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if the roles were reversed, I'd be willing to bet people would be like "oh such a good wife, supporting her husband

However I do think Dennis is something if a victim in this relationship and her treatment of him does border on the emotionally abusive. She is a strong dominant character with all the power while he is pretty submissive trying to keep the peace. She doesn't let him have his opinions. Everytime he says something on her podcast she goes 'no but' and totally invalidates him. He said he didn't really enjoy being vegan as he didn't like being awkward but she wouldn't even acknowledge it. He wasn't allowed that reality. I don't believe for a second he told her he cried from relief of finishing the remediation. I would bet he told her the reason and she would not allow it because it put her in a position of having caused him a lot of distress. She did gaslight him over the mould and bullied him into throwing all his things away. She admits he is a sentimental person who was very attached to all his things. Can you imagine your partner doing this to you!? And she is still at it, insisting he gets rid of his car after admitting how much the car means to him. Saying he has to throw out his boat cover. Telling him he had psychological effects of mould! Wow that one in particular is some serious gaslighting nonsense.

They might not be living in the 'wilderness' but there is no doubt their location is remote which makes it very hard for him to actually settle in Sweden and find a social circle. She acknowlegrs that he is a social person and in stockholm can easily make friends. She has absolutely no regard for this at all. He has said for a long time how he wanted to live in a city and look where she has him living. He says how he doesn't want animals but the plan of course is to get animals. He has always said how he wanted lots of kids but of course they only have one.

I'm not a fan of Dennis purely because of his spineless sitting back and allowing Rachel to do what she does to Lea, but I do think Rachel is abusive to him and he is a victim in that relationship.
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Ok everyone, this is not funny, but I do believe it’s the Universe telling Rachel and her friend Olivia to stop the ignorant and crazy influential narrative of not needing “the horrific, painful, hurtful etc etc “”SYSTEM”” of mother and infant care from science. The attachments say it ALL… but yet again, Olivia, just like Rachel, says “it’s the Universe telling her to get back her clarity”… and not at all signs of early labor.. and to now need checking on her and the baby probably weekly until March , when her due day is… what bothers me is the amount of women out there following these two crazy individuals who TRULY know nothing about pregnancy and the risks of not getting regular checkups 🙄 LIKE PLEASE STOP SPREADING IGNORANCE
Ohhh the irony! Now Olivia is trusting medicine now? I thought they were promoting being perfect and no intervention at all?

I’m sure Rachel now has a fresh dose of anxiety since her bff/birth guru caved and went to go get checked by the a doc.

As much as they spew about a non intervention, you know Rachel is going to be rushing to the hospital on every whim.

YG: I don’t use my phone ever and especially not when I am with my daughter. That is our time and I want to be present with her always.

Also YG: Talks into camera while ignoring daughter who is playing on ice that could become a hazard.

I’ve been pleasantly oblivious to her lately, but of course one look in and same old hypocritical bs.
Same I’ve been bored of her. And checking out. It’s only the same old drivel she would be spouting. I have almost nothing in common with this loser.
She’s going to have to come out with some more drama and chaos to get her hate following to give her more engagement on her ad shilling.
I fast forwarded through her shit today to see an orange powder ad. What content! 👏🏼🥴
She is now, a nothing burger.

Love how she continues to be shady with ads. She had multiple stories about the turmeric powder. Only one was labelled an ad and up where it's covered by her account name. Surely Sweden has laws regulating influencers' advertising?
I reported the post as fraud/scams etc , went and reported her nude photos too as pornography. I suggest we all report the orange powder ad.

Thanks for the recommendation, I watched the docu on Guru Jagat. Jeez. Made me think of YG’s tour with hundreds of people doing yoga together in some boring conference hall. Creepy af.

About the mail Rakel got a few weeks ago…
I'm so tired of this behavior from influencers, that everyone that comes with reasonable criticism towards them is jealous/a hater/mentally ill/reflecting their own darkness, instead of having some sort of self-criticism as an influencer with a big platform and many followers. Especially when you actually are doing sketchy things… Guess It’s hard to take a step back from the navel gazing and be honest with yourself and your life when you can make money out of it.

This is the first time I’ve ever engaged online like this. I don’t write hateful comments online and have never done. I would never comment on her (or anyone else) looks and such. I really don’t care about what she eats, but she’s making such a big deal of it so it’s hard not to (vegan gate, holy egg, green powders yada yada).

A lil teeny-weeny gossip and analyzing is fun imo. It’s not hate. I am not jealous of her. I don’t spend my days in front of a screen hating and bashing. A few minutes here and there to analyze this weirdo doesn’t make you or me a jealous troll. The ”problem” worth analyzing and discussing though is how shady she is, making this ”poor hippie girl moon and sun” bs narrative, playing pseudo yoga tea therapist, fooling people for profit. THAT is what really bugs me, ego-driven narcissistic types that take advantage of others. Let it be a politician, a colleague, etc. – Rachel is that type. And they need to be questioned.
THIS ^^^
I’ve reached the point in my life where I want to make a concerted effort to let these people know, “YOU AINT SHIT. You’re actually terrible? Masquerading as everyone’s moral superior?”
Some people need to have their bubble burst and their echo chamber infiltrated. These random narcissistic influencers do real psych op damage to people and need a healthy dose of reality.
Unfortunately having any type of critique convo of questioning her in her comments gets you deleted, abused and shut down. With all her minions reporting your posts etc.
That’s why I’m glad this place exist because it’s a place to talk about this weird person and not be censored! Not have her control freak self cultivate this “perfect” (she thinks 🥴) image of herself.

She has a right to post her bullshit and I have a right to take the piss out of it all.

Might I add. My husband when I first started listening to her podcast and trying to play it in the car, my husband looked at me like this 😳😳😳. He hated her right off the bat and was like wtf is this person? They are awful basically. But I defended her like WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? 😯😯

I had to do the talk of shame and be like, yeah you were right. She’s a nut. Lol
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She's having a boy, so she's going to be extra insufferable cause she knew she was having a wolf moon baby and that's why she kept calling the fetus "he" or whatever and because Lea knew it was a boy.
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Okayyy but does anyone ACTUALLY believe that shaman little moon accurately predicted that the baby was a boy? Or do we think they took a sneak peak blood test around 10 weeks and found out because duh?

I'm not buying it. These stupid little games she plays makes me nuts.

They’ve obviously known the gender for several weeks now and the 20 week autonomy scan was to check for anomalies. She just said it was for the gender so she can keep riding her nO iNtErVenTiOnS storyline to the bank AND cash in on continuing to make naive followers think she and her family are just so intuitive~~~~~*

This dumb, grifter cow really thinks she’s clever
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I’ve blocked her to stop myself hate following her. But her BS needs calling out for sure. It’s so damaging. I originally followed her back in her OG days pre-Lea, pre-best friend dying and gosh I got sucked in so badly. Luckily I could never afford one of her retreats otherwise I so would have gone on one. Now I see just how narcissistic, privileged and vacuous she really is and it’s like the scales have fallen from my eyes.

Someone else said about their boyfriend always hating her podcast - mines the same. His BS-meter is way better than mine but I think I’ve really turned a corner in seeing these influencers for what they really are: snake oil sales people gaslighting you into thinking if you could just become a chosen child of the universe like me (by buying my course/ my book/ this dress/ this mushroom powder) then your life will maybe possibly be as good as mine.

Thank goodness for Tattle! Thank. Goodness!
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I was just going to ask, did anyone listen? What was her reasoning for selling?

Lol well looking at the two employee reviews I found for Island Yoga, Rachel doesn’t practice what she preaches. Oddly enough if you look up Yoga Girl there are glowing reviews! 😂 All made around the same time this year, I wonder if they got a day off for leaving a good review?


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I made a mistake and watched her stories. She kind of finds a moon in her new fireplace and that is a sign for whatever and "little Sun" already is a total different character than Lea was, because while being pregnant with Lea she was always energetic and being pregnant now she is always tired. 🙈 It is a fetus for f... sake!
Perhaps six years ago you were six years yunger Rachel and lived in Aruba, where the sun always shines, you ate more fruit and veggies and didnt stress yourself with moving in a new house? And did'nt she say that she felt always low and depleted during and after her first pregnancy and because of that she need to eat animal products again?
Rachel needs no house cow she can make a lot of bullshit all by her self 🤮
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My Nonna is basically rolling in her grave that I even had to be exposed to this crime against tomatoes.

Farmer Rachel, freezing tomatoes. SO ancestral.

My Nonna wouldn't even put them in the fridge,it really changes their taste and texture. Much less freeze them. Crikey. If you must, then make the sauce and freeze the sauce.


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For real this rich ass woman gets paid for maternity leave!!??
You know she's the kind of person that would tax dodge if she is taking money from the government when she owns about 5 houses.
Urgh she's just a money driven miserable old shoe. If her job is just doing ads which she does all the time, without having the even stand up, why would she get more money? She has passive income from her 2 holiday inns. Isn't government money for people who aren't earning? Why would you even take that from the community.

So gross.
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Ah, just Rachel our there again, doing something that goes against a lot of medical advice, then making it an "act of rebellion" and passive aggresively turning the focus on people who say anything other than ass-kissing statements.
I would actually have less of an opinion, but she crucifies anybody (does anyone actually or is she causing drama) who may ask.

Alcohol is addictive so if we all listened to what our body tells us we would eat chocolate and drink beers all the time. 👌
I don't have much of a place to comment on what this stranger does. But her flaunting of drinking through pregnancy is once again irresponsible as best medical advice is to avoid avoid, so even if most people who drink don't effect their baby, how about just do something not totally selfish for once, to give baby a better chance. Like the blood tests, the recommended scans etc.
Or atleast do it quietly, and not with a big fingers up to anyone that may have questions. She has a responsibility when addressing so many people, and to the wrong person it could give them an IDGAF attitude too, but they end up drinking a lot, because queen of health *cough* Yogagirl says so.

Annnnd of course an advert to round off her bragging rich people meals
Omg its soooo sooo infuriating. Seriously. 1. Doubt thats all organic cheese oysters etc. Which she says she would only ethically source . Sure. 2. Sheeeee bashes everything for having toxins/ the most ridiculous things.. that are not scientifically proven at all. Then the one thing that IS scientifically provem thats toxic she does.. and she continues to drink alcohol.. like once again only if it serves her narrative. Imagine 500 women watching her story that are pregnant. And they are like ooh if Rachel is doing it.. and 1/500 has a miscarriage as her body doesnt respond well to that alcohol. Like wow just wow.

Also, anyone finding it risky that she is self doctoring Lea with herbs. Sure I love herbs and I love that they can be medicinal.. but if Lea is sick just give it non scientifically proven activated charcoal and some mushrooms. What if she gets sick for real? It feels like she is playing a role of witchy farmer. Its cray cray
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Does anyone recall the time Rachel said that when she was younger if she was in a conversation and she wasn't feeling the vibe she would openly say "sorry this conversation no longer serves me" and walk away. I thought that was the most fucked up/impolite thing I heard her say. Imagine having a casual chat and someone says that to you. She's horrible.
My sister-in-law does this. It's absolutely fucking wild. She'll be on some mad ill-informed rant about something like a 6th Former who's just learnt about capitalism or something and if you say 'oh, actually blah blah', she'll say 'this conversation isn't serving me so I'm going to terminate it' and walk away.

She's 32.

(Hi, just saw this thread pop up and haven't thought about old Yoga Girl for YEARS. Excited to have a read!)
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Erling Haaland

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Her story today about giving herself permission to slow down etc slow down from doing what exactly? Most of us have 40+ hrs to work, kids, meals to cook etc but what’s she need a break from? Tea, talking into a microphone when she’s not talking into IG? Surely not yoga anymore. Must take a lot of energy to conspire ways to feed this mirage of enlightenment and con folks out of money.

Imagine being Lea and watching mommy have more conversations out loud to a phone than she probably does to her. Add another little one who will have to dance when told to as the record button is pressed.

honestly breaks my heart because she was a huge inspiration to my yoga education and to watch someone you looked up to unravel and show how far away from yoga she truly is is disappointing.
I feel exactly the same! She went downhill once she had Lea and her content moved away from actual yoga to ‘diaries of a toddler’ 🙄
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Nah she’s done, I mean she may have followers, but half have probably muted her, a lot are bots and then there’s the genuine fans who would kiss her ass if she asked them to.

The truly enjoyable thing is that she believes she is some rebel innovator. 😂 Lots of pregnant women drink, not great but true, so go ahead a join that crew. Lots of teenagers whine, so she’s in that crew. And lots of rich white women love to play the victim, she’s better at that than anyone. She happened upon yoga, worked a handful of years and is now losing relevance everyday. Thanks to this thread I’ve gone from being hurt by her actions (no Queen Rachel not eating meat, just being a bitch about it), but once you realize she’s just a terrible human all is good again!
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Does anyone recall the time Rachel said that when she was younger if she was in a conversation and she wasn't feeling the vibe she would openly say "sorry this conversation no longer serves me" and walk away. I thought that was the most fucked up/impolite thing I heard her say. Imagine having a casual chat and someone says that to you. She's horrible.
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Honestly, it's all very weird. Dennis came back with her and he just went off skiing with Rachel's brother for the weekend. So like... doesn't seem like he's particularly heartbroken either. But I guess people grieve in different ways...

My guess is they went to see the sister while she's still "well enough" to see them and spend time with them, probably she's just moved to hospice. They'll probably be back for the very end/funeral.
When you have a loved one who is terminally ill, and timeframes are uncertain, it can be very hard to know how to live your life. I certainly wouldn’t judge Denis for skiiing. I am sure he has feelings of guilt about carrying on with his life. I think especially when you live far from the person, it can be difficult for the reality to set in. My father died from cancer when my son was six months old and I was living overseas. He was diagnosed the day I flew out of Australia to return overseas and because I was pregnant I couldn’t return until after my son was born and we’d obtained all of his paperwork, which took time. When I finally got back to see him, I was completely shocked by his condition, even though I knew logically he had been given a certain timeframe. I felt intensely guilty that I had been living life with my baby and I was so angry at anyone in my family who seemed to be carrying on with life relatively normally. But then after he died I realised how much I’d been holding back from enjoying life and in retrospect I think it’s a shame because I missed out on enjoying my son more because of guilt.

I think the strange thing in this situation is that Rachel doesn’t really discuss the nuances of living with an experience like this. She talks about things being heavy and sad but then immediately “beautiful”. And while that can be true, the way Rachel presents it seems insincere. She flips from stories about Denis’ sister straight to being giddy about home furnishings and while it is okay that she is nesting… I just feel like she could maybe acknowledge how jarring that is? Like, there’s no mention of feeling guilty or anything like that. She doesn’t really talk about things in a complex way.
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Umm doesn't Rachel make a living now telling people what to do with their bodies because she thinks she knows best? Drink this. Eat this. Do this. Buy this.
She's so argumentative and rude. People may of genuinely been trying to help if they are her followers. I get that it could be frustrating, but why be so aggressive and contrary about it. She really is a big old bitch. Sanctimonious as fuck. She literally is like a stubborn self righteous child urghhhh. She would be a nightmare patient to try and help in a hospital situation.


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As a woman who tried to get pregnant for years it makes me furious to see how she shits on every rule, rules that have scientific reasons! To carry a child is really a holy thing, it is her responsibility to keep it safe and she behaves like a spoiled teenager. She cannot stop drinking for nine month for the sake of her baby? 🤮

Watched her story. Her content is so boring. Her brother was in Brasil for several weeks. Lea wants crystals from Brasil. Rachel asks Lea things which probably should look sweet, but only is annoying. Blue sky in Sweden. How can she make money with this?
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Rachel: Our grandmothers knew about mother nature.
My grandmother knew how horrible polio was and was reliefed and thankful for a vaccination to fight this horrible illness which mostly killed children.
In nowadays there is no polio anymore because of the vaccinations.
She can do what she wants but she might influence people with her BS.
Is her hole family so lost? Does nobody intervene?
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I'm really not surprised at how she's treating vegans because that's how she treated meat eaters when she was vegan. She bullied her husband into veganism. She was judgey and preachy. That's who she is, basically. If you disagree with her, that's the version of her you're getting. Doesn't matter if she's changed teams, if it's hypocritical.
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Poor Lea has made a to-do list over there on Rachel’s stories, including tasks like eating, making a snowman, having a snowball fight. This is the second 5-6 year old child I have seen imitating their influenster mom in a sad way. The other one made a list of things she wanted to improve about herself in the new year. The narcissist influencer moms are enamored with their little gurus and call it things like ‘manifesting’ and ‘being intentional’. I just think it is sad. It doesn’t seem like 5-6 year olds should be worrying about these things.
Yes! Something about that list felt so sad to me (adding in the fact that it always feels like such a gross violation of little Lea's privacy when Rachel shares these things). This poor child can't have anything to herself/kept private

It feels SUPER disingenuous of Rachel to spend several stories talking about how she's allowed to change her mind, she's not trying to speak on anything food-related as if she's an expert, she's just sharing her opinion, etc. What an absolute all-out LIE! How many stories has she posted or how many 'anecdotes' has she shared on her podcast trying to 'educate' folks on proper nutrition, mentioning how the body responds to or absorbs nutrients, sharing 'facts' about her birthing choices, etc. She has 10000% constantly trying to frame herself as an 'expert' on shit she knows nothing about, until she has to be accountable for the nonsense she spouts off, then it's 'oh I'm just sharing my life, I'm not an expert!'. She's so disgusting.
I guarantee that most people don't care that she 'changed' her mind. I think most people care about her lack of acknowledgment and accountability for the harm she's caused in her militancy and righteousness for whatever cause/belief/lifestyle she's into at the moment. She did it with veganism, she's doing it now again with meat-eating/non-veganism, 'farming' and ancestral life, etc.

And on a more petty note - she's looking more and more sickly/gaunt lately. Her skin is pale and sallow, she's got massive bags under her eyes, and she's (still) constantly complaining about how terrible she feels. All of her big lifestyle changes don't seem to be making a difference, at least not in a positive way.
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