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This woman projects a lottttttt of her own psychological baggage onto the food. Not sure why everything she eats needs such a long winded justification?
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Sigh. I was bored on the commute and watched her stories.

Their first homestead. So she's already planning another move, to a bigger place. They haven't even been in that farm for a month.
She isn’t happy with her life so she always looks to the next thing that will surely fix it.

Also, see below for more conspiracy theorist nonsense! Woo-to-Q pipeline, folks. It’s in full swing.

Omg @QueenBW too funny—we posted at the same time! She’s a nutter alright.
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But guyssssss we should be able to trust our bodies InTuiTiVEly as women because no birth ever went wrong before those nasty midwives "gaslit us" into thinking they were trained to help.

If your friend had sat down and listened to her body (working is for povvos not rich people like me) she should have been able to feeeeeeeeeeeeeeel the fluid decreasing and gone out to her grassfed barn and induced the baby by drinking dandelion tea and howling at the lake - Brathen Logic.
🤬😡😠Horrible nasty due dates causing people to be able to plan a little.
I don't have children but I do have a period tracker on my phone and I have to say I feel so abused by men and capitalism when I both listen to signs in my body I'm due on soon AND have a helpful app to remind me that I might want to start carrying my fanny pads around incase it happens. And If I dont start by the estimated date I feel so abused and gaslit that I was lied to.
Grrrrrr, horrible western society trying to control my body with their technology. I think I will make a living by complaining about technology, on my technological device all day 😡🤬😤😤😾😾😾

And we should never say a baby comes early, because my body is chosing NAtuRALlY when my guru soul sun baby wants to join this blessed Earth. So don't prepare an oxygenated incubator and have potential treatment ready for prem babies because western medicine is forcing us into a box and not actually backed by science and statistics BLURGH gross science.
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What will she do with all the houses? Let them rot?
I thought its weird that all these houses are 100% supermoldy but now randomly its fine to walk inside ?? Whilst in Aruba she didnt even wanna get in the car because it had some mold?
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I can't even imagine the level of resentment that Dennis must feel at seeing Rachel throw an absolute fit about "mold in Aruba" the second that their plane touched down, being a complete ass that entire trip, and then informing him upon their return to Sweden that they're going to buy a farm while traipsing about visibly dusty, moldy buildings with zero concern. It's just so clear that she wields the mold narrative to suit her own agenda and everything else be damned. For Dennis, who is on record saying that he didn't want to move to Sweden and didn't want more buildings/animals to be responsible for, Rachel's utter unwillingness to compromise or budge from "where the Universe is guiding her" must be so excruciating to deal with.
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Her content is literally dead, RIP—the diaries of a jobless/purposeless loser.

I skim through quickly-- it's her eating frosted buns with her brother. RIVETING.
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Guys, she’s a sad pathetic woman, that’s all there is to it. Her need to create drama and get attention is out of this world, I think karma will step in someday.
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She’s a grifter through and through, but she’s also the worst kind of cultural appropriator. She takes yoga, makes her money off of it, without any experience or training initially, and now she’s over her yoga fad but doesn’t want to give up the handle or brand for her greedy lifestyle. It must be infuriating for practicing yogis, who honor the traditions it’s rooted in, to watch a rich white girl proclaim herself YogaGirl, only to get over the fad like most people do (she barely made it ten years guys, a knowledgeable and insightful yogi she is not). But she maintains the name to keep the money. It’s so gross to see.
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"Little sun". Christ. She's gonna be insufferable for the next 6 months.

Also, again, Rachel. "Little sun" is a fetus. Can't be tired. Doesn't really go to bed.

She's a full on walking cringe now.
$5 she names this one if it’s a boy, Leo or some crap pertaining to sun like Lea Luna is to the moon…
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She had a pod I really enjoyed in 2018 about the Inner Critic, I’ve listened to it a few times and today it came on. Her pod/content was so much more relatable, helpful even, before she was “cancelled” and decided to handle it with the grace and self awareness of an entitled spoiled child.

Her first half of pods are wildly different. Advice, guests, self awareness, she even discusses her privileges, albeit sparingly. Her content now is either egotistical, boring, or toxic. She thinks the backlash about her veganism choice, but sis it ain’t. People were wary before that, but her shady reveal showed more of her ugly side. She did it brilliantly, start with a comment on all vegans being horrible and judgmental, that way when people are mad and giving her engagement she wants, she can say “See! I was right!” Without addressing the real issue that people were hurt by. She can’t change views without shitting past ones to assuage her doubt.
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I haven't looked at her page in ages but it popped up the other day. I immediately came here for all the updates :) better reading your funny comments than her nonsense firsthand.

And her diet is shocking. This woman does not understand the concept of balance. I've consumed animal products all my life and I would feel unwell after eating how she does. It makes no sense how a body could handle it after being vegan for so long.

It again comes to her kid she could have chosen to have Lea eat a balanced diet with some animal protein but is instead dragging this child from one extreme to the next with her. And none of those extremes are healthy for a developing body. Like they have enough resources that Leas diet can include all vitamins etc without constant supplements. Collagen, green, protein powders aren't designed for todlers. The text above where she says oatmeal didn't agree with Lea because of veganism is batshit crazy. So what if Rachel didn't decide to change her diet for her reasons she would just have her toddler have severe food allergies, without addressing any possible causes.

And I can't imagine how powerless Dennis is (he is not a victim by any means like he chose this person and this life) but constantly texting your partner to check how to take care of their child, because if he does anything else Rachel is gonna loose her mind (there was a similar text once when she was flying to la and she like gave him a step by step how to make tea or something)

And having no medical professionals there for the birth but have a 6 year old present. And her argument was "me and Lea watch alot of birthing videos". Like all of this is so inappropriate (also whose birthing videos? Like humans or animals). She's showing this kid movies that are too grown up for her, and then some niche birthing content. It seems YG treats Lea like a child only when there is social media benefit. All the other times Lea is one of her girlfirnes to hang out with.

And I understand that it's her pregnancy and her buisness. But it's odd that considering that during Leas birth she needed unexpected medical help. She wouldn't want to be more prepared and informed this time. Instead she's gone in a polar opposite direction.
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I don't think she looks cute in these photos. Anyway, who calls themselves cute??
she looks like her dad in the face more than Shama. So she needs to be careful, adding dramatic colors to her mouth is a no. She needs to stick to pale pink or natural because her mouth is her worst feature. The look of it, and the sounds that come out.
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I'm just here as a friendly reminder that once again Rachel is in her stories saying how she's not on her stories much and taking photos of herself crying for attention.

Also lol at Dennis asking Rachel what filter she has on because its all blurred. She quite really looks like she does and she denies it.

I wonder if he gets bored of her always having the phone on herself. I'd feel like a weirdo if my sweetheart saw me always filming myself. Like an attention beg 😅

Oh yeah and advertising more consumerist products. That's the yoga we all fell in love with on her page right??? 🤥🥲🙃
It's like a new age frickin wallmart, her Instagram now. Bluuurrrrrffff

Oh sorry sorry Rachel, this Infrared sauna is THEEEEE most healing thing you have tried to sell us in years. "EMOTIONALLY, PHYSICALLY, SPIRITUALLY THE MOST HEALING THING IVE USED AND IT WORKS"!

Why you still so emotionally wounded AKA butthurt, and physically sick then if you had the INFRARED SAUNA THIS WHOLE TIME OOOOOO what to chose from, between the magic vitamins and the Spiritual neck cream it's hard to decide which ancestral method of healing I should opt for to follow mystical almighty healed GymGirl
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The HYPOCRISY of bitching about “toxins” a generic blanket term, after enjoying alcohol while pregnant, 🤦🏼‍♀️ shut up YG. “Everything in moderation” except “toxins” from the government, because alcohol doesn’t cause damage to your cells and increase your risk of cancer. Alcohol at its base is a toxin that is so deadly it has to be watered down and then mixed with flavors to make it palatable. There is no moderation/reasoning between that and the unnamed “toxins” she spouts on and on about. Her idiocy knows no bounds, and she thinks people disagreeing is because she’s a rebel, 😂 no dumbass it’s cause you’re a dumbass.

The HYPOCRISY of bitching about “toxins” a generic blanket term, after enjoying alcohol while pregnant, 🤦🏼‍♀️ shut up YG. “Everything in moderation” except “toxins” from the government, because alcohol doesn’t cause damage to your cells and increase your risk of cancer. Alcohol at its base is a toxin that is so deadly it has to be watered down and then mixed with flavors to make it palatable. There is no moderation/reasoning between that and the unnamed “toxins” she spouts on and on about. Her idiocy knows no bounds, and she thinks people disagreeing is because she’s a rebel, 😂no dumbass it’s cause you’re a dumbass.
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That confuses me too about the mold. She wants Dennis to throw out boat covers and sell cars and move out of their house for fear of mold… but mold seems perfectly acceptable when it’s on something that aligns with Rachel’s “current” dream. And her current dream is ancestral farm shit so I guess mold there is acceptable to her.
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I listened a bit to last week’s podcast and found this extremely weird. “So happy Lea gets to grow up with her aunts, grandpa, her own blood and roots”. What about her Aruban roooots? Dennis mom is native Aruban.. does that not count as roots and own blood- almost racist to say this shit? Wtf ?


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Thank god there is a thread about her here. Her pregnancy content is giving me anxiety. Like not only is she not getting any prenatal care (not even from a midwife?! Midwives have been around since the actual Stone Age!), but she’s also not even following standard prenatal health guidelines. INSANE. That our governments have neglected to protect us from certain hazards does not invalidate the scientific reasoning behind the food precautions for pregnant people. Pregnancy is beautiful and natural, AND it also carries many potential risks. You can’t just magical think yourself into a smooth, healthy, problem-free pregnancy and birth. I really hope for her, her baby’s, and her family’s sake that everything goes ok, but FFS. She’s really gone off the rails. And just think about how many people are seeing this and thinking “oh yoga girl is doing this, maybe I should do my pregnancy this way too.” Noooooooooooo.

You all might be right about the woo-to-Q pipeline. Her mind is definitely fertile ground for conspiracy theories rn.
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She went from eating plant based to "I need dairy for my health and perhaps meat from my bothers farm" to now eating meat every day. What is unhealthy and not ancestral at all. When was the last time we saw Dennis? Has he already left the shitshow or did she locked him in one of her properties because he still doesn't want a cow?
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Sadly Lea’s trauma could come one day when she realizes every single day of her childhood was used in some way for her mother’s branding or as some form of entertainment for millions. She never for one moment of her life had privacy all her own.

But who knows, maybe one day that’ll be the norm. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Ah more signs pointing to the rebrand as a Swedish “lifestyle” guru. Look at my perfectly curated white house, links to expensive supplements (ironic seeing as though she always said she never used SPF and they never put SPF on Lea). And finally more recipes so you too can be as worthy as yoga girl. I can’t believe I used to like her
And the ads for the supplements were once more not marked as ads.

Scammer Rach just out there, scamming.
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