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the way zoe couldn't come up with any hobbies/interests for herself and the best alfie could do (after laughing at her first) was baking... and then even zoe showed some embarrassment over her main activity being watching holiday movies with mark. it's quite pathetic. also, when they were talking about what accomplishments they are excited to share with their kids someday, she couldn't even think of her 'novels' herself - alfie brought them up instead. just shows how much work and care she truly put in to those doesn't it... she has the entire world at her disposal and she's naturally quite craftsy but she chooses to waste away on the sofa instead. imagine what the rest of us could do with all the free time she has!
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Yep. I read very broadly so I often read popular, "book club pick" books among others so i don't think there's a problem with that but it's the total lack of self awareness. No "I know I'm late to the party", "I totally missed this when it came out" or "I'm sure you've all heard of this one" to caveat her reading commentary.

Also, like, who looks to Zoe Slug for book commentary? 🤣
I actually like her book reviews! I enjoy hearing her thoughts and how a book is "so good" and she's "literally obsessed". With reviews like that she should become an author. oh wait..
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I always skip through bath and bedtime but why have their channels become CBeebies. Why do they think we want to watch a day in the life of a toddler, I can't wait till they stop showing her so much. Here and there is fine but an entire vlog on what a two year old is up to is not it.
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do yous think zoes and alfie have been watching dianne on strictly. i hope so, i think it would be fun for wee ottie to see aunty dianne on the telly
Probably not. Dianne's wearing too much colour. Ottie might start questioning why she lives in a sad beige world
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In the blog with Mark a few weeks ago he mentioned “ooh we have the witches soon” and I presume they had tickets to watch the stage show, Zoe’s automatic reply was “I hope I can sit through it” her immediate response was to get an excuse in, there’s been no mention of it from either of them so I guess they didn’t go???

The sheer amount of things they’ve had tickets for and then she hasn’t bothered going, he needs to stop committing to anything with her
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I’ll be interested to see at what point they’ll apparently stop showing Ottie. I believe they said when she becomes recognisable/starts school but if the money tap stops dripping in I’m sure they’ll go back on that for the lucrative toy/kids ads even though they don’t need to.
She’s already recognisable… if someone saw ottie out and about without zalfie they’d know it was her! There’s creepy fan accounts reposting pictures and videos of her. So their logic is flawed.
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Why couldn’t she have looked after ottie while alfie and her mum did the decoration? Or even let ottie help? Or better yet, maybe don’t do it at all as it’s such fucking wasteful.
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I will never not cry laughing at Alfie Deyes declaring to a few million people that basically he's going on maternity leave now for a few months, at this point hes more mentally pregnant than she is 😂
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Why does she always have to go to Alfie’s parents all the time for things most normal parents would just deal with themselves? They are so strange.
Literally! If they have to swap over her room (which makes no sense to me just let her keep her room) leave her cot up and put her in it?? Or put her in your bed for the night?? Or bring a mattress into your room for the night and call it a sleepover?? Make it fun for the poor girl instead of shipping her off and her coming back to her room being gone and the baby getting it instead.
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Ottie in the most ugly gifted pair of dungarees I’ve ever seen. Like a sad clown. Why does she only ever wear brown or beige?
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Personally I think influencers should just keep quiet on it unless they have something meaningful to add. I’ve seen so much performative and self congratulatory nonsense from influencers over the last week I have more respect for the ones who just shut up.

What’s been really grinding my gears is the influencers who’re bringing their job into it. “Not posting out of respect” or “ so sorry need to post because of a sponsorship obligation” or thinking their vlog will be such a lovely distraction from what’s going on. Or all the vague uncontroversial statements about how sad it all is. I would honestly rather they just stay quiet. No one cares if they keep posting silly vlogs and sponsored posts, it just makes no difference, and going on about how they’re trying to be respectful makes them seem worse I think? Because it feels more like because they’re trying to look good to their audience than actually caring. I’m sure they do care, but they care more about their public perception.

Anyway, not super relevant to Zoe, but I don’t think she’d say anything of value and she can continue to not say anything for that reason. Understand if people see it differently though!
Or the worst when they say things like -

" Sat here looking at our beautiful home, how perfect we've got it now after how hard we struggled through the renovation and knowing how lucky I am to have this amazing life with all our family supporting our every dream tucking our healthy babies into bed and knowing that they want for nothing .... Thinking of Palestine 🙁"in

It's like they use it as a humble brag or self gratitude moment, absolutely sick imo.
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I swear Zoe says she wants to “strip back” on work and, well, having a life… every single year. She’s so unbelievably deluded and it’s excruciating to listen to. And Alfie’s become even more smug and sanctimonious since having their “perfect” child; it’s very tedious hearing about how great Ottie is (though I know a lot of parents are like this) as someone who couldn’t give less of a fuck.

I put their videos on in the background and it’s still painful to listen to. They couldn’t be more up their own arses if they tried.
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at 44:44 mark: "I know everyone loves the wooden aesthetic. but kids just love the brightly coloured slightly garish, all singing all dancing toys"

zoe realizing beige aesthetic isnt something that kids love. amazing. she finally understood
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That proposal was more for him than her by the sounds of it, he didn't even get on one knee, didn't even ask her and didn't bother even open the ring box for her just handed it over. If it were so perfect and she was so happy about it she wouldn't have told him to actually ask her the question whilst she had already put the ring on, she thought about it and realised he hadn't even asked her the question. It's just to keep up appearances because now they have two kids he doesn't want to look like he just has a baby mamma, he thinks he's too classy for that and that's why she's now his fiancé. Everything he does is about appearances. His fake adventurous hike he went on was pathetic, just done for appearance. If Zoe hadn't filmed him we would never know it was just outside, he even reads just for the image of it.
Exactly I said the same. Its fine being casual and nervous (thought not sure why as Zoe has been dying for a ring for years so she wasn't going to say no was she?) but at least make the effort to do it properly, jeez I almost feel sorry for Zoe (almost) she's waited 10 years for a proposal and when it happens its the most mundane proposal ever! no wonder she didn't post much about it on IG as nothing happened no fireworks, no party, just a boring Deye's family dinner later on. :oops:
He just gave her the box?! I haven’t watched the vlog yet yikes
Yes she said he gave her the box she opened it, then closed it, then opened it again and when she was holding the ring she said 'well are you going to ask me?' and he said oh yeah and asked her to marry him.
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What annoys me with these two is they very rarely mention how lucky they are to slow down so much and take 1-2 years off after having a baby (Alfie's words), knowing fine well this isn't possible for the majority of their viewers. Don't get me wrong, if I could do the same, I absolutely would but it frustrates that despite both being at home, barely having to work, and having two sets of very hands on grandparents, they still make out that it's so hard being parents. A tiny bit of reflection on the fact they realise most dads only get 2 weeks off and most mums have to go back earlier than they'd like as they can't afford to take their whole maternity leave would be nice.
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I still can't get passed Ottie being an August baby when she should of been September then Alfie designing an engagement ring with his unborn baby's birthstone for December included in it.
Has he not learned from experience she could easily be born in November only given is that its a winter baby and after the egg on on their face over the wooly cosy newborn pieces she raved about before Ottie the much hyped Autumn baby ended up arriving in the heat of summer I honestly think these pair still think theyre above anything not going to plan, I wouldn't tempt fate till they're safely in your arms let alone settle on a birthstone.
Obviously I want the baby to be delivered safely and her be nice and healthy, but part of me really wants her to be a bit early so that the ring is fucked for this reason specifically 🤣
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Buying an office, completely redesigning it, and then deciding to shutter your company, let go of your staff, and strip it all back in the name of 'simplicity' is just the kind of genius business acumen I love and respect from these two. Their daughters are really going to learn the value of a hard day's work from them!

It's crazy how neither of them have any ambition. They're still so young. Early 30s are usually when young professionals really get going and find their stride. They had everything done for them by Gleam in their 20s, then by 'A to Z' and now they're in a spot where they can survive off of hoarding properties and flogging garbage hoodies and shampoo once a month and not paying for staff salaries (or rather accessing government funding to cover it like with Holly!)
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