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Guys big news! She’s cured from mold! She’s cured! I mean… I assume she’s cured cause she is venturing in a moldy barn and seems fine. Or is Swedish mold okay? The amount of mold you can see inside the barn is hilarious and Dennis says they will have NO horses. And Rachel just laughs.
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Love how she continues to be shady with ads. She had multiple stories about the turmeric powder. Only one was labelled an ad and up where it's covered by her account name. Surely Sweden has laws regulating influencers' advertising?
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It’s okay to eat dairy at the expense of other animals who only produce it because of this “sacred” motherhood, BUT how dare doctors violate women’s bodies with medical assistance! Yeah there are “pasture-raised” cows, doesn’t change the violation, and yeah there are terrible doctors, doesn’t change the positives of access to medical care.
THIS. I wish I could get a blowhorn and stand outside her house and yell this! Her whole approach to social consciousness and activism seems to be "rules for thee, not for me."

The “woo-to-Q” pipeline is REAL.
It's very very very real, as a self-proclaimed woo person! I definitely agree with others that Rachel is tipping towards the Q end more and more. First the "awakening" about how killing animals is actually more ethical, next will be the "awakening" that minorities are actually causing all of the problems in her country. And she will cry that people are too "all or nothing" and need to "understand the nuances" while assuring everyone that she's still super mega compassionate (you can be too if you join Rachel for her Super Mega Compassion Seminar where you get to watch a live video feed of her swimming in a lake for the low low price of $6,999!!!!!).
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@bluecoffeecup I feel like Daddy Brathen has funded more than we know, but also, influencers make absurd amounts of money and she often posts hidden ads. Like anytime she recommends something, I could bet she's getting paid. She's just sneaky and shady and won't clearly mark it as an ad. Not to mention, her properties. She has to pay management and taxes and utilities but I bet that still leaves a nice chunk of money for ancestral shoppings of ancestral top of the line fridges and ancestral white sofas.
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Poor Lea has made a to-do list over there on Rachel’s stories, including tasks like eating, making a snowman, having a snowball fight. This is the second 5-6 year old child I have seen imitating their influenster mom in a sad way. The other one made a list of things she wanted to improve about herself in the new year. The narcissist influencer moms are enamored with their little gurus and call it things like ‘manifesting’ and ‘being intentional’. I just think it is sad. It doesn’t seem like 5-6 year olds should be worrying about these things.
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Yes, smug is the perfect word. In that smugness she actively provokes a whole community by saying “so I could nourish properly”. But claims she’s all peace and love and drama free.
Piss off with your band-aid baby mate 👍
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I'm assuming she's counting on people having forgotten that she was skewering Sweden's initial response to covid by not having lockdowns? Or perhaps this was before she remembered what "natural immunity" is herself?

We all knew it was only a matter of time before she went full-blown right wing conspiracy theorist. The signs have been coming.

Because she's conveniently trying to rewrite the narrative around covid vaccines- as QueenBW pointed out, no immunologist was denying the body's immune system. They simply proved that you were more likely to have a good outcome after your initial exposure to covid if you were not immunologically naive. Aka if your body was already familiar with how to deal with the virus from the controlled setting of the vaccine (since the vax doesn't contain the virus itself).

People spewing absolute nonsense with the air of revelatory smugness is truly one of my biggest pet peeves.
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I can't stand to listen to the podcast nor read the transcript but this is the screenshot of the summary for her first ever podcast, with the birth story from Lea's birth.

She was in labor for 18 hours. She's an idiot if she thinks she could have kept going without medical assistance and without damage to herself or to Lea.

And the most telling thing of all: "even when things don't happen the way you've planned... Life tends to play out exactly the way it's supposed to."

It sure doesn't sound like she was absolutely traumatized or like she went through hell id it turned out the way it was supposed to...

The people who still believe her stories must have the memory of a fruit fly.


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And she's back with 15+ stories on home births and the evil doctors and hospitals. I don't doubt that many people have had bad experiences but she is always so black and white. Incapable of nuance.
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Finally, nice to see Rake in her right element, running around in the posh parts of the city in her expensive down jacket buying plastic crap at H&M as the basic biiiaatch she is. Just a selfie with a Starbucks mocha frocha herbal matcha extra special holy ancestral latteee and we’re good.

And ffs, Rake. Saying to the bartender guy: ”You’re ready for kids any day now!” *giggle giggle*. She’s the kind of person that believes everyone wants what she has. Maybe he doesn’t want kids? Doesn’t have a girlfriend? Or has and they’re trying? Doesn’t matter if they are friends or whatever, you see how awkward and uncomfortable he gets by it. Just don’t assume that people want or can have kids. It’s as simple as that.
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She is so annoying with this Dennis get me a cow, I want a cow right NOW. 🙄
Like a spoiled child who demands instead of wishes. A cow is a living being, who will take care of it? Pregnant Rachel surely not. And Dennis clearly stated that he doesn't want cows but Rachel doesn't care at all. What a balanced marriage.
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Oh my goodness I had to peek and see what everyone was talking about. 1) Does she think she’s at the forefront of a revolutionary discovery? Omg get over yourself. Everything was male-centric up until rather recently. This isn’t new and if it is to her she’s even more ignorant then I feared. 2) She addresses only the most extreme argument “at least we aren’t dying.” Lol no that’s not the baseline, it is just acknowledging the benefits of modern medicine. Of course women should be centered in their health, but my goodness shunning medicine (and the people who work their asses off to learn and provide it) is the most extreme and ignorant position to take. Why can’t she just learn and shut up lol, like encourage people to research, but don’t villainize lifesaving advancements. She’s become a google doctor 🥸 help us all.
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The fake smug smile, the poses... Lord. She's so annoying.
I feel like the podcast photo should of been her in her little house on the prairie dress holding a half bitten steak with that tongue behind the teeth smile. With a basket of eggs at her side. And that viking headstone/tablet behind her. Or the toilet photo. I will photoshop for you guys, a rendition after work lol.
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Lol exactly! She should be investigated. All the money collected in the past for various “fundraising efforts” was just to fund her lazy life. No orphanage, no animal shelter, no food company, it all goes to them and it’s gross.

On another note, it’s hilarious and horrifying seeing her fawn over a baby calf and its mother, then in the next slide indulging in her newfound dairy love via pizza. Again not shaming non-vegans except those who were so addicted to shaming them before.

Is someone going to tell her that a calf was torn away from its mother to acquire the dairy needed to make that pizza? Mother-baby is a sacred bond (word choice intended 😂) and the dairy industry shits all over that bond. There may be self sustaining farms that use milk leftover after baby is weaned, but they don’t mass produce and if they did that would mean consistent impregnating of mama cows.🤣 Sorry but her lack of awareness is just on brand now with her “me above all” attitude.
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Every expectant mother should have a say in how their pregnancy goes, and Rachel is no different. That said, apparently she said in her latest that statistically home births are safer than hospital births, and that is false. It’s not that home birth isn’t safe, but there isn’t enough evidence to support such a bold comment and home births do have a higher mortality rate and neurological issues, which isn’t meant to fear monger, but that is case. In those cases perhaps there were extenuating circumstances or poor planning I don’t know, and that is so sad, but to claim fact that home birth is statistically safer? I feel like she does not research at all. She takes whatever doc she is currently into and everything they say at face value. It’s irresponsible. I am inspired by those who give birth and at home too is a beautiful thing, but preparation and knowledge are key, and Rachel seems to play fast and loose with the latter.
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So a few weeks ago she makes a big to do about gender norms, now she’s sure she’s having a boy and somehow it’s an introvert and blah blah blah. Maybe don’t gender your baby before you know, lol I don’t mind it, but her high horse must be tired.
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One of her more off-putting podcasts of late was her bitching about everything, especially Instagram. Referring to content from other influencers who share tips as “dumb” and then laughing about it. That’s when I realized she had allowed her “cancellation” to turn her into this bitter mess.

She offers NOTHING. No service to others. No work. No inspiration. No tips. Not even a product beyond her website, which she hates. It’s just her and all the stuff she can now buy. She was “cancelled” and that made her an angry and resentful person with no respect for anyone, even if they support her. Her IG would have little to no following if it was simply her current content. People still clinging to her either are fooling themselves or just as clueless and just want an influencer to idolize.

I wonder which podcast did she say this? She’s literally describing herself lol. She shared her tip on SCRAMBLED EGGS today. God Rachel how would anyone have ever known how to make this dish. So complicated. She must think she’s Gordon Ramsay. Next up will be how to make toast tutorial. Thinking back to her vegan reveal podcast I remember when she said she had to call her friend and ask how to “do this” how to boil an egg, and then she cried when she ate it. Soooo dramatic. 1. She acts as if she has never had an egg in her life, and apparently google doesn’t have her boiling egg answer.
If I called my friend and asked how to boil an egg, I’m sure they would think I was nutty as a fruit cake.
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