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Chatty Member
BOOMER THE WOO. He is really turning into a old bitter man. He had opportunities to make something of his channel and he continues to fumble. I used be a big fan in the early days, he was different from most vloggers he stood I can barely stand him. Sad.
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No mention of a mortgage? Or is that info just not online yet?
Unsure. We'll have to monitor it.

Either way, I can't help but giggle at the fact that he tries to act like he's just a simple guy (remember when I lived in a van?! 🥴) with nothing in his fucking refrigerator, just goes "where the day will take him," films backs of buildings and trash dumpsters for content, wears the same clothes everyday and owns one pair of pants, and can't bother to shave and get a hair cut ("Why?" was his response to someone when they suggested it)...

...Yet he also only flies first class, buys umpteen DVC points $$$, and now - a $539,000 3/2 condo in Celebration.

Such a fucking fraud. :ROFLMAO:
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He rambles on and on spewing forth so many words and in the end he basically said nothing. Same crap he always says. We all knew he was probably moving when he showed his place.
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It is great to see Troll Patrol's latest video near the top of the YT search results when looking up Adam.

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People like Adam and The Trackers might be sitting on a pile of cash but what they can't easily replace is the fan adoration and the sense of purpose vlogging gives them.

And I'm highly skeptical Adam is worth 3 million. Maybe a million tops. Or maybe just a very expensive townhouse in Celebration if he didn't finance it.
Skeptical is being nice. I will take it a step further. He is NOT worth $3 million.
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Would he do something crazy like purchasing the $1.8 million dollar Halloween house? He seemed to show a lot of interest in that house when he did a tour there a couple months back. I'm sure he wouldn't mind living in the same South Pasadena neighborhood where BTTF and Pee Wee Herman were filmed in.
honestly, I wouldn’t put it past him, but I think he is going to stay in Florida because his parents are getting older
I will say I think it would be hilarious if he bought a movie house and was constantly inundated with bloggers and people knocking on his door wanting to see his kitchen. Oh, I’m sure he would eat it up for a short time but then it would start getting to him and it would be perfect justice
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Yeah $17k could have bought him a nearly new Nissan Leaf or Chevy Bolt but it sounds like he bought it to fit in a handful of NEV parking spots in Celebration? What a stupid flex.
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Well this doesn't surprise me at all. I just spoke to a realtor that is handling David's previous rental in downtown Celebration.

It does/did NOT include an assigned parking spot. So we can mark the airport parking mystery as solved.

I still say he was an idiot to not park at his parents or somewhere else and Uber to the airport. It would have saved him a ton of money which he needs for buying happy meals.
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I watched Troll Patrol tonight where ATW gets super excited at buying a squeegee because he's "always wanted to own" one.

Did he think he had to be 50 years old before he could own a squeegee? Even homeless people who wash your car windows at red lights own those.
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No need to blur out names on publicly viewable comments IMHO.

Anywho complaint videos are easy money for Adam and many other vloggers:

View attachment 2665898
Wait, wait, wait! You're telling me there was DRINKING and MUSIC at Epcot?! On New Years Eve of all nights? When the HELL did this drunken debauchery start?! Uncle Walt would be mortified! It's not like Walt, who was a chain smoker with an alcohol problem and enjoyed a good party, would love that his park was the place to be 😂
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Ok, so I haven't been paying close attention to Adam's antics over the past few weeks, but let me see if I've got it all straight...

He "downsized" (his words) from a 1br/1ba apartment to a 3br/2ba 3-story townhouse and took the better part of a month to move his belongings to his new place just across town.

He freaked out when he realized that his new address was a public record and showed off all his fancy security cameras. I really don't think he needs a monitored security system -- no one will be breaking into his home. We would certainly enjoy the irony of people showing up at his door the way he did to many others, but I doubt any Tattlers would go through with it -- we've got better things to do than to harass the guy. And his fans aren't looking to kick in the door and steal his pin collection -- they just want to say hi and take a selfie with him, so no amount of ADT will prevent them from walking up and ringing his doorbell.

His sister and her family visited the area, and he was forced to visit Disney World the way an out-of-town vacationing family would. He did not seem to care for the experience.

He parked on the lawn like the hillbilly he is and had the nerve to act surprised when his car was towed.

He did not visit his elderly parents on Christmas because he had just seen them a few days ago. Instead he ate something off the ground at Disney Springs. I sincerely hope that he recognizes what a gift it is to be able to spend time with parents at his age before it's too late. I couldn't imagine taking a moment for granted.

He insists that he will "taper off" (his words) the daily vlogs abruptly at the end of 2024 to focus on some "new project". My suspicion is that he has big plans to work on less frequent but higher-effort videos, but if I were a betting man, I'd wager (to use a Woo-ism) that he'll quickly fall into his old ways and record himself eating McD's in a parking lot -- just not every day.

He keeps talking about how his new home will provide more space and freedom to work on other projects. Someone (or multiple someones) upthread mentioned a podcast, and I agree that that would be a good option for him. I certainly wouldn't enjoy it, but just look at how well his walk-and-talks do! He could buy some out-of-date audio recording equipment and just record himself rambling for an hour once a week, and his fans would eat it up.

I don't hate the guy. In fact, I used to really like him and his videos. I want to enjoy them again, but the grouchy rut he's fallen into lately just doesn't make for enjoyable viewing.
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People hated living there. David is the ideal buyer for this money pit. More money than brains. He won’t last long there. YT bound to change its revenue formula at some point and creators like him will be weeded out. No way he can withstand the ups and down of real estate ownership. I expect a long walk and talk in a year or two about travelling again and downsizing aka I really can’t afford this place. :ROFLMAO::p

Rather than saying he can't afford it anymore (even if true), I wouldn't be surprised if he instead pulls a Jenn Tracker saying people are showing up at his door all the time and he had to move for SeCuriTy ReAsons.

Recall she said people were showing up at their doorstep (in a gated community, mind you) AND their families' doorsteps to protest after they announced their first pregnancy. As fucking IF. :rolleyes:🖕

I could totally see him going that route, whether or not it was true.

Though, I'd LOVE for people to knock on his door and ask to film in his kitchen, like someone mentioned above. I. WOULD. FUCKING. LOVE. IT.
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I agree his plan makes little sense - thinking about his fan base being used to daily vids, why go cold turkey? Why not change the channel name to "The Weekly Woo" and do a video a week? That leaves plenty of time to do the other stuff he wants to do.
So if he changes to "The Weekly Woo" does that mean he will no longer be:

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Today's thumbnail dedicated to @2020planner 😂 😂 😂 and his whole intro staring into the camera with his creepy eyes and expressions seems to be as well


(y)Mouth open
(y)clueless look on face
(y)seems to be in motion

On to the house tour. Always best to keep plastic toys on top of the stove :rolleyes:

Security cams inside too. Boy is he concerned about taking this little adventure public:

Imagine you buy your first house and one of the first things you tell everyone about is that you proudly display Tammy Faye Baker's bookends:

Now enjoy seeing all the same artwork and knick knacks that he already covered in depth in his recent vlog about his 1-bedroom IN DEPTH, and listen to it all over again. It's like he incapable of saying, "if you want the details on this, go watch my vlog a month ago about my 1 bedroom"

He's ordered 3-4 (I would know exactly how many of something I ordered, but Adam doesn't) metal DISS-play cases for his fridge magnets.

He says he will have creative spaces in both the garage area and one of the bedrooms as the "Woodio". I have no idea what he will "create" in the garage, but ok.

Adam bought a new 4K tv, and new 4K blu ray player (I guess this means he'll need to re-buy all his blu rays in 4K format too?).

Adam says he has to go out to lunch with Rev Jim and momma, so he'll show the rest of the place later, then says he has a few minutes and starts showing the rest of the place. Why leave that in the vlog? Why?

As he stands amid the Disney stuff in every room, including the kitchen, he says that he doesn't want the whole place to be all Disney/Nerd/baseball stuff. So he dumps most of it in one room, but it's still all over the place in every room anyway.

He actually has an old tv with a picture tube to play his NES on :rolleyes:

"These are also my new favorite things ever, just sayin' " Adam is so, so subtle, refusing to tell the audience what they are but pointing them out for the many folks out there thinking of doing a home invasion on him.

OMG they ate at Olive Garden 😂. Are there no real Italian restaurants in Central Florida?

I literally cannot wait to see what he thinks "the Woodio" in his new home will allow him to do creatively after he moves on from daily vlogging. Other than using the space to record a podcast, I can't imagine. He then says he's going to "phase out" the daily vlogs, but he also says he'll do daily vlogs thru the end of 2024 and then stop. That's not phasing something out Adam, phasing something out is to gradually do it with a lesser frequency until you finally stop doing it at all.

Adam then warns everyone not to send anything to him or drop anything off. Which of course reminded me of this video, which he later references:

Yes, Adam's right up there with a Beatle, and doesn't want to be besieged with fan mail and gifts.

He also doesn't want anyone showing up at his place. The vlog is over.

Not to worry Adam, your kooky realtor will somehow magically keep your new address a secret!
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Chatty Member
I think his warning about not meeting people at his house, answering the door, fraternizing in the yard, etc is him telling his haters not to bother. I don’t think he meant that warning for the Woovians. I think he is scared now that his address is public that some Tattlers or Redditors are going to show up on his doorstep.
Look, I just want to film his kitchen. Here’s some money; now let me in!
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I have a personal connection to ET (I won't say what or how specifically bc that will possibly dox me or others) but perhaps Woo should think twice before pretending he has social anxiety.

Recall the day he flat-out ignored me at MegaCon after I said a simple hello...

If the convo drifted the direction of 80s movies (given we were in line for a BttF panel), I could have relayed stories to him about the making of the film, the actor(s) who played ET and my family's personal connection to one of them, rare memorabilia I have, and my family's interactions with Steven Spielberg. I've got some good stories. Sucks for you Woo. 🖕

(again, I won't say more bc it could dox me if people started digging... but if you're reading Woo, just let this be a lesson to you that you're a dickhead)
How many chester drawers will Adam be acquiring to incarcerate his appropriate t-shirts at the new homestead?

Posting this picture for no real reason just like Adam's vlogs. Well maybe a little for @2020planner :cool: :LOL:

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I'm totally going to print and frame this pic. Put it on my nightstand. Freak my DH out when he sees it. :ROFLMAO:
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