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The podcast today may be the most unhinged shit I’ve ever heard her spout. Did y’all know that badgering someone to sell their house is the same thing as “manifesting”?
Thanks for listening, I can’t handle her inane bullshit. Her selfish faux-self care nonsense is too much. She flaunts her privilege and repackages it as wellness wannabe-guru bullshit. I wish she understood how awful she has allowed herself to become, but she’s riding this wave of she’s right and nobody else matters and there’s no way she’s problematic, she’s just grateful and manifests everything she has. Newsflash, when you’re born with money and privilege you didn’t manifest shit. 😂
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Couldn't agree more with all that has been said. It cracks me up so much that Rachel has portrayed both meat eaters and vegans as militant and insensitive at various points, meanwhile everyone on here is like, "I'm a vegan/I eat meat and I'm pissed at Rachel being a huge annoying hypocrite, not for eating/not eating one thing or another." She's so determined to make the narrative "they hate me for making choices about my body #feminist" meanwhile everyone is like "nope we just want you to make a decision quietly and not feel the need to repeatedly bloviate about why one decision or another is morally pure, thanks."

Did her carnivorism come up in the news or something, aka did she feel the need to do yet another podcast justifying her choices in response to something? Otherwise, between that and shilling for a phone game, it sounds like she's just figured out that her talking about her diet makes for the most clicks. Otherwise I can't think of a good reason why she'd drum up the "drama" of it all again, beyond her obvious need for attention and justification.
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In her mind the “help” she got last birth is now traumatic and went against her wishes and yada yada yada. She no longer shares that as a beautiful birth story which is sad. I have zero doubt that she’ll have medical intervention on call if she needs, because it’s her privilege to live in a country with great maternity care, but shit all over it until she needs it, oh and she’ll take the maternity leave. Very ancestral. 😬
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Her stories this morning are super obnoxious (as usual). I typically skip through her talking videos as they usually are a whole lot of nothing for 5 minutes straight but I put it on while I made coffee today and laughed my ass off! She’s nattering on about a Gemini baby and how talkative and social it would be and said “Dennis has this thing, I think it’s this old wound but he doesn’t like to go that deep…Geminis tend to bulldoze him and talk over him”. Too fucking funny.
Yep, she's already insufferable. I don't know her due date, but babies can come early or late so the baby could end up being a Taurus or a cancer, and then what Rach?

Also I'm a Gemini and not much of what she described applied to me, really. So maybe people are more complicated than sun signs? Crazy idea.
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Yep, she probably will set up one of those "work stay" situations in which young people can travel the world by working for lodging and basic food in different places for a few weeks.

On a different note, whenever Rachel tries to speak medicine or anything, it becomes so obvious that she's an uneducated, ignorant person.

No, Rachel. No one said natural immunity didn't exist. What experts said was that trying to bring about herd immunity by letting people get covid freely, without vaccines, and therefore with likely worse side effects and even long term consequences was not the way to go in a civilized society. That it would cost thousands their lives. Kind of like here in the US where it's now become normalized to continue to have thousands of covid deaths per week.

As always, her white, rich, western, able bodied privilege is showing. She doesn't vaccinate her kid (said so in the Q&A in the most cowardly way ever), she doesn't believe in protecting those at risk from covid. She doesn't understand that every single one of us able bodied, relatively healthy, individuals are one flu or cold away from becoming disabled. Because she's an idiot.

Sorry for the rant. I just hate how much disinformation she spreads.

ETA: it's so ironic how little Miss Always Talking US politics and pretending to be super woke is now putting her trust on the WSJ, aka the preferred news outlet of cultured republicans. She's just a joke. An ignorant, stupid joke.
Sorry. More from me but Good grief, she keeps going.

Mother Nature. "Mother Nature". If we allowed mother nature to rule then our life expectancy would be like 30 years old. Rachel, you'd be dead. You'd have died from your appendicitis.

I have a friend who got mononucleosis in college. It triggered a bad response in her, she developed M.E. She's 33 but has the energy of an 80 year old. She can't work out or she gets awful muscle spasms. A walk in the park for her can be like a rock climbing session for us. Her mind gets foggy. Not everyone is lucky. Mother Nature isn't always motherly. None of us like thinking about how very fragile we are but that's why we need to be responsible and care for our community to mitigate the risks. We didn't get to 70ish years of life expectancy by letting Mother Nature take the wheel.

Rachel might be the dumbest, most infuriating influencer I know of and that's saying something considering I also know of Niomi Smart and Tanya Burr and Zoe Sugg.
Thank you!! Her absolutely ableist “Mother Nature knows best” privileged BS post just pushed me over the edge. For a person who has spent their entire life “serving and doing the work” her ignorance, self righteousness and white privilege is obscene.
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"Because if they're not grass fed, organic cows then you're a peice of shit. I eat meat but when I do it, I do it better than you"
From vegan to gelatin eating in such a quick time. She probably loves an ikea hotdog or 3 as well
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Ugh she said before during black life matters that it was a lot of priviledge and that manifesting is white bs. But now that change cuz it serves her narrative. So is it the same house as she stayed before, where she tried to pursue the owner who did not want to sell, or not? Thats still very unclear to me.
This is not the same property they first stayed at. You know, the one where THIS WAS IT and it HAD to be that exact land bc she felt it in her soul. She badgered those owners and they refused to sell. She badgered the woman who owned the farm for almost a year and the woman relented, probably just wanting to get away from this crazy woman. Now THIS is the property for them, she knows it in her soul.
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It's obviously fine for her to buy a "small farm" and have another kid if she wants; I more so get annoyed at how contradictory, hypocritical, and revisionist all of her big life choices have been in the last few years. "I felt the ancestral call to return to Sweden" vs a few years ago "I'm never going back to live in that dark, depressing country"; "I'm pregnant again and have been for the past few weeks despite getting huffy on my podcast just last week about everyone assuming I'm pregnant" vs a few years ago "I love my life with just Dennis and Lea, I feel like I have my body and my free time back, don't police a woman's choice to be one and done"; "I'm back to eating eggs, dairy, and meat because Lea handed me an egg once so the universe wants me to, plus it's more nourishing for my new baby, plus all vegans are dogmatic and hateful" vs a year fews ago "I'll never eat animal products again because I can't un-know the cruelty involved in making them, plus it's way better for our health, plus Dennis is Satan incarnate for missing fish". Honestly I really think all of that stuff could be excused if she just went, "Hey all, I know I have said in the past that I never wanted to live in Sweden again/have another kid/eat animal products but I've changed my mind." She doesn't even have to explain herself, I just wish she would acknowledge that there was a sudden change in messaging! But she continues to insist "No I felt this way the whole time, the universe has been guiding me towards it lately through #ancestral #signs but I've felt this way forever and you misunderstood me previously, it's sexist to point out when I'm wrong because I'm a woman so #blocked."

Admittedly, I am super annoyed at how quickly she's glommed onto the glamorization of rural/ancestral/simple living trend. It's just such an obvious ploy for social media traffic and, through that, money. Plus, as has been often discussed here, all of the influencers who partake in this trend are actually super wealthy and are able to benefit from the "aesthetic" of it (being down to earth and "relatable," for one) without ever having to actually deal with some of the harsher realities of rural, low income, agrarian living.
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I dont care what any of y'all say--- she never had the covid vax guaranteed. She prob faked the paper document, I know people who did.

She might of gotten Lea one or two TOPS-- childhood vaccines, but that b*tch is anti-medicine.

She's scared of her wifi and her puffer.

But she kept quiet on it because it's not in vogue to go against it (UNTIL NOW apparently as the world looks back)----- and she's a coward.

Yeah, she said back in the day she was only giving Lea a couple of the big vaccines and that it had been a really tough decision to make. She derided the covid vaccines and then went to Sweden and was all "look at how beautiful, no one wears masks, no one isolates!" Totally disregarding the toll the approach had on the elderly and disabled. Yeah, she went to LA but she could have faked the vaccination proof or faked a medical exemption.

And now in the Q&A she was all "take a wild guess" when asked if she was anti-vax. She is. She totally is. I mean, she's the idiot who claims to be in lots of pelvic pain but refuses to see an actual doctor, preferring to take herbal teas and baths.
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Her stories this morning are super obnoxious (as usual). I typically skip through her talking videos as they usually are a whole lot of nothing for 5 minutes straight but I put it on while I made coffee today and laughed my ass off! She’s nattering on about a Gemini baby and how talkative and social it would be and said “Dennis has this thing, I think it’s this old wound but he doesn’t like to go that deep…Geminis tend to bulldoze him and talk over him”. Too fucking funny.
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Yes, your ancestors went through heartache, stress, illness, death, childbirth, having hopes and dreams, basically the whole sprectrum of life experience, all so you, wonderful you, could swan around being a social media influencer lol. Is like girl, girl, make a living filming yourself frying an egg and moaning about your pants not fitting.

I honestly think is the peek self involved moment I've seen yet. I've always imagined what these influences look like in the wild " anyone seen Joey B toonz on youtube" and think they look so much less glamorous when you see them actually there not involved in the world but in themselves with their sad little phones out all the time. Never just being in the moment. Yes of course, if your ancestors could see you they would topple over with amazement, "it's all for you Rachelllll, our whole bloodline was for yoooouuuu". She believes her own hype so much and is lost in her curated online personality.

Should I pod? I've got an hour to kill while I tidy 😅 Because I could well be the dumbass, and taken it way out of context.

Edit. Sorry. Heard 2 seconds. Can't do it

📝had a quick scan of the transcript.

Yes basically she paints the scene of being blonde and barefooted wearing long flowing dresses living in a shack, her against the world, Costa Rica Boho dream. She went to a shaman cocoa ceremony.
Of all the people in the really full room he locked eyes on her and said, you, you're last. Then bla bla bla, she's special , uses the word rare actually, yes her precious bloodline and she's the chosen one and her whole family suffered abuse for generations all so she could stop it. And she's crying and everyone's looking at her.
The rest of the transcript I couldn't be arsed because it was just every other word seemed to be I. 🤮

She talks of letting go alot, but from my experience, mediation and letting go is to tear the story down you tell yourself, not build up this massive hyped narrative where you're the bees knees m8.
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@Pepperpotpot well said! And that's why Tattle has rules about keeping the tattling on here, not DMing the influencers, not leaving nasty comments.

Also, this thread is pretty good at remaining objective. No one here seems to bring on hate, but actual valid criticism. Sure sometimes I can get a little shallow and comment on Rachel's terribly aged skin, but it's connected to the fact that she's an influencer shilling products and her lifestyle to us. Like, it's fair game to say she looks very old for her age when she's trying to sell you antioxidant powders and skin care and a whole way of life (fun fact, I wrote lie at first haha). And you can see those things are not even working for her.

And yeah, she puts everything out online, she has to know not everyone will find her magical and perfect. Just like in real life we all know not everyone likes us. And some people might gossip behind our backs.
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So in her stories today, she lists all the things that would make her a hypocrite, had she done them: 1) Selling vegan products or preaching veganism while eating steak at home 2) Not telling the truth 3) Pushing one agenda while living a different lifestyle. Didn’t she do all these things? She was non-vegan for a WHOLE YEAR before she admitted she wasn’t. That is lying. During that time, she sold products and classes to people who may not have bought them had they known she wasn’t vegan anymore. Yikes.

The woman seems to have a lot of issues. Her biggest ‘talents’ seem to be spin, bullshit and gaslighting. And oh yes, appropriation and exploitation of practices from other cultures. 🙄
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Like I said, I wasn't defending Rachel. Nor was I saying she's not a manipulative partner who doesn't pull her own weight in the relationship. But Dennis has also left her while Lea was sick to go do his Iron thingies. They just are very strange and probably only still married cause of Lea and because she needs a yes man and he needs a sugar mamma.

As for the throwing mouldy stuff away.... He could have said no. No matter how much she gaslights him, or more like attempts to gaslight him cause even now he doesn't believe her so he's not gaslit, actually. He's just spineless and preferred not to fight with Rachel than defend his allegedly super special possessions. He's a fucking grown man. He could have told her, no. I'm not giving away X. You can cry or whatever but no. Or he could have taken it to his mom's house or whatever.
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It only matters if they're Rachel's roots 🤢 her rich, white privilege roots.
I thought the exact same. She seems not to give a damn about his roots/home etc. and Lea seemed so happy when she was in holiday in Aruba last month
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Oh the holy egg and the ancestral liver paté. Bet hers is the regular processed one that every Swede (unfortunately) grew up with as a staple at the breakfast table. As I said before, I don't give a "fork" about what she puts in her mouth, but she's making such a big deal out of errrrthing.

And that Lea manifesting a friend... It's a bit sad, but also sweet that she has a friend nearby. But Rachel making it all about "manifesting" :rolleyes:
Sure they live a bit *remote", but also pretty close to three big cities including Stockholm.

Why the f is she having this annoying superior giggle all the time, no matter what she talks about?
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I saw a german journalistic contribution on YouTube which deals with the influencer moms and their children. Some of this children are teenager or young adults now and share their stories on reddit. Some are really horrible. Imagine growing up and have a camera in your face 24/7. No privacy at home which should be your save space. And even get forced to produce content and get posted without content.
Some broke with their parents completely some need therapy.
I think there are two possibilities for Lea. Either when she is old enough to realise what her mother did to her she will hate her or she will grow into being the next Rachel.
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