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Well-known member
Dickhead Rachel strikes again. You mean a Muslim country with very strict nudity laws didn't want you popping out one of your big boobs in the middle of its airport? Wow..what a shocker.

Too bad the airport staff was so efficient. She could have used a fine or two.

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She’s THAT arrogant to think that she’s above it all. Even in a Muslim country where women have to cover their hair, never mind their breasts.
She is THAT arrogant to think that she’s some kind of untouchable goddess and just because she birthed another privileged mediocre baby, that we should all worship her.

A disgusting, arrogant, ignorant spoilt idiot and she’s as thick as shit as well.
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They are for two years in Sweden now, just recently moved to her "manifested" farm and now she talks about leaving again? Tearing her daughter again to another country and away from friends and family? Didn't she say that she found her true home in Sweden?
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On her stories she does a throwback to the day she went into labor, having some “devine knowing” that this was a special day. I’ll bet you anything labor had already started at that point and she was just acting all intuitive to continue the narrative of her being so connected and in tune with her body and the baby. She is just so freaking smug!
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God she’s SUCH a prick. I had delayed cord clamping with my first and it was great. With my second she shot out and wasn’t breathing. They whipped her away and spent 40 minutes resuscitating her! It’s pot luck how your birth goes and she was VERY lucky hers went well
Love to you. My kiddo was preemie so she also got whisked away for breathing care, and it was very hard to not have that immediate skin-to-skin but when it did happen later in the day, it was as intensely magical as it possibly could have been. Sincerely f$&@ Rachel for shitting on anyone’s birth experience that doesn’t conform to the “ancestral fantasy.”

I wonder if those anxieties are still in her, but they don't fit with her current brand or maybe she is ignoring them.
But probably her self righteousness has pushed out any sense of reality and she has to shout her "truth" from the rooftop.
I do think the anxieties are still in her and are now being expressed via complete denial and delusion. It’s like the people who accused everyone of “living in fear” in the thick of the pandemic but they themselves were actually so fearful that they were in deep denial. We know Rachel has had a lot of anxiety about the well-being of her loved ones in the past, and I think this is actually a progression of that. It’s quite worrying, really. I think the pastel-Q people got in her ear at some point with some of their unhinged beliefs, and it probably felt like a convenient alternative reality in which to escape her fears. I really hope her kids will be ok.

Really what she’s doing can’t even be labeled “ancestral” because that would at least involve community care. It’s just hyper-individualistic, delusional BS.
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Jesus Christ, i am gobsmacked at the choice of her words. My daughter would’ve died if I hadn’t had her in the hospital! So bloody glad people are calling her out.
Don't know what video she mentions Ayahuasca but on her To Love and Let Go book she has a whole chapter about her magical Ayahuasca trip. Super white girl does drugs and pretends it's a spiritual journey vibes from that.
And how she was the only one to be “ok” so she got up and assisted with everyone else. I used to like her so much, I bought both her books but she is such a dick.


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Saying the experience of her own personal birth affected how she is as a person now had me laughing at the absurdity of the mental gymnastics she does to make herself believe she's right.
Now all of a sudden her extreme fears, intrusive thoughts, and paranoia after Lea's birth are due solely to doctors and medical professionals during her first pregnancy instead of...idk her own deeply rooted issues with control, the experience of being a first-time mother, not taking any time off after birth, etc.
The way she switches narratives CONSTANTLY to suit her latest schtick/grift is beyond wild to watch.
She claims therapy helped her realize that the fears came from the doctors, which honestly doesn't sound like something ANY good therapist would advocate for.

"I don't think I was very fun to be around that first year of Lea's life" - girl, I don't think you're fun to be around, EVER. It's clear you're a complete control freak in general, not just immediately postpartum.
She's so completely detached from reality, but because she has her sycophantic fan girls pumping her up with every single post and story, it's no wonder she just keeps talking into her phone and moving further and further away from any thread of what's real and normal for most people. I can't believe anyone watches these stories and feels inspired or moved in any way.
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VIP Member
She sounds deranged. Even if you believe in past lives - don't want to knock anyone's beliefs. This is too much. A baby that cries is now some enlightened, wise being with a traumatic past life.

Fuck off, Rachel.
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Well-known member
We have the first pic of ‘yoga girl’ actually on her yoga mat in I don’t know how long. Of course she had to pick a top that showcases the boobs to the ‘gram. 🙄

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The way she talks about this baby and her postpartum experience, she honestly makes it sound like every day has been a struggle, every day something has been wrong with her or the baby. He seems to have been having health issues daily (choking and gagging on 'nothing', upset stomach, rashes, etc). I know newborns are adjusting to the world and to life, but this seems a bit abnormal, no? Her solution is to consider taking the baby to a...chiropractor instead of a doctor? What the fuck?!?!
ETA - she admitted 'we did take him for a checkup last week' - WHO IS SURPRISED at this lying hypocrite?!?

I had to laugh at her stories the other day. She was walking around her property and said something like 'this is where we will eventually grow every single thing we eat'. She must have immediately clocked how wild of a statement that was because the very next story was her course correcting - "well, of course, we will always drink coffee but we won't be growing coffee beans. We will always drink wine, but we won't be growing grapes. So, so...not everything, not everything, but close." Rakel - literally NO ONE gives a flying fuck and on top of that, no one is making you spout off these all-or-nothing extreme statements. No one CARES! But when you spout off ignorant shit like this constantly, it just makes you look like an absolute out-of-touch quack.

I know I've said it before, but her stories seem to be getting even more insufferable (which I frankly didn't think was even possible). She's now gone from just showing off her garden and plants to trying to 'educate' about plant medicine (when really it just comes off as incredibly preachy). I couldn't roll my eyes hard enough by the time the 'yoga' stories came around.
Yes, her stories are insufferable as she often prattles on about nothing. Lately, I have been skipping through them pretty quickly as they are so boring and/or stupid.

This seems to me the first time she has admitted anxiety about the baby with the tummy issues, though I may have missed it because I do skip through her stories pretty quickly. Of course she takes him to a western medicine doctor, but doesn’t mention it until a week later, and only as a brief comment on the side after she mentions thinking about taking him to an osteopath or chiropractor. To do anything else would not align with her narrative this time around of ‘I am so calm, I have no anxiety, I don’t need or want allopathic medicine, I rely on my intuition which is always right.’ etc. It’s so misleading. She seems to be always pushing some false and/or aspirational narrative of herself, rather than her reality, which is one of the reasons why I find her content so objectionable.

I wonder if it’s some of her ‘plant medicine’ she is consuming that is causing the baby’s tummy issues. It’s fine she has an interest in herbalism, but does she really know enough about it at this point to be treating herself and offering advice to her followers as if she is some sort of expert? Maybe she has read a book or two and some articles and tried some things, but that doesn’t constitute deep knowledge in an area. But, it’s enough for her to wrap it up in some sort of course, sell it, give advice to her followers and treat herself? Yikes.
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Well-known member
I have honestly have no idea how she finds the time for all this crap, what with running a farm and the sprogs etc..
She will be cancelled in Sweden too if she doesn’t contain her narcissistic and nasty ways.
She had a problem with Aruba, now Sweden, criticising everything and everyone, but of course The Grifter is the perfect human specimen. She’s God’s gift 😂
I might actually contact the journalist who wrote this article and try to persuade to write a really revealing article about the grifter, like a real eye opener.

Also, if you feel that her views and stories are far-right, please report to Instagram, all her SM platforms need to be shut down, that is the only way to deal with a narcissistic grifter like Rakel.
Having the journalist do a deeper dive article to expose all of Rachel's nonsense sounds like a brilliant idea!
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Hi all! This is my first post. I also used to follow her for a few reasons! I’m originally from Aruba, so her presence there intrigued me (Dennis was also in my friend group for a while), and I enjoyed her Yoga content.
Over the past few months she’s said a handful of things that rubbed me the wrong way. At some point during her pregnancy she said that she think sleep training a baby or children is cruel, or something to that affect, but I very distinctly remember her eventually sleep training Lea because she was a terrible sleeper and wouldn’t sleep in her own bed. She essentially had to lock her in the room and let her cry herself to sleep. But now, it’s cruel to her? I sleep trained my daughter and now my 7mo son and they are both excellent sleepers, they don’t have any PTSD or trauma associated with learning an essential life skill! What a hypocrite.

The other thing that really irked me is when she was talking about co-sleeping with her baby. She is not co-sleeping, she’s bed-sharing, call it for what it is! Not only that, but bed sharing with the baby sleeping on his tummy.. are they not using pillows or blankets in bed? I highly doubt it! I saw the picture of the baby in the pram with his head basically in the mattress! I feel so badly for her children..
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New member
But she doesn't realize that and she now says if she has a third baby, she'll have a fully wild pregnancy and not go to the doctor ever.

Truly the worst person I've ever followed.
I don't think she realizes that our real ancestral women had wild pregnancies because they had no access to medical care, they really didn't have a choice, and even them had a community and almost never gave birth alone, every community had a midwife with some experience. Rachel is just a self-centered, delusional woman.
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Pretty sure her Swedish ancestors did not use weighted blankets. As always, when it suits her, she does whatever she wants in contradiction with all of her other holier-than-thou MoRaLs.
In the US, weighted blankets are considered unsafe for babies. Hope someone messages her this in response to her question. She seems to be pretty uninformed and reckless with basic child safety things like this and leaving the baby on a carrier not strapped in on the dock while she swims. Once when Lea was younger, she had Lea’s car seat facing the wrong way. And more recently, there is the incident with Lea riding in the front passenger seat of the car so Rachel could ride in the back with the baby and lean over to breastfeed him in his car seat. And, really not sure about the whole co-sleeping thing and having him on his tummy. And the antivax stuff. And the free birthing stuff may have been a risk to the baby.

Anyways, maybe there is room for argument on some of the above things, but some of it is just reckless. Unfortunately for those kids, Rachel’s ego is running the show over there. She seems to have poor judgment and is kind of reckless in my opinion. The fact that some people look to her for advice is wild to me.
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Well-known member
But coming soon, Rakel the wild woman expert, will be packaging up her ancestral herb and tincture practices to another over priced book. Don’t forget she’s been doing this for almost a whole year! Expert level - BEGINNER!
I think she’s probably surprised she’s not been offered a reality tv show to showcase her talents 🤔.
She auditioned for some reality show in LA shortly after they moved to Sweden and they clearly didn't want her 😂

I smell an overpriced, underwhelming, and underqualified 'course' about herbalism (a la the failed Home course) dropping in 3...2....
She confirmed in the comments of her latest reel that she's working on an herbal cookbook/guidebook 🤢
Thousands of these books already exist from actual qualified herbalists and plant experts, but of course Rakel can't help herself..
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Also a puppy might not be the best idea. Ringo needs attention and love from his humans. Another dog, especially a puppy would draw more attention away from him and make the situation even worse.
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New member
I love that the story is just a picture of the yoga mat. Taking a picture of the mat doesn’t mean you did yoga Rachel…
*rolls out the mat and looks at it*
“ahhh I feel so refreshed”
*stuffs mat in the corner*
and if she does do something that requires effort she records herself doing it so you know damn well if she did do yoga, there would be video or a reel on her story…
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She scorns medical advice on dietary restrictions while breastfeeding... Yet her baby has an upset stomach. He's a newborn. All he eats/drinks is her breast milk. It doesn't take much brain power to figure out that her breast milk is very likely the issue.

She's such an annoying idiot.
Her insufferable posting today…selfie videos of her walking around wearing her baby as if she is the first one to ever have done it. She loves looking at herself….

What I really came to say was, did anyone hear her stories today where she talked about how she and Dennis had previously “decided together” that a sailboat was too expensive? Poor Dennis, forced to move across the world and bend to her every whim, he has ONE interest, something he wants to do for himself, and she shoots it down as “too expensive” meanwhile she remodels a whole house, hires an interior designer, and buys hundreds of plants to start her silly little farm….. and he has to go along with it
I wonder how Lea feels seeing her mom constantly off in another room, droning on and on into her phone, recording herself….
The whole sailboat issue was a thing last summer and yeah, she basically told him no. And since he doesn't seem to make his own money, that was that.

Guess he's starting to rebel if he bought or is buying one.
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"We're not having a great time right now." Oh but I thought your intuition was so perfect everything worked out. Apparently Lea doesn't feel seen... No shit, Sherlock.
Here we go with vaccination… who has listened to the new podcast episode?
Hopefully someone does because I know for sure it'd drive me insane so I can't listen.
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