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She is complaining about having a newborn and compares it with crossing a dessert, but at the same moment stating that she is not complaining, only a little bit. Finn is such a farmboy, because in Stockholm, he cried all the time and back on the farm he was a little angel. She must know that this is all bullshit.
She is very proud of Lea because in her new school, she is loud and answers questions without raising her hand and simple being a knowitall. Also Lea is convinced that all the new pupils are her best friends. This girl will fall very hard one day because she is six now and none of this is cute anymore, and nobody taught her any boundaries.
Why do I watch her stories? After that, I'm always angry. :rolleyes:
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Who is her audience/target market,? Who actually follows her and believes any of what she is saying? Who watches her stories and learns anything? It's absolutely fascinating that she keeps going.

Her stories today, filming her face, walking to her lake, on her land, to have a dip. Who relates to this? Surely no-one. And to everyone else, she's a narcissistic privileged white girl. Nothing she says or does is useful or relatable and for me, epitomizes the dangers of social media.
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Exactly what @ShaChe says. About a very typical influencer birthing photo with a specific brand bowl matching the placenta, because the whole free birting is a trend by influencers. But also about that it is dangerous when influencers like this recommend others to free birth with all the risks. Also in general questioning the free birth phenomenon, and the recommendation for people to read a (Swedish) book that is about people giving birth during centuries and how it has developed with medical intervention with less deaths. And I assume she got really disturbed by getting critics in one of the largest Swedish newspapers. 😂

And hi 👋 I am new here and love to finally find others who are annoyed by her!😁

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Poor Lea. Set up for failure from the start. I feel awful knowing someday soon the kids at school are going to find her moms instagram and tease her to pieces. No way the other parents of those kids are oblivious to who Leas mom is.
Yep and kids can be very cruel. Lea's in for a rough awakening and it really isn't her fault she was raised by a narcissist and an enabler.

It's also so telling of Rachel's shit parenting that her response to the bus incidents is to just stop the bus. Instead of teaching Lea responsibility.

Guess Doormat Dennis will now be forced to pick her up from school, cause Rachel can't possibly do it since "baby hates the car."
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Maybe she means she hadn't cleaned the fridge, which she could have brought from the previous place in Sweden, in years? I don't know. She's such a liar and exaggerates everything in ways that make no sense.
She picks the dumbest shit to lie about CONSTANTLY. Like she gets off on it or something.
Case in point - her posting multiple stories of her baby struggling to move his head around while he's on his belly, followed by a video of him sleeping on his belly.
She's actively using this baby to bait unnecessary drama on a daily basis and it's beyond revolting to watch.

Apparently, is having another 'summer sale' for 50% off of annual memberships for her site. How many times have they run this sale now?? No clue why anyone would join the site NOW. Almost $150 USD with no new content, hardly any actual yoga...the content that IS there is so clearly just to stroke Rachel's ego. The email values the Home course at $495 (remember when she was selling it for $1,200+!?!?!).
Hopefully, this is a sign that people are no longer buying the BS when it comes to 'Yoga' Girl.
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She has put her foot in the s*it really and put herself in the wrong spotlight.
This constant and relentless airing their family laundry in public, for all to see your tits out, your arse out, newborn still has bodily fluids on after few seconds out of her uterus and straight away going on Instagram, the other kid constantly on display and recorded to her “followers”.
Social services, journalists on her case, now hating the country… she’s got major issues.
I mean who the hell is still following her bullshit? Who are her audience?? Who is benefiting from her ‘stories’?
Why can’t that man child Dennis grow a pair and stand up to her and say, enough is enough, no more dirty family laundry on Instagram.
FFS, it’s so embarrassing and cringing.

It could be Mama Shama! 🤣🤣
I swear I thought the same!!
They are for two years in Sweden now, just recently moved to her "manifested" farm and now she talks about leaving again? Tearing her daughter again to another country and away from friends and family? Didn't she say that she found her true home in Sweden?
She also said that her mom moved her from place to place like a ragged doll and that she wood never ever would do that to Lea………..
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This is interesting, because on the podcast she said a few times that she didn't think she was in labour until late in the evening and assumed the sensations she felt thought the day were not contractions.

She said she recorded the episode on Wednesday, so the story she tells the world has already changed in less then three days.
It's a contradiction even if we believe only the podcast/divine knowing story. She had a divine knowing that day would be special... except the baby was born in the morning, so that day was actually NOT special.

She has one functioning neuron, the other ones probably committed murder-suicide after realizing they were stuck with the vilest "yogi" to ever have lived.
Do we think it went fully over Rachel's head that these people don't seem to be laughing 'with' her on this one? Or is she just trying to stir up more drama and controversy for attention?
I think she's covering her bases and doing both. In case it's a joke, she takes a shot at herself adding those other words. In case it isn't, she thinks she looks "cool" making a joke about it.

In any case, she still thinks it's a compliment to be talked about, whether they're mocking her or not. All she wants is the attention, doesn't matter if it's the bad sort.
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The yoga content from her feels so desperate and performative at this point. Not to mention, like @Suzecakes said, an excuse for her to showcase her boobs in a different way.

The way she talks about this baby and her postpartum experience, she honestly makes it sound like every day has been a struggle, every day something has been wrong with her or the baby. He seems to have been having health issues daily (choking and gagging on 'nothing', upset stomach, rashes, etc). I know newborns are adjusting to the world and to life, but this seems a bit abnormal, no? Her solution is to consider taking the baby to a...chiropractor instead of a doctor? What the fuck?!?!
ETA - she admitted 'we did take him for a checkup last week' - WHO IS SURPRISED at this lying hypocrite?!?

I had to laugh at her stories the other day. She was walking around her property and said something like 'this is where we will eventually grow every single thing we eat'. She must have immediately clocked how wild of a statement that was because the very next story was her course correcting - "well, of course, we will always drink coffee but we won't be growing coffee beans. We will always drink wine, but we won't be growing grapes. So, so...not everything, not everything, but close." Rakel - literally NO ONE gives a flying fuck and on top of that, no one is making you spout off these all-or-nothing extreme statements. No one CARES! But when you spout off ignorant shit like this constantly, it just makes you look like an absolute out-of-touch quack.

I know I've said it before, but her stories seem to be getting even more insufferable (which I frankly didn't think was even possible). She's now gone from just showing off her garden and plants to trying to 'educate' about plant medicine (when really it just comes off as incredibly preachy). I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough by the time the 'yoga' stories came around.
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So she works and takes the maternity pay?

Guess the Maldives and making all of her herb concoctions will require some $$$
I imagine Daddy is footing the bill for the Maldives since the entire family is going.

Which makes it even more disgusting that she's doubling up on taking paid maternity leave from the country while continuing to work and bring in income.
She's a greedy narcissist, period.
Her daily podcast is the worst I listened when it first launched and it was mediation day and I settled in to do the meditation and midway through there was a bloody ad! An ad in the middle of a meditation podcast. Turned it off and never bothered again.
I listened to two episodes when it first launched and stopped for exactly the same reason. The ads were longer than the actual content and blasting it in the middle of a meditation seemed so tone-deaf and just emphasized how much of a money grab the whole thing is. She doesn't care about helping you or giving you healing practices. It's all a vehicle for more cash in Rakel's aNcEsTrAl pockets.
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Eight stories this morning of Rachel giggling like a maniac claiming she's completely unbothered by this Swedish article about her (when it SO clearly has deeply gotten under her skin). She disparages the article's author, calling into question her legitimacy as a journalist. Rachel refers to herself in the third person as 'Yoga Girl'. Reiterates that she's completely, totally, wholly unbothered. So unbothered that she thinks this is the funniest article ever written and wants to print it out and frame it. She proclaims that Sweden is SO behind the times that EVERYTHING Rachel does is considered radical. (It was then immediately followed by a post saying 'I love my home' 🙄

WHO IS THIS FOR?!?! Who is watching this and relating and cheering her on and agreeing?! At this point, she's openly stroking her own ego and gloating about her right-wing/QAnon beliefs/behaviors. It's not compelling or entertaining in any way. And certainly not inspiring.

It honestly seems like she's losing complete touch with reality and the real world more and more by the minute. Dennis, Mikayla, and her family indulging her in every whim and crazy belief is only going to harm those children at the end of it all. Seems like she's intentionally surrounded herself with people who have no critical thinking skills and a desire to glom on to the last scraps of 'fame' Rachel is clinging to.
Thanks for the recap. I couldn't bring myself to watch these with the sound on. But I can tell that she (not so secretly) LOVES the attention. Drama really is her middle name.
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she’s absolutely a vacuous entity. And i have rage 😂. She is also 100% working out as she’s going to the Maldives, not to get strong. She’s as ego centred as they come
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And here comes more boob, #FREEBREASTFEEDING …more controversy, more of what she craves for besides red meat, chicken wings, and blood pâté LOL
Yeah, never mind the baby, but must do an ancestral selfie with the ancestral iPhone, posting it on the very ancestral instagram, in fact instagram is like aaacient and last century and post it straight away with a smug face to all the ancestral followers, like they used to, you know when they all lived in small ancestral villages with about 20 people in total.
She’s got a screw loose.
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New member
I agree. I think she is mentally very ill. I think her insta are basically the diaries of a mentally ill person and we, and 1.9M other people, are witnessing the story of her mental illness. I think from now on we can view everything she does from that point of view
Even if she was sane and doing all that in order to generate money - that alone doesn't qualify as sane. I don't think it's a show though, it's a very real and severe mental illness and she needs help.
I don't follow Olivia but from what I've seen on here, she seems like a fairly reasonable person (maybe not entirely idk). I kept wondering how she put up with Rachel but maybe she keeps her close in order to kind of watch her? You know how some people take care of someone who is mentally ill before they get professional help
This is the way is see it…

Olivia is probably highly empathetic to Rachel’s multiple mental disorders. They’ve got history and that’s Olivia’s next excuse for not ditching her. Olivia seems reasonable but her life is probably very dull. My guess is Rachel’s drama bullshit is probably the most exciting thing in her life.

The reason why Rachel picked Dennis as a partner because he isn’t very complex. Dennis is an extremely easy partner for her to manipulate and control without him really know what’s going on. He is clueless.

If her Instagram was a way to generate income she wouldn’t have blocked everyone who slightly questioned her. Every negative comment equals more engagement and more revenue however she can’t handle it, any criticism deeply destroys her fragile ego.

Her motive isn’t money. Do you think anyone finds her inspiring in real life? Nope! Instagram provides an ideal platform for her to promote and to satisfy her most desperate need for attention and admiration. This need run just deep as her insecurities.
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"Ancestral Girl: Doing Everything With A Complete Disregard To Science Because I Know Best" should be the title.
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I don’t think she’s intentionally saying that any baby who died of SIDS did so because their mother was drunk, but as is typical for Rachel these days, her delivery is clumsy, tactless and dogmatic. I am a bedsharing mother who follows safe sleep recommendations for cosleeping. It has been the most appropriate choice for my family and was supported in hospital by my Australian hospital.

My two breastfeeding babies so far have not required burping beyond the first week or two, and that’s true of many breastfed babies, so not “winding” is not going to cause a sleep regression in a baby who does not need it.

The problem is that Rachel takes everything way too far and has no nuance. Like with her stance on birth. It’s true that in many countries rates of intervention in birth are too high and that many women suffer birth trauma as a result — BUT it is also true that medical interventions are necessary and lifesaving in many, many instances, and that “free birth” is risky. It’s true that bedsharing can be done safely, but it’s ridiculous to just pretend that it’s all common sense and that parents don’t need education around limiting risk factors and setting up as safely as possible. Instead of just raving about how primal it is, Rachel could have helped this person by sharing a link to resources on the Safe Sleep Seven etc.
I mean when you say that unless you're drunk or depressed, you would never ever roll over your baby, you are basically blaming any issues that might arise from co-sleeping on the mother. Everything she has said is basically like "a GOOD mother just knows things because of biology." Plenty of women don't feel like this for various reasons. Previous bad experiences and trauma, anxiety, etc. She shames women for following medical advice, mocks it.

It's not the same as you co-sleeping because you did your research and your hospital is supportive. Like you said, and we have all said here at various points, there's no nuance ever. She is incapable of looking at things comprehensively.

And honestly, I'd give zero fucks what she did in her personal life if she didn't have a 1.9 M platform. She's disseminating false information, passing it as fact, spreading nonscientific bs for profit because she profits from all of this. So yeah, it's not as simple.
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I don't use this word lightly, she's insane. It truly is the behavior of someone who isn't right in the head.

I agree. I think she is mentally very ill. I think her insta are basically the diaries of a mentally ill person and we, and 1.9M other people, are witnessing the story of her mental illness. I think from now on we can view everything she does from that point of view
Even if she was sane and doing all that in order to generate money - that alone doesn't qualify as sane. I don't think it's a show though, it's a very real and severe mental illness and she needs help.
I don't follow Olivia but from what I've seen on here, she seems like a fairly reasonable person (maybe not entirely idk). I kept wondering how she put up with Rachel but maybe she keeps her close in order to kind of watch her? You know how some people take care of someone who is mentally ill before they get professional help
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Omg she's so annoying. Who the fuck cares, Rachel? Even if you had tons of witches in the family, so what? Does that make you ... What? Cause you'll still be stupid, lying, scamming, selfish, trauma ridden little you.

Also, she looks ill.

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THIS! Plus the post about how she couldn’t believe how her family ended up living in such close proximity…girl your dad is a billionaire landowner who essentially gave you a slice of land, land that surrounded an old woman who had raised her family on this property, that Rakel found so magical and HAD TO HAVE.. yes, your dad, after helping you bully the poor woman, made this possible with his money and resources. That’s how it happened.

Also she had to toss in that she’s ten mins or whatever from her dad BUTTTT three minutes by boat 🙄 she’s not fooling anyone anymore with this back to nature grift. You’re an entitled rich white woman Rakel
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Now she is “reflecting back on her pregnancy” and it was hard. A really hard pregnancy now that she’s thinking about it. Was she hospitalized? Was she working a full time job? Was she on bed rest due to complications? Was she single parenting a 6 year old? NOPE! But guys, it was a REALLY difficult pregnancy. Cry ancestral tears for Rachel.
But don’t worry y’all, she’s going to get her baw-dy back, she has a personal trainer come to the house. How can she get these words out of her mouth without choking on her privilege?
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I feel truly and deeply sad for Lea on a regular basis now. Like it breaks my heart. That is TINY little tube of candy, plus they live in Europe where they actually have good quality standards and you don’t need to worry about dyes and stuff. And it would bring her JOY, which she needs during this transition period. Let her have her little bit of childhood happiness, like JFC.

And really, the audacity of her—SHE forgives HIM. For getting his kid the tiniest of treats at the store. How can Dennis stand this shite?

Was there a point where Rachel went all the off the deep end? Or has she always been this bad and I was just blind to it before? It seems like she’s been getting increasingly extreme.
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