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This is great to hear that she is rubbing people wrong in Sweden 😍, only a matter of time before Sweden cancels her too god willing. 🤣 She sounds like she’s on her way, from her podcast ramblings of negative press, and now this news you shared. 💃🏼
Yes, I am calling her next move after she gets run out of or sick of Sweden as Costa Rica. She’s already complaining about the dark cold winters making her moods low (last pod). How long do we give Sweden? 2025, 2026?
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She or her team must read this 😂 I saw today’s pod is called Self Care Isn’t Selfish. Legit two different mentions of how her brand of faux self care is toxic and selfish. Of course self care isn’t selfish, but her whole egotistical, peddling product after product hiding capitalism behind “self care” is 100 percent. She speaks “from the heart” to instigate online drama, she shits all over other people’s beliefs to nurture her own and she doesn’t compromise EVER till she gets her way, no matter how inconvenient or hurtful it may be. She’s the negative aspect of the wellness industry in every way.
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I felt really sad listening to her stories about Lea wanting a spell book for Christmas so she could cast a spell to make a friend. Jeez, she must be so lonely. But of course Rachel just turns it around to make out her kid is an expert manifester. Wake up- you moved your family away to suit you and your roots and the kid must be so lonely she was trying to magic up a friend. But of course this goes over Rachel’s head and she is raising some sort of guru with the same powers as her mother to make things happen.
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For someone who is “doing away with labels” and “no longer shaming or judging” etc. She is obsessed with being anti-vegan now, to a point where it makes her look like she isn’t all that grounded in her choices. Why this incessant barrage of anti-vegan nonsense? It’s somewhat uncomfortable to see, not because it challenges any kind of status quo as she thinks, it’s just sad.
So is this what a day working at home is? Doctor Google and sharing viral nonsense?
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I wonder which podcast did she say this? She’s literally describing herself lol. She shared her tip on SCRAMBLED EGGS today. God Rachel how would anyone have ever known how to make this dish. So complicated. She must think she’s Gordon Ramsay. Next up will be how to make toast tutorial. Thinking back to her vegan reveal podcast I remember when she said she had to call her friend and ask how to “do this” how to boil an egg, and then she cried when she ate it. Soooo dramatic. 1. She acts as if she has never had an egg in her life, and apparently google doesn’t have her boiling egg answer.
If I called my friend and asked how to boil an egg, I’m sure they would think I was nutty as a fruit cake.
That's classic Rachel- going from "I haven't eaten an egg in 10 years, is this egg??" to "This is my ancestral and honestly genius method of making scrambled eggs that will blow your mind and align your chakras because I am now an authority figure on this" within like 2 weeks.
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Some podcast cliffs

- Lea went row by row on the flight to aruba to tell every single person on the plane that HER MOMMY HAS A BABY IN HER BELLY. The way Rachel is telling this “journey”, you would think she’s the only person to have ever conceived in the history of humanity

@bffr, your recaps are marvelous. I want to get martinis with you and shit-talk every single person I know. This particular bit had me hooting because there is NOTHING I hate more than being accosted by children in public, except for being accosted while trapped and unable to move! Why is it so impossible for Rachel to respect that not everyone thinks her little moon is a perfect shaman source of joy and enlightenment?!
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Tell me you are a privileged asshole, without telling me you are a privileged asshole:

Well I’m pregnant with excellent health coverage and access to the best care in the world,

But no no no, I was told to push too much during childbirth and my blood is probably being used for global domination and medical systems are evil, but I’ll give one sample here so I can get paid leave from my job which is….

Basically I spend my days baking and judging local pastries and posting all of that on Instagram.

Anddddd oh yeah, I shit all over other cultures, because yes folks yoga and veganism both have cultural roots, they weren’t just discovered by YG.
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I had to laugh as a friend sent me a Dennis story from yesterday of him and Lea cutting their own Christmas tree. Wowwwww lol what happened to those forest tears? She either flipped out or will say having a Yule tree is “ancestral.” Or just not discuss like she does every time she walks back her brigade of the week. Sounds like they’re really focused on moving! 😂


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Can't bear to listen to her end of 2022 podcast, but I found my journal notes from last year so will use the prompts in my new year ritual tonight.

Namaste to those of us still actually practising yoga 🤣
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Not to defend Rachel, but it's actually a lot more accepted for women to follow men, be it for work or just cause they are from somewhere else. So if the roles were reversed, I'd be willing to bet people would be like "oh such a good wife, supporting her husband."

And I think it's exaggerating to say they're not isolated in the middle of the woods like it's a horror movie. It's woodsy, yes, but doesn't her brother live super close by? And they see people all the time, based on her stories. Dennis doesn't have friends in Sweden but that's more to do with the fact that he doesn't have a job and he has been traveling to the Netherlands and Aruba very often, so he doesn't seem to have a routine conducive to friends in Sweden. But he goes to his Iron Man thingies whenever he wants. She hardly has him chained to the house.

None of us can know anything for sure, of course, but it doesn't seem to me like he's a victim. He has decision power, or as much as a partner who doesn't bring anything economically can have when they don't want to get an actual job and ergo financial independence and more power.
The way they live in Sweden is like 90% of the population here, well, maybe 90% is an exageration but everyone who doesnt live in the city center and lives in the suburbs live like her. It might seem like she is in the middle of nowwhere but her house is like 20 minutes from Stockholm airport, 15 minutes from one of Sweden's major highways and 30 minutes from Uppsala which, for Swedish standards, is a medium sized city. It can suck to live in an area like this if you dont drive and/or have a car, but it's not Dennis case. It's not like they have 200 km to the nearest neighbour or town. This lifestile is not for everyone, that I understand, but I dont think it means they live isolated.
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What happened to her not wanting Lea to have any screen time? She moaned on and on about wanting her to have a screen-free childhood in a recent podcast and I swear she posts multiple times a day about a show they're watching or Lea with a screen in her face.
Most people ultimately don't care what she does with her child, but to act so high and mighty about 'toxic screen time' then constantly post about her kid in front of a're no better than the people you're demonizing constantly. But we all know she always has to be the exception to all of her own rules.

Does anyone actually listen to these year-end podcasts and feel inspired by her drivel?! I can't fathom at this point thinking that anything this woman says or does should be taken as inspiring or something to aspire to.
She's always showing herself for the hypocrite she is.

Ugh. I used to like her intention setting podcast (granted, I'd use the time when she waffles on about herself to answer the prompts for myself.) But I'll just do my own thing this year, can't imagine listening to her drone on and on and lie her face off.
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Oh lord she can't even wear shitty lipstick without it being a big deal and a daily event and of course at the end having to advertise it. As if anyone is looking at her lips and thinking they want to be oh so like magical Rachel. Her lips look tight from being so highly strung, flapping her bullshit, anxious, and constipated all the time. Very pursed. I don't normally like to point out her looks, but she just is so far from a teacher and so much a crap influencer I can't help it.
Pretends she is not an influencer but likes to think she is influencing people about make up, clothes, lifestyles, foods. 🤢

Is the fake laugh when she is telling her mundane stories, trying to trick us into thinking she's likable and chilled out. She's not
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Her story today about giving herself permission to slow down etc slow down from doing what exactly? Most of us have 40+ hrs to work, kids, meals to cook etc but what’s she need a break from? Tea, talking into a microphone when she’s not talking into IG? Surely not yoga anymore. Must take a lot of energy to conspire ways to feed this mirage of enlightenment and con folks out of money.

Imagine being Lea and watching mommy have more conversations out loud to a phone than she probably does to her. Add another little one who will have to dance when told to as the record button is pressed.

honestly breaks my heart because she was a huge inspiration to my yoga education and to watch someone you looked up to unravel and show how far away from yoga she truly is is disappointing.
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It’s so ancestral, all those brand new appliances. She’s really nodding her head to Sweden circa 1800/1900 with a Kim K twist.

That white on white on white will go perfectly with her farm lifestyle of mucking horse stalls and walking barefoot around the muddy lake.

I wonder if Kim Kardasion is going to do a Lindsay Lohan and block her next .....
I had to laugh as a friend sent me a Dennis story from yesterday of him and Lea cutting their own Christmas tree. Wowwwww lol what happened to those forest tears? She either flipped out or will say having a Yule tree is “ancestral.” Or just not discuss like she does every time she walks back her brigade of the week. Sounds like they’re really focused on moving! 😂
It might have been similar to the "egg in the barn" - situation: the universe was sending her a sign to cut the tree.

May the spirit of the forest join forces with the hens of the universe and haunt her distasteful domicile forever :devilish:
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That's how conspiracy theorists work- they say neutral information in such a tone that implies it's some dark secret that would change everything if people knew. "Did you know they store your information in databases?? Information about your blood and pregnancy?" Like sure, if you say it with the tone of fear it sounds ominous, but anyone who takes more than 2 seconds to think about it would conclude that it's fine? I was just reading about an argument point from anti-vax conspiracists against the covid vaccines is that it causes way more fatal blood clots than is publicized because x amount of autopsies from people with the shot have had clots. Nevermind the fact that most blood in bodies that have passed will clot within a few hours... it's so infuriating how these people manipulate information for their own agendas.
Also why is she worried about her tests results being stored away? Is she actually concerned with PRIVACY? She literally puts everything out there, I know more about Rachel than I feel I do about some of my own family. Which is sad.

I’m sure another poster brought this up but,

Not to beat a dead moose, but isn’t it odd how she gets overly emotional and teary about the possibility of tree harvesting happening in her area, yet is like “how lovely my bro shot the moose in the woods.”
Harvest. 🕉 Nourish. But only if it directly benefits Rakel. Otherwise it’s being exploitive and wrong. 🥹🤡
She’s such a gross ass. maybe she should go back to her roots of drinking and driving, chain smoking and cheating on men? It’s ancestral.
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On that note... I'm pretty sure that after being vegan/vegetarian for years, along with that long held breath, she also released diarrhea after eating meat.

What a bullshit, dishonest answer. Why can't she say that while it was good for her mindset, her body took some adjusting. At least be honest. It's a known fact that eating meat after not doing so for a prolonged period comes with side effects while the body adjusts. But of course not special, guru, manifesting Rachel.

On another note, she has to have asked this other question about skin care herself. Has to. She has one of the crappiest skins on influencer land. Who the fuck would want to emulate her? Please show me how to look leathery and wrinkley at 34, Rachel.


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I guess on her pod she mentions how she wants to give birth in the woods *pause for face palm* and she calls on the Swedish media to report how she’s lost her mind as she giggles manically.

She is so delusional. The headline would read “Privileged White Lady Thinks She’s a Rebel forNot Receiving Any Prenatal Care” the article will include quotes from everyone else trying to get an ounce of the medical care she takes and leaves as she sees fit.

Also apparently Dennis is already sexist cause he’s excited to have a boy. 😂 Oh man, you can’t make this performative bullshit up.
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Maybe I’m late to this, but the levels of her delusion and lies are baffling. A new post proclaiming she’s been on Aruba two weeks and hasn’t posted?

Like you’ve posted constantly, does she think Stories don’t count as social media 😁 because that’s some next level hypocrisy. She’s been whining the whole trip. And is it a shock Island Yoga is for sale? Cause it has been for a while now, but she’s presenting like they just listed it or something.

I’ll never understand why people haven’t seen through her nonsense by now.

Side note and a random one, driving home for holiday i guess I had a really old podcast still in my downloads cause one from I think 2017 came on about giving up sugar. It’s like an entirely different person! I know people change and evolve, but seriously listen and it’s like the narrative and even her voice and laugh are different. So strange. She also discusses her sugar addiction eating bags of stroopwafels. Maybe that’s why she felt so shitty after Lea was born, according to her grand anti-veganism announcement it was no meat lol!
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