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Aaaand now she’s insulting pumping, which is beyond f**ked, and spouting off more nonsense. She could simply say no, I’m not finding a need to pump right now, but she really loves upsetting people and causing emotional harm. Just a plain mean girl underneath the hippie facade.
Thread title! Sums her up perfectly
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Hi. I was here some time last year but have a new account now.
She is such a sanctimonious prick. If she could crawl up into her amazingly magically unique foof and birth herself she would.
As a mother (yes Rachel, there are others out there), I find her whole approach to this new baby baffling. What does she think doctors/nurses/health practitioners do with pregnant mothers and new babies? Whisk them off for some experimental drug trial? I agree if you're in good health some checks might not be necessary, but they are there for a whole host of reasons? Picking up on possible future health and developmental problems is a big part of what they do? Why, as a fucking sensible, normal human would you not want that for your child?
I don't think anyone is suggesting you whisk your kid off to the doctor because they have "boogers", but to not get some basic, simple checks? Why on earth would you not?
And to then look down on others who do? Fuck off.
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I’m curious which medical system she is so against? Because she hasn’t given birth in the Swedish system so presumably doesn’t know what that is like other than hearsay.
Obviously she can talk with some authority on the Aruban medical system since she gave birth there but the way she goes on it’s like all western countries have the same birth system and they don’t!

I’m in the UK all our maternity care is midwife led unless you or the baby need consultant led care. Why because it’s far cheaper obviously! We have midwife led birth centres where you are given your own room with ambient lighting and birthpools. It’s typically next door to the hospital so easy to transfer if something goes wrong. If you want to birth at home that’s fine and a midwife will come to you. Is it perfect no! Honestly all this hate for the “system” is just such brain washed nonsense. She spent her whole pregnancy reinforcing this narrative to herself and now it continues post partum as she had a good experience.

I personally believe we as a society have become over medicalised and we should look to nature for natural remedies where they are available but I am a realist and medicine saves lives. It’s not all or nothing and I’m grateful to have both options.
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And there we have it folks, a plain as day stirring angst and drama to traffic her shit ass moan fest podcast. Not that we didn’t know she did this, but an open “get mad at my link that drives my numbers and gives me more money!!”
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Okay I went to see about this sausage thing lol I was just curious, but didn’t see any artisanal sausage mentions in her stories????

I did see the reason I no longer follow her. It’s too toxic and frankly sad. She posts constantly. I am not sad for her rich ass specifically, but the world and she’s a prime example. She preaches natural authentic living and then proceeds to post EVERY SINGLE THING in her day. You can feel influencers’ addictions to their platforms, and the ego feeding they get, and it’s unsettling and gross. Can’t follow that.

She couldn’t even bask in sunshine without a clip? There is nothing aspirational about her. Everything she has is from her privilege (and working for what 4-5 years in her early twenties). It is uncomfortable watching her document every aspect of her life to shill random sponsorships, use her children as content violating the privacy they aren’t aware of yet, and acting as though she’s a healer. The only things she “heals” with her platform are her bank account and her insecurities. I used to really enjoy her, but she’s warped into this money-hungry influencer.
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Mumma Shama should probably address her previous hard on for Rapist Russell Brand when she was constantly sharing his videos in the height of her Q/ Anti- vaxx personality, but i guess she’s too busy with her Only Fans and being a Fashion Model. What drives me insane is that these women get to be complete assholes with no repercussions or growth.
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One more rant against the evil evil system and how it tries to keep away mothers from their babies...

I don't get how anyone can stand to be near her. She sounds annoying and exhausting.
And, she wants him “close close close” but she spent the last at least 3 weeks bitching about having to be on the pilates ball with him during naps. Yes, that sounds hard and not ideal, but it was a problem she created herself because of her being all-in all the time on the skin-to-skin and she took it too far. Which is it, Rachel? Pick a lane already. She’s so extreme with things. Has she not heard of moderation or balance??

On a somewhat related note, my heart kind of broke for Lea when Rachel posted that story of doing yoga and Lea wanting to play with her, but telling Lea she needed to go play by herself because Rachel needed space. Maybe if she had the baby napping on his own a little bit she would have some more time and space for Lea.
She did that in Aruba and hated it 😂

She doesn't truly want community. If she did, she could have easily built it in Sweden by now. It's more accessible to her than it ever was in Aruba. She can't honestly believe she's the only person in Sweden interested in an 'ancestral' way of living. What Rakel really wants is to have folks fawning over her and falling over themselves to worship her every word and move.

There's a reason their Aruba studio has been for sale for almost 2 years now. Aside from the overly high price point, no one on Aruba wants to touch anything Rakel-related with a ten-foot pole. She was not popular with natives and locals on the island for a variety of reasons including the fact that she is just not a community-oriented person. She's a lazy narcissist with a deep desire for attention and praise. Her inability to build a community where she lives, both on Aruba and in Sweden is proof of that, in my opinion.
In my opinion, she seems to want community now because she is having a hard time with the baby and needs help with that, in spite of being there with him full-time, having a partner who seems to be there a lot and doesn’t seem to work that much, having her dad, brother, mom and the whole Mykaela/Olivia crew close, a lengthy PAID maternity leave, financial abundance, and a big safety net with her dad’s wealth to fall back on. My God, she would never survive in the real world.
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at this point i think she reads this forum. a lot of her posts seem in reaction to things posted here. I think she will regret the amount she uses her kids to promote her lifestyle. i can’t stand all the drama anymore but i hope Dennis puts his foot down as she is creating trouble where she doesn’t really have to for her entire family. I miss the yoga. Tired of the homestead, medical industrial complex mumbo jumbo
Even if she did yoga again, I would never follow her ever again lol
She's the worst yogi, spreading all that hate, stirring up drama and dividing people. She isn't aware of her sufferings at all. It's beyond me how she kept up her sane, mindful facade for so long and even taught yoga!
I never experienced her as a yoga teacher, as I had only started following her like 2 years ago or so when she wasn't posting about yoga any longer (I thought/hoped the yoga content would come back) and I can't for the love of god imagine her as a yoga teacher.

Sometimes I wonder if she's aware that she's severly unhappy
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She is so horrid and mentally unstable. The way she latches onto whatever “trend” she into at the time and fixes herself as an expert and the end-all-be-all on the issue. The way she has centered herself and her experience in her obsession with “free birth” is disgusting. Completely ignorant of all medical/scientific evidence and utterly without any knowledge or training herself, she proceeds to preach about what is “right” and “safe” and “good”. She has been going downhill in my eyes for years and her emerging egotism/narcissism/self centered has continued to irritate me more and more but in this latest era I am truly, deeply disgusted by her. She is so wildly out of touch….and all she does when confronted with the harm she is causing, she doubles down. Either she doesn’t care that she lies/omits/is inconsistent or she is so out of her mind that she doesn’t realize. I think she’s living in a delusion. One enabled by her IMMENSE financial, racial, and first world privilege. It is honestly starting to make me SICK. She’s crossed the thin line from being a hippie yogi earth mama to being an insane anti-science, anti-fact q-anon flavored conspiracy theorist.
How is medical care patriarchal now??? Giving birth in a hospital is giving in to the patriarchy? So many amazing OBs and all-female nursing/midwifing/doctor teams out there I know of personally making birth safe and comfortable and accessible.
Seeing him with the cord wrapped around his neck is terrifying—the way his head goes back and then snaps forward when she pulls the cord off. She clearly had no idea what she was doing and just panicking. Inherently safe my ass. The people doing this are so incredibly ego-driven.

I agree with @PostiveVibezOnly though that she 100% knew this would stir up controversy and that’s exactly what she wanted. She knows the algorithm will reward her for it (drama = engagement), and she revels in it all. I think she found a sense of power/control from acting defiant when she was younger, and that has continued into adulthood. Part of the appeal of “freebirth” to her was probably the controversy of it in the first place.

Like a lot of you have said and I have said before, I am so sad for those children. Rachel will forever be a servant to her own ego, and their needs will be secondary at best.
Agreed fully about the power/control dynamic. Same exact behavior, manifesting in new and different situations as an adult. She has to be right and correct. She knows better than everyone else in the entire world about what she’s doing. Same immature childlike defiance and disdain for authority.
My heart breaks for her children who have no choice but to grow up being watched by millions of stranger on the internet, by a mother constantly filming herself, all performing for the camera. It’s so fucking bizarre
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Why does she feel the need to lie about every single thing? In her story she says they've had the bowl for YeArS aNd YeArS, but it's listed on Arket's website under "new arrivals". Also the journalist wrote 2 sentences about the bowl, it's hardly a "big chunck of the article".
Exactly. I find it hard to believe that she didn’t pick this bowl out ahead of time or maybe even buy it especially for this purpose. She thought about every other detail of her birth way in advance but doesn’t think about or prepare for what the placenta is going to be in? They knew they weren’t going to cut the cord right away so whatever they used was going to be in close proximity to her and the baby for awhile. And, most importantly (🙄) the container would be in photos they took which she will later post to the ‘gram. This all seems like the kind of thing she would plan.
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One of the many many things that bother me is that she still uses the yoga girl username. I haven’t seen yoga in god knows how long. Where is the yoga practice? The principles? Where is she living her life in example of them? It turns my stomach inside out that a practice and belief system it envelopes can be drug through the mud and twisted and used against people showing the very hypocritical person she is. As a yoga instructor myself, I’m disheartened. I used to follow her so much and it’s just a dumpster fire on wheels. No yoga mat in sight. No giving back to her community, no volunteering(except unsolicited “medical advice”), no KINDNESS. Spreading so much hatred for peoples believes…. Whether food, medicine, lifestyle etc it’s like a new discrimination she’s invented. It’s all so un-yogic. Very unsure of her following, most I anticipate is just to watch the dumpster fire burn.
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She wants people to pay her for stupid online courses like Home but she doesn't want to pay for actual labor. Disgusting hypocrite.

Also, what a loony. Imagine letting someone into your home, into the lives of your children when you're a public figure but not even intending to pay them so you'll get either really young people who might see this as fun or some really sketchy people with ulterior motives.
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I stand by what I said, I think she was incredibly scared herself to have Finn without medical assistance. Like someone already said, I also think she cried tears of terror and relief when he finally started screaming after he came out.

I think taking that risk and "succeeding" in the end gave her the ultimate rush. If she had thought that "free birthing" is normal she wouldn't have acted like having Finn was an accomplishment. But obviously, if you're very scared of something and you still do it and "succeed" (absolutely nuts that we're talking about two humans surviving), you'd be very proud

Regrding Dennis - I think he's a fairly normal guy but honestly, he just enables her and does nothing to protect his children
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I find it completely bizarre that someone can go from being a passionate vegan with so much care for animals to joking about their “corpse freezer”. To be clear, while I’m plant based mostly for ethical reasons, I usually don’t particularly judge anyone else for what they choose. Rachel just flabbergasts me as someone who claimed to have so much empathy and kindness towards animals.
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Rachel’s freebirth is like the initial voyages of the Titan sub—there were obvious safety issues, but everything ended up ok. Her followers need to not let themselves be the next voyage that could go catastrophically wrong. I love that everything is ok with Rachel and her babe, but I hate that it could lull people into a false sense of security around this kind of birth. She is wildly lucky to have not torn from a 10-lb baby (I had a 2nd degree tear with a preemie—you just never know) and that the cord around his neck didn’t lead to any issues. All the signs that something could have gone wrong are right there, and she’s choosing to ignore them and promote this “magical thinking is my maternal care!” philosophy to her audience.

Proclaiming that she “birthed the sun” is…a lot. She does indeed always have to feel special. You would have to have a lot of patience and humility to be her friend and not mind her constantly centering herself.
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She might only be on her phone for 2-3h a day (which I still don't believe, she's got a death grip on her phone), but mentally she's online 24h a day
What happened to mindfulness and being present in the moment?
Poor Lea always getting filmed, that must feel so strange
That kid will only remember that her mother constantly filmed her throughout her childhood when she grows up. The same thing will happen to the other one.
They will remember how emotionally unavailable their mother was because she was constantly behind a smartphone. Even in their saddest moments like dying pets.
What a fantastic ancestral example she’s showing to her kids.. not.
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Nearly rolled my eyes out of my head this morning at her stories. Going on and on about how we spend too much time 'alone' and we're meant to raise children in a village instead. "If our ancestors saw us" 🤢
This brat has gone so far out of her way to isolate herself from actual community in every way fathomable, and now all of a sudden she's preaching the 'it takes a village' mindset?!?!?!
(And let's be real...she's not even 'alone' in any way, really. She has a stay-at-home husband, she has a full-time nanny/paid best friend, she's surrounded by nearly her entire immediate and extended family, and she's 20 minutes away from a major city. Try talking to single parents or people who truly live remotely about the meaning of being ALONE, Rakel.)
It's almost as if she's just now realizing that having 1.9 million people fawning over you online actually doesn't translate at all to real-life community and support.

The way she projects her own issues onto everyone else in her posts and stories is so deeply narcissistic and deranged. As if every realization she comes to has to be turned into content where perfect and profound guru Rakel preaches lessons and values to you as if she were the first person on Earth to have that thought.

She also mentioned 'fitting back into your size whatever jeans and I really wish someone would call her out for perpetuating the same 'bounce-back'/get your body back culture she constantly claims to hate. She isn't even trying to hide that her main priority right now seems to be getting back into shape. Which is her prerogative, but don't pretend like you're SO ABOVE the cultural conversation around postpartum mothers and their bodies and that you're SO AGAINST it when you're not only actively participating in the conversation but perpetuating the SAME EXACT SHIT that you claim to hate. We've seen more yoga/walking/running/fitness talk in the last two weeks than we've seen in literal YEARS from her and the undertones are loud and clear. It's not about returning to her yoga practice, it's about getting fit and tightening her core.

But alas, who could forget that Rakel is ALWAYS the exception to every rule 🙄
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The hashtag recovering vegan is hilarious because the only negative I see in vegans is that they tend to be preachy and judgemental and that's the only thing I'd think you'd need to recover from, yet she's still preachy and judgemental as an omnivore 🤣

Truly one of the worst people on the internet. It's easy to think she's not that harmful, she's after all not calling for riots at the capitol or something like that. But her kind of evil is more insidious. She makes people distrust science, facts, etc.
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