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VIP Member
Looks like it. WAY too nice for him.

I know it was mentioned above but it friggin grinds my gears to no end that someone like him, the Trackers, etc. can make shitloads of money off of fucking YouTube for contributing jack fucking shit to society when there's REAL people out there doing REAL POSITIVE WORK and making REAL CHANGE in the world (you know who they are - ranging from scientists, healthcare workers, first responders, educators, etc. to Armed Service members to even the girl who cuts your hair or checks you out at Publix who works 3 jobs to keep a roof over her head and had to show up all through the pandemic to deal with the likes of Woo's sorry ass).

These are the folks who REALLY DESERVE all the shit these fuckers get handed to them - from half-million-dollar, spur-of-the-moment home purchases to first class travel to umpteen staycations to luxury resort stays... The list goes on.

It makes me fucking furious how little people in society can do these days (and still be shit humans) yet be rewarded with so much. :mad::mad::mad:

And then this fucker has the gall to get short with people in the comments section of his videos for pointing out what a fucking lazy ass piece of shit he is for going to Disney for the millionth time or filming the back of a building and a trash dumpster and trying to act like that's fucking content.
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DA Stella

Chatty Member
No offense to the thread title creator, but I was really hoping not to have to see the word "penis" and "Woo" together again.
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Happy to see that I nailed the location he was living when I called it back in Nov.

From this newest vlog -


The building w/ the clock above is directly across the street from this building below.

He's standing here (circled) taking the shot above.


It matches the location that I posted back in November below. (the image in the listing is the back of that very building)

Go me! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Nailed it. :cool:

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He keeps saying that it's great the golf cart has no radio, it's therapeutic and peaceful driving around and enjoying the sights and sounds of Celebration. I guess it never occurred to Adam that he could just turn his car radio off? He also says there is no gas smell "like you have with a regular car". Maybe Adam should take his car to a mechanic if it smells like gas noticeably?
You know what also allows you to take in the sights and sounds of Celebration, David?

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He's too punk rock to follow rules, you guys! :rolleyes: I'm waiting for the first walk and talk video we get where he complains that he got a ticket for driving this thing where it's not allowed.
There‘s nothing more punk than an old dude driving his golf cart from his condo to Starbucks. He needs therapy.
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Mr 7Percent

Well-known member
Not accepting gifts, turning off his Patreon, whether sincere or not, he does NOT imitate a grifter, at least by YT standards. He's not shilling crypto or selling his audience any kind of sketchy product. I know I'll rattle some tattle cages here, but he seems like an honest guy, accepting the AdSense money in exchange for the daily work he puts into his daily vlog, the one he manages to put together 365 times a year. And yes yes, we can agree on the mediocrity of his content, but still, he is providing a service to his remarkably loyal audience. The world is full of lonely recluses and socially withdrawn people, the aged, the shut-ins, the outcasts, and Adam, to his credit, has continued to serve up a daily slice of his life for those people and they appreciate it and like him for it. He's monetized his life by being an online acquaintance and familiar non confrontational face. So, good for you David, don't let the bastards grind you down.

I've spent the last two years here and elsewhere being snarky and dismissive about his channel, but he has been laughing all the way to the bank. He's not an evil guy and in fact I can see where some might even grow accustomed to his bubbleheaded ramblings and his non offensive face and deep, and weirdly calming voice. Paging Mr. Morrow and Jacob Carpetbagger have been my other targets of ridicule, but they don't really deserve the derision either. New year and time to toss the bad habits.
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VIP Member
Apologies ahead of time, this is a long one:

He announces he's moving, and will be giving away (not selling) some stuff that he "doesn't want to move" via his Instagram account. It's very clear that he's staying in Central Florida - he already said he wa staying, and he mentions the good thing is lots of direct flights between MCO and LAX. Did he buy something in Central Florida? Who knows, he doesn't say in this vlog.

He says he needs to hand the keys in on New Year's Eve, and I immediately think ok, this is a definitive, clear timeline. Yet as he walks he says, "Yeah, once I get back to Florida, I've got, I'm guessing, about 2 or 3 weeks." Adam, it's December 5th and you just said you need to hand in the keys on NYE. That's 26 days, not "2 or 3 weeks".

Then he says, "I'm pretty impulsive with my decisions." Is that why you do the same things over and over? Go to all the same things every year, year after year, totally predictable like clockwork? You told everyone more than a month ago that you were staying in Central Florida.

He's back on the "retire from daily vlogging by or at the end 2024" wagon.

"The new place I'm looking at is gonna's gonna create a little more availability...there's gonna be some options there that I do not have at the current place I'm residing at, and I feel like it's kind of a good segue into the type of content I want to do." Who the hell knows what this means, and "the place he's looking at" - he doesn't have a new place yet? Just being vague to throw people off?

Then he's announcing he will end daily vlogs soon and do "other" content, and he proudly proclaims that he's been doing daily vlogging well over 10 years (except for that time he quit daily vlogging for months and went off to do other things like in-depth filming location videos in 2017). And then he went right back to (almost) daily vlogs because he failed at the "other" type of content he wanted to do. Deja vu coming up?

He's going to put his new type of content on the Adam The Woo channel sometime in 2024 and then slowly switch over and eventually the Daily channel will be dormant like the main channel is now. So basically, he's going to do the same thing he tried last time - stop daily vlogging, do more produced, in-depth videos (and you know damn well it'll be all the same stuff he does now, just not in a daily format), and hope that's enough. When it fails, he'll go back to daily vlogging just like in 2017. Yet another Woopeat.

He wants to spend more time at his "new homestead" and not "forcing himself to put out content" (which is an admission that his daily content is lacking and subpar, because he's forcing himself to put it out regardless).

He struggles with committing to a time that this "new format" content will debut on the main channel, saying it could be early 2024 but "I don't know if I'll have time to kinda get that whole...parlay that whole thing going." Yes, parlay that whole thing going.

He seems to be very confused about how this will all work - says he could possibly disappear for 2-3 months, or 2-3 weeks, while doing and filming things (his example: haunts for haunt season :rolleyes: - yeah, he's "retiring" to do all the same content). Or, if he does that and wants it in the daily format, he could do it and it might end up on the daily channel and not the main channel.

But he says the whole "not missing a day" thing has to come to an end, and he says it like a drunk looks at the bottle and says "I need to stop drinking". No one is making you not miss a day, Adam, except yourself.

He then says he doesn't want to be a daily vlogger into his 50s. Apparently, in Adam's mind, that's lame or weird or something. "I already have an established, new format that I'll kind of figure out into 2024." If it's established, then it's not something you need to figure out, buddy. Which is it? He's desperately trying to make this look better or different than just taking his normal daily content and making it into not daily content, with some filming locations or back roads thrown in randomly.

And now that the announcements are over, Adam can go back to doing what he normally does: Woopeats of where he used to live in Anaheim, and let's visit the BttF mall yet again, why not, after all he booked an AA red eye that doesn't leave until after 9pm. Then the rental car acts up and he just drives straight to the airport to turn it in, and books an earlier one way flight on Delta.

And finally we get to enjoy Adam's weird OCD thing where he needs to explain and review the same thing over and over (he was supposed to be on a red eye and instead booked an earlier flight). He mentions that at length 3 times in the last 3 mins of the vlog.
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VIP Member
Didn't Walt Disney build his parks for families to enjoy together and not for 50-year-old single, misanthropic, child-free men to attend on their own or in the companyof hired escorts? Just asking, guy.
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VIP Member
If I read one more person in the comments section congratulating him, telling him how hard he worked, telling him how much he deservs this, I will fucking throw my computer out the window and you may or may not hear about me on the news committing an illegal act in the town of Celebration later today. :rolleyes:

I cannot STAND these fucking stans who are basically kissing his ass for him contributing jack fucking REAL shit to society yet buying shit left and right that NO, HE DID NOT PUT IN THE WORK TO TRULY DESERVE.

I don't give a shit if he posted regularly every day for fucking a "decade" or more, or whatever the hell schedule he posted. He was filming shit. SHIT OTHER PEOPLE DID. OR he was filming himself fucking rambling off like a fucking child walking aimlessly around with his fucking "piping hot caffeinated beverage." NONE of this is rocket science. He wasn't curing cancer. He wasn't sending astronauts to the moon. And fuck YouTube for allowing so many of these creators to get rich off of absolutely fucking NOTHING.

BIG FUCKING DEAL. I am SO over these vloggers. Have you noticed?

--end rant-- (for now)
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VIP Member
Not accepting gifts, turning off his Patreon, whether sincere or not, he does NOT imitate a grifter, at least by YT standards. He's not shilling crypto or selling his audience any kind of sketchy product. I know I'll rattle some tattle cages here, but he seems like an honest guy, accepting the AdSense money in exchange for the daily work he puts into his daily vlog, the one he manages to put together 365 times a year. And yes yes, we can agree on the mediocrity of his content, but still, he is providing a service to his remarkably loyal audience. The world is full of lonely recluses and socially withdrawn people, the aged, the shut-ins, the outcasts, and Adam, to his credit, has continued to serve up a daily slice of his life for those people and they appreciate it and like him for it. He's monetized his life by being an online acquaintance and familiar non confrontational face. So, good for you David, don't let the bastards grind you down.

I've spent the last two years here and elsewhere being snarky and dismissive about his channel, but he has been laughing all the way to the bank. He's not an evil guy and in fact I can see where some might even grow accustomed to his bubbleheaded ramblings and his non offensive face and deep, and weirdly calming voice. Paging Mr. Morrow and Jacob Carpetbagger have been my other targets of ridicule, but they don't really deserve the derision either. New year and time to toss the bad habits.
I respect your opinion, and will agree that he puts out content that a certain niche demographic appreciates and he gets compensated it at a grossly exaggerated level beyond what is fair and / or equitable to those who REALLY provide a service to society, including first responders who literally save lives.

That being said, I still submit that he is largely deceptive, lazy, hypocritical, and, in short, a fraud just like the rest of them.

I will *not* put him on a pedestal. Anytime I've given any of these vloggers even an inch in the past handful of years, they've made me eat my words in no time flat. So, again, while I respect your opinion and comments, I won't elevate him to that even mediocre level, nor consider us (or the like) "bastards" who "grind [him] down." ;)

Finally a post I can get on board with. Thank you for posting this.
If this post is one you can *finally* get on board with, why are you here, on Tattle, to begin with? Given the very nature of the site? :cool:
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I can’t wait to ring Mr. Woo’s doorbell and ask to film his kitchen the next time I’m in Florida. I hope a lot of other people do the same.
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If diabeetus or clogged arteries don't take him out first, David should be TERRIFIED of this guy wearing his skin as a human suit someday
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VIP Member
So... did some research based on comments found on Reddit.

Appears Woo bought a half-million-dollar, 3-story, 3/2 condo in Celebration, closed Nov. 15.

I thought he said he was downsizing.
Unless he's going to use this for a rental...I didn't think Celebration allowed subletting...but I know people get away with it.
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