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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
Falling off the bandwagon has killed me 😂😂😂😂😂 I guess DP isn’t marrying her for her incisive intellect. It reminds me of Chessidiots equally dim sister Bronte who has some awful pseudo coaching or talent set up for “gals”. I messaged her with a corrected version of some shite she’d put out about interviews and business as it just really wound me up. Spellings, punctuation etc. she read it and never even said thank you 😂🙈🙄
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DM Me Hun

VIP Member
Look how pissed off she is that Paddy is “hanging out of his 🍑” for their annual ‘don’t talk to each other, don’t look at each other, don’t have fun’ tree decorating video 😂 Bet he couldn’t wait to be filmed decorating a Christmas tree for the benefit of the 3 people that will message Alice saying “gorge, hun xx”
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Alice: I’m so fine with my appearance now. I eat bread AND dessert and don’t even think about it.
Also Alice: here is a skin treatment I “invest” in (not an investment) costing thousands of pounds to fix a non-existent problem because I’m so fine with my appearance.

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A fool and their money…
At this point if you’re still subscribing to this unreliable nonsense while Alice provides ample evidence of fannying around with outfits and beauty treatments, then you deserve to be skint
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DM Me Hun

VIP Member
Alice when she has to actually do the “work” she’s willingly signed up to in between all the luxury holidays, playing dress-up in designer outfits, and pampering appointments.

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I agree! I’m having a registry office wedding in a few weeks and didn’t even think twice about it. Maybe some people can’t afford to separately hire an amazing talented celebrant? I hate it but we are also doing a wedding overseas separately but that’s because my fiancé is from that country. It seems to be all the rage now to do two totally OTT weddings (+ engagement party, photoshoot, etc). It just contributes to making young impressionable women think marriage is the be all and end all. There is more to life, and similarly, there’s more to life than what you look like, Alice!
I couldn’t agree more. A registrar is there to make your marriage legal. But Alice doesn’t care about that, all she cares about is making a song, dance and spectacle of the ceremony. It’s amazing how oblivious she is to how self absorbed and vacuous she is.
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
I still can’t get over the Roofers Granddaughter being a real brand. And the fact that she loves them as well as the Vampires Wife or whatever it is. Sooo funny
It’s the names isn’t it. She could find a linen dress very similar to that at a fraction of the price without resorting to disposable fast fashion shite shops. But no, because it’s the Chimney Sweep’s Half Sister she thinks it’s better. Copying Lydiot Millen, such a poor look in so many ways.
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Chatty Member
She’s so out of touch. She’s got low mental health because she’s actually got to do some work. Grow up Alice. It’s what we all do on a daily fucking basis! She’s like my son who has just started year 7 and is adjusting to have more responsibility and understanding there are consequences for inaction. He’s realising that getting up, organising yourself and getting out the door on time and doing your (school) work is what life is about. How has she not got this yet at 30 fucking years old!!!
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Just spotted a great cafe she should try while she’s here:

It’s so fucking weird in your thirties to gush about how gorgeous and amazing every woman is and call people your best best friend. I have best friends but I don’t call them that and don’t post after I see each of them saying how obsessed I am! 😂😂
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Farmer Sam

VIP Member
I totally agree. I got back into exercise with the very specific goal of losing weight before I got married. I’d gained two stone, felt uncomfortable with how I looked and had no energy. Having lost half the weight I discovered a love for weights, spin and boxercise. I continued and lost the weight and have kept it off 15 years on as I now know what I enjoy and what works for me. Plus, we are seeing a rise in obesity related health issues across ALL age groups including children. Much as the Andy Ps of this world might not like it, exercise is a critical component in helping people both lose the weight and build a solid level of physical fitness. Without this the NHS will be even more swamped in 10-20 years time. We all agree that it needs to be a balanced approach but jeeez, half the people banging on about this message have hugely disordered relationships with exercise and food themselves (although some hide it better than others).
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DM Me Hun

VIP Member
Why is she trying on clothes in what looks like a pretty expensive shop when on a shopping ban? Does she not have work to fill her time with!?! Surely with the Christmas break coming she should be prerecording her content so it's all good to go.
And why has she covered her face with that big white heart?
She is so exhaustingly needy. 🙄
This is so spot on. It’s obvious that her app, her paying customers and her ‘work’ commitments are low down in her list of priorities. Wasn’t it only a couple of weeks ago that she was apparently serious about levelling up her business, #girlboss etc. And since then she doesn’t seem to have done much apart from see Wicked for the 15th time this year and post pictures of herself in various awful outfits that cost the same as a lot people’s monthly salaries.
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Chatty Member
Why do you then pose, add filters, film from high up and do that big doe eyed blinking every time you talk to your “team” through your phone then?? She talks such bullshit.
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DM Me Hun

VIP Member
All these busy busy meetings she goes to about “something exciting but I can’t tell you what it is yet….” Are they for these ads/paid partnerships? Because nothing remotely exciting ever seems to materialise.
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