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I’ve truly never seen someone devolve into such a problematic person, but I’m 99.9% sure it’s part act and part ego. She sees the engagement she gets with creating drama, so she’s really taken to this rich white privileged asshole lifestyle quite nicely. I guess manifesting works in that you fester all your anger about being cancelled and decide to become a terrible human. For the greater good I do genuinely hope she grows up and stops being such a harmful person.
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Rachel strikes me as someone that's fundamentally ignorant. She has all the time, money, resources to educate herself on the many topics she latches on to, like home births this time around. But she chooses not to. We've seen her do this with basically everything. Even yoga. She took her training course to say she had it but I never saw her attend othee Yogi's practices or trainings. Same for gardening. Same for vaccines. Same for everything. It's sad to see, especially since her platform is still massive and she's spreading misinformation.
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tbh I lost the tiny speck of respect I had left for her when she left Dennis alone in Aruba to remodel the house whilst she f*cked off to Sweden to start her "returnreturnreturn" nonsense.
100%. This was so gross. Dennis said it was his idea and she never asked him but that doesn't change the fact that she allowed it to happen. She sits on her arse while he does all the work on the house. That is bad enough but she took his child away for 3 months. That had a terrible impact on Leah at the time. Imagine if he suggested Lea stay with him for 3 months away from Rachel? She would be incensed. It was just so totally unnecessary. They could have just stayed in Aruba and sorted it out together. Or if it was so necessary for her to rest she could have rested in Aruba while Dennis did the work and still got to come home to his daughter. At the end of the day, until her retirement, Dennis was Leah's primary caretaker not Rachel. For her to not see him for 3 months was just cruel. Just another example of everyone's lives evolving around what is best for Rachel

As for the throwing mouldy stuff away.... He could have said no. No matter how much she gaslights him, or more like attempts to gaslight him cause even now he doesn't believe her so he's not gaslit, actually.
He does try to say no. That is what all the arguments are about. That is why they argued so much over the mould in Aruba. He has said no to throwing his boat cover and car away and she will not have it. He is trying to maintain a relationship with someone who is completely uncompromising and unrelenting so there is no room for anything other than him to give in eventually. She made that very clear in her last podcast. And he doesn't have to belive her gaslighting attempts to make it gaslighting. It's just an act of emotional manipulation that she does to him which will take a toll on him whether he believes her or not
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For me I don’t mind filming that, since the camera was setup in a way that it wasn’t in her face or obvious. I see lots of videos like that, BUT what sucks is everything else to me. Lea kissing her belly, or if Lea says something sweet or they have a sweet moment, Rachel has to get the iPhone and share on her stories while still sitting with Lea. For someone who preaches that she’s ALWAYS present with Lea—she’s been saying since Lea was born that when she’s with Lea she wants to be 100% present and no work or phone, blah blah blah—it’s total bullshit. All Lea knows is performing—or re-telling for the camera. She’s going to grow up thinking “oh this is a special moment, we have to film it!” That’s so sad to me.

Side note: when do we think the big rebrand will happen? It’s become painstakingly clear she’s over yoga. And I wonder if she ever actually grasped yoga. I remember a long time ago her talking about breastfeeding and how that can be yoga. Like wtf? That’s not yoga cause you say it is. That’s being present sure, taking deep breaths and feeling the moment, but she just seems to take any activity, incorporate deep breathing and mindfulness, and call it yoga for the sake of her brand. It’s disrespectful. Can she just change her name to Garden Gal or some shit and be done with this faux-ga (wordplay 😁) nonsense?
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It’s so ancestral, all those brand new appliances. She’s really nodding her head to Sweden circa 1800/1900 with a Kim K twist.

That white on white on white will go perfectly with her farm lifestyle of mucking horse stalls and walking barefoot around the muddy lake.

Apologies to anyone who likes it, but it screams tacky nouveau riche to me.
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Eh. I'm very 'better a day too early than a day too late' about dogs. If my old boy broke his leg/hip now, I'd let him go. He's had a nice life, no need for messing about at his big age.

But I would not wrap him in a towel, cover him in petals and pop it on IG 🤨
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Haha- love it that she said she was at the world premier of the film. Liar!

Oh. Tough day at couples therapy.

Maybe the ins & outs of discussing cows. If only my life was that easy.
A disclaimer that I love therapy, I think therapy is great, most people would benefit from therapy at some point in their lives.

BUT seeing that story the first thought in my head was: tell me you're having a cement baby without telling me you're having a cement baby.

I would NOT want to be in couple's therapy while pregnant, would not have gotten pregnant if my relationship was in the unstable place of needing couple's therapy.
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I don’t go on any of her social platforms at all anymore as I despise her malignant face and screeching voice, but I pop in here every now and then.
I wish she would stick to picking leaves off the forest floor rather than sticking her nose and expressing her unwanted opinion about the British press and the monarchy, she knows jack shit about either the country or the monarchy, she knows nothing about the situation with regards to Harry and his wife, she’s clearly taken in and has been brainwashed by Netflix.
she knows nothing as to why they are hated here and is nothing to do with racism, they both behaved appallingly and Harry who is British through and through has basically spat on all the British people by calling all of us racists and that we all need to be taught a lesson… very similar to what exactly she did to the locals in Aruba.
Why doesn’t she stick to Sweden, they have royalty as well and all things Swedish now that she’s claiming to love so much.
I did think of sending her a message to tell her exactly this, but I would either get blocked or she would send her trolls out, she’s just not worth the breath, she is a nobody, but obviously her brain dead followers will believe any bullshit that comes out of her lipstick ridden mouth.
I’m going to try and manifest that she disappears for good.
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We aren't talking about domestic violence. We are talking about how narcisstic people behave in relationships. Personally for me I don't necessarily think Rachel would qualify as being a narcissit but I know from your comments that you do and she may well be. By definition a narcisssit does not have empathy for other people and their relationships revolve around manipulation to feed their own fragile sense of self. That is emotionally abusive. No it doesn't look the same as verbal abuse, physical violence, coercive control, but it is very very damaging to one's emotional wellbeing over a long period of time. Gaslighting is also a form of emotional abuse. Something you agree she does to Dennis. Therefore on that measure alone she is abusive to him.
It doesn't serve any of us to go tit-for-tat with other posters here about semantics. None of us are here to diagnose Rachel (or Dennis) or to prove definitively that she is or isn't a narcissist/abusive/etc. We're all here to snark on the obviously annoying and eye-roll-worthy aspects of Rachel and her platform. There is far too much nuance within people's lives and personal dynamics for us to prove one way or another whether she fits textbook definitions of narcissism or abuse. Bringing into question peoples' individual experiences with similar dynamics feels like the opposite of why I'm here and I can't imagine many people enjoy this kind of back and forth.
Whether or not Rachel can be clinically diagnosed as a narcissist or whether or not she's 'abusing' Dennis starts to go beyond snark and into wild speculation that has no point here.

As QueenBW said, there are plenty of other CONCRETE things for us to comment on that we can see and hear directly from her stories/her page/her podcast. Veering into conspiracy-style speculation seems very unnecessary and reductive.

Just listened to the latest podcast. It’s a walk down memory lane of Island Yoga studio as they are closing. They are running out of money in Aruba (guess that new home really was a bargain and was done up with such a tight budget). And now can’t afford to pay staff. Anyway she is manifesting an amazing sale.
I can't help but laugh at this because...what the hell did she expect when she just abandoned an entire business and openly talks about how 'over' yoga she is?! I hope she DOESN'T manifest an amazing sale and has to actually sit with the consequences of her poor decisions for once. But we all know that probably won't happen. I'm sure Billionaire Daddy will just buy the studio and bail them out in the end.

And her teasing more 'drama' - unsurprising and typical Rachel. I don't understand how ANYONE can be intrigued by anything she 'teases' anymore? Every announcement or thing she's 'not ready to talk about yet' ends up being so damn BORING and drab. She literally lives to invent drama out of thin air.
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I am also kind of angry with her for closing Island Yoga, after making such a song and dance about it: employing yoga teachers / staff, attracting tourists, doing teacher training (not so great for those that got their yoga teacher training at a studio that closed after a few years... not great credibility? the training was expensive AF as well).
And I am angry for not updating the website with new courses and her ripping people off with this stupid home course, although I never paid her a dime.
She always talks about what a hard worker she is, I don't see that she is a hard worker. And she has a lot of guilt that she shares about her "not doing enough" and her feeling worthless because she's "passively" rich and doesn't actually grind for pennies to achieve what she has. She got lucky with garnering a social media following in the early days of Instagram posting from idyllic vacation spots.

Of course, the Yoga Studio closed, in retrospect, she doesn't have the ethic to make anything work long term. Soon her feelings, the Sagittarius moon, her third house in Venus, Lea bringing her a crow feather (universe speaking to her) ---will whisper to her soul to tell her its time to move on, she's uninspired and doesn't feel like the 9-5 life like the rest of us poor folk. 🤪 🤡

It was a novelty for her. Before the studio she went around "teaching yoga" aka vacationing.

On another note, Rachel lost any credibility she might of had left with me when she started getting into astrology.
I love ASTRONOMY and love space and the moon, but when she started getting her PhD in Debra Silverman astrology I could not relate to all the mumbo jumbo, Jupiter moon-5th house around Pluto talk to describe Dennis and his lazy nature or Guru Lea Luna's tantrums.

and any money she gets from her faux service now is just to fund their do-nothing lifestyle. We would all love to “heal” via no obligations, but the majority of the world can’t live that way.
You hit the nail on the head.

ALSO-- notice how she didn't visit "her animal rescue" or to even see Penny the goat. Guess she feels bad about eating Penny goats now so she doesn't feel the need to visit her discarded pets.
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Yes, for sure that skin care question is hers. 🤣 Her skin is awful. I doubt she even has a skin care routine. I have never heard her talk about skin care in all these years. Wouldn’t she be pushing skin care products in her ads if she used some? She’s just looking for some content to record and/or products to push to raise some revenue. Probably more the latter. I am calling it now that when she puts said video out it will come with a yg code for 15% off. Gawd she is so transparent. 🙄
Exactly. She's probably trying to find a skincare company to work with her as we speak.

And behold. Little Miss Hypocrite. She had a proper, regular, Western doctor's appointment to get her asthma inhaler. You mean she knows an ancestral bark or something won't keep her alive?

The wheels are coming off. She's fully unhinged.


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Just the fact that she is not silent on social media, or using the platform to honor her sister in law for a few days, tells you where her mind and heart are… the addiction to social media is bigger than the grief? I don’t know.. that does not sit well with me.
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She should consider stopping the whole “phone down narrative” or just take her own advice. She has to post every single thing. She’s concerned about the lasting effects of EMF 😂 how about the last effects of over exposure, from birth, to social media. Sure Lea doesn’t log on, but she is hyper aware of the phone, and she knows when it’s time to perform. It will be interesting to see how (and I’m sure many findings not limited to Lea will come from this) her whole life documented online for millions of people, will affect her mental health later in life. I have so much respect for celebrities who respect their children’s privacy and opt to give them that instead of using them for content. It’s one thing when sharing with your friends and family, it’s quite another when your job is your content and your followers are all strangers and your kid is a marketing strategy. So sad indeed.
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One thing I gotta say is after reading some of the content, maybe it’s just an attempt to make veganism sound bad, but she sounds like she was an ill-informed vegan!

She mentions reading some ancient book on the topic, and then drolls on about processed faux meats. She thought pea protein was just peas? So to me this says she ate terribly as a “vegan” because she didn’t bother to actually do any real research (not Dr. Google!). There are whole facets of veganism that do not eat faux meat because they don’t consider it a food. I’ve enjoyed the Beyond stuff every now and again, but you can easily eat sustainably and vegan without processed crap. She grows solely vegan food! 😂😂😂😂

Point is, if she sounds like an ill-informed vegan, why would anyone take her word now as a “nourished carnivore”? If you were eating buckets of kale thinking that was gonna be your complete protein, I’m probably not gonna take your word that a McD’s burger is handed down from the ancestors to nourish my body. 😬
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My one problem with her saying she wasn't pregnant when she was back when she announced the no longer vegan thing is that... She didn't need to go and say "no, I'm not pregnant." Why the lie? She didn't need to address it at all, since those had been DMs.
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I'm convinced couples therapy is a not-so-subtle way to just get a third party to tell Dennis that Rachel is right and Dennis is the difficult one (especially if Rachel is the one who found the therapist because we all know she wouldn't let Dennis make that decision without her).

Only Rachel would demand that they move immediately to justify spending Christmas in their new home for some unknown/nonsensical/arbitrary reason then complain NON FUCKING STOP about all the (self-imposed) inconveniences associated with a forced fast-pace move. Even if I weren't completely annoyed at every little thing she does, I would have a massively hard time sympathizing with her play-by-play complaints of 'oh there's still painters painting the walls', 'the chimney sweep is here while we move things into the kitchen' 'dennis is moving our couch completely by himself and it's a nightmare' brought this on yourself/your family for ABSOLUTELY ZERO REASON. I don't feel bad for you in the SLIGHTEST and I hardly feel bad for Dennis for just indulging any and every one of her stupid demands.
Conversations from the Ego has never seemed more apt for this woman/thread 🤮

Also the email screenshot she posted - she's definitely looking for her minions to coddle her and kiss her ass and validate her feeling like people are just out to get her. If she were doing ANY level of actual self-inquiry work, she would step back far enough from the initial knee-jerk reaction to the email and realize that not only is there a LOT of truth and validity there, but that's how SO MANY people who used to adore her are feeling. But no! Instead, we're all supposed to agree that this email person is a total crazy asshole who is so far off their rocker that they're not even worth the time of day (except for the time it takes to screenshot and post said email to her stories).
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Am I crazy or has Lea been ill multiple times including when Rachel left I think to LA or smth and Dennis joked about giving her fries and Rachel freaked out?
Yeah, I remember her talking about Lea been ill before. Several times.
She really has to share everything.
“Must be something she ate?”
Maybe something you cooked for her? Maybe you can rustle up some herbal remedy that cures her?

I got a bit of a feeling the other day from one of her stories that she didn’t want to make this flight/go to the funeral.
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Just listened to the latest podcast. It’s a walk down memory lane of Island Yoga studio as they are closing. They are running out of money in Aruba (guess that new home really was a bargain and was done up with such a tight budget). And now can’t afford to pay staff. Anyway she is manifesting an amazing sale.

Plus turns out it was the pandemic that forced them out of business and the island. No mentions of being cancelled there. But several mentions of the amazing support from the local community.

Reference to some drama that happened this week that Rachel doesn’t want to talk about just yet.

On the plus side no mention of mold AND I guess there is the new baby cow awaiting back home in Sweden, which she misses so much.

She is letting go of a version of herself, making space for a new one. Goodbye Yoga Girl. Hello Tea Lady!
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Lol I tried to listen this week to see if she includes the fact that the studio has been listed a while, I couldn’t make it past the intro of bullshit. She’s always in a vulnerable place, and her darlings and loves is so nauseating. She doesn’t “love” her listeners, if she did she wouldn’t have (and continue to) treat them as disposable. She’s not online to inspire or serve, she’s there for adoration and money. It’s an insult to anyone or service.

Does she think she invented sitting and drinking tea now? Oof no more attempts even, I used to be a fan and her jaded, self centered, mean-spirited way of life is so gross, hidden under pseudo-guru bullshit buzzwords. There is NOTHING sacred, ancestral or even healing about peddling ads and causing division in a community that built her up.
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Dennis sucks with his “I had my Oscar loser speech ready incase it was a girl” comment. Nice to know how you really feel about having a daughter
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