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VIP Member
Unless she has lied about how often her kid is at his dads (likely) then it’s her weekend with him.

Cue 3am social media scrolling and we can only imagine what else.

Guess the poor lad is in charge of his own breakfast and the dog yet again. 😑


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VIP Member
Brilliant - cue the Jack style begging letters to the people with International orders! Or will she have the chutzpah to tell them it’s PDF or nowt!?!

Cmon Bex - we know you spend just as much time here as changing clothes for selfie sharing…update us on how you are going to post out your book when you don’t even have the money to publish it?
PS - this one passed me by earlier. Rather telling, she leads with hot. It’s so mawkish and self centred. For someone who’s “kid is their world” you would think this should read a tad differently. 😒
The delusion is coming thick and fast tonight.

It is a figment of your imagination and a file on your laptop. And a few pics by a photographer that you hated so much you refuse to mention them ever again AND accused them of low level sexual harassment to boot.

It most certainly isn’t a book called Hearty.


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She seems to be having one of her soapbox days today. Today it's folk who can afford to and don't donate to foodbanks. Those people are THE DEVIL.

(Despite the fact that, ya know, some folk shop almost exclusively online, some folk are disabled and don't go out much and some folk donate to other charities instead).
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Chatty Member
I'm quite busy this week and cannot spare the time for the eye rolls this tweet needs. Could anyone take my shift? Happy to swap.
View attachment 2443141
This a great advert for her future career.

No one expects therapists to be perfect but not tweeting about your inability to cope is a great start to building a client base.

PS sorry @Wooh I'm driving a lot this week so that level of eye rolling would be unsafe.
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VIP Member
Amazing! especially considering what a rip-off Wagamama is!
And their questionable employment practices. 😑. I am sure she used to bang on about “local” and “independent” businesses- you know, being a previous local independent trader herself!
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VIP Member
I *saw* with my own (very special queen Turnip best mama ever) eyes her tweet about going on a date in an hour. Then it was deleted. Then this



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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Another busy day of 'education' for kiddo then.
Quite. Quarter to eleven in the morning and she's tired and going to hide under a blanket all day. She'll no doubt put on some vaguely educational documentary for him at some point and will salve her conscience that way.
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Well-known member
I will happily tell it all. The absolute warts & all, but it'll be the longest post ever?
I didn't want to make it all about the house and the shit storms she leaves in her wake because to be quite honest there's worse folk she's done over in her time. And right now it's 6k she's stolen.

However this 3rd person crap and constant lying is becoming hard to not reply too.

Her 'reputation' is ALL that she cares about.
Hence her speeding into the comments when the truth outs her.

If I remember rightly Rebecca has admitted to being horrible to some men in her life before and 'learning' from it. So her 'friend' here has amnesia . We're not close but I know ALL the details very well of all the incidents in her life. Mmmm. Right.
Edited to add ; probably in Rebecca's case , Genital warts & all.
I’ll grab a glass of wine, put on some soothing music to help with the inevitable rage, and scroll away 😂
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Some of the hot take retweets are quite something. We've had poly ones, an ADHD one which pretty much describes most people when they're procrastinating and feel obliged to use spare time and the porn tweet (which FYI is pretty accurate when looking at youbg men and SA Bex, there's a massive connection between the two). I like the dog one best as it helps me understand that my friend's dog, who burst my lip with his big daft head last night, was just trying to give me pats and isn't a daft clumsy git 🥰
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VIP Member
The constant “I am just the happiest happy person ever” and I am so loved” and “Best birthday ever” ramblings are just sooooo utterly desperately over the top as to be unbelievable. Shame kiddo has been tossed to one side for your happy occasions. So much for my kid is my world.

Bex - cast iron guarantee at least 50% of the people you are with right now are despising you, your tax payer sponsored tattoos and piercings, your tits pushed up to your nostrils, and your desperate attempts to be part of a gang.

Oh - and as an aside, that wretched Sarah you are a friend of is currently interspersing her constant begging tweets with defending Russell Brand. Nice company you keep there.
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Well! No, wasn't much different. Same narcissistic rubbish, only without deletions due to "lack of nuance."

I'm sad the hoarder threads are gone. Happy we have the screenies of the crocheted rug around shoulders/bare feet media.

Bex and Roundabouts
They were actually more beggy I think. Really blatant 'wishlists' on the regular.
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Well-known member
I think these new selfies are from the other day, just after her lipstick has rubbed off. Maybe I’m just a conspiracy theorist now.
I dunno, we’ve seen with “the bra” that she likes to wear the same thing over and over and over to death.
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VIP Member
View attachment 2468675
Have they even met yet?

Seriously though one of her friends needs to have a proper conversation with her about ‘dating’
Jesus. There is no hope for her at this point. And she keeps lending further credence to all those Mean Girls TM that were concerned about her child’s welfare. She might as well charge for it at this point instead of just giving it away to man after man after man.
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