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This woman triggers me to no end. Today on her stories she is complaining about not feeling well and having to be in the bath for three hours straight and saying how that can’t be normal. But is she going to go to an actual doctor or any doctor? Maybe not?

Also, she has a couple of comments about America on her stories today. Every time she talks about America, I just want to go all ‘Will Smith at the Oscars’ and tell her to keep my country’s name out of her mouth. 🤣 I have no problem with others talking about the US but something about when she does it just grates on me. I know a lot of her followers are in the US so she has in the past commented a lot on what goes on here. It used to be much worse. Maybe it’s that she seems to be often uninformed and doesn’t know what she is talking about (per usual) and is maybe using commenting on it to bolster her engagement (also per usual) and therefore income that makes it kind of 🤮. I hope she never moves here.

Yikes. I try to give her the benefit of the doubt and hope she will turn things around and want her to do well, but then she opens her mouth. 😱

p.s. I listened to part of the last pod. Dennis said he did feel bullied into veganism by her and that James Aspey guy (vegan activist) and he was resentful about it for the first year. He said after the first year, he didn’t mind it, except for missing fish. She tries to talk him into her narrative that she didn’t really bully him into it, but kind of made it difficult for him to not be vegan since she was in charge of the cooking, etc. He holds strong and disagrees and says no she did bully him and then she does apologize for bullying him. No shit, Rachel. We weren’t even there and we knew she bullied him into veganism. How deluded is she in her own narratives that she can’t even admit to herself the reality of her own actions and her husband’s feelings about them?? Wow!!
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Ah more signs pointing to the rebrand as a Swedish “lifestyle” guru. Look at my perfectly curated white house, links to expensive supplements (ironic seeing as though she always said she never used SPF and they never put SPF on Lea). And finally more recipes so you too can be as worthy as yoga girl. I can’t believe I used to like her
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She really has no taste. I loved the style in her "cabin" but as far as I remember that was done by an interiour designer.
She has a farm in Sweden and want to live a farm live but styles her Home like she is a desperate housewife in the suburbs of LA.
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Maybe her recent trip to LA was to discuss her upcoming documentary #yogaswindler

I feel mean, but I guess some of the people who flocked to her classes were also just doing it for the gram
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That's classic Rachel- going from "I haven't eaten an egg in 10 years, is this egg??" to "This is my ancestral and honestly genius method of making scrambled eggs that will blow your mind and align your chakras because I am now an authority figure on this" within like 2 weeks.
👆THIS for sure! I will look forward to her upcoming online course (that will cost me the equivalent of 1 months salary) on the origins of the egg, how to cook with the egg, make space on your alter for the egg, decorating the egg, what to do with the eggshell and how all this is actually yoga.
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She’s pathetic and desperate. We should not look at her shit. Or one person do it lol, but I am no longer giving this woman a microphone.

She is toxic and thoughtless and mean at heart. Drink, be an asshole and shove it in the face of all your followers to create a more harmful online environment. She contributes nothing to a better world or her own child. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I know the stats, but it’s stupid to even take a risk like that with a life that has zero say in the matter.
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They are moving. Rachel looks like a granny with this hideous lipstick and Dennis looks so done with everything. She's talking how there is construction work still going on and meanwhile the cleaning crew is also there. (Sidenote I've done after construction cleaning while they still paint/walk around etc it's frustrating and useless), and they are moving their stuff over meanwhile. What's the need to rush all of this, it's not like they are running on a tight schedule with their daily lives. The only thing I see is that she could post picture perfect Christmas photos of their new farm. She didn't have time to brush her teeth but has time to record stories and move over one plant. She really is a privileged joke


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Haven't seen such blatant undisclosed ads in a while. Oh Rachel.

Also, where's the (undisclosed) ad for the powders she used to drink and swore by and said she was feeling her best only to then say she had felt I'll for ages? Guess they didn't renew her partnership?
She's one big boring sell out 🥱
Wonder if she feels icky even about herself caving so readily to capitalism and classism. "She's all about" living life simply and pushing this idea to make us think shes got a humble on a shoestring lifestlye, yet advertises stuff only people with goodmoney could afford. Pick a lane bish, cos your followers going to be feeling that health costs mega money. Just another classic shite lie and fad from the West once again. Buy buy buy me you will be better if you just buy me. Selling health again and again.

Nah, eat a balanced diet , do some exercise and rest enough. Fookin ell.
She's definitely the kind of person who is all about having a fancy ass unlimited supply of spenny yoga outfits and wouldn't be seen dead rocking up to someone's class in some bland Asda leggings day in day out (where y'all at, I know you out there with me😜🙋‍♀️)
But wait, did she ever even go to people's classes. I have never once in all the years heard her actually speak about other good teachers, unless they were on HER site
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Anytime she has Dennis on the podcast, I find myself more and more shocked at their dynamic because it honestly seems like he doesn't even really LIKE her as a person in so many ways.
The most recent podcast was over an hour of her cutting him off, leading him into giving answers she wanted him to give, and then belittling him the rest of the time. It felt SO OBVIOUS that Dennis did not actually want to be on the podcast and everything about it felt forced and awkward. Dennis generally seems like a passive person and she's so completely domineering that he just 'yes ma'ams' her until she leaves him alone.

He insisted several times that she bullied him into going vegan and how tricky it was for him and every single time she TOLD him he was wrong.
She eventually caved and apologized for bullying him into that decision, then immediately tried to get him to talk about how much better he feels eating meat. He blatantly says he felt better physically after going vegan and feels more sluggish/like he's gained weight since eating meat (though he does admit to missing fish specifically). He speaks to her controlling nature and the fact that he was hesitant to change diets AGAIN with this new non-vegan train she's on, because she's constantly changing her mind and he's the one who has to suffer the consequences.

The entire thing was truly painful to get through. His answers are all short and he seems very uninterested in continuing to keep up the grift alongside her. It was almost pathetic how longingly he spoke of wanting to get an actual job, have some sort of structure and schedule, and not be living in the countryside so far away from any sort of community. (He mentions several times how he desired to live in a more urban/city environment in Sweden but Rachel forced the whole family into isolation and 'farm' life.)

He seems less inclined to help her paint these false narratives about their life (he calls her out on falsehoods on multiple stories she tells throughout the episode) and generally seems over it (whether IT is the podcast or being a sidekick on the never-ending Rakel Brathen reality show is yet to be determined).
Even if I were still a 'fan' of hers, I would find this episode more awkward and off-putting than anything else.
Anytime she has Dennis on the podcast, I find myself more and more shocked at their dynamic because it honestly seems like he doesn't even really LIKE her as a person in so many ways.
The most recent podcast was over an hour of her cutting him off, leading him into giving answers she wanted him to give, and then belittling him the rest of the time. It felt SO OBVIOUS that Dennis did not actually want to be on the podcast and everything about it felt forced and awkward. Dennis generally seems like a passive person and she's so completely domineering that he just 'yes ma'ams' her until she leaves him alone.

He insisted several times that she bullied him into going vegan and how tricky it was for him and every single time she TOLD him he was wrong.
She eventually caved and apologized for bullying him into that decision, then immediately tried to get him to talk about how much better he feels eating meat. He blatantly says he felt better physically after going vegan and feels more sluggish/like he's gained weight since eating meat (though he does admit to missing fish specifically). At one point Rachel tells him he was a 'junk food vegan' and only ate beige or brown things and lots of fried foods. Dennis points out that they're eating MORE brown/beige foods now, and that he feels they're moving to the opposite extreme (too meat-heavy). He speaks to her controlling nature and the fact that he was hesitant to change diets AGAIN with this new non-vegan train she's on because she's constantly changing her mind and he's the one who has to suffer the consequences.

The entire thing was truly painful to get through. His answers are all short and he seems very uninterested in continuing to keep up the grift alongside her. It was almost pathetic how longingly he spoke of wanting to get an actual job, have some sort of structure and schedule, and not be living in the countryside so far away from any sort of community. (He mentions several times how he desired to live in a more urban/city environment in Sweden but Rachel forced the whole family into isolation and 'farm' life.)

He seems less inclined to help her paint these false narratives about their life (he calls her out on falsehoods on multiple stories she tells throughout the episode) and generally seems over it (whether IT is the podcast or being a sidekick on the never-ending Rakel Brathen reality show is yet to be determined).
Even if I were still a 'fan' of hers, I would find this episode more awkward and off-putting than anything else.
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This is her content now, just documenting every whim, idea, shit, minute of her kid’s life, tone deaf nonsense, oozing with privilege. Five years ago it was about something beneficial and at least 50% less ego. How? Was she always just a toxic grifter?
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Ugh. Her use of "we" really bothers me there, both because I also doubt she did much of anything and it makes it sound like Dennis is fully on board with it all when it's clear he's not (maybe I'm reading in too much there though). She's so busy though with the move, only an hour for tea tonight! 🙄

I totally agree that I'd have no problem if she just admitted, "We are fortunate enough to have the house refinished by contractors, furnished by a designer, and moved with the help of movers to get this to come together quickly. I know not everyone can afford this much support in getting their new house to feel like home so quickly, and even though it's tiring and stressful and an emotional upheaval to move (especially this close to Christmas!), I'm feeling really grateful for the many blessings in my life" or something like that. But instead, it's the doubling down on the pauper-turned-manifestor narrative.
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I think Dennis's stories on Laika were very sweet and appropriate, because he focused on Laika's life.

Rachel seems to be exploiting her death for clicks and for stirring shit up.
100% agreed! Like death is inevitable, but their life doesn’t boil down to that last moment. I’m afraid she is just all about the engagement. She is fully aware after getting that hateful message that she is opening the door for even more people to message her horrified by her choice to post such an upsetting and private moment. And the bitch of it is she’s doing so to play her favorite game: I Am the Victim! Now she can have a podcast about how cruel people have been and how she is being attacked for this post and death is a real part of life and yada yada yada. Yes it is, but she’s thoughtless and insensitive not just to Laika and Dennis but to her followers who may have been very upset seeing that photo. Not everyone can handle photos of dead animals or pets, she could have at least posted a gentle warning, or shared with close family and friends if she absolutely had to. I’m surprised Dennis was okay with that. Imagining the entire process of taking that pic, kneeling by that sweet dog and taking a pic to post online, it’s truly disgusting. It’s not “normalizing” or “honoring” anything. Honoring would be putting your damn phone down. Make a post later show pics of Laika happy and as she was, it’s so just messed up.
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Slowly but surely she's becoming an antivaxx white privileged lady. She is uneducated, but so loud for no reason. I don't want to offend anyone, because uni degree is not all that, but at least it teaches critical thinking which she is obviously lacking. She has said before she did not like school and does not want to put Lea into Swedish school because it is so restricting. I'm all about using natural remedies as much as you can, but sometimes you need antibiotics. Babies died of pneumonia like less than 100 years ago, when she's so ancestral go through your family records and see how many babies grew older than 6 years. She talks like she's going through some very dramatic event by giving birth in Sweden. Poor you getting an option to take a test that other people have to pay big money for, or don't have any access at all. Just throw the phone away and live in the treehouse. Rach doesn't have anything going on for her she needs to create some pseudoproblems.
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Nah she’s done, I mean she may have followers, but half have probably muted her, a lot are bots and then there’s the genuine fans who would kiss her ass if she asked them to.

The truly enjoyable thing is that she believes she is some rebel innovator. 😂 Lots of pregnant women drink, not great but true, so go ahead a join that crew. Lots of teenagers whine, so she’s in that crew. And lots of rich white women love to play the victim, she’s better at that than anyone. She happened upon yoga, worked a handful of years and is now losing relevance everyday. Thanks to this thread I’ve gone from being hurt by her actions (no Queen Rachel not eating meat, just being a bitch about it), but once you realize she’s just a terrible human all is good again!
Agree. She’s disgusting. How she is “othering” plant based dieting people, “OH THOSE VEGANS 😏, don’t get upset at my meat cubes” —as if she wasn’t the most militant version of a vegan that someone could possibly be.
She left the “cult of vegetable eating” and now is in the “anti all vax and modern medicine”

but she will race out to get an ultrasound for her placenta placement, but after that she’s THROUGH with medical intervention. 🤡
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Wow, Rachel shared some post from Brianna Madia and how this woman hired a forensic investigator to go after "the bullies" that led her to feel suicidal. And then she went an named them online, "outing them". Mind, these people were on Reddit. They largely, from what I gathered, weren't commenting on her actual socials. So she had to go out of her way to find them. Is this bullying? I'm not a lawyer but it feels like a stretch. She then goes on to say that even upvoting a mean comment is bullying.

Rachel is all "yes, this, I've been so bullied." And look, if people are DMing them awful stuff, absolutely constitutes bullying. But there's something called freedom of speech and going on a forum and saying X person is vile, is not the same thing.

Influencers trying to be the victims. Sigh.
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When she went to the doctor before flying she said they want to do a vaginal excam but she refused because there is no reason for it. But couldn't it be possible that the doctor wanted to check if the zervix is still closed because if it is not it is a sign for early labour? Why refusing this and risking getting in labour on a plane? All her things she describes sound like the baby is coming early but she refuses to listen. It is bad enough that Rachel acts so reckless but what is with the rest of her family? Are they all on board with this?
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She calls eating stuff you should not eat while being pregnant a rebellion. How childish can she be?
Being pregnant is a privilege. This eating recommendations came not out of nowhere, some bacteria in raw products can cause harm and even miscarriage. But she puts it as some old white men made the rules up just to annoy pregnant women. 🙄
What is Dennis part here? He is the father is he okay with all this?
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But if you squint your eyes then that shelf looks like a loaf of bread and that's a sign from the universe that she is baking a magical baby inside.
Yeah, sure, you can project anything onto anything and make it a thing 🤭🥴🥱 But hers are so trite and she acts like she's the second coming or something. Like SHE gets special treatment
I'm all about making things meaningful, but the level she does, it's either absolutely terrible or absolutely a sacred sign all about HER.
She too busy projecting her own massive egotistical opinions to listen to what something actually is.
It's a cresent shaped slit in your fireplace babe chill out. But but of course, the Universe is busy messaging magical YOU some ambiguous and banal frickin moon shape but ignoring all the people who don't have food or are sick.
Get a grip. It doesnt make you interesting and special
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@bffr, your recaps are marvelous. I want to get martinis with you and shit-talk every single person I know. This particular bit had me hooting because there is NOTHING I hate more than being accosted by children in public, except for being accosted while trapped and unable to move! Why is it so impossible for Rachel to respect that not everyone thinks her little moon is a perfect shaman source of joy and enlightenment?!
Just tell me when and where “my darling” (Rachel voice)
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