly similar to the way Tustin and Hughes treated Arthur too. Scum, every single one of them. Makes me so angry.

Feel so sorry for the jury in these cases recently - Logan, Arthur, Star. The details in the press are bad enough, listening to it all must be absolutely horrific.
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Judge returns to court
Mrs Justice Jefford is now back in the courtroom and is about to begin her sentencing remarks. She will then hand down her sentences to each of the three killers of Logan Mwangi

Cole is sentenced
John Cole is sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 29 years before he is eligible for parole.

Logan's mum gets 28 years
Angharad Williamson is sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum of 28 years. She silently sobs as the sentence is handed down.

Youth is sentenced
The youth defendant is sentenced to life detention with a minimum of 15 years.
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Chatty Member
I was expecting CM’s sentence to be 10
Or 15 years he will be young when he’s released. I read an article apparently he was eating chocolate while the trial was going on and didn’t look like he cared.

I honestly can’t fathom how he was allowed to move in along with JC, when the youth made threats against Logan before.
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I still think that evil little shit should have getting a longer sentence. He will be out before he is 30 having been given the best care and schooling and wrapped in cotton wool and then he will be released with new identity. Not good enough!
Totally agree.
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Do you think PTCOJ will run concurrently with Murder or as a consecutive sentence?
I was wondering today what sort of sentences they'll be given. The youth's will obviously be shorter. I'm guessing JC's will be the longest because sentencing, as I understand it, also takes into account previous convictions (of which JC has more than AW - and his previous convictions are of a more serious nature than are AW's).
It got me thinking about Ian Watkins from lostprophets. He abused (or intended to abuse - I forget the precise details and am not keen on re-reading them) an infant of about a year old, I believe. I don't think think there was any suggestion that he intended to kill the child. Obviously, the abuse alone is dreadful. But he was found guilty by a jury and got a minimum of 29 years. Savannah Brockhill was also found guilty by a jury, and received a minimum of 25 years for murdering a child. I'm wondering why Ian Watkins got a longer sentence than Savannah Brockhill. Perhaps the crucial difference is intent - I think Watkins may have texted or written his intent in some manner and that therefore he couldn't spin it some other way or deny his intent.
I'm guessing (and hoping) that AW will get a minimum term of more than 20 years. But I suppose it's possible that her sentence will be in the teens.
I bet all three of them regret murdering Logan now. Not due to compassion though - only because of the negative impact it's having on their lives.
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I agree. It’s breaking my heart to keep reading about all these children suffering. No child should be abused, either sexually or violently or emotionally. Children are innocent and defenceless, it’s so sad.

I think sexual crimes should get as high a sentence as child murder, doesn’t matter if the child didn’t die, they’ve still been violated in the worst way possible.

I just find it sickening that so many mothers allow it to happen, and that there are so many people capable of hurting children.

I don’t have children, don’t want children, but I can’t stand seeing children being hurt by those that are meant to protect them.
There's no dispute in high sentences for sexual crimes but, in some cases, those who kill/participate in cruelty are getting very lenient sentences.
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I was wondering today what sort of sentences they'll be given. The youth's will obviously be shorter. I'm guessing JC's will be the longest because sentencing, as I understand it, also takes into account previous convictions (of which JC has more than AW - and his previous convictions are of a more serious nature than are AW's).
It got me thinking about Ian Watkins from lostprophets. He abused (or intended to abuse - I forget the precise details and am not keen on re-reading them) an infant of about a year old, I believe. I don't think think there was any suggestion that he intended to kill the child. Obviously, the abuse alone is dreadful. But he was found guilty by a jury and got a minimum of 29 years. Savannah Brockhill was also found guilty by a jury, and received a minimum of 25 years for murdering a child. I'm wondering why Ian Watkins got a longer sentence than Savannah Brockhill. Perhaps the crucial difference is intent - I think Watkins may have texted or written his intent in some manner and that therefore he couldn't spin it some other way or deny his intent.
I'm guessing (and hoping) that AW will get a minimum term of more than 20 years. But I suppose it's possible that her sentence will be in the teens.
I bet all three of them regret murdering Logan now. Not due to compassion though - only because of the negative impact it's having on their lives.
I remember this. Utterly horrific.
Apparently he still has a massive fan base and gets hundreds of letters sent into prison.

The judge is obligated to pass on a sentence that is proportionate and fair, but we'll see.
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