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Chatty Member
Nope. They will be protected, most likely on seg. Same goes for the likes of Tustin, etc.

I have read that JC is not CMs biological dad. That he took him on when CM was 9 months old and has always seen JC as a father figure. How the hell did he end up in that household? It wasn’t even his fucking dad???
I’m sure I saw that Tustin had been attacked and had her food laced with salt (whoever did that, good on them), so thought maybe the same would happen to these 2 (it won’t the younger one he’ll be in with kids how often do you get a youngster whose committed murder they’ll be frightened of him) wishful thinking I guess. Didn’t think I’d see and hoped I wouldn’t see a case as tragic as Tustins and here we are again, something really needs to change!
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I can't see it being on Ch4 as well as itv? Already aired on itv, then the same footage used in 24hours police custody?
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I think they are waiting on some kind of reports on the youth, I remember with Arthur, ET & TH I think got sentenced the next day. Hopefully it won't be long to wait, and I really hope they release the identity of the youth so that the full facts of the case can be discussed as I feel like there is a huge gap in knowledge due to the restrictions on saying anything about the youth.
Yes, I'll imagine they'll need this for mitigating factors and to use when determining his sentence.
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I don’t believe you can rehabilitate evil. So him being out at 30 (or before, let’s face it, just like Jon Venables) is worrying. He looks like a nasty boy even just looking at him without knowing what he did tbh.
It’s who I thought it was, photo wise. If you look up Jay Cole on fb. A person called “Thomas Cole” has liked his picture.
Yeah I figured that was him too. Weird they've kept their fb up but AW got taken down.
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There was video evidence in IW case ☹

I'm not sure why he got more than some murderers, his crimes were horrific though.
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Ok, well maybe we all misread each others. @yo_bunnykin never suggested that he intended to kill, so I was confused why you replied with what you did.

I agree, it doesn't matter in this case. Every case is different.
The poster was merely making a comparison towards sentencing. On paper, sex offences appear to be less serious than murder. But the question raised, by the poster, was why a sex offender can get a higher sentence than a child murderer.

Maybe not necessarily the right thread to discuss but it's a perfectly good debate to have.
Apologies if my post was confusing or too off-topic. I was indeed wondering aloud about why Brockhill who murdered a small child (and it wasn't a one-off loss of temper, e.g. there was the footage of her hitting Star in the car) got a shorter sentence than Watkins a child abuser whose offences, as you say, on paper seem less serious than murder. I don't think he had previous convictions which would have increased his sentence either.

I think as a society we find it harder to comprehend women committing certain types of crime (usually violent & sexual offences); that society is quite biased in that it implicitly considers these men's crimes. When women are convicted of such crimes they subsequently tend to be more reviled & demonised - e.g. Myra Hindley, Maxine Carr, Mary Bell. Personally, I think they should be reviled, but no more than men - and I dislike the idea that after conviction men may suffer less reputational damage than women do. Before the verdicts in this trial I was concerned that the jury might find it harder to convict AW because she's female (also because she was Logan's mother), that being female might work in her favour. Thankfully it made no difference. But now I'm wondering whether the fact that she's female will work in her favour at sentencing. Hence my comparison of the sentences for Brockhill and Watkins.
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So are they still doing a 24 hours in police custody episode on it? I saw a clip in the daily mail of the police talking to each other after they were arrested and thought it would be for that you could tell by the format
Someone said further up the thread that 24 hours in police custody don't cover Wales, which is why this was done by ITV.
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Miss Perla

Active member
Good god I didn’t know he’d been cruel to the baby too. I thought it was racially aggravated agaisnt poor Logan 🙁 your so right. Making excuses for people, well a lot of people have had tough upbringings they don’t go round murdering kids! Wtf was AW thinking allowing him in her home. This young boy was allowed to sit in his room 24/7 playing video games without toilet breaks, urinating into a coke bottle. It’s frightening that in its self is abuse!
I don't know if he did hurt the baby but he was violent at his previous Foster home and had threatened their daughter. There are so many unanswered questions but as you have said WTF did that AW allow him in her home.
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Chatty Member
Setting fires and torturing animals is pure psychopath behaviour.

I bet he wet himself as well, that’s the three traditional signs of a proto serial killer.

He ought to be diagnosed with conduct disorder or anti-social personality disorder when he’s old enough.
One of the first things they ask you if you’ve been through any kind of dv is ‘have they ever harmed an animal’. Yes definitely some kind of disorder, either born with it or developed it due to his upbringing
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Prosecution say youth should be locked up for more than 12 years
In relation to the youth defendant prosecutor Caroline Rees QC said the minimum tariff would be one of 12 years but due to the features of the perverting the course of justice charge she suggested there should be a “significant uplift” due to the increasing seriousness.

Cole had 'intent to cause serious harm rather than intent to kill', says barrister
In mitigation for John Cole his barrister David Elias QC said he did not wish to “minimise the anguish caused to all those affected by the death of Logan”.

He said the judge should take into account there was intent to cause serious harm rather than an intent to kill.

The barrister added that Cole pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice and made admissions in his police interview.

Barrister calls for 15 years for Williamson rather than 30
Peter Rouch QC, mitigating on behalf of Angharad Williamson, said he believed there should be a starting point of 15 years in jail for her rather than 30 years. He said the judge may think there was an intention to cause really serious injury rather than kill.

He also referred to Williamson having only one previous conviction.

The barrister said that prior to April 2019 "all the evidence demonstrates Angharad Williamson and Logan had a very loving and caring mother and son relationship". But he added: “In April 2019 John Cole came into their lives. My observation is if that hadn’t happened Logan would not have lost his life and Angharad Williamson would not now be standing as a convicted murderer facing a sentence of life imprisonment.”

Williamson cries in the dock but is not making a sound.

Youth defendant 'younger in some ways than his age'
John Hipkin QC, on behalf of the youth, makes reference to his client’s age. He was 13 at the time of the murder and is 14 years old now.

He said the defendant suffers from neuro-developmental disorders and psychosocial difficulties which has affected him cognitively, emotionally, and developmentally.

The barrister said: “This is a youth defendant younger in some ways than his chronological age.”

Sentencing to take place shortly
Mrs Justice Jefford has risen and will sentence at 12.45pm. The court is cleared in the meantime
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Does anyone know what issues had occurred previously leading to Logan being placed on the at risk register.
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Chatty Member
This is horrible. I don't get why it can't be death for death... the fact there was a baby involved what was theirs together
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Do you think PTCOJ will run concurrently with Murder or as a consecutive sentence?
more than likely concurrently, because the murder is a mandatory life sentence, (with tariff) so they don't normally bother doing it consecutively.
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Tbh I think they will be in the segregation units away from Mainstream prisoners. They will be with people who have done the same.
Hopefully a prisoner from main area will give them a good kicking if a warden accidently has them in same area. Our prisons though, too soft.
They all go to healthcare at the same time. So if they are on ANY meds every single day is a chance to get them.
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VIP Member
Does anyone know what issues had occurred previously leading to Logan being placed on the at risk register.
Think it was purely because of Jay Cole's history of being in jail and not because of any abuse that was known.
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