Israeli–palestinian Conflict Gossip Forum

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  1. thegirlscout

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #24

    Please continue
  2. Warpaint

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #23

    Still ongoing, hopefully peace this year...
  3. B

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #22

    It ain't over till it's over. Ceasefire or maybe not? The most infuriating international disgrace continues.
  4. B

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #21

    The seige grinds on and so does this thread.
  5. Shimmering

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #20

    The horrors continue.
  6. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #19

    And still nothing has changed. :(
  7. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #18

    I cannot believe we are still talking about this, I cannot believe our leader's are still walking around with their thumbs up their arses. I usually try to find a positive picture to start the thread but everything is so bleak and dark. Instead, lets have this Hamada is the gentleman who...
  8. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #17

    Here we are almost 8 months in with no sign of light at the end of the tunnel.
  9. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #16

    I tried to come up with something positive to say at the start of this thread. But here we are. Thread #16. Gaza is destroyed, the west is starting to truly wake up to it and the Zionists have completely got their panties in a wad. So we know we are doing the right thing. Keep on, keeping on.
  10. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #15

    And we go again.
  11. Dogmuck

    Israeli - Palestinian conflict #14

    The genocide continues. It’s Ramadan, Israel have continued to bombard Gaza, they have rained down bombs on Rafah, sniped at starving people trying to get food in Northern Gaza and have attacked Al Shifa hospital again.
  12. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian conflict #13

    I struggled with this thread title, because it isn't a conflict or a war it is the elimination of a people. But I went with the norm so everyone can find it. Now we know what evil looks like in human form.
  13. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #12

    Think this is an apt website to begin with: @pommynoir thank you for sharing. Motaz is safe and has left Gaza. Bisan has evacuated for the 5th(?) time and left Khan Younis. Sadly, Mansour is still missing. He hasn't been heard from for over three days and was...
  14. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #11

    Here we go again. --- @toomuchstuff I did include your title but they wanted us to stick to basics which is fair enough. I started the thread with South Africa though. Mod edit this thread hasn't had a title? Not sure they do
  15. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli -- Palestinian Conflict #10

    Lather, rinse, repeat. The genocide continues, America is supplying ammunition of insane levels. The world is sitting by and watching.
  16. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli - Palestinian Conflict #9

    And still the world sits by and quietly watches ethnic cleansing and genocide.
  17. ordinaryjelly

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict #8

    And so the genocide continues.
  18. kev1974

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict #7

    Summary since the last thread People marched some more Things got bombed some more Politicians didn't do much about it Media is more interested in Colleen Rooney Previous thread here
  19. thegirlscout

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict #6

    Recent developments include: Hezbollah has warned of a wider war if Israel does not stop bombing Gaza. Israel has refused a temporary ceasefire unless all the hostages are returned. They believe that a ceasefire will give Hamas a chance to restock their weapons and regroup. Only 4 civilians and...
  20. Warpaint

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflict #5

    Latest -
  21. Warpaint

    Israeli–Palestinian Conflict #4

    Latest is that 50 more hostages are to be released...
  22. M

    Israeli–Palestinian Conflict #3

    Welcome to the new thread. Understandably this is a conflict that people have strong opinions on. But it's important that people agree to disagree respectfully. Everyone is allowed to express their opinion, but no one is allowed to be disruptive. This is not somewhere to bicker and it's unfair...
  23. M

    Israeli–Palestinian Conflict #2

    Welcome to the new thread. Understandably this is a conflict that people have strong opinions on. But it's important that people agree to disagree respectfully. This is not somewhere to bicker and it's unfair on everyone that may want to contribute if it's reduced to a couple of posters...
  24. Warpaint

    Israeli–Palestinian Conflict

    Seems to be getting more tense over there at the minute. The Israeli army raided a camp killing Hamas members and now there's been a terror attack at a Synagogue