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Totally agree.

I came full circle with Rachel. I was a naive fan of hers in the yoga days and even regretfully supported it.

I was engaged when I watched her scam people, create drama and lie constantly. I became infuriated with her exploitation of yoga and good hearted people.

Her Drama, bad relationships and desperately needing attention eventually made me see she appears extremely mentally ill and is a textbook narcissist.

Now I’ve see who she really is, It’s sad to watch her desperately trying to stay relevant. Every thing she posts from her phone is a projection and once you understand this it’s clearly easy to see.

I had to vent and now I can let it go. Personally I’m done watching her Instagrams and tattling.

I’m sure people there’s lot of people like me who finally get it and just don’t care about her anymore….

It’s the beginning of the end of Yoga_Girl. ✌
She’s a very effective manipulator; I think a lot of us here used to like her. I bought her first book (pretty pictures!…not much else) and subbed to her yoga platform for a few months. There was always something about her that made me feel uneasy, though. And little things bugged me, like that she charged so much for what was essentially just a yoga class, which is why I didn’t go when she came to the city I lived in. I remember she also recruited local teachers to come assist for her for apparently little to no pay. She seemed to pull that move a lot, exploiting people who were excited to work with/for her.

Her self-obsession was always evident, but then she would talk about things like she truly cared about them and seemed to be trying to do good things in her community. But then the longer her projects went, the less and less she seemed to be involved, and then they all seemed to start falling apart after a while. Now it’s so obvious she would do these things for as long as she could draw attention and praise for them and then lose interest when that started to taper off.

In retrospect she has always been a grifter with narcissistic tendencies, but such people are often gifted at what they do. There are more people like her around us whom everyone adores. Maybe the cult of yoga girl is now starting to crumble though.
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I did, but you seemed to say she didn't mean to say that babies who die of SIDS do so because of their mothers, whereas I think that was totally the intention and that's what my first paragraph was geared to. I don't believe it's just clumsy delivery on her part. It's very much intentional. She believes that good mothers are "wild" and superhumanly in tune with their babies, which is just not true.


She also has an education bias. In that she has none and is against actually educating herself, which isn't just reading stuff you agree, which is basically all she does.

She used to claim to have anxiety, and was constantly taking CBD for that. I now question whether that was just a lie because anyone with anxiety knows how hard it is to trust your gut/intuition when you have anxiety. There's no distinguishing your inner voice from your anxiety

Welcome to the thread @leela89 !

I also at some point liked Rachel, and I know others feel the same. Sadly, her true colors ended up being the complete opposite of what she portrayed herself to be at first.

I think she gets off feeling superior to people and being a "guru". She doesn't care about others, just wants them to adore her.
Does anyone else remember when Instagram allowed you to see what other people liked? Dennis was very much into p*rn*graphic pictures of women wearing yoga pants with c*mel toes. He cleary wasn’t aware of this feature and got busted! I took Rachel’s $80 yoga class and lots of us fan girls had screenshot of the evidence. There’s no way Rachel didn’t know about this. During this particular class he was just hanging out not practicing with us, just watching. It was creepy and to make matters worse we were photographed the entire time without permission and later used for her marketing. Whenever I see Rachel use those photographs I just cringe on what a terrible experience it truly was. We basically paid to be in her advertising, if there’s one thing she is great at, it’s scamming people.
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She's dangerous and deluded. Good for her that she 'free birthded' (🤮) and they both survived. Who gives a shit. But the fact she now thinks that makes her an expert? Imagine her platform, her audience... the people who see her and who are SCIENTIFICALLY proven to be at risk of pregnancy and birth (and post natal) issues and just take her as the fucking guru? It's madenning. Teenage mums (even here in the UK) I'm thinking of are particularly vulnerable to all sorts of risks and complications, pre, during and after, purely because they don't engage with medical services. They then watch Rachel who.... asked some people on the internet and followed some free birth insta pages? FML. I've reported her.
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I've always wondered about her background in yoga. From what I can tell she more or less learned from a book and started teaching classes at a hotel and then became an instagram yogi. She's actively avoided mentioning studying for someone else or taking classes to improve as a teacher

I know studying and teaching yoga is more complicated than the 200 h yoga teacher training programs, but like... this is what she does with everything? She googles things and then she presents it to her followers as if she didn't just learn it herself. It baffles me that she has led yoga teacher training courses when she most likely hasn't done one herself. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
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She is such an awful dog owner. And Dennis -while I understand he doesn't want one more living thing to take care of while Rachel swans about cosplaying Mother Nature but effectively doing sweet fuck all - sounds like an asshole.

View attachment 2494375

Poor Ringo. Sounds like she doesn't give a shit about him.

She truly has let her "little bear" hold the entire family hostage with her stupid ideas on child rearing.
That poor dog ☹
He was uprooted from Aruba, put on a stressful long haul flight TWICE, abandoned in Sweden when the grifter jetted back to Aruba (he actually run away IIRC), moved house again, the other two dogs have died, that picture of him is heartbreaking.
If only that c*nt would just get the fuck off Instagram and genuinely care about others than her ugly and vile ego. She deserves jack shit if I’m being honest by the way she treats others including animals.
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My guess: After her trip there will be a lot postings about how everything is so much easier when the sun is shining and it is warm every day and how cold and dark Sweden is and propably not the right place for them...
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She’s fucking scary!
I’ve got a feeling she’ll soon go out with a big bang. She ruffles too many feathers.

BTW, I’m on the case of her fraudulent maternity pay claim and then there’s actually a website where you can report public social media influencers who are spreading misinformation and “influence their audience in an inappropriate way” that will be the next step.
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As someone who had an elective C-section (which was so peaceful and calm) I managed to do skin to skin in the operating theatre while they stitched me up and breastfed for 2 1/2 years. Furthermore my child carries no birth trauma from being gently removed from my womb by a kind (female) surgeon! Just to provide another angle to Rachel’s narrative.
Also did I just hear they are getting a farm hand??? She’s like Marie Antoinette playing farm at Petit Trianon. She just swans around whilst paying someone to do the hard labour. Case in point her gardens designed, grown and planted by her permaculture designer! She just has to go out and harvest.

Then I hear she is getting bees?? I hope her farm hand has beekeeping experience because as a beekeeper myself I spend most of spring tearing my hair out trying to keep on top of my bees. Beekeeping looks wonderful but it is the hardest thing to get right. Gardens and chickens so forgiving, bees a law unto themselves. Good luck Rach!
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Chatty Member
I personally believe its impossible to be present when you are busy filming. Also, setting up the camera to film a ''cute'' moment seems inauthentic.
100% it's impossible to be present and it's absolutely inauthentic!!!
YG is the biggest fake, phoney and fraud going!!!

Someone said about poor Lea always being filmed and how it must feel so strange...
Absolutely agree.. except, lets face it Lea doesnt actually know any different!!! what will feel strange to her is the reverse; when she realises that not all kids grow up like this, that this isn't normal... Then she'll feel strange and start to question why... God love her.

Hey hey tattlers, I came offline completely for the best part of a year so hadn't been on since last July, just been catching up on recent events and I agree with everything everyone is saying here. Wow. She is something else.
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I skimmed the podcast. I’ve said it before, she’s clearly chosen to ignore the concept of hypnobirthing. Most uk midwives are now actively encouraging this and they certainly don’t force any exams 😂. They respected my wishes with my first birth, I had my son in MLU as I was low risk (no doctors, you get blue lighted if a problem occurs to the bigger hospital). I had aromatherapy, light therapy, music, candles and i birthed him in the pool. Had delayed clamping and stayed there overnight - i really don’t see how it was any different to hers. She seems to subscribe to the idea that all births in medical centres happen as they did in the Victorian times.

she also banged on about no pain, no body pain then in the same breath said her vagina hurt.
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So now, she does trust modern medicine? She's baffling. Why is she pestering doctors with something that can be cured with pigeon tears or whatever she expertly prescribes?

Also, I know this is soooo nasty and petty and not appropriate, but that baby is weird looking. Soz.
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Seriously?! Just do one you total A hole. What a way to make people who require medical intervention feel less than worthy.
She seems to have forgotten how she needed to to hospital with Lea 🙄.
And the smugness is going to get worse as she continues to brag about her perfect life on her perfect land whilst judging everyone from her gilded throne. She is a toxic person and I’d love to be a fly on the wall for an hour or two to see her in action. I wonder if Dennis even likes her anymore …
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Did I just waste 10 minutes of my life listening to Rachel whinge about Dennis buying a $300 boat when she has easily spent $100,000+ decorating the new house from top to bottom (decorators, furniture etc), putting in a new bathroom, air con, wrap around decking and paying a permaculture designer to create, build and plant her fantasy garden??

Complaining he’s not supporting her enough because he doesn’t have boobs and is not on paid maternity leave. That it’s impossible even to go to the toilet on her own with a baby, yet going out in the garden to harvest various herbs totally manageable! She is so unbelievably spoilt and in this bizarre world of her own creating that she has genuinely lost touch with reality.

Rachel’s expensive garden hobby where each precious head of calendula probably cost her $10 to grow vs Dennis budget boat Reno….
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Why does she feel the need to lie about every single thing? In her story she says they've had the bowl for YeArS aNd YeArS, but it's listed on Arket's website under "new arrivals". Also the journalist wrote 2 sentences about the bowl, it's hardly a "big chunck of the article".
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Why is she constantly performing? It’s like she wants to portray her life as a screenplay. Like…the rains are assertive? Finn is learning about thunder….? Girl what…

Also this whole monologue is in direct contravention of her daily stories in which every day seems to be a “rough day” because of one issue or another. She’s so clearly confused and twisted up inside…also she definitely reads this thread, she was on her mat again today, clinging to the last threads of the “yoga girl” identity


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Her insufferable posting today…selfie videos of her walking around wearing her baby as if she is the first one to ever have done it. She loves looking at herself….

What I really came to say was, did anyone hear her stories today where she talked about how she and Dennis had previously “decided together” that a sailboat was too expensive? Poor Dennis, forced to move across the world and bend to her every whim, he has ONE interest, something he wants to do for himself, and she shoots it down as “too expensive” meanwhile she remodels a whole house, hires an interior designer, and buys hundreds of plants to start her silly little farm….. and he has to go along with it
I wonder how Lea feels seeing her mom constantly off in another room, droning on and on into her phone, recording herself….
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How ancestral of her to film and narrate her entire labor and birth experience to her phone, trying to pretend like it was 'just for her'. And in the end, of course, it gets shared to 1.9 million people on the internet. Who is surprised?! I'm honestly shocked she didn't force Dennis to bust out all the camera equipment and lights to really make a production out of it. It could have been her next $2,000 course, for God's sake!!!! 😂

She really seems to want people to believe that even walking NEAR a medical building means you'll get snatched up and put into chains and forced to be poked and prodded and injected unnecessarily and treated like a lab animal. While I think we can all agree that there are certainly some systemic issues with the medical industrial complex in countries across the world, I honestly don't know a single person, woman or otherwise, that has had anything NEAR this kind of horrifying experience that she claims is the standard of practice worldwide. Honestly, the more she speaks and 'advises' people about how big and scary modern medicine is, the more it just makes me think that the root issue is Rachel's issue with authority. She can't seem to set boundaries without that boundary including a disclaimer that the other party is the WORST MOST DANGEROUS THING EVER. We've seen evidence of that in so many other aspects of her life.

I've also been thinking about how she so clearly had PPD after having Lea and didn't seem to do anything at all to treat it, other than to stop working and sit at home on her phone. She essentially gaslit herself into pretending like she wasn't dealing with it. (I assume PPD isn't 'ancestral' enough for her!)
I'm very curious to see how she'll go this time around. Given how she's already trotting out his birth as the most divine, perfect thing in the world, I assume acknowledging something like PPD would go against the dreamy, intuitive experience she's trying so desperately to craft for herself.

The fact that she ALLOWED her dog to eat her mucus plug, then went onto her podcast and boasted about it is so completely unhinged and disgusting, I don't even know where to begin. This woman gets more vile and dangerous by the minute, and I hope for the sake of her children and animals that someone intervenes sooner than later.
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Just listened to the latest pod avast about the second babies birth.

Then went back to episode 1- which sounds very scripted, compared to the recent podcasts.

Rachel admits she was the one who wanted to go to the hospital. She “demanded” to Dennis she wanted to go to the hospital. Then on the way to the hospital she let go and relaxed.

Then admits she would have taken anything for the pain to go away and something about if someone served her a C -section on a silver platter that she would have accepted it.

She said the midwife used amazing techniques. Including to stop her tearing.
That the experience she had at the hospital was almost identical to what she wanted to create at home. Peaceful, quiet, dark. No crazy interventions. Nobody pushing her to do something she didn’t want. That her birthing experience happened exactly the way it was supposed to. It was so sacred.

A very different story to this weeks podcast.

Also I’m sure the maternity treatment/wards etc are different from Aruba to Sweden.

Seriously, this woman has too much free time and just craves attention. And she is sneaky.
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Ahahaha, Lea left the watch at school. Serves Rakel right. For such an ~*ancestral*~ woman, she opted for relying on technology instead of teaching Lea responsibilities and it backfired within one day. ONE DAY! 😂

I skimmed her podcast episode transcript, and she mentions at one point how she thinks having a second baby will be good for Lea because it will teach her that she isn't the center of the Universe, just Rakel's universe and like....did you really need another baby for her to learn that lesson? Couldn't you just be teaching her that on a daily basis yourself instead? This woman is an absolute nutcase.
Glad Sweden won't let her homeschool her kids, I can only imagine how poorly that would end up for everyone involved.
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