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Dear desperate housewives of the shadows,
last thread went by so fast!! we really are the most productive shadows in the history of housewives! Let me try and make sense of all of this shall we?
But first off.. thread title by.. well Nimbobs herself if I might say so..
After the pedicure and nail colors gate that happened like 10 days ago, Nimbobs went bananza on her Instagram about all the scrutiny and hate she gets online, people calling her fat (as if!), people doing detective work on her (it's litcherally typing her boyfriend's name on google), and about how enough is enough. I personally though that she's quitting IG or something drastic like that, but nope. All she did was divide her followers into 2 groups: the bright tribes (aka brainless ass licking fans) and the shadows (no explaining needed). Her bright tribe started kissing her non existing ass in the comments, and some comments went on to describe tattlers as desperate housewives who have littcherally nothing better to do with their lifes... hmmm makes me think of someone's biggest life dream..

Dear Nimbobs,
us tattlers don't DM you, don't write on your comment section, give you the minimum amount of attention on YT and socials because A) you don't deserve that attention and B) We condemn such behavior. But we gathered in this lovely forum to express our opinions and criticize, because your life is a product you're selling, and as any other product we shall give our honest opinion on it ☺

Dear all,
nothing else really happened:
- she and her loVe did some cryotherapy, in a bikini
- they did some dancing on the beach, in a bikini
- they did some workout in the gym, in a bikini
- they recreated the waterfall kissykiss photo she does with every boyfriend, in a bikini
- they did some moto riding across Bali, also in a fucking bikini...
Girl forgot her pants and brains back in London. God help us all..

Let's carry on doing what we do best 😍 Long live the shadowzzz. Littcherally!
PS: a video just went live and counting on the brave people who will give us the tea 😅

Edit: forgot to say that the Shart part of the title is credited to the genius @Lionsden and Nimbobs last episode of diarrhea :cool:
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Officially done and unfollowed. What a little biatch she is. That story about her nail colour - that’s right, be a c*nt to those who provide you with money.
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I don’t understand why she thinks Bali is so amazing 🤩 every day the same shizzle, eating smoothie bowls and spa treatments. Sure for a holiday..but long term no thanks, it’s surely going to wane eventually as will her relationship with lordon of the teeth.

It reminds me of a quote from sex and the city where Miranda yells ‘yea it’s all so hot three days in!!’ to a couple all over each other on their holiday. The reality of dirty socks on the floor and lordon forgetting to buy the milk (I mean non fat oat milk) are just around the corner nimmers 😁
The thing with Bali is... I can not picture myself living a life where people are basically in service for you 24/7. Does Niomi clean her bungalo herself? Does she cook herself? Does she even washes her own clothes? Obviously life is so fun when the only thing you do yourself is wipe your damn ass! I will never understand how can you roam through Bali streets and don't feel like a fucking white colonizer lol. It's one thing when you visiting for a quick holiday, but to lead a lifestyle like that, I'd feel uncomfortable as hell. But maybe it's just me
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It’s super weird to bring a guy home to meet your family when you’ve only known him for a couple of weeks.

My brother used to do this and we HATED it. We had to get to know a girl and then a few months later it was a different one. Having to spend christmas with a new girl my brother was fucking every year was exhausting. Why do people do this?!
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What proof do we have that Lordon organized sex parties?
Lordon McDonkey Interview
^ He says here that he organized many nightclub events in Ireland (didn't watch the whole video though lol - don't have the mental capacity)

This guy is real classy...

I looked into his background as a nightclub promoter. He used to run a company called Midnight Events (also referred to as Midnight Promotions) and is the man responsible for club promos such as 'Knickers for Liquor' - a free drink in exchange for your underwear - and This is Thursdays or T.I.T - send a picture of your cleavage for a free pass to the club. It is the same guy - there's a YouTube video where he talks about running Midnight Events.

There is probably a lot more on this that I don't have time to look into right now. Suddenly GeTITdone doesn't seem so bad.

Linking a few articles:

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I present to you my favourite comment thread under Forky's post. The Fork himself even answered. Apologies for the many screenshots. I tried to keep the colours consistent, but eventually ran out and had to improvise



So he concludes that the commenter needs help. The real question is, does the commenter need secret service help or will just normal help do?
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Omg. This is tattle GOLD!!

I love how they've done this incredibly dumb thing, and instead of being even slightly ashamed and/or humble about it, Niomi has just been self congratulatory. She just "can't believe" how "chirpy" she was, as the "secret services" gave up their valuable time to come rescue some vain instagrammers hiking around in barely anything. That photo with her in her crop top and shorts posing with her rescuers just sums up everything that is wrong with unfluencers! I would be MORTIFIED if I had gone to a tropical island currently dealing with the aftermath of terrible weather conditions and had wasted their resources on myself. Niomi is just concerned with how she has overcome so much and how positive she was... I can't deal!!!!
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So let me get this straight--we're 11 weeks into 2021 and Niomi has posted a total of 3 videos since the new year, including two sponsored videos and now another ignorant/self-absorbed/tone-deaf rant. It's becoming a pattern on her channel: ad, ad, rant, ad, ad, rant, ad. She has nothing else to offer. After the infamous "Festive Meltdown" and "Influencer Chat" videos, today get yet another "woe is me" monologue from Niomi Stupid.

She could have done cooking/baking videos; she could have done yoga videos; she could have recreated the makeup look she did on that Zoom makeup class with Bare Minerals; she could have filmed the process of putting these floral arrangements together when she got gifted that florist training by Guerlain for mother's day--I could go on. She literally has THE MOST FLEXIBLE job in the world. She can do it from ANYWHERE. She can film ANYTHING. Yet here she is, doing less than the bare minimum. Just complaining and complaining and complaining.

The pandemic didn't exist in Niomi's world until about 3 months ago. The rest of us have been dealing with it for over a year. She's a wealthy, healthy/able, conventionally attractive, White woman who gets to be with her entire family (a family who loves her and that she gets along with really well), in a mansion (where she gets to have a whole wing to herself), in the countryside with acres of land around her and a heated pool (so she can take long walks and spend time outdoors). She doesn't have any responsibilities or people to look after (no children, no partner as we all know...., no sick parent or other relative); she doesn't have a job to slave away at everyday (lockdown or no lockdown). She hasn't had to deal with the virus directly: hasn't been sick herself or had any other relatives be seriously sick, hasn't lost any loved ones, hasn't lost employment. She's gotten to see her friends all year round; she's gotten to go on several trips; she's gotten to go out for dinner, lunch, drinks, and do all kinds of social things (well, more like she allowed herself to by breaking the rules incessantly).

Yet she's over here, talking about how it would be "so cruel" of her to say to herself, "pull yourself together, you're fine, people have it worse off than you." Those are literally her words, that it would be so cruel of her to actually count her blessings for once. I guess she and I have very different definitions of cruelty.

She literally spent a whole section of the video talking about how her friends have already booked trips and restaurants but she "hasn't booked anything yet," so she's now "in a panic" and "feeling behind." I mean, is she HEARING HERSELF??! Could she get any more ignorant and out of touch? Millions of people have lost their jobs, booking a holiday is the last thing on their minds! She also mentioned how she had just been on a walk and said things like "the person I was with," "they" -- now, if it was anyone from her family she would've obviously said who it was instead of being so cryptic. So she's ALREADY socializing with people from outside of her household, yet she's over here crying crocodile tears over lockdown?

Yes, mental health does not discriminate--negative thoughts or even depression can happen to anyone regardless of social status. But the least she could do is make an effort to be less ignorant; count her blessings and truly reflect on her privilege; have some humility, respect, tact; just stop moaning AS A LIVING (she is literally making money OFF of these rants), stop making excuses for yourself, and start reevaluating your approach. She keeps going on about this "journey of self-discovery" she's been on yet I haven't once witnessed her questioning herself/reevaluating herself/reassessing her past behaviors, decisions or actions.

It's become clear over the past year that she LOVES the sound of her own voice. She has this expression on her face/a certain body language whenever she does these rambles...I don't know how to describe it, but she looks incredibly smug, arrogant, and evidently thinks what she's saying is beyond inspirational and intelligent, when it is just mediocre. The conclusion of the video is basically that she's scared of being back in that small/dark flat of hers, alone, without a boyfriend, without many friends (her friends all appear to have moved on to different stages of their lives, being married and all--and now that the breakup is an old story, they won't be there for her as much anymore), and with a meaningless job that no longer fulfills her. It'd be easier if she just admitted that to herself rather than just repeating, "I'm fed up with lockdown but I'm also terrified of what my life is going to be like post-covid," "I haven't booked any vacations yet when all of my friends have, I'm so behind!"

To summarize, I only have one thing to say: she should be ashamed of herself.
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Again today on her instagram, ‘from when I was at uni in Bristol 😄’!

imagine saying ‘from when I was at uni in Oxford’ 😂 you know everyone’s going to assume Oxford rather than Oxford Brookes

And you know she's not going to reply to poor clairizona1 to set the facts straight.


Let's see how long it takes for my comment to get deleted... hehehe.
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I think some people on this thread are determined to think the worst of her no matter what. She said twice in that video that she was thinking about the impact on her family. That’s not selfish.
I don’t agree with her behaviour around Covid. I also think she’s taken the self love thing a bit too far at times by literally checking herself out on camera & other stuff along those lines, plus she’s been passive aggressive & lacks depth etc.
But, this video felt genuine for the most part & while the right path thing isn’t for me I’m glad she explained it.
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No one knows what happened to Martha moo! Jim's girlfriend said something to indicate Tanya did something. But any questions asking about the dog just get deleted from Tanya or Jim's comments 😆
It's all part of Jim's master plan to reinvent himself as an author of children's books, a la Tom Fletcher. His first cutesy title, complete with pastel illustrations: Where's Martha Moo?

Is she at the park? No!
Is she at the beach? No!
Is she under the bed? No!
Is she under Tanya's patio? Lift the flap to find out...
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Niomi smart is currently the most read thread on tattle 😵 2020 just gets ever more unprecedented
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Dear shadows of the dark,

we are gathered today 😁😁😁 to celebrate the ending of all our heartaches ❤, the coming to light of the dumbest of them all 🥰, the liberation of Tattle from teethy McDonky 🥳! I hereby announce the official breakup of Dumbobs and Lordon!! Oh wait..

Well yeah yeah... not official official! but we have all the signs:
- No engagement ring on her finger
- There is no more talking about "we" now it's just "I"
- Deleted a lot of their photos, most importantly the engagement one

Operation erase Donkey has commenced and we can NOT get over the fact that our manifestations and prayers did really come true.

Thread title by @lucyhobson525 from youtube (please join us!!), captured by our very own @Shutterbug99 :coronation:

We're waiting for a confirmation by one of them and expecting the worst reaction ever from Lordon. Hope they both don't disappoint 😉

Oh moon!!!


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