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I just find it a bit distasteful that they've gone there so they can live a holiday lifestyle and essentially do sweet f all for months off the back of cheap cost of living and low wages for workers, so they can afford a very carefree lifestyle while those who serve them are struggling to get by. Niomi has commented before on how positive and kind workers are out there (read deferential) and let's not forget when she and Forky left their restaurant table in an absolute state and joked about it. Does she not feel like she's exploiting a culture and becoming part of the problem? Rich foreigners are clearly treated very well out there while the government enacts invasive laws on their own citizens. That would make me feel very uneasy about going there.
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Fundraiser for Ukraine with a tied up woman. What a bunch of pieces of shtt... Just have an orgy and stop pretending you care about other things. Despicable to bring war ravaged countries into it.
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Geez the more I dig into this guy the more creeped out I get. Yes he follows this Fit for service thing and it's creator Aubrey Marcus on instagram (found a podcast on Spotify which exposes their cultish behaviour but haven't listened to it yet) but I don't know if he's directly connected to them. No need though, he has his own cultish thingy going on!
He seems to be part of the team/organization called Awakened Dreamers & their work is umm.. quite interesting..?


Proof he's part of the team:


Funny how on their promotional posters they write "White attire required" but don't say anything about shrooms which I assume are also required.
Oh Nims, what have you gotten yourself into...
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People on the comments saying niomi “works hard” and is only enjoying the her success.

Except, she doesn’t work hard. She’s disciplined with food and maybe pushes herself at a PB when running but I’m not sure living under the weight of your crippling neuroses is “working hard”

Britney Spears is someone who famously worked hard (and was open about how she was never allowed breaks or holidays)

JK Rowling manually typed out each of her HP manuscripts before sending it out to publishers to be rejected… thats working hard, and she was too poor to afford a printer so no trips to Mauritius for JK.

Einstein would disappear into his room for days at a time when working, and joked that the ideal occupation for him would be lighthouse keeper.

Being hardworking, being successful has **nothing** to do with holidaying. The reason it’s galling to so many people in the comments is because Niomi did. Not. Earn. That. Holiday.

she does not work hard. She did not earn that success. She was lucky. Lucky that she was born into the family she was. Lucky to have met Marcus. Fair play to her, if she wants to coast along on that then that’s her choice. life is hard so if she wants to take the easy route offered, that’s her choice.

But she can scream that she’s hardworking and get Bradley and others to join in, until they are blue in the face. it won’t make it true and won’t make people believe it when it’s obvious it’s not true.
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Am I the only one who wants to punch him in the face for this? Yes, hard work is often a requirement for success, but you can’t deny that luck plays a big role too, especially in the influencer business. Being at the right place at the right time is not a myth. Circumstances matter.
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Hi all, new member here... And livid. I would love to give my 2 cents and hope that it will reach anyone in a similar situation.

I found this forum a few days ago and pretty much spent the entire weekend reading up. And wow, how fucking blind have I been. For years. Long story ahead...

I started watching Niomi when she broke up with Marcus and was living the single life in Notting Hill. I had just broken up with my bf as well and was doing the same, living in London and discovering my single self. I was loving it. Niomi seemed like a familiar friend (she wasn’t doing lots of ads at the time) and I enjoyed her content.

It was around this time that I unknowingly developed an eating disorder. Without sharing details (which is triggering in itself) I now realise that I was mimicking a lot of her behaviour - completely oblivious to the fact that it was 100% disordered. She lived a perfect life right? So she must be setting a good example.

I started watching her less and less as she became less relatable but would check in every now and then, feeling sorry for her after the whole Joe debacle. Embarrassed at her semi-naked shots but comparing my body to hers at the same time.

Fast forward to now and I’m a dozen therapy sessions in, working extremely hard to change my behaviour, and slowly uncovering all the different layers that have shaped and fuelled the monster that is my ED. And after finding this forum, I now realise Niomi’s content played a part in it. Gives a whole new definition to the word influencer. I feel stupid and naive for only realising now how triggering her content is.

I am in no way blaming Niomi for my situation as I attribute a whole lot of different factors to my illness. But her content fed it and justified my behaviour. I genuinely thought her diet was representative of that of the average woman.

I can’t be angry at her because I now see how hopelessly clueless she is and she truly believes she’s living a healthy life. But she is promoting an unhealthy relationship with food and she needs to be hauled over to therapy stat - before anyone else falls for it like I did. This is straight up dangerous.

Although I feel some of the comments towards her can be a bit insensitive, I would like to thank every single one of you on here that has called her out on her disordered behaviour, because you held a big fucking mirror to my face. It is NOT normal, and it is VERY important for people to call her out on it. So thank you.
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My jealousy for her metabolism is real.................😩
Anna reeks of Cool Girl to me. Doubt she ate all that or that she eats like that continuously.

Niomi needs to step away from the internet, go to therapy, maybe do volunteer work. I'm 30 and choose to live with my Mom during the pandemic because otherwise, she'd be alone and I wouldn't be able to visit because traveling between where she lives and where I normally live is really discouraged. She makes it sound like it's some huge ordeal and she should be given sainthood. Like, fuck off Niomi.
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I’m just over here like how do all these people manage to find someone they like enough, who also likes them, so often that they can actually have a string of relationships back to back?! Teach me your ways 😂
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Chatty Member
Side note, why has this thread been littered by Niomi supporters/the Gleam Team? This is why the UK is doing so terribly, too many people share her views of rule-breaking "not being a big deal" when the UK is genuinely an embarrassment because of the attitudes. Why people show sympathy to this girl when she has done absolutely nothing for you is what's mind-blowing to me.

I left the UK (where I currently live) to go back to my "home home" in Canada for the foreseeable a month ago (I actually quarantined with my partner who traveled with me for 14 days without hitting up the shops with my mummy). Niomi's approach to this pandemic is a really big part of a massive problem.
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Her vegan diet didn’t cause her eating disorder, she had one anyway.

Remember when she did the London marathon and was literally having anxiety spirals about eating those glucose energy gel packs? She ended up making some crappy alternative out of dates. There was also the Christmas where she got a box of 4 of those booja booja chocolates and was “so naughty” for eating 2 of them in a day.

She dragged DJ around cities on holidays looking for suitable “clean” places to eat. Loads of places do vegan burgers, pizzas, mac n “cheese”…she would never eat any of those things.

Theres also the fact that she clearly controlled Marcus and Joe’s diets to the extent they developed eating issues. Marcus even admitted not long after they broke up that he had developed real issues with food in the last few years which he (conveniently) started working on around the time they broke up.

She is the common denominator in all of this. She absolutely has had an eating disorder for several years that she hid behind the plant-based lifestyle. I really hope she is overcoming it now.
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One second single and she's instantly reverting to Kate Middleton wannabe accent 😂 brown hair dye coming in 5,4,3,2...
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Yeah now I can finally believe it’s over. No engagement ring, not a single mention of Jamie (Even when she was describing the Dubai trip they did together she only says “I”) or the upcoming wedding. She will sweep the whole thing under the carpet and pretend he never existed. There’s no need for an official announcement.

I feel like she’s gonna settle in London for good. She did mention another India trip at some point in time, but to me she sounds so relieved to be back and as if she had grown sick and tired of Bali. We’re gonna get Posh, Notting Hill Niomi back, Folks!
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"He knew I'd awakened my Kundalini since we last met".Dying at that line.She is beyond parody at this point. :LOL:
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My high quality contribution for this thread today…huh, it was exhausting, time to take a break 😫

Also Nimbob, just because we know how to use google, it doesn’t mean we‘re doing “detective work” to dig up dirt on your scumbag toothy boyfriend, it’s all there on the internet for free.🤗
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