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Why does Lea need a smoothie with protein and collagen? Why does even Rachel need this? How ancestral is this? I thought she is so super nourished now?
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I keep wondering if the monologues to the camera about their new farm life are going to play into some reality TV show.

There was that bizarre meeting in LA a while ago…..

And every little thing is a drama. With the right spin people will watch any old crap reality TV shows
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Yeah, this has to be rigged. Who is insane enough to vote for a "plant spirit ritual"??? What does that even mean?
Yes, I think it was rigged. I didn't know what it meant either. She just wants to talk about it.

I googled it and it comes up as some sort of shamanic technique (

“The Shamanic Technique of Gazing
Spend some time with the plant once you have met it, merging your consciousness with it while sensing its qualities and healing intentions. By consciously extending and refining what we take in with our senses, we can cross the boundary of the physical world of plants and enter into the higher dimensions of plant life. Such mindfulness forms the basis for recognizing the essence of the plants and how they work within the human soul. This is a shamanic technique known as gazing, according to Heaven and Charing in Plant Spirit Shamanism.”

Nothing wrong with that, I don’t know much about it, but is Rachel trying to now be some sort of shaman? The woman can never be just a person trying something new, but has to hold forth as some spiritual leader/expert in every new thing she tries even though she has very limited depth, knowledge, or experience in it (cough cough, YoGa? GuRL). She pillages ancestral practices, exploits them until she gets bored with them, and moves on to the next one.

I guess we will find out soon what is going on.
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1. Her Christmas tree is ugly. One thing that has become apparent is that Rachel has no flair/style. She can't artfully decorate a tree, doesn't paint, doesn't draw, sculpt, refurbish old furniture, personally home renovate. What does Rachel actually do that interests people? What does she produce? Instagram photos on her endless rich girl problems? Screams into her camera for performative activism, gives the go ahead to put her face on a pancake box produced from the States?

Also who buys a white fucking couch with three dogs, and a child, and dirty Dennis.

Also she's a pack rat imo. Ohhh the cabin is much much too small for her to fit all of her room full of crystal balls, 1000's of bottles of ashwagandha mushrooms, green powders, tinctures, clay binders, sweat bags, yoni steam ingredients/organic douches.
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Oooff that lipstick reaaallly aint it..

yes why the rush? Why rush in the week before christmas?
Cause Queen Rachel wants to move and she wants it NOW. I doubt there's any other reason. Rushing during Christmas time, more upheaval for Lea, Rachel is according to here having more tiredness this pregnancy. Makes no sense.
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So todays podcast reads it’s an “Ask Rachel” but really it’s just listen to Rachel defend every dumb decision she’s making in the name of her privileged rich life and then she’ll talk about tea cause she doesn’t have enough of that content. 😂

No need to listen just read the descriptions they tell enough, we could probably write out what she’s gonna say.

“None of these questions are heard beforehand.”
Means, I had my team pick a question where I could just vomit about my pregnancy. Lol she’s already done this podcast, and she’s just doing it again and hiding it behind an “Ask Rachel.” I haven’t listened, but I guarantee that’s all it is. Recycled content once again. 🙄 Sacred ancestral content.
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Her latest stories, just more word vomit and taking no responsibility at all. She does not have any awareness, nor did she spend more than 6 seconds in her podcast discussing how she militantly made both her husband and child participate in veganism. Sure, change your mind, alter your lifestyle, but we all saw Dennis try to cook fish one time and her freak out. We saw Moon parroting “vegan! Vegan!” As soon as she could form sentences. What we are wondering is “do you feel like an asshole?” Have you apologized to your family for ruling over then bc what Rachel wants Rachel gets? That is what is missing from ALL these conversations.
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Huh, so much for how amazing the studio was doing, which she mentioned not long ago.

I personally think that even without being canceled, that place was never going to work without her there. She was the reason why people flew from the US and Canada and Europe to partake in her white-people-almost-exclusively YTT programs. I'm sure some locals also went sometimes, but the bulk of the money probably came from those big trainings, big groups, led by Rachel. And with Rachel pulling back from yoga, I don't see how she could continue to draw crowds for Yoga.

She also seems to love how lazy virtual "courses" like Home allow her to be. She could already be hosting in person trainings, or hybrid trainings, in Sweden, especially since Sweden never shut down the way most of the world did with the pandemic. But she's not doing it. She'd probably say it's because she hasn't found a space but I'm willing to bet Stockholm has spaces for rent. She's just too lazy.

* disclaimer now and forever, since apparently it needed to be said, anything I say here is obviously my personal opinion, I am not diagnosing, given that although I have taken loooong trainings on clinical psychology for my job, I'm not qualified to diagnose people. Much less from postings on the internet. It just gets annoying to type out every time "In my opinion she is X, Y, Z" or "she is very likely a narcissist". It's easier to say "she's X". Obviously this is all an opinion.
I was just thinking that! Didn't she VERY recently mention how much the studio was flourishing (she was simultaneously bragging about that girl Jessica basically running it SO smoothly). Another lesson to never believe a word that comes out of Rachel's mouth.

She admitted herself she never built or fostered a relationship with the locals pre-cancellation, so it's no surprise that as soon as she dropped the studio and left the island that locals would have next to zero interest in supporting the studio. And at this point it makes perfect sense that a distant past association with Rachel was not enough to keep bringing in the same number of non-locals to be taking classes.

The course and 'passive income' thing are SUCH big talking points in the online 'coaching' industry. Just before her move to Sweden, I noticed she started following a lot of those kinds of coaches, and the woman she took the tea course from runs in those same circles. I knew the moment she signed up for the tea course that she was gonna go down the 'virtual course' route. All these coaches constantly brag about and focus on how many millions of dollars they're able to bring in by selling 'evergreen' course content at astronomical prices (well into the thousands, much more expensive than the HOME course ever was). You're absolutely right, and she's basically admitted as much - she wants the most money (and adoration) for the least amount of work. 🤮

THIS!! She stepped away and she was the main draw for it all. I remember she once posted how much the SUP Yoga classes were and the evening yoga classes and I was just like... there's no way a regular Aruban can afford that! Most people couldn't, anywhere in the world, actually.
You're telling me locals aren't swarming the beach for $50 poorly taught SUP Yoga classes because of a distant past association with THE Rachel Brathen?!?!?!? Color me shocked 😉😂
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I feel like in Rachel's case the maternity leave is a scam. Maternity leave is for people who actually work to receive money without having to do said work. What's she getting leave from? Posting her sun damaged face multiple times a day?
Yess.. the idea is everyone pays tax and then receive these benefits. YogaGirl was registered in the USA for a long time also, wondered if she ever really paid in Sweden before she moved there. Its also sooo hypocrite. You either hate the system and DONT make use of it or you just shut up.
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Rachel talking about returning to nature with her celle phone in her hand, in her all white skandi house with a high functional kitchen and tv, laptop, wifi, driving cars and flying around the world is so silly. She is talking about being self sufficient and living the ancestral life but she would not survive a month really living an ancestral life.
People who idealize it and want to go back to the roots forget how hard this ancestral times were. In those times there was no time for hours of tea drinking and bathing and one infection could kill you. But sure, Rachel, mother nature knows best. 🙄
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Sorry if this has been discussed before. Did she acknowledge that the same egg she ate is the one that she posted about last year all mushy eyed that Lea wants to protect the chicken it will come to be?

I am late to all the news, I just discovered a few days ago that she is no longer vegan. I followed her a longggg time ago like 2014-2016 era. I unfollowed after she left a whole bunch of hate notes on someone’s car after she was clearly in the wrong. I don’t remember all the details but I just remember being so off put. So I’ve done snark check ins here and there but the whole non-vegan announcement is just shocking to me, both abandoning something she was so hard behind and in such a spiteful, sensationalized way. Anyways, sorry if the whole reposted egg picture has been brought up before, I’m just reeling and needed a space to process lol.View attachment 1835910
Yes it was the same egg so she seems to eat animal products for more than a year without telling. First she said something like she only drinks raw milk from her brothers cows (although she also said that they are no milk cows and the one calf came by accident) and only from reliable sources, later she posted some highly processed cheese stuff she missed so much. Then there was a Restaurant visit where she ate steak and fish and now she does'nt seem to care at all and eats Salami and liver paté. Because eating highly processed meat is so ancestral. 🙄
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There's something so off-putting about a wealthy white woman talking about how she wants to be off-grid. Both because she has the privilege to 1. be more self-reliant while skirting much of the hard work that it takes to do so and to bail herself out of any problems that she encounters, and 2. blather on about how she wants to get away from the ills of society despite the fact that she's never had to actually contend with actual hardship in society (because of her aforementioned whiteness and wealth).
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I'll never cease to be amazed at her audacity to complain about a situation that she is fully at fault for being in. She somehow manages to warp moving all of her expensive furniture into a new farm as both something she "manifested" as well as a hardship that she, the tragic hero, manages to overcome. She does the same thing whenever she travels- complaining about her attempts to sneak Ringo past security because he's over the weight limit failing (but not suffering any consequences because she's a white woman), complaining about Lea being cranky, about a line being too long, en route to a lavish family vacation in Costa Rica or something. She's a master at painting her life as "Rachel vs The World" when it's incredibly clear that she has to invent problems in her otherwise privileged, cushy life.
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It's a well known fact that 1st births are longer and usually perceived as more difficult and barring actual malpractice or abuse, it's unfortunate when birthers turn on their care providers because of it. It's not your midwife's fault that your birth was long. After attending thousands of labours, I can safely say that no matter how healthy you think you are, physically or psychologically, regardless of where you are birthing or who is attending you, there are unpredictable and unpreventable things which sometimes derail the best laid birth plans. It's maddening for all involved! I have the some of the healthiest, fittest seeming clients who are shocked to find out they have gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or who require a cesarean because they don't dilate past 4cms.

Does Rachel know that 2nd babes and onward birth so much faster and easier but freebirthers will usually cite the freebirthing as the reason? HA! The babes I've caught in cars were not firstborns! Neither were the unplanned homebirths. Her boy will likely fly out as 2nd babies often do.

As long as Rachel isn't growing a giant or malpositioned baby, this birth will be a walk in the park compared to Lea's. It will go well because she has done it before, not because she is unattended, full of beef and eggs and surrounded by crystals. Have some humility!

But that's not the narrative she'll put out there. If everything goes smoothly, she will give credit to all but the obvious and as an influencer, that's as good as lying to everyone who reads her posts because she never talks about the risks, just vague comments about how harmful prenatal care, labwork,ultrasounds and using trained professionals can be. In much of the developing world, utilizing safe maternity care is feminist act!

Declining safe, free, EVIDENCE BASED maternity care is so bloody privileged and offensive to mothers who can't get safe care. A 'wild' pregnancy is not activism without informed choice. Her posts betray the fact that she is not fully informed or if she is, she is not sharing the pros and cons with her followers. I really thought she was smarter than this. So irresponsible.

Lastly, as a mom of 4, it breaks my heart that she allows such a small child to watch such violence. Yes, movie ratings are just a suggestion but are usually pretty accurate and useful for protecting your child from on screen brutality when their bodies and psyche are still developing. We are a liberal household but wow, at least my kids were old enough to read HARRY Potter and LORD OF THE RINGS before I let them watch. Flooding children with adrenaline and other catecholamines shows up as higher cortisol levels in later childhood and brain scans show neurodevelopmental changes in the pediatric brain (limbic and prefrontal cortex). LET KIDS BE KIDS AS LONG AS POSSIBLE!
All of this!

Also, maybe I wrote this before, but I saw mums drop their babies numerous times on the ward I work
One mum even did it twice. Straight on its head. Some dont realise their babies were really malnourished to the point they needed medical care. Mum's aren't infallible, so without taking away their autonomy, we help them. I wish people who are so anti-hospital could comprehend that the people treating them might care EVEN MORE about health than them, that they actual trained hard and chose a career in it. Also, just because I sometimes think a mum would need to be induced or a cesarean, doesn't mean I don't understand holistic care and think that yogic breathing or herbal remedies can soothe certain issues.
The black and white thinking pushes a dangerous agenda that hospital workers are nameless, characterless demons.

Also - in regards to the bullying issues raised, I genuinely didn't know Tattle was a well known site, I haven't been on it other than this thread. So I would feel bad if she read all this. It isn't bullying because it is not at her, she can choose not to look. I would never message her anything, because I don't want to harass her. And if she was genuinely suicidal (like the video she posted of that woman) I would stop, I would not laugh. The woman mentioned was getting constantly harassed and ganged up on, losing work, they knew where she staying etc. That is scary!
So I'm assuming everyone is just keeping it in here and not starting any hate campaigns. 😊

I did make fun of her potato and steak story and I'm picturing sitting infront of my boss looking at a screenshot having to explain why I was a bitch about her dinner like some cheeky youtube queen who calls people out on their bull, except youtube they can be their own boss so it flies 🤣Context is a huge thing. If my boss saw what I get up to on days off or with my boyfriend between the sheets I wouldn't feel great either 🤣
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There’s nothing enlightened or even helpful about her. It’s her her her every post. I follow actual celebrities who post more helpful advice than she has in three years. She’s just an egotistical influencer now. She also loves being confrontational, more so than any influencer I’ve ever seen, and she’s supposed to be all about love and peace and kindness. 😂 She meets advice with anger, and yeah maybe it’s unsolicited but only when it doesn’t feed her ego. A peaceful person would simply ignore the advice, they wouldn’t post some angry stories reprimanding followers about speaking to her. She is the epitome of biting the hand that feeds you. From her mom to her dwindling followers, she just spits in everyone’s face. Sad really.
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