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I’m wondering if this is Dennis’ sister she’s referring to, who I think has been seriously ill for quite some time. However can’t remember her name / insta so don’t know the latest.
That's what I assumed, although I only knew she was sick from someone on here.

At least Rachel hasn't posted photos of the girl or anything
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I am very late to the game in this comment, but how cringe was her pregnancy reveal on Instagram?? It just seemed so choreographed to me and poor Leah was so awkward in it.
1) That looks like at least a 4-months pregnant belly to me, if not more??
She has been pretty covered up recently. And wearing baggy clothes (major change from the early days). And I was thinking she had put on weight (fine).

Then when I saw the video my first thought was “Wow! She has put on a lot of weight, especially at the belly. But she looks happy”. And thought we would get loads of body positive messages, she was finally embracing a normal body.

But no- that would be a little too authentic.

Maybe she will be like one of those reality TV stars that puts on loads of weight then loses it and sells a fitness DVD to get back into shape?
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What if her trip to the US was for fertiliy treatments, and she's actually being dishonest about how easily they got pregnant?
Interesting theory...
I am pretty shure that she answered a q&a a few months ago, if they want another baby and her answers was something like, we are doing nothing against it, what happens happens, we will see. At this time I thought that she might having problems conceiving because that are exactly the phrases I used when someone asked me noisy questions, why I don't have kids and I don't want to answer: because I can't get pregnant.
We will never know, but if she didn't get pregnant at once, I find it really sad when she is lying about it because there is nothing to shame for.
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Was Dennis there or is he still ‘missing’? I saw a post of Stockholm at night on his Insta account stories the other day, but we don’t know if he was really there or if Rachel just posted the story herself. 🤣

p.s. Was she drinking alcohol?? 😱
She took a photo with him for her stories earlier yesterday morning, I think, saw it in passing.
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And back to our regular content of forest walks and smug smiles.
And I'm sorry but all this rhetoric about heavy, sad days that also feel so beautiful... Get off, Rachel. Imagine having a loved one also in the terminal stages of cancer and in addition to all the pain feeling like you should be seeing the "beauty" of it, because guru Rachel does.

And what's this obsession with things being beautiful? Even if a life stage isn't beautiful it's still important.
WTF! Is she supporting Dennis and his sister. Or just gloating she is back in Sweden and can fit into some jacket?

And the boasting she just woke up in Sweden so happy it’s spring!
Then a load of shots about teapots.
Actually I am pretty angry. Or she is so fake.
Crying about Dennis’s sister and the end of her life on the podcast. And I’m sure she said she would be there till the end, (which is so sad- I know what that feels like).

Then posts about some luggage issue on a train. And laughing. I know you have to look for light in times of sadness. But do you really have to make & post a video about it all the fucking stupid things you are doing? Did you leave Dennis behind while you had fun on the train & filmed it?

Now she is fucking dancing about in the snow with her daughter.

Has she lost her mind?
Does she really care for Dennis and his family?
What example is she leaving for her daughter?

Yeah I get she is going through a hard time but if I was her sister I would tell you to take the fucking phone if her hand shove it up her arse. Not make lighthearted videos. Moron.

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Waiting for someone who comment on the podcast today……… she can really go beyond herself… I would love to talk about it… still processing! .. no idea where or how to start!
I ll listen it tomorrow but not sure I can stand it. May need to read the transcript. Tbh the title wasnt very appealing.
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So, I’ve talked a lot on here today lol no shame, but last thing. A friend who is also a former YG fan sent me this, she saw online somewhere. It looks like Rachel had posted this photo and then later, I think there’s an article about it with deets, credited Google Images. Ha ha ha ha ha! This is 100 believable because A) She never posts images from other sources, only her own inauthentic and filtered faux smiling ones. Unless there’s posts I never saw. 🤷🏻‍♀️ So why suddenly add one randomly when she has dozens in her phone? Lazy maybe? Liar? All of the above?


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Ah ha ha ha ha! First off, I guess that means she regularly follows Lindsay Lohan? Which isn’t bad, but that would be admitting other people are interesting and not just herself.

Second off, since I was blocked after following her from the start for a simple question, it’s hilarious that she has no idea why she was blocked. She probably commented something dumb or maybe LL did follow her, and realized what a toxic and phony person she is. So desperate having her mean girls go comment on LL’s posts. LL has over 10 million followers, Rachel has bots and a handful of groupies, you are not the same. 😂 I would take life advice from LL lonnnnng before I took any from Rachel. LL actually did work a lot in her young life. Rachel did a handful (maybe ten years???) of years doing retreats and says that’s enough service!
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Finally, nice to see Rake in her right element, running around in the posh parts of the city in her expensive down jacket buying plastic crap at H&M as the basic biiiaatch she is. Just a selfie with a Starbucks mocha frocha herbal matcha extra special holy ancestral latteee and we’re good.

And ffs, Rake. Saying to the bartender guy: ”You’re ready for kids any day now!” *giggle giggle*. She’s the kind of person that believes everyone wants what she has. Maybe he doesn’t want kids? Doesn’t have a girlfriend? Or has and they’re trying? Doesn’t matter if they are friends or whatever, you see how awkward and uncomfortable he gets by it. Just don’t assume that people want or can have kids. It’s as simple as that.
Was Dennis there or is he still ‘missing’? I saw a post of Stockholm at night on his Insta account stories the other day, but we don’t know if he was really there or if Rachel just posted the story herself. 🤣

p.s. Was she drinking alcohol?? 😱
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I thought so to however I looked this up but its actually a thing.. like it should be ok. But depends on how sensitive the child is and how well you explain everything. Whats also striking to me is that Lea seems the baby as like a playmate and that her mom did it for her, really curious how she will react to someone else stealing all the attention..
This is how I feel. I definitely understand different viewpoints on the matter, but I think as long as Lea understands what is going on, it's fine. The question for me is will Rachel and Dennis prep her properly? I know Rachel used to be pretty diligent about prepping Lea for changes like starting school or one of the parents going on a big trip (she used to talk about how she would start discussing it with Lea waaaay in advance so it wasn't a shock when it was happening, and letting her feel anything that came up along the way without the pressure of "isn't this so exciting/fun/new?!"). Now I worry more that, since Lea is a little guru sent from above to guide Rachel on ethical matters, Rachel won't explain things fully to her because she'll just assume "Lea *knows*" and can emotionally manage it on her own. I also don't think Rachel and Dennis will account for the fact that Lea has had a fucking hard two years due to Rachel upending literally everything about her life, and seems to (understandably) be struggling with that quite a bit. And that being around for the birth, while it might normally be okay for Lea, could absolutely become too much given the mental/emotional space that she seems to be in. However, none of that fits Rachel's narrative, so I have little hope for that kind of awareness from her.

Also confused about whether their newest spot on the farm is the first place they landed at, and the episode description is vague about it, probably intentionally? I'd imagine Rachel is still very attached to the narrative of that land being meant for her, and is being intentionally misleading to make it sound as if their current place *could* be that first spot that she badgered them owners about. I completely agree that it's not "manifesting" when you have enough wealth and privilege to bulldoze other people and pressure them into giving, or telling, you what you want. For those that listened, what's the "complicated history" of their farm?
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I don’t go on any of her social platforms at all anymore as I despise her malignant face and screeching voice, but I pop in here every now and then.
I wish she would stick to picking leaves off the forest floor rather than sticking her nose and expressing her unwanted opinion about the British press and the monarchy, she knows jack shit about either the country or the monarchy, she knows nothing about the situation with regards to Harry and his wife, she’s clearly taken in and has been brainwashed by Netflix.
she knows nothing as to why they are hated here and is nothing to do with racism, they both behaved appallingly and Harry who is British through and through has basically spat on all the British people by calling all of us racists and that we all need to be taught a lesson… very similar to what exactly she did to the locals in Aruba.
Why doesn’t she stick to Sweden, they have royalty as well and all things Swedish now that she’s claiming to love so much.
I did think of sending her a message to tell her exactly this, but I would either get blocked or she would send her trolls out, she’s just not worth the breath, she is a nobody, but obviously her brain dead followers will believe any bullshit that comes out of her lipstick ridden mouth.
I’m going to try and manifest that she disappears for good.
Looks like you got blessed by the universe with your message appearing on her story today 😂 I’m so glad you said it too!
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Surprise, surprise. Endlessly spoiled Rachel has gotten her farm!
Kinda shocked she didn't tease out this announcement the way she did with no longer being vegan.
I expect the undisclosed #ads and #sponsored posts are only going to increase as she needs a way to pay for a farm (and furnish a new house and buy things for a new baby, etc)....
It's honestly pretty sick how much this woman successfully gets away with.
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Yeah just listening to her cry about having to close island yoga. It’s a big failure and she should be crying. But she let it burn to the ground. Imagine pouring all that energy into it and she use to draw people and have things happening. The business didn’t last long…She says she use to miss the person she use to be, yeah us to, a more tolerable version of herself if that’s possible. She’s mean (an asshole), boring, and clawing for relevancy these days.

I looked through her 2019 tab, even then she seemed totally different. I think that Caribbean sun fried her brain and skin.

Our hardworking working class Aruban man Dennis 🥴, having a hazy night.
Seems like Dennis missed Aruba and probably Rachel’s bullshit is making him need some shots. She must be exhausting to be in a relationship with. Yes, Dennis has his issues and is somewhat complicit, but sometimes I still feel sorry for him. #freedennis. She was saying on the last pod how she really wants to be in Sweden and Dennis sounds like he misses Aruba. That can’t bode well for their future.
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How long do y’all think they are gunna make it in Sweden before they relocate again? I just really can’t imagine Dennis being down with living there full-time/forever
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I wonder how she got the farm. Did her daddy intervene, because what Rachel wants, Rachel gets? I hope there will be no animals on her farm because that can never end well for them. 🙈
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I just have to wonder, what if something goes wrong, you know? Like, cool, you're healthy. That's nice. But she doesn't even want a midwife. What if the baby is upside down? What if the umbilical cord gets twisted? What if the baby isn't actually healthy, considering she's had maybe not even the bare minimum care and scans? How long would it take to get to the hospital from the farm and would they get there in time?

I've read of home births where people alert the hospital nearest to them that it's happening so they're ready just in case.

It's also so not true that all hospital births have to be traumatic or extra medical. My mom had me in hospital with literally zero meds and the doctor essentially was just there to hold her hand as my dad passed out 🤣 no one forced her to do anything or get anything she didn't want. But they were there in case something went wrong.
Yes, I find it all very worrisome. Especially being so far from a major city hospital. Why would anyone take that risk? Maybe it would be ok if you were right in Stockholm and had some common-sense medical checks before the birth and a midwife, but it doesn’t sound like she has any of that. But shhhhh. Shhhh. Shhhhh! No one voice any dissenting opinions to Rachel!! I caught a snippet of the podcast she did on birth/ pregnancy a few episodes ago and I think she basically said everyone in her real life needs to respect her decisions and boundaries and not express any concerns or opinions to her about her approach/plan with this pregnancy. She loves to tell everyone what she thinks and how they should live their lives, but guys, that’s a one-way street. When it comes to anything she says, if you don’t agree, just keep it to yourself! 🙄😆
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Seems like Dennis missed Aruba and probably Rachel’s bullshit is making him need some shots. She must be exhausting to be in a relationship with. Yes, Dennis has his issues and is somewhat complicit, but sometimes I still feel sorry for him. #freedennis. She was saying on the last pod how she really wants to be in Sweden and Dennis sounds like he misses Aruba. That can’t bode well for their future.
She’s going to forever drone on and trigger Dennis about mold forever. it’s not something I think they can “fix” with a therapist, she wants Dennis in the same state of rocking back and forth in a corner scared of germs and mold.

She has major OCD/health paranoia, she even used the word “orthorexic” or whatever (the extreme unhealthy obsession about “toxins”)
If she gives me health anxiety by listening to her, I can only imagine how Dennis must feel. I’m still trying to figure out their dynamic, I feel like every time she shows him—he always has a stunned look on his face and has very little to say. I assume that’s how he goes about life with Rachel 🤣, that’s how he deals. Rachel needed a man who does a little less thinking because anyone who does think would of never married her lol.
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