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The carry on in the lead up to this party has been ridiculous. The apparent stress and mental toll it’s taken to plan a party makes me question why she’s having a party at all.
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You know I must be old fashioned, but I don't think it's funny for kids to be flipping the bird all the time in photos. Her kids do it all the time. I think it shows them for exactly what the whole family is,a bunch of bogans.
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She really bugs me. Such an uneducated, miserable bogan. She is always whining and bitching about something.
What really shits me about her is a complete inability to ever take mature responsibility for things in her life. When something goes wrong she finds some loser sycophant to fill her head with vibrations and low energies and healing trauma and every single buzz word she can find to assign blame absolutely everyone except for on herself. When her kids struggle in school, when they behave like brats, it’s never “well my lack of education and the fact they’ve never seen me work ever probably sets an example I’ll have to work hard against to allow them the best opportunities to do whatever they might like later in life,” it’s always “let’s get out some affirmation cards, another each other in bed, and allow them to feel connected to me.” Zero responsibility, zero resilience. As parents it’s our job to make sure our kids are best prepared for whatever they might like to do and achieve, and that may be MILES from the experiences and life we’ve had. Maybe her girls will want to be vets and need very high ATARS to do that, but Milla’s handwriting and Abby’s comments about bad reports indicate that she’s already behind in school work. She does nothing to address that, nothing to improve it, just talks about it all in feelings and woo woo crap. And yet bangs out about losing her shit with them regularly so it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. There’s a happy medium of being a role model, setting boundaries and expectations, and not blowing your lid over stuff. She’s so fucking unaware about herself and so easily lead and manipulated by whichever life coach she’s matched onto at any given time.
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She is definitely reading here as she tagged Leigh in her recent post. I mean, I can’t blame her. She’s probably keeping tabs of her ex bestie and having a laugh along with the rest of us
I definitely think they are still together, she is probably just not as PDA as old mate ex bestie and doesn’t feel the need to share every single detail of her relationship unlike someone else
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The way she talks about Leigh is so weird. Like he was some completely useless waste of space that she HAD to change to make remotely likeable. Happy to have him build you a massive house, but nah, apparently a year ago he was the worst.
Yeah the rant about his priorities being the “wrong place” last year was odd. Like he’s got qualifications, he’s built you a house, fathered you a child, supported you financially for the past 4 years so you haven’t had to work…what else do you want lady? What are you doing?!
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I find it baffling/confusing that a grown woman has to run home to her Mummy & Daddy and have a cry about what a privileged life she lives. Clearly Leigh supports her financially which partially extends to the girls (I’m sure whathisname pays child support), and she lives in her dream location and home. Babes, go and get a real job that will give you purpose, even if it’s part time
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She seems to be spiralling downwards lately. Those kids would honestly suck the life out of you. But it's all her fault, she has made them so co-dependent on her its just not funny. Video todsy of Milla brushing her hair and just drops hairbrush on the floor, there is no respect for anything. Also thought she was a big advocate for women in sport, not a mention of the soccer game. Little lost Abby so unintelligent and so needy.
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I’m sure if Abby could be connected via the placenta to all 3 of her children, she would be. Then they would be one superhuman and she could apply one identity and one fake diagnosis to all 4 of them. I also wonder if a lot of ‘neurospicy’ symptoms are attributable to her acquired brain injury from the accident when she was a child?
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Esme Watson

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Another weird thing...when you click on Craig Wellington on that VBA register site, it says that he's only supposed to practice with his son, Leigh Wellington, and report to the VBA.

What's that about? Don't builders tell carpenters what to do not the other way round?

View attachment 2288101
You seem to be extremely invested in the ins and outs of their company. Have they wronged you in some way?
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Not sure how I feel about this. I mean I think she's as thick as 2 bricks, but matbe if she doesn't have to teach them anything and is supervised and it's not my kid, fine. I dont need to approve or not, but yes I agree getting out there, getting a job and having a go 👏👏 a few others should be doing this. Yes I'm looking at you Emmylou #oneword, Sez, Chia.
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I don’t mind Abby for the most part, but some of her parenting choices are just….🫠🫠🫠 I’ll never forget the one where she was lying in bed in the morning and the two girls were out on her balcony climbing on chairs and leaning over and she was laughing about it 🤦🏼‍♀️ and this was when they were like 3 & 4.
Definitely not the sharpest tool in the shed but she was really lovely when I met her once.
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What a dip shit. I co parent and it’s the most wonderful thing on earth. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I get free leisure time that most don’t 😂 and our kid gets to spend time with dad and soak up more love than any nuclear family could offer.
would she prefer he be a dead beat and never see the kids? Does she want them all to herself? Each to her own but there’s more to life than your kid. They will grow up and idk, move away and live life? Hopefully.
100%! I love my week of every fortnight. Obviously in the beginning I hated it, but now I cherish the time to myself that I would otherwise never have if I was still with my son's dad.
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Still remember she blocked me for asking how getting a boob job was an example of demonstrating confidence and increasing your self esteem for your daughters. ❤
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Abby is getting her Mirena out and she’s just going to ‘learn how her cycle works and take her temperature’ instead of getting another one put in.


Hope she’s ready for baby number 4.
Oh fuck, Leigh needs the snip if they aren’t planning more kids. Abby will be pregnant if she’s in charge of monitoring her own cycle
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I really think we’re grossly overestimating tattle’s impact. People seemingly ask questions of her relationship in every comment section on every photo and in all her q&a’s. I thought it was just them taking the piss and having a laugh at what must be a fairly mundane and repetitive question.
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