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I don't think any of her video is genuine. I think the reality of the situation that she's losing followers and that she's had such a backlash and she can see her career running away from her has hit her like a tonne of bricks.
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The fact she felt the need to post this morning about her 'wild night out' is so lame. It goes to show that she has no idea how to relate to people, I'm sure even her most ardent fans would have been left baffled by her stories?
Woman goes out, stays up past 9pm, feels the need to justify it to her followers?
Bizarre behaviour, even by her standards.
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Oh god, just seen her latest reel - 5 things in my kitchen that just make sense.
Somehow she’s managed to show off her wealth (who the hell has a whole hidden away breakfast bar and a spice rack THAT big) and get in an ad at the same time?
I used to genuinely like Zanna and her posts but she’s got so awful in the past few years. Every other post is either an ad now or just so fake.
... what does she need a spice rack for? She doesn't seem to cook her ✨ Vegetable Sludge ✨ anymore?
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are they bloopers or are you just deliberately waving some glasses about and pulling stupid faces for attention?

or maybe she’s branching out into providing new avatar content x
* sigh * but you're forgetting that she qUiRkY 🙄
Nice that she's come back from her very expensive holiday to sell over the cost hiking trips and now having a little brag about the gifted nest and the ensuite nearly being finished. Well I for one have almost completely forgotten that there's currently a war raging on and I feel so much better for knowing that the contractors are coming back next week. Bravo for this 'light relief'.
And yes, I do appreciate that it appears that she can't 'do right for doing wrong', but at the moment, I think I can confidently say that no-one with a modicum of common sense gives a flying fuck about your enormous Surrey mansion that you and your landlord rattle around in.
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I actually do think Zanna is thick. She’s so ditsy and has no clue how the war will affect us all and I bet hasn’t read anything about it other than a few insta posts. She reads books but they’re usually ones that sing into her echo chamber and are about white womens’ issues and “how to be a boss CEO”. She’s sitting in her paid for house surrounded by free stuff planning her next holidays which are subsidised by her mug followers who pay her to go on them. In her eyes she has no reason or need to understand it.
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I don’t begrudge people having fun and enjoying life and honestly throughout this chaos it’s okay to still look forward to things and not constantly think about the bad stuff. HOWEVER. Good god. She’s on planet Zog. Yes yes yes good for you living life and I’m glad her dad is having fun blah blah but goodness me READ THE ROOM GAL!!! Even the most ignorant creators and influencers have posted more than she has about the war.

Narrow-minded narcissistic bitch. I think I’m done with her and I’m happy to just unfollow her. Before it was just curiosity and rolling my eyes at her excessive travel and obsession with how tall she is but she’s going too far now. She’s so removed from real life it’s unbelievable!!!
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My problem with her constant going on about this “motherhood” topic is that she never ever delivers any new information or anything useful for that matter. She yet again just says that she doesn’t know and feels the pressure. FFS! Talk about real actual issues for once!!!

I come from a country where this motherhood question is still quite a taboo - society and your family will expect you to have kids, and dare you choose not to. The nation is a tiny one, so not having kids is seen as a crime against the motherland, and people suggest to heavily tax people with no kids. Women with no kids are called crazy spinsters and worse. Like, no joke!

I am lucky enough to now live abroad away from this bullshit (honestly - one of the reasons I don’t want to return!). I have also lived in the UK for a couple of years and know that people care less about it there and it truly is becoming a new norm not to have kids. It just baffles me how she makes it an issue. Yet another privilege she needs to check. ASAP!
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Anyone else think Hylo completely discredit their sustainability angle by using Zanna?
I messaged DryRobe when they partnered with StayWealthySwim as part of a "sustainability" giveaway. I asked if they really thought that Zanna was a good representative for sustainability- she ripped out her house, takes lots of flights etc, and I thought it undermined DryRobes own sustainability claims. They said they can't comment on influencers but the brand itself represents sustainability so that's enough for them to partner.

Since then, anytime I see anyone ask whether or not they should buy a DryRobe I tell them their other actual sustainable options and they're often much cheaper too. (this comes up literally every day in my swim group chats)
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She is infuriating. If she ever bothered to do any actual research into ANYTHING or listened to people who don't just blow smoke up her backside, she might actually learn something. There are some knowledgeable people on this thread, people that hike, outdoor swim, properly train and know about nutrition etc... all whilst having real jobs. She should stop moaning, stop blocking those who offer an alternative opinion and start learning. She won't. But she should.
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ugh her smiley insta stories drinking champagne and ready to fly on an I’m sure super expensive scuba diving holiday, no troubles in the world which she’s contributing to the burning of with every unnecessary flight ❤

Also I’m like 90% ready to see some #pressdiscount or #pr on her posts at sea because there’s no way she’d pay for something entirely out of pocket!!
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This surgeon has probably saved thousands of lives since her.... she wasn't his first and certainly won't be his last. Get over yourself Zanna, you're just a number.
Yes I think this is why it irritates me. As if she’s something so special to him. He will treat her no differently to any of his other patients. And I’m sure he’s saved many lives and all those people will be eternally grateful. You can never put a price on a life. It feels very much ‘you saved my life , well done you! I’m loaded and money is no object but here have a tin of biscuits as a token of thanks’ Just fuck off Zanna

Meanwhile back at the panelled nest little Ant enjoys his 2 weeks of peace
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her whole financial education thing just screams ‘I think people are poor because they’re not smart with their money’ and totally ignoring the reasons behind financial inequality (likely because she’s so privileged she thinks it’s easy for everyone). also, investing is not going to magically lift people out of poverty when they don’t have the spare cash to risk?!

she is the definition of gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss x
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I don't think she looked upset about the war, just about people thinking she doesn't care
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But her social media isn’t her. She’s created her life into a brand that she uses to sell shit. It’s not about boxing her and making her one dimensional. She has literally created this situation herself.

She chose to start a brand based on her being a PT. No one asked her too. She then realised that she could make more money selling other shit (hence her move into finance, those brands usually pay much better), and is annoyed at the fact her engagement is dropping.

It would be like if McDonalds started trying to sell you light fittings. You don’t go to McDonalds for light fittings… Her Instagram account is a brand. It’s a shit one with no morals, but is still a brand.
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The swimwear just looks so unflattering. Nothing to hold in stomach, no support on bra and unflattering shape. Zanna does have a generically nice slim figure and looka bad in it so my with all my lumps, bumps, and 40DD'S wouldn't feel very confident.

I mean of course confidence is also gained from mental well being but Im not going to make it worse by popping on a thin bikini that appears like it would go see through if it got wet.
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You are supposed to wait


View attachment 1069050

at least get him a good bottle of something - ok maybe he doesn't drink but this gift is RIDICULOUS!!!!!
This is the real Zanna, stingy AF. She only lives so grandly because Ant pays for everything/she gets stuff gifted. I would have been so embarrassed to gift the doctor I credit with saving my life that tiny tin of... airport biscuits... Like, get him something nice at least.

Not saying you need to give him a Rolex, but at least some properly fancy British goodies, or alternatively, something like a coffee table beautiful book of England. Something nice and with heart. Not a tiny tin box you bought at the Duty Free.
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