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In her latest Instagram story, when she is talking about doing a via ferrante instead of a hike, its all 'I' looked into doing it and 'I'm' very excited. There is no we or joint decision making at all. Her need to control and it be all about her is definitely what caused her mental 'breakdown' no doubt. Her anxiety is very much due to her being a narcissist and not willing to listen to others.
Came to leave this here and you beat me to it!
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But Zanna is a hiking expert???? She runs overpriced hiking groups??? She flies a million times a year to walk up some cliffs and cry??? Guyzzzz. Zanna is professional and totally not patronising at all and is completely bearable xoxoxox
Why?! She’ll just Botox herself more if she gets sun wrinkles
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Don’t really know about what technically qualifies as bbq food but I would personally consider potato salad and coleslaw as bbq food! And in the States Mac n cheese would for sure be considered a typical thing to serve food that has actually been cooked on a bbq!
And I completely agree with the poster above- that plate of food looks delicious and so much better than anything Zambo has ever served up at her "nest"
Thanks for explaining, to me mac and cheese is just a comfort food to have on its own when it's all wintry and miserable outside. I've just never had any served at a BBQ so was a little surprised, that's all 😀
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Also, isn't this incorrect, as in, it should be 32nd year? You've turned 31, and so effectively 32nd year of your life has commenced. Like, when you were a baby and turned 1, you'd be saying "bring on my second year"*
View attachment 2411812
*if you could speak, that is, and think clearly 🙃
Nah cos that would mean I’m in my thirtieth year and I am enjoying blissful ignorance right now so shhhhh 😂😂😂
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Chatty Member
Why is she holding the wheel like this when the road she’s driving in appears to be straight. Just looks so awkward! She’s so odd.
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Hypocrisy at its finest. Remember how preachy she was about it all as well? Constantly going on about sustainability, telling everyone how they can make ‘conscious choices’, pretending to be so upset about the state of the planet etc 🙄 She’ll be the type who justifies the hundreds of flights every year by saying she planted a tree.
This makes me so angry
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Chatty Member
They’ve been away for less than a week and already doing laundry? And we know she doesn’t travel hand luggage only, usually with at least 2 big cases. I really don’t understand these two and their ‘holidays’.
I’m sure she said before that ant 🐜 doesn’t like taking laundry back home …
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Have fun!! Bar closed at 10pm. It was Egg pre refurb hot. No queue for toilets - everyone had their keys out on the dance floor.
Bar closes at 10?!? Crikey
I’m old now I’ll be at the back, could think of nothing worse than being surrounded by Zanna and her mates and no way out, stuff of nightmares
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I was thinking this too when I saw the bday pics and that Vic wasn’t there. Pretty sure she travelled down for Tally’s bday and sees her other times too but don’t remember the last time she posted with Zanna! Can imagine Vic being the type of person to cut people with bad energy out her life, maybe she finds zannas habits triggering?
Yeah I don't remember a bridesmaids reveal for her either so did wonder if they have had a falling out.
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She showed there was someone sitting opposite her at the restaurant table.

Has she ever travelled abroad on her own?
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