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i completely understand the issues women have with industrialized medicine and doctors who treatpregnant women with less respect and autonomy they deserve. Many have discussed on this thread - there are legitimate concerns with the way “the system” operates. But forRachel to proclaim herself this medical “expert” after “researching for herself” (googlingand watching videos of other home births) is just wild. She acts as if she’s the only woman to have ever attempted this. But that’s her, ego bigger than Sweden, jumping on whatever trend has her attention at the moment and acting like she is the end all be all of knowledge on the subject. Like her current herbalism obsession. She started some online course and now she’s offering her take on herbal baths/infusions and growing food as if they are gospel. It’s okay to be interested in stuff! She doesn’t have to assume this persona of wisdom-keeper!!! Never giving credit to those who shared the knowledge with her, those who did the real labor.

I don’t know how Olivia stands her either…Olivia seems to have a more reasonable view of the world, a desire to live naturally, balanced with the good sense to seek reasonable medical assistance. A viewpoint I think most people can get behind. And yes I remember Olivia having a midwife/doula there for the last two births, ready to assist if necessary. So frustrating the way Rachel thinks she knows better than medical professionals who have literally gone through years of research and training to be able to assist in birth. It’s insane.
I agree completely, I think Rachel has some characteristics of a cult leader, and I think she does a lot of things behind close doors, who can assure us that she actually gave birth without any help? Maybe a midwife was there assisting her, but she says otherwise to fit her narrative of ancestral empowered woman, just like some of you had said that she has a lot of help with the farming but doesn’t mention it at all. We’ll never know that, but what we know is that she has a very narcissistic personality, just like every cult leader ever.
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She is actually getting a lot of backlash from posting her fucking stupid 'free birth' video which I applaud. BUT, and I am 100% convinced of this, she is doing all of this very intentionally to farm drama. It's her oxygen. I don't believe for a second that she is sharing her birth story to, well, simply share it with the world. This woman is all about the drama, always has been, always will be. I actually cannot remember a time where there wasn't any drama. She must be SO exhausting to deal with IRL, I don't know how anyone would like to hang out with her.
Then again, not many people actually do. Her family and Mikaela - who is on her payroll I believe.
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She's insane
Why doesn't her follower count drop any faster 😭😂 by now her content is unhinged AND boring. How is that combination even possible
It would be almost funny if it weren't so disturbing
Today I tried to watch her stories (I rarely ever watch her stuff since I don't want to give her the extra engagement) but after one story I couldn't even be bothered anymore, it's SO boring. Also why doesn't she caption her stories

I'm curious to know how many people watch her stories everyday

And I also agree with that dog stuff, I also thought Ringo was the "main" dog and Laika and Quila (I didn't even know her name before yesterday) are some old stray dogs or something she took in but never built a connection with
Weird to know that Quila was her first dog
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Her Patriarchy rant today just straight up doesn't make sense.
I don't disagree that Patriarchy has fucked up society on a lot of levels, but it really just seems like she's talking nonsense into the void. She's not making any point, really. Just trying to look for some long-winded, pious, round-about way to talk about her weightloss journey.

She did get one thing right - calling herself a hideous ogre 😂 Maybe she's starting to recognize that her outsides match her vile insides.

The part where she's claiming "I'm elevating black women and Native American women and Indigenous women" - WHERE?!?!
It's been literal YEARS since I've seen or heard her uplift anyone other than herself. She's completely delusional, her lies know no end.
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Now she is “reflecting back on her pregnancy” and it was hard. A really hard pregnancy now that she’s thinking about it. Was she hospitalized? Was she working a full time job? Was she on bed rest due to complications? Was she single parenting a 6 year old? NOPE! But guys, it was a REALLY difficult pregnancy. Cry ancestral tears for Rachel.
But don’t worry y’all, she’s going to get her baw-dy back, she has a personal trainer come to the house. How can she get these words out of her mouth without choking on her privilege?
I'm already over her hyper fixation this last couple of weeks on her post-baby body, her core and her fitness. Just because she doesn't use the term 'getting her body back' or mention weight specifically doesn't change the reality of what she's doing. She's harping on all the same shit she claims she "hates" that society projects onto mothers about getting back in shape and getting their bodies 'back'. It's so incredibly hypocritical and gross to watch her pretend to be 'above' societal narratives and pressures then in the next breath spout the same bullshit in different words.
The sheer privilege in being able to brag about a personal trainer coming to your house.....

She's forever talking out of both sides of her mouth in the most hypocritical ways possible. All she did during her pregnancy was complain about how much pain she was in. But then would also say it was the most magickal, ancestral, wild, holy pregnancy. Which is it, Rakel?!?! Oh, that's right. It's whatever narrative is going to garner the most sympathy, attention, or drama on any given day. I'm sure within a month she'll be lying to say she had a perfectly pain-free pregnancy and everything was the most beautiful EVER. We've witnessed firsthand with Lea's birth story how Rakel freely rewrites history to suit her in the moment.

Rakel can't simply just exist in her own life and let that be enough. She has to get sanctimonious and preach to other people while shaming them for doing, thinking or believing differently than she does. She has every single privilege in the WORLD (including a BILLIONAIRE father) and she has the audacity to complain about the most inane shit to get attention and validation. It's sickening, really.
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Off she goes, flying on one of her ancestral planes that her forefathers created, so she can go and frolic in the Maldives. We should start having Rachel bingo on her trip. I’ll start the list:
Lea the Pisces
The sea is her home
She feels privileged
Bear is born to travel
Breastfeeding pic
Non existent postpartum stomach complaint
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So she called a vet for her dog but won’t call a doctor for her two young children who have potentially been exposed to a serious illness? I wonder if she has any opinion on the evil veterinarian medical system..
If I recall, she was going to the vet on a regular basis to give the dog a shot of steroids or something like that for the pain. I guess her pets don’t deserve her hippy dippy herbal tinctures and can have sub-par modern medicine. She makes no sense.
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She is a really, really dangerous person. Shaming moms for taking their babies to the doctor. Encouraging them not to, because it's interfering with their intuition.

I hope her kids don't suffer for her horrible decisions but sadly they already are.

Also, almost no Lea since the baby was born. Clearly already relegated like an old toy.

Adding the screenshots of her nonsense here for anyone who doesn't want to give her the views/use alternate methods
Again, not a mother but even I know that if a baby is having respiratory issues you should run, not walk, to the doctor.
Curious about what she has to say about mothers whose intuition tells them their baby needs a doctor.... 🤔
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What bothers me is that she had to mention that Lea is not jealous. Give me a break! No one asked if she was jealous, but she just had to add that her daughter is a little saint and couldn’t possibly be capable of jealousy! My daughter was an only for 5.5 years and you better believe she acted out those first couple of weeks after babies arrival, but not Lea, of course not Lea. I know not every kid has a reaction to new siblings, but I’ll bet my bottom dollar she has had some issues and she’s just not sharing for fear of seeming like she doesn’t truly have a perfect life and family. Barf.
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New member
When is Rachel going to drop the user name Yoga_girl. She never was a yoga teacher just someone who desperately craved attention and adores the sound of her own voice. She never respected the very principles for yoga. She’ll ask her followers for an absurd amount of money when in reality practicing yoga can be practically free!!! I think this why people truly hate Rachel, she never was here to teach, she wanted to show people how “great” she was. If you slightly disagree she will block you, she needs to live in her echo chamber of praise which is slowly and steadily dwindling. She’s lost hundreds of thousands followers once they got to know the real Rachel and with time she will completely loose them all. Rachel is rotten to her core, so many people in her real life have dropped her too! I feel like we are witnessing the beginning of the end of Yoga_girl. People aren’t falling for her bs anymore so now the only way she gets attention these days is stirring the pot. Rachel’s A true narcissist and no one special.
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I took a quick gander at those statistics she posted from someone else’s account, and while they did cite their sources, she failed to mention that those statistics are ONLY for the country of Australia, not the entire world. A very important detail to leave out, IMO. And let’s not even get into her non-stop confirmation bias, particularly as this shit storm she’s created continues to get larger and larger (on purpose, of course!)
And if you look into that "obstetric violence" paper, it's based on a survey (voluntary I presume) with a sample size of 626 people who left open text comments on a survey from 2021. Not representative at all, since the sampling is a) too small b) appears to be women who wanted to write in the open text box and usually we only write when we want to complain and b) it's from 2021, when the pandemic was still at its peak and it could have therefore impacted the quality of care.

As my grad school stats teacher said, you can make the numbers say anything, depending on how you manipulate them.

Rachel makes me sick and I can only hope karma is coming for her and leaves her penniless. At the very least we all know that in 20 years both her kids will probably despise her and/or be severely troubled so karma will get her one way or the other.
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She’s insane. She cannot help herself, can she? She NEEDS to stoke the fire no matter what. #recoveringvegan - WTAF? You’re not vegan anymore, we get it, it’s fine. What exactly is she recovering from here?
I’m quietly stoked that she seems to struggle with Finn so much. Serves her fucking right. It’s about damn time she’s being pulled off that high horse she’s been riding for way too long now!
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How does a 1 week old tell you it only wants to sleep on its front? I’d get if you’d tried for weeks to put your baby to sleep on its back and it didn’t settle, but she’s appeared to do front sleeping since day 1.

It’s like she just wants to do the exact opposite of anything medicine says.
Because HER body is in tune to his body, so she JUST KNOWS. It's biology *eye roll, sarcasm, mocking Rachel, never a Tattler*
No other animal sleeps with its vital organs exposed … well not many live in houses, fly their families across the world or practice wellness either … by her own logic, maybe she should move her family into a cave?
I also wonder what animal in the wild feels the need to post 35+ insta stories a day for validation.
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She also bangs on about the journalist “putting women down for their choice of birth”, which is what she has done the entire time…
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Of course the baby has tummy problems. She doesn't seem to be following any kind of recommended diet, she keeps using her "tinctures" and plant remedies without thinking that whatever she consumes, so does the baby and even if it is harmless to her, it might not be to him.

But God forbid someone with actual brain function tells Rachel what to do.

Glad she admitted they took him to a checkup. Hopefully her blind followers start seeing her for the liar that she is.
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-If your npples are cracking the latch might be wrong. Or you neglect creaming them. A professional midwife could tell you that.
-You should not expose children under 1 year to the sun. Especially with north Euopean genetics. But I guess getting melanoma and dying from skincancer is very ancestral.
-Before the horrible horrible modern medicine aka sick care, child mortality rate was around 20-40% depending on country. My grandpa had 11 siblings, only 4 reached at adult age. I bet his mother would have given anything for some horrible unancestral antibiotics or other medicine.

Look up your ancestral churchbooks, very well preserved in Sweden even dating 200 years back. There they noted births and deaths. Why did so many freshly married young women die? Did they perhaps attempt af the most dangerous thing a woman can do in her lifetime, aka childbirth?
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New member
I’m sorry, maybe I missed more details on this lol but can someone elaborate on (and I can’t believe I am asking this) a dog eating a mucus plug? I’m trying to understand how lol how does the dog come upon a mucus plug?
What I am about to write is so TMI.

So YG is in the birthing pool in labour and all and the mucus plug comes out and swims in the pool. Because they were expecting poop making its way in to the pool as well, they were prepared with a sieve to fish it out. That is what Dennis used to scoop out the mucus plug and instead of dumping it in the toilet (this whole story is happening in the bathroom), he puts the sieve next to him on the ground. Ringo at this point is in the bathroom and immediately eats the thing off the floor.
According to YG this was hilarious and actually great, because this way the dog was closely involved in the birth as well.
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sorry Lea mummy is a horrible witch and won’t let you eat your sweets and you must eat herbs and weeds from the garden for the foreseeable xoxo

What a fucking cow. Dennis has every right to decide what his child eats as much as she does!!! But nooo sorry Lea you can’t be a normal kid you’re not allowed to enjoy yourself and eat things that maybe don’t have the best ingredients every now and then because mummy is a pathetic asshole who eats organic dirt.
Labeling it poison! The fact that she won't even stick to her own weird dietary fads convictions, but expects her child to! It's a fucking sweet . Jeez. As if the kid wasn't going to already grow up with a shit load of inherited personality issues, let's add food and body image issues into the mix.
Not to me-rail, but I have such a fucked up relationship with food and body image from my mum, and have worked so hard to not pass it on to my daughter. Rachel is the most blinkered moron I've ever come across. So blinkered her eyes literally only turn inwards.
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It's so funny how she has problems everywhere she goes, with all sorts of people. Arubans were bullies and close minded according to her. Swedes are old fashioned and close minded. Americans are crazy and conservative. Journalists are liars. Other yogis bullied her. Her business partner screwed her over.

But she's blameless. It couldn't possibly be her.
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